After several hours with God of War Ragnarok there are some things we can tell you and much, much more we cannot, but we’ll begin with our overriding sentiment so far: this is why we love PlayStation. The reality is, biased as we may be, no one does it quite like PS Studios. Nintendo may be the kings of gameplay – and, to be clear, Kratos’ sophomore sojourn in Nordic mythology is no slouch in that department either – but the way this sequel is able to draw you in with its characters, world, and just sheer production values is unmatched. We wished we could elaborate further, but let’s just say that one dude with the hammer – crikey almighty, that’s been worth the four year wait!
What can we say, then? Well, the first few hours are good – really good. While the previous God of War was a revelation for the franchise, this is clearly building from the same blueprint. That means you should expect more of the same: Kratos is short-tempered, but nuanced now, with an older Atreus making for an evolved father-and-son relationship that has advanced from the previous game. Rather than opt for a long, drawn-out introduction, Santa Monica Studio very quickly layers in all of the mechanics from the previous game, giving you more than enough time to find firm footing, without the kind of protracted build-up that many sequels adopt.
It looks good – artistically sublime at times – but perhaps not the new-gen PS5 showstopper you’ve been waiting for. Make no mistake, this is a handsome game – assuming you ignore the ugliness of the Raiders you’ll be roasting with the Blades of Chaos – but it feels like a supercharged version of its PS4 predecessor. Of course, before you all scream in unison into the void of the comments section, that’s because it is: you’ll be able to play the entire campaign on Sony’s last-gen system, which is wild when you stop and think about it really. The production values, though, the care and polish that’s been painstakingly invested into each camera transition and close-up – that’s where this is on another level to the kind of single-player campaigns you usually see.
And structurally, it’s impressive, too. The previous God of War was something of an oddity: not quite open world, but not necessarily linear either. The same is true with its sequel: the closest point of comparison we can think of is perhaps pre-Breath of the Wild era The Legend of Zelda, where exploring off the beaten path reaps rewards, but there’s a clear through line, too. Much like the green tunic-garbed hero of Nintendo’s iconic series, the title’s constantly layering in small little puzzles, which tax you for two-to-three minutes, and then are immediately abandoned in favour of something new. The mere act of getting from A-to-B is fun here.
Of course, the melee combat is also exceptional. Santa Monica Studio has gone hard on statistics, so if you weren’t a fan of that in the previous game, prepare yourself: crafting resources, rare materials, and attributes abound. But when push comes to shove, this is a release all about chopping mythical creatures into pieces with a magical axe, and it feels fantastic; there’s tons of combo potential, even in these early exchanges, and the game runs butter smooth at 60fps. We should also stress that the DualSense support has been custom designed for each individual moment in the game, making it another impressive showcase for Sony’s pad.
Needless to say, with the name Ragnarok, the stakes are high – but we’re not allowed to elaborate too deeply on that. One thing we will add, which we believe fits within the boundaries of our embargo, is that the world feels bigger and busier this time. The previous instalment was quite sombre in that its landscape lacked life outside of Kratos and Atreus, but here you’ll even sail into a city, populated by dozens of dwarves, and it feels like an actual place. This gives the world depth, and given events alluded to in the aforementioned subtitle, it helps build a bit of a context around everything that’s taking place.
So, it’s good, then? Well, like we said at the top of this preview, it’s PS Studios at its pomp. While this project may have been an easy bet based on the success of its predecessor, there are very few publishers willing to invest in production values like these. With the industry in a state of flux, as fat cats push for subscriptions and player retention, we’ll say this: savour Ragnarok – it certainly won’t be the last of its kind, like its name implies, but it’s not often that games like this come around.
Are you currently counting down the days to God of War Ragnarok? Will you be grabbing this sequel at launch, or are will you be sitting tight for a future sale? Recall the Leviathan Axe in the comments section below.
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Comments 115
God of War is great. Water is wet.
"crikey almighty"
Will be using that one 😂
This article has sent my hype soaring. Excellent read, Sammy.
It might be the last God of War article I open for a while as I'm not planning on playing the game until Christmas Day, but you had me dancing on my chair as I read this.
Can't flubbin wait.
@Shepherd_Tallon The wait for Christmas will be difficult (but worth it)!
Please say if you can pet the sled dogs??!!!!!
