@Rapidaz Totally agree. Even give us the animated themes the PS3 has. I'd also like to be able to delete games with 0% trophy counts from my profile and the ability to sort my download list so I can actually find games I want to download again.
@Johnnycide It isn't just about having more boxed AAA games it's about having more original, quality AAA games. AAA games that take advantage of the PS4. I don't care if those games are exclusive or not. I want a game with the WOW effect. Indies and rehashes don't have that. Indies aren't the hot bed of innovation some gaming snobs want you to believe either. Most are over priced and average at best. On another point you raised I'd really like to hear Sony announce they're reorganising SCEE. SCEE are utterly useless. Ultimately I'd like to see SCEA and SCEE combined. Games released globally on the same date as Steam and XBL do.
@stalepie2 again it's not the number of indie games on the PS4 that's the issue for a lot of people. It's the balance of indie games with AAA games and a lot of people think with some justitication it's skewed on the PS4 in favour of indies. There are other issues with indies that seem to be glossed over and never mentioned. Not all indie games are good. They're not the hot bed of innovation some people would like to claim either. How many are just different twists of platformers? Calling gamers who questioned the number of indies on the PS4 short sighted doesn't help.
On another point. Minecraft won't safe the Vita! It's already available on almost every other format on the planet. Also you can be sure of one thing, when it does come out for the Vita it will be significantly more expensive than other formats. Minecraft is three years too late for the Vita.
@get2sammyb why do you automatically assume gamers complaining about indies hate indie games ? It's simply false! Indies have their place but a lot of people out there want games that take advantage of the PS4 than another pixel platformer. What's wrong expecting to see a game with graphics that blow you away rather than one that looks like it run on a C64?
Also claiming AAA games have massive budgets and therefore will be less frequent isn't strictly true and just isn't as black and white as you put it. While their budgets have increased the profits from a successful AAA game has increased massively. EA and Ubisoft et al have all announced huge profits. How many stories have we had about the gaming industry now being worth more than the film industry?
There's a real snobbery in gaming now by faction who think they're the gaming elite. If you're not playing a game with pixel graphics and 1001 levels of dull, repetitive gameplay then you know nothing about gaming and shouldn't dare express an opinion. Absolute rubbish! Indies are fine.. but most are average at best. It doesn't mean people automatically hate them.
@Demi_God could be worse... I could be cyber stalking someone, blindly defending a multinational company that I've no link to what.. so.. ever, name calling, making assumptions and pretending I'm intelligent.
WOW! How dare someone sue sweet innocent Sony! He and his legal firm deserves to be attacked and slandered by poorly written articles all over the world.
If a corporation misleads then they deserve all they get and that applies to Sony as well. Not as if Sony haven't use lawsuits to bully smaller companies before. Hopefully we see something similar happening in Europe.
@SteveButler2210 I'll make it easy for you https://www.pushsquare.com/forums/ copy that link and it'll take you to the forum. I'm sure you'll find someone there to tell you Sony are fantastic. Best of luck!
@SteveButler2210 twisted what ever way you want but this isn't a forum and that's a fact. I don't need your permission to comment despite you resorting to name calling. Don't panic I'm sure Sony don't really need you jumping to their defense. Bye !
@SteveButler2210 just to correct you.... this isn't a forum. If you want the forum you can navigate your way there with the links at the top of the page. This is a comment section specifically related to the article posted. Also please stop trying to classify me, you don't know me and know nothing about me. If you don't like my comments don't read it. I posted my comments without resorting to petty name calling and accusations made by some. If you don't like feel free to ignore it.
I'd love to know why there's such a massive price difference between the EU and NA stores. Even the EU sale price for some content is more expensive than the normal NA price. Ever considered asking a Sony VP during an interview to explain it push square?
@thedevilsjester they are totally last generation games no matter what frame rate they run in! Rehashes are ok if the console already has a strong portfolio of original, quality software. The PS4 is miles away from that. Sony will fail if they offer nothing but rehashes as you suggest.
