@ToOGoodOfAPlaya if you can't see it... maybe you should try wording your posts better in future? You won't find me calling any one a tool, idiot or ignorant. Bye wee man.
@SteveButler2210 I don't want to go to South Sudan because there are a million other places I know a lot about that I want to go to. Zero interest! I'm not interested in this game in the slightest. I'm unsure why people can't handle that but actually don't really care.
@SteveButler2210 no I think you find most of the aggro I got was because some people can't accept the clear fact I know what I like and what I don't like. I know nothing about South Sudan but know I don't want to go there for a holiday.
@MatGrowcott there is no contradiction. I've been gaming for more years than I care to remember and know exactly what type of games I like. Velocity 2x has zero appeal to me in the slightest. The game isn't free either. I've paid for it through my PS+ sub. It's just yet another game that has zero appeal to me on a service that's in decline. How about getting Sony to give a refund to people unhappy with PS+?
If you're going to give Sony credit for moving the maintenance why not just take it one stage further and give credit to the hackers for making Sony move the maintenance?
@crazykcarter I know nothing about the game because I have zero interest in. I'm unsure why the great gaming elite fail to understand that. I know all I want to know about the game. Just because some one maybe got to play an old demo or watch a few YouTube videos doesn't make them an expert on the game either or give them the right to criticise anyone who has no interest in the game.
Sony know Destiny is out in September and you need PS+ to play it. They put zero effort into the PS4 content because of that. I absolute have to laugh at the 'you know nothing about games!' attitude if you don't like an indie game. Total snobbery.
@get2sammyb I'm not looking forward to any of them. I'm not sure why that's so hard to understand. Sportsfriends is a flash game and I know nothing about Velocity Ultra. Zero interest!
Infamous Second Son wasn't a bad game at all. I enjoyed it but it just lacked that bit of shine that would make it special. I just can't see this adding anything to the story to make it worth spending money on. This will probably land on PS+ at some point. Think I'll wait until then.
I'd be surprised if that many people have credit card details etc on PSN. Once bitten and all that. Blame does sit with the morons who carried out the attack who think it's a victim-less crime. With all the maintenance PSN etc though you'd expect Sony to be better prepared for this kind of attack.
Looks like some hacking crusaders have decided in their own minds to attack a entertainment service. These guys would be better off turning off the PC's and going outside for a few hours.
When was pricing of the PS4 mentioned in my post? It's expensive granted but the bigger problem is the pricing of their games this generation. I won't reiterate it again as I've already proven it to you. Plus I think you'll find it's dumb not dumn.
@WARDIE a bit rich from the guy that couldn't work out 100%. Sony learned their lesson from the PS3 about over pricing and lack of games.... then repeated it on the PS4 you mean.
An established first party backbone! Really? It's almost a year since the PS4 was released and it hasn't one killer game that separates this generation from the last one. Even worse it's looking like it could be 2016 until we get that game. The reason the PS4 is successful is simple... Microsoft messed up. Of the 10 million PS4 owners I'll wager a good percentage of them are disappointed with it. I haven't played a game on my PS4 since the Destiny beta finished. PSN is a joke, PS+ is in terminal decline and indie games dont sell consoles but it's ok Sony are investing heavily in market research. They must be the only company that can't use social media to gauge it's audience.
@get2sammyb you've failed to see my point. When War Thunder is taken down by Gaijin my premium account had the time lost added back onto my subscription. When PSN is taken down and I can't log on my account Sony did nothing. That's not being unfair it's a fact. A premium subscription to War Thunder isn't cheap and for a company that preaches about offering value it's nothing short of a rip off.
What about the people that have paid for a premium account to games like War Thunder? When Gaijin take the game servers down for maintenance the time gets added onto premium accounts. When Sony take down PSN people with premium accounts get shafted. PSN is a premium service run by amateurs.
Going to rain on this games parade... I just don't like it. The Walking Dead is a fantastic story for a game, I just feel this style of games does it no justice.