@get2sammyb Yeah it'll be a killer. I usually manage to save a big game every year for Christmas without encountering the spoilers.
Wish me luck. 🙏
I rarely buy games on Day 1.
This will be one of them.
Oh no I was expecting the first real ps5 graphics showcase. It does look good, but just like a GoW18 Pro version if you ask me. This year best graphics goes to Plague Tale Requiem but overall Ragnarok will destroy the gaming industry. Literally the only title I‘m 100% sure there will be a perfect experience day1, not afraid of bad performance or glitches or game breaking bugs.
Amazing. Cant wait.
Probably the only game that can take Elden Ring off the top of my 2022 game list.
Pretty easy to predict this would be a winner, but I'm delighted to have Sammy confirm it.
Great write up, its increased my hype which was already in over drive. I love this business, and games like this are why I love it so much
Less than three weeks to go. GET HYPE!
@paulbuck1996 I was the same the last of us of my favorite until I played God of war
This will be my next platinum trophy, can't wait.
@LIMA It should be underlined that it looks REALLY good and performance is smooth as chocolate!
@LIMA well, have you played Forbidden West? It's an amazing showcase of how awesome a game can look, even it is made for 2 generations at the same time. Even though Plague Tale Requiem looks very good, I doubt can surpass Gorilla's project.
Looking forward to Ragnarok now. The first part was awesome in so many ways.
Sounds awesome! I do wonder how Kratos’ abilities will be balanced at the beginning of the game. The franchise go-to of angry Gods stripping him of his powers seems a little tired at this point…
Preordered it because I wanted to save a few bucks. There was never any doubt in my mind this wasn't going to be Sony at its best. Polished like a hood of a supercar. Or a certain God's axe.
Anyway, as long as they keep making these perfect single-player games I'm gonna keep buying them. And no, there is really no valid alternative to PS when it comes to that.
@TrickyDicky99 I didn't plan on buying this right now, but since you're going to leave a copy left over, I've changed my mind and will keep it. ;-P
This sounds awesome. Only a few more weeks left, and I’ll be obtaining another Platinum trophy for sure. Thankfully, I have several games (short ones, too) that will keep me plenty busy until Ragnarok’s release.
Yes, I played every Sony First-Party Title that‘s been out on the 5. Forbidden West wins the "sequel-with-better-graphics" fight, that‘s for sure. Requiem is the only title I would define as graphically next gen, not everywhere, but especially environment and lighting are like a UE5 lite game. Too bad it runs at like 25fps on the PS5.
Looking forward to it, really enjoyed 2018. Only concern is hearing you still have to crawl through a bunch of gaps like the first game. I find that annoying in all games. But as its a ps4 really, it was to be expected
This is amazing, expected news. Good to hear all the same and hype levels have never been so high for me! Sadly I'm console-less as my PS4 died 2weeks ago. I'm holding out for the Ragnorok PS5 Bundle.
"Nintendo king of gameplay" you're joking right?
@LIMA I've been playing through plague tale Requiem. It looks good, but their are so many spots where the texture quality is poor compared to the rest of the world and the gameplay reminds me of ps3 era.
God of War 2018 had some of the best melee combat, visuals, and probably my 2nd favorite narrative I’ve ever experienced.
Even if this is just that but juiced up to the extreme, this is gonna be something special
Sounds pretty good. I'm a bit concerned about the statistics bit being busier than 2018. I thought it was plenty busy enough in 2018 but we will see how it goes in the full release.
I'm at such a weird place with my excitement for this one. I liked 2018 quite a bit but for some reason I'm at just a "Yeah, I'll play it" state of mind instead of "I'm counting down the hours!" state of mind.
Oh well. I've made up my mind this will be my next game purchase so maybe my lack of hype will work in my favor if it ends up knocking my socks off in the end.
The first one was pretty good when it wasn't leading you by the nose through a series of scripted fights, slow walking conversations, annoying environmental puzzles, and Uncharted-esque interactive cutscenes. So the side dungeons and optional bosses were easily my favorite part of it.
Combat was fun once it opened up, but as with many Playstation first-party games, the camera has an annoying habit of hugging the main character's back. A zoomed out camera like in the older games would have been preferable.
I liked GoW2018 enough to get the platinum, so I'll probably pick this one up when it's $10 as well.