@get2sammyb you're entirely wrong, they are taking away from new AAA games. Unless of course you actually believe there's an abundance of AAA games on the PS4. Which there clearly isn't! It's just easy money for publishers who sell ports at premium prices. You didn't see any rehash games being advertised for the PS4 at launch. Now the PS4 is the home of the double dip and platforming indie that belongs on a mobile.
@thedevilsjester because I didn't pay over £400 for a next generation console to play last generation games. This is becoming too common on the PS4 now and is beyond a joke. If you're happy with that good for you but try and avoid the name calling if you don't agree.
@Enobmah_Shards I'm not sure what you're hinting at but the claim that the games are free isn't accurate and is misleading. @hadlee73 Sony play a game with Metacritic 70+ claim. As long as they offer one game in the IGC at 70 or above they can claim it. You can have all PS4 and Vita games less than 70 and one PS3 game over 70 and they're technically not false advertising. Technically that is... being fair is another matter.
None of the games are free... you're being very misleading. I've paid for the games through my PS+ sub. Please stop trying to hype them up as free. It's false advertising.
@JaxonH The greatest element TLOU has is the storyline. If you've already played it on the PS3 and you know the plot and story (especially the ending) then replays just don't have the same appeal.
@N711 I'll probably wait until it's around £10 on Ebay and pick up a second hand copy.
@bbq_boy get your facts right... I'm anti Sony. The Playstation brand almost destroyed Sony with it's third console launch. PS+ service isn't winning anything these days. Want to talk failure... try PS Vita.. PS Move.. Bluray.. 3D.. secure online etc. Run along child.
@PorllM the key words being mentions the criticism. I quote ' prices a little on the high side'. That isn't criticism it's glossing over the single biggest issue for this service. Why not be as critical as the article for EA Access? A service they only reported on as well. Sony have gone from preaching about offering value to customers to showing off an over priced rental service.
A little on the high side? Prices are an absolute rip off and this is the same company that had the nerve to preach about value to the customer. A really weak article that seems to be more interested in praising Sony rather than critising them for clearly ripping customers and readers off.
@Cyrso Look if you think a company is healthy because it made a profit selling off assets and a bit of luck in the Yen exchange rate despite having only one product showing any meaningful real growth then fair play to you. All other sectors for Sony are in decline. If you don't see the problem with that then fair enough. As for your last point, if you owned a PS4 and knew something about it you'd know indies and remakes are not complementary to AAA games on the PS4. It's the other way about.
@Cyrso How did I not refute your point? Sony returned to profit based on the Japanese exchange rate and selling off assets. The Playstation is the only product that has shown any degree of growth. Sony are no longer market leaders in any other sector. Their TV's are nothing special, they've already dropped out of the PC market and their mobile phones failed to have any impact on market share. They're struggling to find a new cash cow.
If you're happy with a Vita then good for you but many others were not. You're lucky if you're happy with indies. Sony will serve you well. As for remakes there's a lot more than just TLOU! And with other games like Journey and Unfinished Swan incoming I'd have kept my PS3 if I wanted to play PS3 games. At least I bought a PS4 before giving an opinion on it. If you don't like it you're more than welcome not to read it. I wouldn't want you to look stupid complaining about people complaining.
@Cyrso Actually at you look at their report they owe as much to the weak Japanese exchange rate and selling off assets for their profits as do they to anything they make. Sony now only lead the market in gaming. I had a Vita and sold it. It's poorly supported and Sony. The number of remakes and indies on the PS4 is becoming an issue for many owners. Sony are far from out of the woods so don't believe the hype from reports on sites like this.
Scorching.... really? I'm looking at those PS4 prices and scorching isn't the word that springs into my mind. It makes EA Access look like value for money. But let's not spend too much effort being critical of Sony. Let's be grateful they didn't rip us off even more.