Looks good. I hope they work a bit on the enemy AI. Attacking bases in FC3 was fun but a little predictable. There are hints of variation in FC4 that can only be good.
It very much follows the trend of other game developers. Employee numbers ramp up closer to a games completion and the company drops it's head count drastically when it's in the planning stage of its next project. Brutal but typical.
Picking a game that you know very little about, haven't seen any actual gameplay and have no idea when it will be released doesn't say much for the rest of the games on show.
It's being told that the latest indie platformer with retro 8 bit graphics is the best game ever is the problem. Especially when it turns out to be dull, repetitive and an hour long.
If Tomb Raider isn't that important why are there umpteen articles a day about it followed by walls of comments from fanboys along the same theme of Microsoft evil.. SE stupid!! It's very evident this is a big deal just from the reaction. Games going exclusive isn't new and Sony have been just as guilty of it as anyone. It's going to continue as well. Expect Microsoft to have already enquired about Fallout 4 and GTA VI. You snooze you lose Sony.
If Sony is so keen on giving its customers value why is Diablo 100% more expensive on PSN for the PS4 than the PS3? The rip off prices on the store just make any of Sony's claims to be fair look totally ridiculous. I can still remember Sony mouthpieces blabbering that they'd never change for playing online.
Comments 223
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya if you can't see it... maybe you should try wording your posts better in future? You won't find me calling any one a tool, idiot or ignorant. Bye wee man.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya and there you go again...
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya why don't you go back and re-edit your post again....
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya and there you go again!
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya were you not giving off about people using bad language and name calling in posts?.. yup
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@SteveButler2210 I don't want to go to South Sudan because there are a million other places I know a lot about that I want to go to. Zero interest! I'm not interested in this game in the slightest. I'm unsure why people can't handle that but actually don't really care.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@SteveButler2210 no I think you find most of the aggro I got was because some people can't accept the clear fact I know what I like and what I don't like. I know nothing about South Sudan but know I don't want to go there for a holiday.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@MatGrowcott it's a side scrolling platformer that would have struggled to be original on the Megadrive.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@MatGrowcott there is no contradiction. I've been gaming for more years than I care to remember and know exactly what type of games I like. Velocity 2x has zero appeal to me in the slightest. The game isn't free either. I've paid for it through my PS+ sub. It's just yet another game that has zero appeal to me on a service that's in decline. How about getting Sony to give a refund to people unhappy with PS+?
Re: Yay, PSN's Delayed Scheduled Maintenance Returns Today
If you're going to give Sony credit for moving the maintenance why not just take it one stage further and give credit to the hackers for making Sony move the maintenance?
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@crazykcarter I know nothing about the game because I have zero interest in. I'm unsure why the great gaming elite fail to understand that. I know all I want to know about the game. Just because some one maybe got to play an old demo or watch a few YouTube videos doesn't make them an expert on the game either or give them the right to criticise anyone who has no interest in the game.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@Lotan Strange view on being rude. I wasn't the person who told a complete stranger to go and get educated.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@get2sammyb I'll make it clear for you next time then. You'll find I'm just as well educated about games as you are and know what I like.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
Sony know Destiny is out in September and you need PS+ to play it. They put zero effort into the PS4 content because of that. I absolute have to laugh at the 'you know nothing about games!' attitude if you don't like an indie game. Total snobbery.
Re: Store Update: 27th August 2014 (Europe)
Madden NFL 15 in the US = $59.99. In the UK =£59.99!
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@get2sammyb I didn't vote! That's why I said your survey wasn't genuine. I think you'll find I'm as well educated as anyone on this site as well.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
@get2sammyb I'm not looking forward to any of them. I'm not sure why that's so hard to understand. Sportsfriends is a flash game and I know nothing about Velocity Ultra. Zero interest!
