Capcom has been on a winning run with critically acclaimed releases like Street Fighter 6 and the recent Resident Evil 4 remake. Oddball dinosaur shooter Exoprimal always looked like a risk to its unflinching reputation, however: the publisher doesn’t have the best track-record with online shooters – just look at the dour Resident Evil Re:Verse for instance – and its live service underpinnings were guaranteed to irk enthusiast fans. While we don’t expect this to be leading a Game of the Year charge like Capcom’s other tentpole titles, however, there’s the glimmer of something great.
The setup is ridiculous: you’re an Exofighter who’s been pulled into a never-ending time loop by an AI named Leviathan where you need to battle prehistoric creatures for the remainder of your existence in order to glean valuable combat data. The cutscenes that preface the plot are goofy in an extremely likeable way, and you unlock more as you complete missions and analyse data points between bouts. These bitesized bits of story give you something to engage with during downtime, and while the narrative is clearly all nonsense, we’re finding it interesting enough to interact with so far.
Of course, it’s the core action that’ll be occupying the most of your attention – and it’s good. Working in squads of five, you’ll be tasked with sprinting to different objective markers, where you’ll need to cull a set amount of dinosaurs alongside your team. This is where the title really flexes its technical chops: there can be hundreds of dinosaurs on screen at once, and while they’re effectively little more than cannon fodder individually, you need to coordinate with your teammates in order to deal with the waves. In a way, it kinda reminds us of the hordes in Days Gone – and it’s an example of how fun that mechanic could have been in a co-op environment.

There are multiple different Exosuits for you to commandeer, each with a different role in battle, be it Assault, Tank, or Support. Interestingly, you can swap between these mid round, so if you find your team’s coming up short in one area – maybe you don’t have enough healers, for example – you can make that switch at any point, which adds tactical flexibility. Each Exosuit also comes with its own set of abilities and weapons, so you need to adapt your playstyle accordingly. This is where the release’s learning curve comes from: learning all the different suits’ strengths and weaknesses, and applying them in combat.
While the gameplay is mostly PvE, you’re effectively in a race against a rival team. In one permutation of the main mode, the final round will see you transporting a data cube, and here you’ll come into direct contact with your rival team, so you can take them out in a deathmatch-style environment. One neat wrinkle on this is that you’ll be given one opportunity to spawn a giant dinosaur, which you can then control and utilise to obstruct your rivals – it’s a great equaliser if used correctly, and can ultimately lead to unexpected comebacks.
The problem, so far, is we’re not sure the game is going to have the staying power it needs to sustain a large playerbase for hundreds of hours. While the gameplay is crisp and rewarding, we can’t imagine playing this same mode over and over without any twists or turns. There is an alternate version of the final round where you don’t come into contact with your rivals, making it a straight race to the finish line, but this feels less fulfilling in our opinion. Apparently there are more stages and skirmishes to unlock as you progress further, so we’re eager to see where the meaningful variety is going to come from.

This is undoubtedly a good game, though: Capcom’s gameplay chops shine through, and each character feels distinctive and unique in the best possible way. We’re looking forward to unlocking more of the story, and we can’t wait to properly test out more of the Exosuits. We’re just worried, once the initial novelty has worn off, where the game’s staying power is going to come from. That’s a question we still need to answer, but our early impressions are undoubtedly positive, and we’re eager to play more.
Are you planning to pick up Exoprimal and give it a go? Have you already tried the game, and what are your early impressions? Feed lead to the waves of raptors in the comments section below.
Comments 43
Just what i feared. Is this a game that you can play with randos or do you need a dedicated team of friends to have fun?
I tried the beta but didn't like it much at all sadly. It was just boring to play for myself and my friend group. That's okay though. While this one definitely isn't for me Capcom gave me SF6 so if they want to spread their wings a bit and try something a bit different, go ahead I say.
It'll likely be shut down by the beginning of next year. Remember Babylons Fall?
@Danloaded I've been playing with randoms and been winning or competitive in almost all matches.
The concept of fighting dinosaurs in mech suits sounds great but there's just nothing that excites me when I see gameplay.
"The problem, so far, is we’re not sure the game is going to have the staying power it needs to sustain a large playerbase for hundreds of hours."
Sammy are you familiar with Warframe both today - and it's early versions?
Curious to see how this does, could be Capcom first fail in a while
@get2sammyb ah thats good then. I may pick it up down the line at some point then. Assuming the player base is still there lol
@Cashews I am. Not saying it's impossible, because I know games like this are built to grow and expand with their audience, so there's every chance it could mature into a mega hit like that.
Right here and now, though, I'm not convinced. (I know they're adding a new mode in two weeks!)
I only played for a couple of hours last night, and I was bummed to see there wasn't actually a campaign, but it's fun! It is the exact same fun the betas were, which is fine, but it's absolutely not $60 fun, and I think that more than anything is what will kill it. Maybe Game Pass will help it out, but it's not likely to help enough.
