Comments 223

Re: Uncharted Collection a 'Good Candidate' for PS4, but Sony Won't 'Flood the Market' with Remakes


@Reverend_Skeeve Isn't that what PS Now is suppose to give you? The chance to play old games you never tried before? Guess that would be a treble dip. All these remakes just look like an attempt to maximise profit with minimum expenditure and allow Sony et al to over inflate their 'games available now for our shiny new system' claim by really doing nothing. And of course they're taking resources from other projects. Naughty Dog don't have infinite resources.

Re: Review: Resogun: Heroes (PlayStation 4)


Despite the claim from the author I think it is a slight against the PS4's software library. It doesn't take away from the fact though that Resogun is a top class game but after 6 months it's clear there's a lack of quality games available for the PS4. There's no point trying to deny it.

Re: The Helghast Hammer Down the Price of Killzone: Shadow Fall in the US


@mikey85 I'd get the infamous pack. Shadow Fall is a terrible game. I loved all the Killzone games to date except Shadow Fall. Sure in parts it looks fantastic that's about all good I can say about it. It's just broken! Infamous on the hand doesn't do anything spectacular but it's a solid game with some nice touches if a little predictable. I've also a sneaking feeling Shadow Fall will soon be added to the PS+ IGC anyway.

Re: Blimey, Only Four in Ten PlayStation Games Actually Make Money


I'm not really surprised. For every Last of Us Sony release there's a Lair or a Sorcery or a Wonder book. Just not enough quality in the portfolio. Add to that the fact Sony have entirely failed to market some fantastic games and it explains their poor profits.In the top 20 selling games on the PS4 Sony have three games, 15%! Microsoft on the other have have 40% of the games in the Xbox360's top 20 games. Sony not only don't know what their customers want but have also failed to sell the products they're offering. That's a recipe for disaster.

Re: Sony's Not Worried About PS4's Software Lineup This Fall


As a PS4 owner I look at that list of games from Sony and can't help but think 'Seriously! Is that it?' Lets not forget two of those games are games that were suppose to have been released already, one is stand alone DLC and Singstar!!! Singstar!!! The rest are all available on other formats, some are even available on Sony's other formats. All thats assuming none of these games slip into 2015 which is highly, highly likely! Massively disappointing!

Re: Shuhei Yoshida Doesn't Understand People Who Don't Like Indie Games


The problem is Sony have marketed the PS4 as a super console with amazing graphics, fantastic social aspects etc etc then give us games like Contrast to play on it. It's like buying a Ferrari only to find the car has a 1 litre diesel engine. Same problem with PS+ on the PS4. It's sold as a premium service on the PS4 - an XBL beater. But you get very average indie games, regular network maintenance, broken store, crazy prices, no discounts or sales. Customers feel cheated and with some justification direct their anger at indies. I really have to question Yoshida's position at Sony if he can't comprehend that. It goes part of the way to probably explaining why Sony face some massive problems.

Re: Shuhei Yoshida Doesn't Understand People Who Don't Like Indie Games


When it comes to indie games there seems to be mindset among some gamers that they're automatically some kind of piece of gaming gold. That indie games are all just little shiny gems of games that takes us to a Nirvana of gaming perfection. Absolute rubbish! Quite a large percentage of the indie games on the PS4 aren't good. in fact they're often poor quality and short. If the indie scene is the hub of innovation why are there so many indie platformers? Of course there are some gems just as with AAA games but the rose tinted glasses some journalists view indie games with is a joke. There needs to be a good mix of AAA games and indies on the PS4 with quality being the goal of both. It's totally lacking on the PS4. Bumping up the games now available count on the PS4 with poor indie games isn't what I bought a PS4 for. Like it or not the PS4 is currently home to the indie and remake. There's no future in that.

Re: Shuhei Yoshida Doesn't Understand People Who Don't Like Indie Games


Love the way the fanboys automatically assume if you complain about indie games on your PS4 you automatically hate indies. Absolutely not true! Indies have their place. The problem is there seems to be nothing but indies on the PS4 at the moment. Where are the AAA games? When Sony advertise the PS4 on TV they don't use games like Shooter to show it off. No they use AAA games. Sony are attempting to hide the current lack of quality AAA games on the PS4 with indie games and a lot of gamers don't like it. The fact that Yoshida can't understand that is very worrying. He's clearly out of touch with his customer base.