@Razrye888 Haha, I knew someone was going to get triggered by that line.
I'm sure it will be a fun game with some cool set pieces and encounters, but personally, I find it hard to get too hyped for "more of the same", four years later, with only marginal improvements to the presentation.
@Shepherd_Tallon I think i did a little dance too this will be fantastic.
Sweet - can't wait.
I finish my current job at the beginning of November and then have a two week break until I start the new one. The release just so happens to fall smack bang in the middle of said break - so much for the DIY I had planned.
@get2sammyb what if anything about it is an improvement on the previous one. My biggest concern is it being just more of the same. I know many are fine with that and nostalgia alone will blind one to areas of needed improvement, however there are areas I wish improved.
Enemy variety, simplistic linear corridors, the UI, and map was pretty bad. The visuals, while good then have certainly aged. How much is the same and how much has improved or been expanded on? So far what I've been reading and hearing is much of the game is near identical to the 2018 game in terms of combat, design, gameplay, visuals
You also mentioned they have doubled down on the stats and loot system, which I didn't love. Pretty much no one does when it does include upgrades being mere numbers. If you have any criticisms or concerns about your experience thus far, what are they (or does Sony restrictions want this to merely be an advert, thus restricting honesty).
I asked not to just piss off Fankids; I asked merely because in 2018 there were aspects of that game that just blew everyone's mind, mine included. But if this sequel is just a complete iteration where there hasn't really been anything changed mechanically visually or even design-wise in terms of the world and how you move through it that; wow factor will be diminished absolutely. When the blinders are finally taken off and you can be honest about it, rehashing and copy and pasting the same game with just a progression of the story, that wow factor is going to be gone. We all know that Sony studios do great narrative driven games, however they often end up being near identical aside from that narrative from sequel to sequel.
For me horizon fw was also plagued by this... Being too iterative and safe. It was a good game but nowhere near as mind blowing as the first and carried over so much and stayed so similar that they failed to improve many aspects that needed it.
@GuyProsciutto same
@GuyProsciutto yh, it wil be a must try of course but doesn't seem anything eye-opening in gameplay, design or artistically.
I mean looks kinda drab, just the brown troll in the pic looks pretty unimaginative and goofy and drab.
Really nice games but to drool over them idk, i find the last game great but i dont feel compelled.
The puzzles also seemed kinda lame, and repetitive chest opening, exploration not so compeliing and challenging fun.
“It looks like dlc!” - some disgruntled ex-employee 😉
only zelda and mario are s-tier when it comes to gameplay
the other nintendo games are average at best
nothing exceptional with kirby, luigi mansion, animal crossing and other titles from them
Another masterpiece is coming to the PlayStations.cant wait.kratos the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑.the graphics do look amazing.word up son
@Jimmer-jammer my hope for this game is simply more blockbuster boss fights and generally more powerful foes, and then there will be no need to strip back anything, as we have to chip away at behemoths. I imagine learning to cope with lightning will be an issue too 😁
Elden Ring has really made me want a God of War with more challenging fights to advance each area to be honest. Not just 3 or 4 event fights and some trolls 🧌
Bring me all of the mythical monsters and gods, and anyone else who is up for a fight 👹
As hyped as I am for this, I hate to say it’s going to have to wait until I’m done with The Callisto Protocol. I’ve played every GOW game on every platform in the past decade plus, and I really want to sink into & truly savor both this AND The Callisto Protocol. And since I don’t think I’ll have enough time to do that before TCP comes out, I think I’m just going to take my time w/ Gotham Knights and the RE: Village DLC until Callisto drops.But once I’m done w/ that………BRING. IT!!!
@arra1213 What about Bayonetta? Those games are pretty amazing too.
So incredibly excited for this one. Day 1 purchase. I really hope Santa Monica continues with god of war IP. It’s one of if not the best IP in gaming!
@DETfaninATL nintendo/1st party studio developed games not from 3rd party studio like platinum games
@KundaliniRising333 The enemy variety is MASSIVELY increased for one.
@Ralizah not triggered. Just untrue. Their remasters are ok. Zelda is extremely overrated. Can't bring myself to finish it
@LIMA best graphics are horizon forbidden west
Played the 2018 one earlier this year for the first time, and was blown away. Looking forward to Ragnarok, but I'm having a blast going through my extensive backlog that I probably won't get to until this time next year.