It's is a free-to-play game in literally every way, just with a full retail price slapped on, and that's a bummer because there is something here that could have had legs if it were packaged and presented properly, but it unfortunately is not.
@Cashews that game is also free to play
I’m having a blast with this but I enjoy live service/GaaS games more than I do single player games. It basically a Hero Shooter gambit with dinosaurs
@Luvstagrind Warframe does require an id… It how all these games handle cross play/cross save
The only problem with games like these is that the market is probably a bit oversaturated with them. While it might have some early boost to the population, I imagine there will be something that people don't like or they just get bored of it after a short while. They will then go back to the most popular live service games and continue playing those. The $60 price tag definitely doesn't help at all.
When it fizzles out and is quietly shut down, Capcom will assume no wants to play games featuring dinosaurs and will shelve any potential Dino Crisis remake/reboot
It's actually better than i was expecting tried it on Gamepass earlier but it definitely needs more content and game modes it's basically a free to play game with a £50 price tag.
First strike for me is the game is free on game pass, they better hope that Hanke
Gamble becomes the back bone of their player base.
It's clearly a free to play game by it's very design.
With an at least £45 price tag.🤔
In an oversaturated F2P market.
That actually ARE free.
Really hope for anyone buying it enjoys it and gets value for money.
I'll pass.
Capcom keeps trying to have a live service game, it's admirable but they're ideas so far, just haven't been really good.
The price tag of 60 Euros makes me sad as I really wanted to try it. So I wait several months till the online is dead and they make it free to play.
Sadly I didn't enjoy the beta as much as I'd hoped, but maybe the Monster Hunter crossover content will change my mind...
@get2sammyb I'm here for the article sub-heading - Bravo!
If it was free to play, this MIGHT have a chance. As a full priced title…it’s got a helluva hill to climb.
It's not the type of game I would normally play but seeing as it's Capcom I'll give it a go on Game Pass.
This is probably going to end up being the first Capcom game to be primarily successful on Xbox and Gamepass compared to other platforms, judging by these early opinions. I’m expecting this to be F2P within a year. The gameplay loop is fun, but jeez is it a shallow game for the price they’re selling it at after hearing it’s just a beefed up version of the beta and nothing more, nothing less.
Seems seriously lacking in content and should of definitely been a free to play game. Can see why they wanted it on gamepass now, the game will die off in about or month or two.
So it’s “Go to the place and shoot the lads”. Ok. Pass.
My guess is this game was developed solely with Game Pass in mind. Keep the production costs low, slap it on Game Pass, charge full price on other platforms, etc.
I've also realised that Naraka seems to be the basic version on PS5 but the deluxe version is on Game Pass. I'll stick with the latter as it gives me the opportunity to try a few things I wouldn't normally ever play.
@somnambulance early opinions on what? the game or the forum whining? They certainly are two different things entirely.
@Cashews They seem pretty similar, whether it’s professional opinions or forum goers. The consensus is that the game is fun, but lacks in content, which makes it more ideal for a service like Gamepass
I'm surprised they never really went the live service route with Monster Hunter. Everything is already set in place for it to be implemented in a game like that and it's grindy by nature. As a business I'm surprised Capcom hasn't tapped into that yet, instead of trying with a brand new IP that has no recognition yet.
For me it feels like Capcom really missed the mark with the teaser. I don't mind your going for a F2P game but go with teasers that make it look like Dino Crisis with a look alike of Regina.
Also how can you make a game free on one platform and ask full price for a game that is always online and liveservice without even a singleplayer campaign. I would not get so mad if you go for a lowered price but this is just in poor taste.
@ATaco I would rather them try live service with a new IP. Instead tainting an established IP, and having to hear for the next several years from their fan base about how they ruin the IP.
Played it for about 2 hours and so far I'm not liking it. Maybe it is just a personal taste thing but I found this game pretty boring. I tried it on gamepass so I'm not out anything, would have been pretty bummed if I paid $60 for this.
Been playing through Gamepass and yeah its fine and good fun but i can't see me playing this for the long run as the gameplay is just too samey and simple. If you have GP then i say its worth trying out but in no way would i say buy it. Finally Capcom have gone way too hard on MTX and such for a near full price game.
@ATaco I mean MH World was pretty much a live service game and Rise once Sunbreak was dropped toyed with it. I expect MH6 will fully commit to it.
Not going to pay extra for this game but since its on GamePass I’ll play it for a bit and see if I like it.
@Cashews Warframe is and was free.
@ATaco There have been multiple live-service MonHun games, they just weren't released in the West.
I played for 1hr and uninstall. Not for me
@WallyWest exactly how i feel with it.
The game is boring as h***! I played the first two matches. They were both exactly the same on the same map. Already tired of the game and not sure whether or not I'll play it a third time. The combat is not satisfying- you're just firing all your bullets until it stops for a second and automatically reloads. There's no reason to take your finger off the trigger button. Meanwhile the NPC AI is saying "Summoning Raptors" over and over again. 4/10.
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