The PlayStation brand is the only thing Sony have going for them at the moment. Momentum is high but they need to watch out. I'm starting to really regret buying a PS4 and no longer see PS+ as a premium must have service. I find the EA - Microsoft pair up very interesting and can see me buying an Xbox One very soon.
@Demi_God No I think you'll find the dumbest thing you've ever heard is the claim PS+ games are free. I'd rather play Battlefield Hardline than another indie game that might have been original on a Megadrive. If Sony can't offer AAA games for the first year of the service on the PS4 then offer better discounts, better exclusive access or a better online service. Then again that would involve imagination. Something Sony are lacking in. Stop making excuses for Sony. They quietly dropped the +70 score on metacritic, dropped the number of PS3 games and people bend over and take it.
Apparently a years sub for EA access is £20 in the UK. If that's true then it's fantastic value. Add to that another £30 for XBL and Microsoft could have just dealt a massive blow to Sony. £50 for EA Access and Games with gold against £40 for PS+ with two indie games a month. Sony now need to step up.
@Tasuki It's called the Instant Game Collection and not the Free Game Collection for a reason. They're not free! No matter how you try to justify it the games are not free. Stop paying your PS+ sub and see what happens your free games, they disappear. It's at best a rental service.
@Punished_Boss I think you need to go back and see what EA are offering again only this time without the SDF tinted glasses. I'd rather have Battlefield 4 than another retro indie platformer that's an hour long. Time to wake up and realise PS+ is in rapid decline.
Ironically SCEE offer TLOU remade for the more than I bought the game for the PS3 less than a year ago on the same day Sony lecture other companies about value for money.
Comments 223
Re: Rumour: PS4 Interface Images Show Folders, Improved Trophy Notifications, and More
@Rapidaz Totally agree. Even give us the animated themes the PS3 has. I'd also like to be able to delete games with 0% trophy counts from my profile and the ability to sort my download list so I can actually find games I want to download again.
Re: Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition Extracts a Platinum Pot
It'll be interesting to see what price this is set at.
Re: Feature: 10 PS4, PS3, and Vita Reveals That We Reckon Will Happen at Gamescom 2014
@Johnnycide It isn't just about having more boxed AAA games it's about having more original, quality AAA games. AAA games that take advantage of the PS4. I don't care if those games are exclusive or not. I want a game with the WOW effect. Indies and rehashes don't have that. Indies aren't the hot bed of innovation some gaming snobs want you to believe either. Most are over priced and average at best.
On another point you raised I'd really like to hear Sony announce they're reorganising SCEE. SCEE are utterly useless. Ultimately I'd like to see SCEA and SCEE combined. Games released globally on the same date as Steam and XBL do.
Re: Feature: 10 PS4, PS3, and Vita Reveals That We Reckon Will Happen at Gamescom 2014
@Punished_Boss wow... system seller! It's going to bomb on the Vita. Too little too late. Vita won't be about this time next year.
Re: Feature: 10 PS4, PS3, and Vita Reveals That We Reckon Will Happen at Gamescom 2014
@Punished_Boss so how many copies has Minecraft sold on the PS3?
Re: Feature: 10 PS4, PS3, and Vita Reveals That We Reckon Will Happen at Gamescom 2014
@stalepie2 again it's not the number of indie games on the PS4 that's the issue for a lot of people. It's the balance of indie games with AAA games and a lot of people think with some justitication it's skewed on the PS4 in favour of indies. There are other issues with indies that seem to be glossed over and never mentioned. Not all indie games are good. They're not the hot bed of innovation some people would like to claim either. How many are just different twists of platformers? Calling gamers who questioned the number of indies on the PS4 short sighted doesn't help.
On another point. Minecraft won't safe the Vita! It's already available on almost every other format on the planet. Also you can be sure of one thing, when it does come out for the Vita it will be significantly more expensive than other formats. Minecraft is three years too late for the Vita.
Re: Feature: 10 PS4, PS3, and Vita Reveals That We Reckon Will Happen at Gamescom 2014
@get2sammyb why do you automatically assume gamers complaining about indies hate indie games ? It's simply false! Indies have their place but a lot of people out there want games that take advantage of the PS4 than another pixel platformer. What's wrong expecting to see a game with graphics that blow you away rather than one that looks like it run on a C64?
