I got the vita day one and i spent well over $300 for it.i dont regret it back then but now seeing all these bundles coming out for the same price i got mine makes me made.Thats why im not getting a ps4 when it comes out until the price is good and has a good value.
Comments 9
Re: XBOX Boss In 'Vita Won't Be Successful' Shocker
I would've been great to see the Vita go on to sell as much as the PSP. Image the games that would be on it if it did.
Re: Download All of Battlefield 4's Expansions Free on PS4
@teknium_ it sure is😀
Re: Download All of Battlefield 4's Expansions Free on PS4
I have an Xbox One, and I paid $4.50 for Battlefield 4 with a Gold discount. Too bad the DLC isn't free😒
Re: PS4 Pro Is a Bargain and Will Sell Very Well This Christmas, Analysts Agree
Oh my god, this comment section is like the 90s all over again. THE CONSOLE WARS RAGE ON!!!
Re: Here's How Resident Evil 4 Looks on the PS4
I doesn't look much better then any other version.
Re: Opinion: Why the Heck Is Sony Making a PS4 Slim?
@PlaytendoGuy let's not forget the PS1 slim, I wasn't surprised one bit by the announcement. All PlayStation systems have gone though a slim phase.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's TGS Tells Us About PlayStation's Future
I got the vita day one and i spent well over $300 for it.i dont regret it back then but now seeing all these bundles coming out for the same price i got mine makes me made.Thats why im not getting a ps4 when it comes out until the price is good and has a good value.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's TGS Tells Us About PlayStation's Future
I would like the ps4 to be around $300-400 in 2014.
Re: E3 2012: Watch the PlayStation Press Conference Right Here
i love this e3