Comments 5

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 547


@Jimmer-jammer I agree that Rebirth is better than Remake. But I just don’t think the open world was necessary. Maybe this opinion will change as I get further into the game. The story-telling and character building in Rebirth is much better than Remake but I kind of miss the focus of Remake. Does that make sense?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 547


I’ve just hit chapter 5 in FF7 Rebirth. I’m finding Queen’s Blood to be one of the best card-based mini games I’ve played. I like it more than Gwent!

Other than that, Chernobylite keeps tempting me but I don’t typically play more than one game at a time. We will see if I can resist until I finish Rebirth. But who knows how long that’ll take!