Also claiming AAA games have massive budgets and therefore will be less frequent isn't strictly true and just isn't as black and white as you put it. While their budgets have increased the profits from a successful AAA game has increased massively. EA and Ubisoft et al have all announced huge profits. How many stories have we had about the gaming industry now being worth more than the film industry?
There's a real snobbery in gaming now by faction who think they're the gaming elite. If you're not playing a game with pixel graphics and 1001 levels of dull, repetitive gameplay then you know nothing about gaming and shouldn't dare express an opinion. Absolute rubbish! Indies are fine.. but most are average at best. It doesn't mean people automatically hate them.
Re: Sony Sued $5 Million Over PS4 Shooter Killzone: Shadow Fall's Graphics
@Demi_God could be worse... I could be cyber stalking someone, blindly defending a multinational company that I've no link to what.. so.. ever, name calling, making assumptions and pretending I'm intelligent.
Re: Sony: We Want to Make PS4 Players Feel Special
@Munkyknuts absolutely agree with you. Remakes or remasters as Sony likes to sell them as are an issue on the PS4.
Re: Sony: We Want to Make PS4 Players Feel Special
Feeling more ripped off than special.
Re: Sony Sued $5 Million Over PS4 Shooter Killzone: Shadow Fall's Graphics
WOW! How dare someone sue sweet innocent Sony! He and his legal firm deserves to be attacked and slandered by poorly written articles all over the world.
If a corporation misleads then they deserve all they get and that applies to Sony as well. Not as if Sony haven't use lawsuits to bully smaller companies before. Hopefully we see something similar happening in Europe.
Re: Feature: What Went Wrong with PlayStation Mobile?
@JMC and to be honest... the PS4 is starting to go that way as well
Re: Sleeping Dogs Is Kung-Fu Kicking PS4 with All of Its DLC
Another day another remake....
Re: Feature: What Went Wrong with PlayStation Mobile?
What went wrong PS Mobile... too expensive, poor quality and poorly marketed.
Re: Fancy a Jill Sandwich? The Original Resident Evil Spooks PS4 in 1080p
@SteveButler2210 I'll make it easy for you https://www.pushsquare.com/forums/
copy that link and it'll take you to the forum. I'm sure you'll find someone there to tell you Sony are fantastic. Best of luck!
Re: Fancy a Jill Sandwich? The Original Resident Evil Spooks PS4 in 1080p
@SteveButler2210 twisted what ever way you want but this isn't a forum and that's a fact. I don't need your permission to comment despite you resorting to name calling. Don't panic I'm sure Sony don't really need you jumping to their defense. Bye !
Re: Fancy a Jill Sandwich? The Original Resident Evil Spooks PS4 in 1080p
@SteveButler2210 just to correct you.... this isn't a forum. If you want the forum you can navigate your way there with the links at the top of the page. This is a comment section specifically related to the article posted. Also please stop trying to classify me, you don't know me and know nothing about me. If you don't like my comments don't read it. I posted my comments without resorting to petty name calling and accusations made by some. If you don't like feel free to ignore it.
Re: You'll Need to Take Out a Loan to Afford This Hat DLC for The Last of Us
Absolute rip off....
Re: Tons of PS4 Titles Discounted in European Summer Sale
I'd love to know why there's such a massive price difference between the EU and NA stores. Even the EU sale price for some content is more expensive than the normal NA price. Ever considered asking a Sony VP during an interview to explain it push square?
Re: Tons of PS4 Titles Discounted in European Summer Sale
So much for a great sale. I didn't even pay £44 for Wolfenstein at launch.
Re: Fancy a Jill Sandwich? The Original Resident Evil Spooks PS4 in 1080p
@thedevilsjester they are totally last generation games no matter what frame rate they run in! Rehashes are ok if the console already has a strong portfolio of original, quality software. The PS4 is miles away from that. Sony will fail if they offer nothing but rehashes as you suggest.
