
Topic: PS Extra and Premium, What are you playing?

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@RogerRoger - Thanks! Yeah, it’s something I’ve been doing all year, starting with the NES original in January and working my way through at roughly one game a month (thankfully, the early games are a bit shorter, so it was a bit easier in the first few months).
Mostly replays, as this is actually my second attempt at something like this, but 3 and 9 I’d never made much progress in, so those two were mostly new.
For X in particular or the series more generally? For X, I guess I never realised how unique the setting and visual design were for a JRPG; comparing it to the prior games, it really is a lot different. In fact, FFX is just different in general, from its battle system, levelling up mechanic, removal of the world map, use of voice acting; so much was changed, and yet, a lot of it seems to work(well, except the world map, I miss being able to just roam around it on an airship).
More generally, I think I’m liking the games a bit more now I have a bit more context for them (having played a few NES and SNES games in the meantime). 7 in particular has grown on me, now that I’m seeing it for what it is, rather than through the accolades and praise it’s received and expecting a perfect game as a result.

Edit: @CJD87 - Actually, X is probably where I’ll end it. I did consider doing XII and XIII (XI, being an MMO, was something I figured would be too hard to access/complete) but once I started getting to the longer games (VI onwards) I was a bit worried I wouldn’t have enough time to finish them all (plus this way I get to keep it to just the Squaresoft titles, which seems like a nice place to end things).

From the ones I’ve played, my ranking would probably look something like this:
S - VI, X
B+ - VII
B - Everything else

Pretty much everything from VI onwards was great imo, with only a few things separating them.

Edited on by FullMetalWesker



@KAIRU Yeah, the good news is that at least there is that soft reset at Act 2, so it’s a pretty good place to be when trying to get back into it. You’ve not lost any “progress”, other than the muscle memory. Knowing you, that will come back quickly. 😄 If you can set a blistering pace wound a GT7 track, complete God of War Ragnarok in a couple days, and tear through Elden Ring and Bloodborne like they are child’s play… well, I have faith in your ability to get Selene through Atropos.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


A couple PS+ questions as I plan how I’m going to react to the Black Friday sale —

Does anyone really like PS+ Premium? Has anyone actually used the Timed Trial function? I don’t think it’s something I’d use, I’ve just never tried something like that. I usually know what I want to buy based on reviews, user recommendations, and knowing my own interests.

And secondly, it’s confusing to me as to whether one can stack a subscription of a lesser tier and how that would work. So, I have another 3-4 months before my sub expires. I paid the difference to upgrade to PS+ Extra so that’s my current plan. When I click the renew button, I only have the option to renew at the same tier or the higher Premium tier; the Essential tier is greyed out. So I guess it’s not possible to stack an Essential subscription now to start after this one ends? I’d have to let the sub completely expire before being able to start a new one at a lesser tier? If so, that’s pretty annoying since they will be on sale next week.

Regardless, I’m 90% sold on just staying with Extra anyways. At $75 for the year, it’s still a sound value proposition for me. At an average of $20 per game on the service, all I need to play is 4 games from PS+ over the next year and I break even. One game a quarter. I’m pretty sure I’ll do that. I’ve played 4 over the last 4 months.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Dunno about stacking, but I'm gonna get a years Extra subscription, but get PSN store credit from Shopto (not sure what the USA equivalent is, maybe CDkeys?) which works out at just over 55 quid.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder CDKeys does have very slightly discounted PSN store credit, but it’s hardly worth the hassle. I think you can buy $25 for $24.69. To save $0.31 I’d rather not have to go spend 10 minutes doing a whole separate transaction.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Yeah that is not worth it. I wonder if there is a website which offers a similar discount to Shopto over your side of the pond?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I've got a question.. apologises if it's already been asked. I'm currently on Premium, which runs out next week. I don't want to resub, as I've got so many games on the backlog. I've decided to go for Essential. It seemed like the perfect time to resub, as it's 25% off, however I can't do that because you can't downgrade your subscription. I understand why this might be the case, as I have an active Premium until next week, but then again a bunch of us will be losing out on a pretty decent offer. I guess there's no way to downgrade?

Edited on by Zisssou



@Zisssou Yeah, a lot of us have wondered about this. I am not sure if there is a work around. It’s pretty sneaky of Sony to trap you into a tier like this, but I also understand why. It looks like you can go under “subscription management” and change your subscription tier any time but if you downgrade then it appears you don’t get the current discount.

