Apparently beggars CAN be choosers eye roll these babies are like kids who wanted chocolate ice cream and when their parents give them vanilla they throw a's not Sony's fault if half you miserable idiots only like games where you're shooting something. Don't blame Sony. Bllaame your own narrow minded taste in games. Bunch of babies. Nothing more. I expected more form a gaming site, but apparently the writers at pushsquare are as limited in their game taste as. The rest of these toddler's.
Also I'm disgusted by the amount of entitlement people in this comment section, just cause they don't give games YOU wanted, you complain and moan like children who've been refused ice cream from mommy and daddy. Gamers have never been such whiney kids as they are the days. You make us all look like babies ready too throw a tantrum any time you don't get your way. Grow the F up, Christ lol.
This is exactly why you shouldn't be writing about leaks that you yourselves know aren't credible! But it won't stop you idiots from still writing about any leaks next month, regardless of the credibility of it's source. I don't trust rumors from this crap shack of a "news" site. Congrats, you have about as much credibility as the guy who's leak you were flouting.
@Crw0311 90% of PS4 games aren't aimed at children. So I'm not sure why this is any kind of surprise?? If you want something for your kids to play, then stop being a cheapskate and BUY them a game. Statistics show that the average PS4 player is 18-35, which is why they give away games like these.
The source is shaky, but hey, let's write about it anyway!! Pretty much sums up the media in general these days. Who needs silly things like credible sources when your main goal is to get hits on your page.
Comments 5
Re: PS Plus May 2020 Reveal Has Been a Disaster, One of the Worst Received Months Ever
Apparently beggars CAN be choosers eye roll these babies are like kids who wanted chocolate ice cream and when their parents give them vanilla they throw a's not Sony's fault if half you miserable idiots only like games where you're shooting something. Don't blame Sony. Bllaame your own narrow minded taste in games. Bunch of babies. Nothing more. I expected more form a gaming site, but apparently the writers at pushsquare are as limited in their game taste as. The rest of these toddler's.
Re: PS Plus May 2020 PS4 Games Announced
Also I'm disgusted by the amount of entitlement people in this comment section, just cause they don't give games YOU wanted, you complain and moan like children who've been refused ice cream from mommy and daddy. Gamers have never been such whiney kids as they are the days. You make us all look like babies ready too throw a tantrum any time you don't get your way. Grow the F up, Christ lol.
Re: PS Plus May 2020 PS4 Games Announced
This is exactly why you shouldn't be writing about leaks that you yourselves know aren't credible! But it won't stop you idiots from still writing about any leaks next month, regardless of the credibility of it's source. I don't trust rumors from this crap shack of a "news" site. Congrats, you have about as much credibility as the guy who's leak you were flouting.
Re: Rumour: PS Plus May 2020 PS4 Games Leaked, But Source Is Shaky
@Crw0311 90% of PS4 games aren't aimed at children. So I'm not sure why this is any kind of surprise?? If you want something for your kids to play, then stop being a cheapskate and BUY them a game. Statistics show that the average PS4 player is 18-35, which is why they give away games like these.
Re: Rumour: PS Plus May 2020 PS4 Games Leaked, But Source Is Shaky
The source is shaky, but hey, let's write about it anyway!! Pretty much sums up the media in general these days. Who needs silly things like credible sources when your main goal is to get hits on your page.