Re: Fancy a Jill Sandwich? The Original Resident Evil Spooks PS4 in 1080p
@get2sammyb you're entirely wrong, they are taking away from new AAA games. Unless of course you actually believe there's an abundance of AAA games on the PS4. Which there clearly isn't! It's just easy money for publishers who sell ports at premium prices. You didn't see any rehash games being advertised for the PS4 at launch. Now the PS4 is the home of the double dip and platforming indie that belongs on a mobile.
Re: Fancy a Jill Sandwich? The Original Resident Evil Spooks PS4 in 1080p
@thedevilsjester because I didn't pay over £400 for a next generation console to play last generation games. This is becoming too common on the PS4 now and is beyond a joke. If you're happy with that good for you but try and avoid the name calling if you don't agree.
Re: Fancy a Jill Sandwich? The Original Resident Evil Spooks PS4 in 1080p
Right.... so a remake of a remake. It's getting silly now.
Re: Don't Worry, PS4 Racer DriveClub Will Probably Include a Photo Mode
Sorry.. I just dont get the whole photo mode thing. Is this to compensate for the share button not working like it was planned?
Re: Out This Week: Road Not Taken, The Swapper, Metrico
@Enobmah_Shards I'm not sure what you're hinting at but the claim that the games are free isn't accurate and is misleading.
@hadlee73 Sony play a game with Metacritic 70+ claim. As long as they offer one game in the IGC at 70 or above they can claim it. You can have all PS4 and Vita games less than 70 and one PS3 game over 70 and they're technically not false advertising. Technically that is... being fair is another matter.
Re: Out This Week: Road Not Taken, The Swapper, Metrico
None of the games are free... you're being very misleading. I've paid for the games through my PS+ sub. Please stop trying to hype them up as free. It's false advertising.
Re: The Golf Club Swinging for 26th August Launch on PS4
26th of August in North America only?
Re: Review: The Last of Us Remastered (PlayStation 4)
@JaxonH The greatest element TLOU has is the storyline. If you've already played it on the PS3 and you know the plot and story (especially the ending) then replays just don't have the same appeal.
@N711 I'll probably wait until it's around £10 on Ebay and pick up a second hand copy.
Re: Review: The Last of Us Remastered (PlayStation 4)
It isn't worth paying £40 for this if you're a PS4 owner who owns this on the PS3. Sony should have offered some kind of discount.
Re: Plenty of PS4 Discounts Coming to Europe Next Week
Discounted next week... added to the IGC in September.
Re: PlayStation Hardware Sales Leave Xbox in the Dust
@bbq_boy get your facts right... I'm anti Sony. The Playstation brand almost destroyed Sony with it's third console launch. PS+ service isn't winning anything these days. Want to talk failure... try PS Vita.. PS Move.. Bluray.. 3D.. secure online etc. Run along child.
Re: Seize Your Moment with the PlayStation Now Open Beta
@PorllM the key words being mentions the criticism. I quote ' prices a little on the high side'. That isn't criticism it's glossing over the single biggest issue for this service. Why not be as critical as the article for EA Access? A service they only reported on as well. Sony have gone from preaching about offering value to customers to showing off an over priced rental service.
Re: Seize Your Moment with the PlayStation Now Open Beta
A little on the high side? Prices are an absolute rip off and this is the same company that had the nerve to preach about value to the customer. A really weak article that seems to be more interested in praising Sony rather than critising them for clearly ripping customers and readers off.
Re: PlayStation Hardware Sales Leave Xbox in the Dust
@Cyrso Look if you think a company is healthy because it made a profit selling off assets and a bit of luck in the Yen exchange rate despite having only one product showing any meaningful real growth then fair play to you. All other sectors for Sony are in decline. If you don't see the problem with that then fair enough. As for your last point, if you owned a PS4 and knew something about it you'd know indies and remakes are not complementary to AAA games on the PS4. It's the other way about.
