Comments 9

Re: Gran Turismo 7's New Approach to Microtransactions Isn't Going Down Well


@Mjoen I agree. The game is amazing and I love playing it but the micro transactions in the state they are in are not ok. The fact that I can’t buy certain vehicles without an invite and time limited at that is ridiculous and asking for me to spend money. See my post. Also, most of the vehicles were on gt sport. Makes me think that all the “new” content we will have to pay for….not to mention that the cars are at least double the price as GT Sport. Some of the other cars would cost over 30$ for a single car!

Re: Gran Turismo 7's New Approach to Microtransactions Isn't Going Down Well


I’ve played every GT game. Not happy how they are handling the micro transactions. Also the fact that we didn’t know about this before. I will say the cars are way more expensive than gt sport by far. Also some I couldn’t even buy and were locked “by invitation”. Well I got invited to buy some Astons and it expires 3-18. WTF?!?!?! I’m totally ok grinding for them but seriously? I have to purchase them during a ***** limited time? Also most of the cars are just duplicates of gt sport. I seriously love the game but come on?!?!? Lack of content and greedy. Not happy.

Re: Guess What? Cyberpunk 2077 Still Has Serious Crashing Issues on PS5, PS4 After Patch 1.10


With the previous update the crashes reduced significantly. My daughter playing on the ps5 hasn’t had hardly any issues. Not sure with 1.10 but previously no problems. I still think the game is totally worth getting on the Ps4 pro or the 5. She also played for at least 20 hours on the pro with out many issues. I get people are upset it didn’t make expectations but it’s not as bad as the complainers make it out to be.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.05 Out Now on PS5, PS4, Promises Improved Stability, Main Quest Bug Fixes, Better Enemy AI, and More


Definite improvement. The HDR looks better as well. My kid has been playing this last patch about 6 hours and had one crash on the PS4 Pro. I played a couple hours in the 5 with no issues. I didn’t start playing until the first patch post launch and I don’t think the game should have been pulled from the PS store. I didn’t really have many expectations about the game and I understand the initial launch, but to completely pull it from the store was a little ridiculous. Just give people refunds so the the people that want to buy it still can. Plays fine on the pro and 5. I’ve experienced worse crashing games not nearly this good.

Re: Control Ultimate Edition Levitates to PS Store on 2nd February, Features Graphical Options


I bought whatever edition that had everything, exactly the same as the ultimate and don’t get the PS5 version. Paid more too. Such BS. Not buying the same game again. They should have just made us pay a small amount to upgrade to next gen. I basically have the ultimate edition and then they remove it off the store and put a new version to sell the game again on the ps5. No thank you.

Re: Cost of Fixing Cyberpunk 2077 Irrelevant, Says CD Projekt RED


@2cents you can’t even compare it to days gone. They just released the PS5 update and that game had its buggy issues when it launched. It’s had quite a bit of time to be improved. My oldest is playing Cyber on the PS4 pro and it looks good with the occasional crash. I’ve been playing on the ps5 and the thing has a constant frame rate and looks amazing. Even with a couple crashes the game is phenomenal. I think the last patch did wonders for the game. A lot of people expect miracles when the hardware just can’t handle it. As one other person said, this game is good, up there with ghosts of Tsushima. I agree. Tsushima looks amazing on the ps5 with the most recent update. Better than some next gen they already have out in my opinion.

Re: Reaction: Cyberpunk 2077 Debacle Proves Sony Needs a Better PS Store Refund Policy


I think all those people that complained about the bugs need to try it out again post patch, especially on the PS4 pro. I picked it up post patch yesterday. My 18 year old is playing on the PS4 pro and is happy with it and how it looks. I’m playing on the PS5 and it looks great. I’ve had a couple crashes but I think one was post rest mode. The game looks good and runs well for me and is definitely worth playing. Totally worth the price and is a keeper in my book. Can’t wait until the full next gen upgrade.

I get why people are upset but you should have waited and not preordered. I waited for the first patch in order to purchase the game after hearing it looks good and plays better on the PS5. I’m sure they will fix the crashing and the remaining bugs are few and far between for me. I’m curious if that crap video that was posted about all the texture pop in and shoddy game play is accurate. I haven’t seen anything post patch on the OG PS4 and how it’s running.