Comments 12

Re: Dragon's Dogma Is Ten Years Old Today


@Kidfunkadelic83 it's kind of like elden ring you can wander into areas with enemies high above your level. It's not meant to be linear so it encourages exploration. The pawn system is cool because the more you fight the better they get at fighting enemy types(learning weaknesses etc) you wanna cut the snake tail off first tho if you can.

Re: More Publishers Pondering PS5 Game Price Hikes


2k is packed full of microtransactions that make it pay to win. They're not doing anything different with this new iteration and they're not offering a game update to go from ps4 to ps5 like other companies are. So you'll have to buy the ps4 version to play on launch and then the ps5 version to play on the new console. EA should be ashamed of taking advantage of their player base but it's nothing new for EA. So really you'll be paying $130+ tax for the base game because you'll be forced to buy 2 copies. And with the next gen consoles being much easier for developers to use they really have no excuse.