Re: PlayStation Hardware Sales Leave Xbox in the Dust
@Cyrso How did I not refute your point? Sony returned to profit based on the Japanese exchange rate and selling off assets. The Playstation is the only product that has shown any degree of growth. Sony are no longer market leaders in any other sector. Their TV's are nothing special, they've already dropped out of the PC market and their mobile phones failed to have any impact on market share. They're struggling to find a new cash cow.
If you're happy with a Vita then good for you but many others were not. You're lucky if you're happy with indies. Sony will serve you well. As for remakes there's a lot more than just TLOU! And with other games like Journey and Unfinished Swan incoming I'd have kept my PS3 if I wanted to play PS3 games. At least I bought a PS4 before giving an opinion on it. If you don't like it you're more than welcome not to read it. I wouldn't want you to look stupid complaining about people complaining.
Re: PlayStation Hardware Sales Leave Xbox in the Dust
@Cyrso Actually at you look at their report they owe as much to the weak Japanese exchange rate and selling off assets for their profits as do they to anything they make. Sony now only lead the market in gaming. I had a Vita and sold it. It's poorly supported and Sony. The number of remakes and indies on the PS4 is becoming an issue for many owners. Sony are far from out of the woods so don't believe the hype from reports on sites like this.
Re: Survive the Summer with Scorching European PS4, PS3, and Vita Savings
Scorching.... really? I'm looking at those PS4 prices and scorching isn't the word that springs into my mind. It makes EA Access look like value for money. But let's not spend too much effort being critical of Sony. Let's be grateful they didn't rip us off even more.
Re: PlayStation Hardware Sales Leave Xbox in the Dust
The PlayStation brand is the only thing Sony have going for them at the moment. Momentum is high but they need to watch out. I'm starting to really regret buying a PS4 and no longer see PS+ as a premium must have service. I find the EA - Microsoft pair up very interesting and can see me buying an Xbox One very soon.
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Demi_God No I think you'll find the dumbest thing you've ever heard is the claim PS+ games are free. I'd rather play Battlefield Hardline than another indie game that might have been original on a Megadrive. If Sony can't offer AAA games for the first year of the service on the PS4 then offer better discounts, better exclusive access or a better online service. Then again that would involve imagination. Something Sony are lacking in. Stop making excuses for Sony. They quietly dropped the +70 score on metacritic, dropped the number of PS3 games and people bend over and take it.
Re: EA Access Exclusive to Xbox One as It Doesn't Represent 'Good Value' for PS4 Owners
Apparently a years sub for EA access is £20 in the UK. If that's true then it's fantastic value. Add to that another £30 for XBL and Microsoft could have just dealt a massive blow to Sony. £50 for EA Access and Games with gold against £40 for PS+ with two indie games a month. Sony now need to step up.
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Tasuki It's called the Instant Game Collection and not the Free Game Collection for a reason. They're not free! No matter how you try to justify it the games are not free. Stop paying your PS+ sub and see what happens your free games, they disappear. It's at best a rental service.
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Tasuki are you serious?
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Davros79 and you don't pay a fee upfront to join the Grocery store in the hope that what's offered inside the store is good.
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Punished_Boss just like PS+
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Punished_Boss I think you need to go back and see what EA are offering again only this time without the SDF tinted glasses. I'd rather have Battlefield 4 than another retro indie platformer that's an hour long. Time to wake up and realise PS+ is in rapid decline.
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
It's unfair because it's better?
Re: Store Update: 30th July 2014 (Europe)
Ironically SCEE offer TLOU remade for the more than I bought the game for the PS3 less than a year ago on the same day Sony lecture other companies about value for money.
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Punished_Boss Keep up... the clue is in the EA.
Re: Feature: What Are August 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
Pay a subscription on the PS4 and get ported indie games.... pay a subscription on the Xbox One and get AAA games from EA...
Again you should have had a 'None of the above' option in that survey.