
Topic: PS Extra and Premium, What are you playing?

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@Lavalera Yep +1 to struggling with that fight too.

I got close a number of times and had to drop the difficulty down but got there eventually.

Stay strong 💪🏻



I really liked Secrets of Mana (played it on a SNES emulator), definitely gotta try Trials too



@Lavalera Ah decent mate, 3 playthroughs for the platinum should be do-able...
I only played through once (on Switch) and think it was like 20hrs ish, but I really took my time... plus playing on hard I had a few bosses that really ate into my playtime and needed multiple attempts.

Secret of Mana remaster is good, but probably not worth the asking price... you could probably get more 'modern' JRPGs for same price or less. BUT if you end up really liking Trials, and find Secret on sale, I would definitely recommend!



@MaulTsir (moving the question from the other thread to avoid a detail…😄) In the cornucopia of PS+ Extra titles I’d like to play, Deliver Us the Moon is toward the top. Given you recently played both, which did you enjoy more, Stray or Deliver Us the Moon?

As an aside, so far I’ve utilized PS+E to play the FF7R Intergrade DLC and the Avengers campaign (which I’m hopefully getting close to completing). I’ve still got 3-4 months left until I have to decide whether to resub, but I hope to play at least 2-3 more from the library and want to focus on games I wouldn’t otherwise have ever tried. In addition to those two I’ve targeted 11-11 Memories, The Last Stop, Child of Light, Artful Escape, Alienation, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Little Hope, Everybody’s Golf, and GoT Iki Island DLC, to name a few. 😅 But Stray and DotM are toward the top since both seem pretty short and can be knocked out in a week or two it seems. Just wondering if one of the two really distinguished itself as a ‘must play.’

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Both are really good and quite similar to be honest in terms of the game play and story in that you are exploring areas for clues so to speak and learning what happened as you go.

Both are really well made games and both have really reasonable trophy lists for the plat. (Although I know the speed run in Stray has caused a few people problems).

I would suggest to play both, Stray can be completed in about 6hours and Deliver Us the Moon similar although mabye a tad longer along 8 hours something like that, there quite chill games as well, really wasy to pick up and put down with out to much commitment to them.

Stray you get to play as a Cat, being a Dog person it wasn't something I was to bothered about but it's done really well and it's very fun to be able to move around as one, also the world is really really well done. Not in like a GTA way but in a way that's fascinating to explore.

Deliver Us The Moon is basically a way to live out your fantasy if you ever wanted to be an Astronaut, similar to Stray it has a fascinating setting and an underlying story that keeps you intrigued enough to learn more. Either way your in for a good time I believe.

In terms of the ps plus like you've mentioned I think there is a few games on there that are definitely worth the service, Iki islands is a must if you enjoyed GoT by the way. Its having the time to play them all and also hopefully the service is able to keep it's self up to date and fresh enough. I've made use of the service my self already, I paid just over £13 for the rest of the year yo upgrade to extra and already I've played Stray, Returnal and Deliver Us The Moon to completion, add in Wildlands which I'm just messing about on still and I've tried a few others like Vice City then I feel like I've got my money's worth.

If you do decide to try either or both keep me informed of your thoughts and progress I'd be really interested to see how you get on with them both.



@MaulTsir Thanks, buddy! I’ll just see what mood I’m in when I get the urge for a 6-8 hour game like that. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to play them both.

Regarding Iki Island, do you know if I can easily port my completed PS4 save over so that I can jump straight into the DLC? I’m not opposed to playing the game again, but I figured I’d put some more distance between my original playthrough, and my understanding is that you can’t access Iki Island until about halfway through the campaign

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Tbh I'm not entirely sure about the save system, but the Iki Island isn't accessible to around about Act 2 I believe so that a good few hours in.

I would imagine you can port your save but the ps5 version in the director's cut with the Iki island expansion might be classed as a different game? Sorry I can't be of much help in that department mate.

On the plus side GoT is a excellent game and it can't be that bad having to re-live it all again 🤣



@RogerRoger Awesome, thanks! I figured there was a save transfer. Although, like @MaulTsir says, there is something really attractive about replaying the game with all the PS5 upgrades, I’m short on time and so that’s way down the list right now. But Iki Island is supposed to be an excellent expansion, so I feel like I need to experience it.

