It's already been almost two and a half years since Square Enix reinvented the story of its 1997 JRPG classic Final Fantasy VII, and we're itching to see what the Japanese publisher has in store next. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will provide those answers next winter, but to tide us over until then, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion represents a welcome stopgap. The memorable PSP side story has been remastered for PS5 and PS4, and it promises to be another awkward, campy, and enjoyable adventure.
A very brief but action-packed demo introduces us to Zack as he fights his way through the first chapter of the game. It is a combat system that feels familiar in some ways, but completely different in others. Much like Final Fantasy VII Remake, there's no turn-taking here. You'll be throwing your sword about with the face buttons, and then triggering your elemental powers through button combinations. It won't take fans of the 2020 remake long to get up to speed, but there are some key differences to note.
In the top left-hand corner, a sort of slot machine featuring numbers and pictures of characters is forever scrolling. It's called the Digital Mind Wave, and should it land on specific numbers or match up the same character three times in a row, then Materia will power up, Zack can be healed, or other attacks will improve. As a newcomer to Crisis Core, the feature was sorely in need of a tutorial, but it doesn't appear to be part of the game's first chapter.
Therefore, we focused on using up our MP and AP during battles to survive. If the Digital Mind Wave system triggered a positive boon for us, then we were sure to use it as soon as the prompt appeared on the screen. Many flashy and powerful attacks were sourced from the mechanic, though, so it's seemingly vital to progression. Maybe the tutorial was just on the other side of the demo we played.
Chapter one has you fighting the usual monsters and soldiers you'd come across in a Final Fantasy title, but then there's also a battle against Ifrit. This is where the combat system introduces some more complexity with weaknesses to account for and an interruptable charging phase for enemies. At various moments throughout a fight, the game will alert you to the enemy charging up a powerful attack. If you deal enough damage during this phase, you'll actually weaken the attack. The more damage you deal, the less you'll take once the foe is ready to unleash. It's a neat little feature that keeps you on your toes, allowing you to lessen the amount of HP you're about to lose.
Graphically, Crisis Core can't compete with Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade on PS5, but it still looks nice for a remastered PSP title. Environments pop and shine, and so too do the enemies. Matching the control scheme of Square Enix's previous remake, there are no unusual button prompts to account for or any awkward onboarding. As such, it feels like Crisis Core will transition smoothly from Sony's first handheld device to the big screen on 13th December 2022. While Square Enix cooks up its next twist in the tale of Final Fantasy VII, this seemingly faithful remaster should please fans and newcomers alike.
Will you play Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion this December? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 28
This is shaping up to be one of the games I’m looking forward to the most. I never played the PSP version so I’m even more excited to experience the story!
For as goofy and (sometimes) frustrating as the original PSP game was, I do remember it quite fondly. Something about the way the story's told is endearing, and there are some really cool moments. Actually hyped to play it again, only better.
Was never a fan of Final Fantasy back when this originally released but have played and enjoyed a couple of the games since, so I’m looking forward to this.
There was a demo?! December come sooner! Haven’t been this hyped for a game in the entire year and the only game that I am looking forward is when the year is almost to an end 😭
Is it a public demo?
@Ultrasmiles No, I played it at a press event. Unclear if Square Enix plans to make it available to everyone, but it has a good track record of doing so.
There will be probably be a new ending, maybe even two different endings to tie in with ffvii rebirth. I'm really looking forward to this game, looks very good.
This game slipped me by which frustrated me because FF7 is one of my favourite games ever. I’m really excited I get to finally play it now on PS4/5.
Really want to see/hear the Switch performance on this game…. Come December I’ll be needing a decent Switch game for travel and hoping this would fit the bill. I have some concerns about performance though!
I'll definitely play this, but I have to catch up to other games first. Gotta keep my backlog clean^^
Beat the original multiple times so can't wait for this. Great that it's available on console finally
Any idea what the price point of this might be? A smaller title and so entry than the usual 60-70, I would guess.
Certainly keen to play it, at last, in any case!
@J2theEzzo Not sure about other regions, but it’s $50 in the U.S., so a bit lower than a normal game
Never played the original, so this is basically a new game for me. Can’t wait!
I played the original, did 99% of everything (minus the Gaia superboss). One of the major reasons to me buying a PSP back in the day, so, it's a must play again. This is an amazing game , a huge technical feat in the handheld, so I am eager to see what they improved in the PS5. Oh, and that soundtrack is sublime...
So, I have only played Part 1 & I absolutely adored it. Will this ruin the experience/spoil too much of the original FF7 story or is it a great experience to play alongside Part 1 and the rest of the Remake? I really, really, really am craving more FF7
Sounds great, this was all I needed to hear!
@Shstrick nice one, thanks! I was expecting maybe something around that, which adds to the incentive!
@CWill97 no crisis core takes place very early on in the original ff7 storyline, regardless of which direction the remake decides to go it won't spoil anything.
@Balosi awesome news! Thank you tons! Potential Day 1 buy now
Day One Purchase hands down for me
@freddquadros she wasn’t too bad if you use Gil Toss haha
I didn't finished this on my psp back then, now I can finish the game with this remake 😃
Hi, Crisis Core semi-expert here. It is my all time favorite FF and I've played through it, start to finish, maybe a dozen times. I know it inside and out, so I watched that 13 minute demo video, and it looks great...but I do feel like I should clarify what Square-Enix has yet to clarify.
Based on that demo video, it's not really a remake, at least not in the same sense as something like FFVII Remake. They don't seem to have remade this from the ground up.
As far as I can tell, all the geometry is more or less the same as the original. The in-game combat and cut-scene animations are identical to the original. The music in that video doesn't seem to have been remixed, though I'm sure some tracks will be. Combat controls even look more or less identical to the original, with the only real change being that your materia is on a separate button from your potions instead of all in one big list (which is a good quality of life update) and the ability to move the camera easier.
This looks to be more akin to something like the Master Chief Collection or the Shadow of the Colossus remake in that the models, textures, and lighting have been redone, but they're just a layer running over the original game.
I'm sure there are more substantial changes in stuff they haven't shown us yet and I'm sure it's going to be incredible because the original is incredible, but I did want to warn folks not to go in expecting something on the level of FFVII Remake.
@danzoEX Yeah, I never tried too much, other games took the spot at the time.
Can't wait for this to come out at $89.99 because Square are completely detached from current world realities.
Crisis Core? More like Mice at Door!
@Martijn87 Oh I'll be truly shocked if we don't get a new ending or two different endings to tie into FF7 Rebirth. I guess we'll have to wait and see?
@freddquadros I didn't get very far into the side quests and optional dungeon, but am definitely VERY excited to play this game!
Crisis Core and Callisto Protocol will be consuming most of my gaming time in December.
@Pompey71 This is actually reasonably priced at $50 USD, at least in the USA anyways.
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