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
Again your survey should have had a 'nothing interests me' option if you wanted it to be genuine
Re: PS4 Shooter Velocity 2X Flies for Free in September PS Plus Update
PS4 owners dumped on again. PS+ is just a joke. It's ok though.... we're getting a free demo as well.
Re: PS4 Faves Watch Dogs and Sniper Elite III Discounted in European PSN Sale
Such a joke sale for the PS4 again. I don't even know why they bother.
Re: Review: inFAMOUS: First Light (PlayStation 4)
Infamous Second Son wasn't a bad game at all. I enjoyed it but it just lacked that bit of shine that would make it special. I just can't see this adding anything to the story to make it worth spending money on. This will probably land on PS+ at some point. Think I'll wait until then.
Re: PSN Temporarily Offline Again as Attacks Ramp Up Once More
Get used to it... Destiny is released soon.
Re: Review: CounterSpy (PlayStation 4)
Games like this need a demo. I'd buy and have bought games based on my enjoyment of demo even if they received average reviews.
Re: Sony Executive's Flight Rerouted Following Alleged Bomb Threat
Pathetic move. Hopefully these morons feel the full force of the law very soon and they're never allowed to cause this kind of terrorism again.
Re: The Scheduled PSN Maintenance Has Been Postponed After Yesterday's Outage
@SimonAdebisi the Irish Republic has bank holidays as well. A few more than the UK.
Re: No Personal Information Has Been Accessed in PlayStation Network Outage
I'd be surprised if that many people have credit card details etc on PSN. Once bitten and all that. Blame does sit with the morons who carried out the attack who think it's a victim-less crime. With all the maintenance PSN etc though you'd expect Sony to be better prepared for this kind of attack.
Re: Is PSN Offline? Yes, and the Scheduled Maintenance Doesn't Start Until Tomorrow
Sony better not give us indie games as compensation! I expect AAA games only.
Re: Is PSN Offline? Yes, and the Scheduled Maintenance Doesn't Start Until Tomorrow
I don't know what's the bigger demand on the service now.. the DDoS attack or millions of users trying to log on to delete their credit card details.
Re: Is PSN Offline? Yes, and the Scheduled Maintenance Doesn't Start Until Tomorrow
Looks like some hacking crusaders have decided in their own minds to attack a entertainment service. These guys would be better off turning off the PC's and going outside for a few hours.
Re: Not Even Sony Understands Why the PS4 Is Selling So Well
When was pricing of the PS4 mentioned in my post? It's expensive granted but the bigger problem is the pricing of their games this generation. I won't reiterate it again as I've already proven it to you. Plus I think you'll find it's dumb not dumn.
Re: Not Even Sony Understands Why the PS4 Is Selling So Well
@WARDIE a bit rich from the guy that couldn't work out 100%. Sony learned their lesson from the PS3 about over pricing and lack of games.... then repeated it on the PS4 you mean.
Re: Don't Worry, Crystal Dynamics Considered Your Feelings Over the Whole Tomb Raider Ordeal
How's it pretty clear a PS4 version will land in 2016? It isn't clear at all. You just don't know.
Re: Not Even Sony Understands Why the PS4 Is Selling So Well
An established first party backbone! Really? It's almost a year since the PS4 was released and it hasn't one killer game that separates this generation from the last one. Even worse it's looking like it could be 2016 until we get that game. The reason the PS4 is successful is simple... Microsoft messed up. Of the 10 million PS4 owners I'll wager a good percentage of them are disappointed with it. I haven't played a game on my PS4 since the Destiny beta finished. PSN is a joke, PS+ is in terminal decline and indie games dont sell consoles but it's ok Sony are investing heavily in market research. They must be the only company that can't use social media to gauge it's audience.
Re: A Bank Holiday's Coming, So Sony's Pulling the PSN Offline
@get2sammyb you've failed to see my point. When War Thunder is taken down by Gaijin my premium account had the time lost added back onto my subscription. When PSN is taken down and I can't log on my account Sony did nothing. That's not being unfair it's a fact. A premium subscription to War Thunder isn't cheap and for a company that preaches about offering value it's nothing short of a rip off.