The offer goes until 11/29. So in your case if you expire before the sale is over I bet you can get the discount if you wait until your last day lapses.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Yeah I just read about when it expires. I jumped the gun! Mine expires on the 26th, so should be OK. Still a little bit sneaky on their part.

I might be misremembering... but I'm sure there was a time that if you had an active subscription, you couldn't even grab the discounted deal.



@KAIRU 'tis a great game, we'll have to give it a blast at some point, one thing I will say, Vermintide 2 is the only game I've ever suffered motion sickness in so I'd recommend turning off head bob, motion blur and maybe FOV.

Edited on by nitram2k11


PSN: nitram2k11


@nitram2k11 @KAIRU Looking forward to checking it out. Got family over tonight for a bit but I should get the chance later on.



Hi guys,
I just finished Shadow of tactics and paid for ps extra a few days ago.
There are some games what I want to try, but they seems long games (40-50+ hours) . And I don't think I will ever complete a game like that.

I find hard to figure out games length. Only way is to search each of the game from the list.
And I am not even sure, I am interested by some pictures.

Can you recomend me games (ideally) under 20 hours gameplay, please? I meant recommendation from PS Extra.

I completed Titantall 2, it was great until 2 boss fights hold me back 😃
I don't really know any of these PS games, so feel free to mention even older games.


PSN: silverspeedNo1


@silverspeed A quick scan on the list and DOOM (2016) and Spider-Man: Miles Morales are the big names that jump out as shorter experiences if you’re looking to just play through the main story. Both have lots of other stuff to do, especially Miles Morales, to bump up the game time.

Of the indie games, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Chicory, and Concrete Genie are all quite cool games that would fall in the timeframe you’re looking at.



I read other post where you were recommending games for newcomers😀 Thanks for your help @Thrillho.

Do you like multiplayer? If we forget about storyline for a second, there is a favourite game playing online?

I would like to try Ghost of tsushima, just hold me back the length of story. I would have breaks between gaming and I think I would forget control/story and/or get bored if I am stuck.
I just read it has multiplayer, if it's more like left 4 dead style where players work together then it sounds my cup of tea.


PSN: silverspeedNo1


Thanks @KAIRU, probably I will buy it next year.
I celebrate Christmas with newly bought PS extra. That's why I am looking for suggestions on PS extra games list mainly.

Are there more games like that with zombies or without?


PSN: silverspeedNo1


@silverspeed There’s a large library to choose from with PS+ Extra, so it can be overwhelming.

It sounds like you have a preference for FPS, so I can’t help you much on that genre and honestly the only one in extra that I notice is Killzone Shadow Fall. According to the game campaign is only 10 hours to complete and then you have multiplayer options too, although I don’t know how active the servers are nowadays. People seem to like the game, so you might check it out. I’m not into FPS much so I haven’t tried it yet. Another FPS that looks good for you (in addition to Doom like @Thrillho says) would be Metro Exodus. People really speak highly of it. It is the third entry in a series though, but it has the elements you might seem to like, since it’s a bit spooky, an FPS, and the story is less than 20 hrs.

Some others that I really like and can personally recommend (depending on your tastes) from Extra that are around 20 hours or less:

Detroit Become Human, Until Dawn - If you like story driven choice games.

Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian - if you like action-adventure games that are slower paced and artistic.

Inside - if you like artistic 2D platformers

Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man Miles Morales - if you like superhero action games

Uncharted 4, Uncharted Lost Legacy - if you like linear action third person shooters. Probably best to play these if you’ve played Uncharted 1-3, which are unfortunately not on Extra and are instead on the Premium level, but they could still be enjoyed without the previous games if you really didn’t want to go back and know the whole story background.

Limiting to 20 hour play time does lock you out of a lot of the top tier games, like Ghost of Tsushima. It’s an excellent game and the story isn’t that hard to follow so if you take a break from it then it’s easier to get back into than some of the other long games. And if you skip all the side quests then the main story can be completed in 25 hrs, according to HLTB. The same could be said for Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War, both excellent and among PlayStation’s best and can be mainlined in around 20 hrs if you push it.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I’m wondering is final 13 going to be available on extra do we think?



@silverspeed I’m almost exclusively on offline player (I think my wrap up for the year showed 1hr online and I’m not even sure what that would have been from!).

The last online game I got into was during the early days of Fall Guys



@Thrillho That is apparently one hour more than me, even though I played quite a lot Efootball 23 online! 🤷‍♂️

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder

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