Can care Less for Backwards compatibility, I'm buying a PS5 to play PS5 "Games". I keep all my game consoles, still rocking my NES from 1986 every now and then!
Personally I don't care and Never have cared about "Backwards compatibility" on any "Console". I "Keep" my previous "Consoles" and finish ongoing games, play the ones I Bought and haven't played do to lack of "Time" in my life, I have a Job, wife & 3 children, so Not much gaming time, LOL Still use my old systems/consoles to this day, personally rather play it as it "Was" when it "Was"... I'm sure it's for "Some Gamers" just not me. Sure it would be nice to have one "System/Console" to emulate/play All previous software, instead of having Multiple devices all setup etc. I just "Love" the feeling & nostalgia of actually "Reliving/Playing" said game/software that I experienced before. Just like "Unpausing" a game, continue the journey!
Comments 2
Re: PS5 Fans Are Very Concerned About Ubisoft's Comments on PS4 Backwards Compatibility
Can care Less for Backwards compatibility, I'm buying a PS5 to play PS5 "Games". I keep all my game consoles, still rocking my NES from 1986 every now and then!
Re: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5?
Personally I don't care and Never have cared about "Backwards compatibility" on any "Console".
I "Keep" my previous "Consoles" and finish ongoing games, play the ones I Bought and haven't played do to lack of "Time" in my life, I have a Job, wife & 3 children, so Not much gaming time, LOL
Still use my old systems/consoles to this day, personally rather play it as it "Was" when it "Was"... I'm sure it's for "Some Gamers" just not me.
Sure it would be nice to have one "System/Console" to emulate/play All previous software, instead of having Multiple devices all setup etc.
I just "Love" the feeling & nostalgia of actually "Reliving/Playing" said game/software that I experienced before.
Just like "Unpausing" a game, continue the journey!