Re: What's the Best PS4 Bundle in the UK? This Destiny Pack Is Priced Astronomically Low
This site must have a very strange definition of the term 'astronomically low'!
Re: A Bank Holiday's Coming, So Sony's Pulling the PSN Offline
@MadchesterManc I had a premium account with War Thunder and lost access during every single PSN maintenance. That's entirely Sony's fault.
Re: A Bank Holiday's Coming, So Sony's Pulling the PSN Offline
What about the people that have paid for a premium account to games like War Thunder? When Gaijin take the game servers down for maintenance the time gets added onto premium accounts. When Sony take down PSN people with premium accounts get shafted. PSN is a premium service run by amateurs.
Re: September PlayStation Plus Update Information Incoming Next Week
PS+ on the PS4 has been nothing but disappointing and I just can't see the trend changing.
Re: Sony: PS Move Was Ahead of Its Time, But There's No Appetite for Motion Right Now
Software sells hardware. PS Move had none.
Re: The Walking Dead: Season Two Stumbles to a Conclusion Next Week
Going to rain on this games parade... I just don't like it. The Walking Dead is a fantastic story for a game, I just feel this style of games does it no justice.
Re: Travel Through Time in Far Cry 4's Gorgeous New PS4 Trailer
Looks good. I hope they work a bit on the enemy AI. Attacking bases in FC3 was fun but a little predictable. There are hints of variation in FC4 that can only be good.
Re: inFAMOUS: First Light Firm Sucker Punch Zapped by Layoffs
It very much follows the trend of other game developers. Employee numbers ramp up closer to a games completion and the company drops it's head count drastically when it's in the planning stage of its next project. Brutal but typical.
Re: Feature: Push Square's Gamescom 2014 Game of the Show - WiLD
Picking a game that you know very little about, haven't seen any actual gameplay and have no idea when it will be released doesn't say much for the rest of the games on show.
Re: Sony's Done a Great Job with Indies, Says Former Nintendo Man
It's being told that the latest indie platformer with retro 8 bit graphics is the best game ever is the problem. Especially when it turns out to be dull, repetitive and an hour long.
Re: Why Won't Sony Allow You to Subscribe to EA Access on PS4?
@WARDIE you need to open your eyes. It's £59.99 for the PS4 and £29.99 for the PS3 for the Limited Edition.
Re: Why Won't Sony Allow You to Subscribe to EA Access on PS4?
@SimonAdebisi and then they preach to other companies about offering value
Re: Shu Yoshida Hopes Rise of the Tomb Raider Releases on PS4 Eventually
If Tomb Raider isn't that important why are there umpteen articles a day about it followed by walls of comments from fanboys along the same theme of Microsoft evil.. SE stupid!! It's very evident this is a big deal just from the reaction. Games going exclusive isn't new and Sony have been just as guilty of it as anyone. It's going to continue as well. Expect Microsoft to have already enquired about Fallout 4 and GTA VI. You snooze you lose Sony.
Re: Why Won't Sony Allow You to Subscribe to EA Access on PS4?
@SimonAdebisi oh yea sorry... that makes it all right...
@Demi_god it's the exact same limited edition.
Laughable how EA rip customers off but Sony can do no evil... even when they clearly and often do.
Re: Why Won't Sony Allow You to Subscribe to EA Access on PS4?
If Sony is so keen on giving its customers value why is Diablo 100% more expensive on PSN for the PS4 than the PS3? The rip off prices on the store just make any of Sony's claims to be fair look totally ridiculous. I can still remember Sony mouthpieces blabbering that they'd never change for playing online.
Re: Is Horror Sequel Silent Hills a PS4 Exclusive?
@Shellybird27 really? From the content it seems to be more about Tomb Raider!