Although I’m sure my samurai skills are quite rusty at this point. I might have to find some way to relearn some of the mechanics.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I had only completed the base game a couple of months before the DLC and was pretty rusty going back to it. But there are enough enemies still wandering around the end game map that you can get used to the combat again.

Or just drop the difficulty until you’re back into the swing of things!



@Thrillho Part of my prejudiced disdain for DLC in general is this phenomenon of having to go back and play late game content after months and months of inactivity with a game. Inevitably the muscle memory is lost and remembering the mechanics is a hurdle to getting back into the fray. It’s why I haven’t played the Returnal DLC too. Never played HZD The Frozen Wilds. Never played BB The Old Hunters. Never played the oodles of Mass Effect series add-ons. Haven’t played the Death Stranding expansion. Etc., etc….

I’m trying to be better and took the plunge on the FF7R Intergrade content. The Yuffie DLC was nice because she’s a new character and so most of the gameplay was re-tutorialized, but it still took a while to click again.

I’m clearly doing this all wrong because people seem to really enjoy DLC.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I’m generally the same except for certain games. I found the Yuffie DLC tricky as I replayed FF7R fully beforehand but with my fully levelled team with fully levelled materia so having to play the DLC “properly” was really hard

Ghost wasn’t too bad to get back into but I accept that is partly due to it not being that be a gap for me.



@Th3solution @MaulTsir @Thrillho

I was just talking about replaying Ghost of Tsushima on another section of the forum. Glad to see I'm not the only one revisiting.

I was tempted to also bring my PS4 save over to my PS5 but restrained myself. It's been 2 years since my first playthrough and it was so good I wanted to earn my platinum again.

After I played through Act 1 I could access the DLC so I went directly to Iki Island. Now I kinda regret doing it early because of the story beats that are in the DLC. It definitely feels like a quest that needs to be completed after the events of the main game as the ending would have felt better earned. I would love to finish my playthrough on the main game and somehow reset the DLC and play it again.

So that's my very humble opinion on the matter. Play the game again, then play Iki Island.


PSN: MikeOrator


@grapetrap Oh, that’s interesting. Thanks for that. I didn’t realize the Iki Island content had much to do with the mainline story. This makes me even more intrigued.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”



Hoping this is not to

Play how you want of course, but Jin's emotional journey is complete by the end of the DLC, with a fantastic payoff, but not by the end of the main game. So going back to Tsushima and playing the rest of the game I feel like Jin will look like he has forgotten all he learned, the pain he endured, and the healing that came out of it.

edit: added the slight spoiler warning

Edited on by MikeOrator


PSN: MikeOrator


Vice City d.e. Played once and now doing a replay. It has been patched and is the best version I have played. The original on PS2 and the PS3 version are the other versions played. I will take the music lost over the graphics and camera of the d.e. version.

This game looks and plays great using my PRO on an old 1080p tv. I have motion blur off and performance mode on.

Some d.e. this and thats: Diaz's car is the same, Cam can still be left behind and picked up after loosing stars, most missions feel easier, poor vehicle and helicopter controls just like the 2002 original, however the Dodo feels easier to fly, it is possible to drive into the mansion, with or without a lady friend, and missing music from the original.



Completed a couple of PS Plus Extra games today. Wildlands. Absolutely loved playing this co-op, BUT several trophies glitched and we missed out on the platinum despite collecting everything. Be warned!
Also finished Telling Lies which was a very unusual game but a great experience. There is some superb acting in it, and somehow the story unravelled quite naturally despite the way the game works.

PSN: MajorBriggs81
GT7 account: MajorBriggs81JP


Currently, the only one I’m actually playing (as opposed to just installed) is FFX, as part of my run through of the first 10 Final Fantasy games.
Since it’s my third(?) playthrough, there’s not much to say, but playing it after the previous 9 does make me appreciate the overall improvements to presentation. Also, despite having a few awkward moments early on, the game still holds up pretty well imo, to the point where I’d still feel comfortable placing it in my top 3 favourites (from the main series).



Following up Wildlands with Sniper Elite 4 co-op with a friend. Enjoying it so far.

PSN: MajorBriggs81
GT7 account: MajorBriggs81JP


@FullMetalWesker Wow....true dedication to a great franchise! I suppose perhaps 'the worst is yet to come' as I understand that XI & XIII seem to have fairly contentious receptions..... although I hear XII is pretty decent.

I'd be keen to hear your ranking of the 10 you've played? What are your top 5? IX is my favorite overall, but I do have a lot of love for VII and VIII also


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