@Ravix It would be nice to jump right in with my fully armoured/upgraded and rune-slotted Kratos, but surely there will be some kind of paring back on that front. I can’t imagine jumping into the ring with a Valkyrie Queen equivalent out of the start menu. I would absolutely welcome everything you’ve mentioned though! A deeper and more varied status ailment system could be very cool.
The ultimate Swan Song! Can't wait.
This is the reason Playstation is the better console for me, Playstation exclusive games are mind blowing!! I own the PS5 an Series X, my kids have Series S an Switch and all are great consoles. PS5 and XSX are pretty much identical and the Xbox does have some fantastic games but Sony devs are absolute masters at what they do.
@Jimmer-jammer I believe Kratos has been sat at home living a fairly normal life again, until a certain Thundery chap someone comes a knocking (quite a similar starting point to the last game, really) so that's the easy answer to no runes, armour, upgrades etc. He kept only the things he truly required after the God of War arc, his axe, shield and blades, and hopefully a moveset that starts with a few fancy things included.
I feel like the epilogue (or the very short scene at the end of the last game) suggested quite a lot of time passing, anyway, the 3 year long winter from Norse mythology
This is the day I wish I was Sammy 😂
This will probably be the game that has me the most excited since I was a little kid. I simply know it's going to be 9 and 10s all across the board and it will be an amazing experience! 3 more weeks, right?
@Enuo The hardest 3 weeks of 2022 for me.
@sjbsixpack @KundaliniRising333 Don't flame me but I honestly think Playstation has better games currently but XSX is the better hardware and it actually changed the entire form factor of consoles and no one talked about it, too busy gushing over the SSD since sony said little else about PS5 before launch.
Man I wish I was a games journo getting to play gow Ragnarok & re4 remake early would be dope
@TrickyDicky99 go cry about it I'll be playing it on my ps4 , entitled much.
@TrickyDicky99 'I think there will be plenty of copies left over from people who won't spend £70 on a PS4 game 9 years after the console released' there'll be plenty of sales on PS4 for £60 probably more than the entire ps5 user base
@Would_you_kindly pre ordered mine from base.com £58...anyone who pays above £60 for ps5 games really need to start looking around..
@Northern_munkey I just pre ordered off the ps store I'd definitely shop around for the £70 + games though
I won a money prize today, thank God (of War), so it's day one for me!!!
@Blackbluto the hardware can be as great as it wants to be but if there's no exciting games to play then it's nothing more than a electronic paper weight.
@Tomato_Goose In a way I'm surprised that Forbidden West will end up as the best looking game on PS5 even after Ragnarok releases. That's not knocking Forbidden West at all as that will be my personal GOTY, but I did expect God of War to be even more impressive since it was likely the most technically impressive game on the PS4 until The Last of Us Part II came along.
That is also not knocking Ragnarok, as it still looks impressive. Ultimately in the end that's all that really matters. Just stating what my expectations were. Even though I'm one of the few people that didn't love the 2018 game (mainly because I despised the Atreus character and his actions in parts of the game), I still have this pre-ordered from PlayStation Direct.
@Would_you_kindly i am dead against the £70 premium game price..to be honest £60 is my absolute limit and thats only if its a game i really want day 1..apparantly i'm pro sony and always sing their praises..
@Razrye888 😂 Sammy has touched a nerve it seems. Of course Nintendo are the kings of gameplay.
The very mention of Nintendo is the highlight of any God of War discussion.
@Razrye888 that’s pretty funny . more like nintendo the king of simplicity and taking 0 risks
@Sensechat when you don’t evolve your games past the 90s , it’s not really much to critique 😂😂
@Would_you_kindly It's been a great week for sure!
EDIT: And there's one other we can't tell you about yet, too! 👀
How incredibly petty of you.
@get2sammyb ooo exciting I'll keep my eyes peeled 👀
@TrickyDicky99 So it's going to sell much less because it's on more platforms? That's certainly a take.
I bet the same people who are moaning about GoW being cross gen are the same ones who moan about PS5 only games being 30FPS.
One day the cross gen ***** will end.
Day one baby. Can't wait to play whatever Corey Barlog is working on and Spiderman, and Wolverine.
@freddquadros Congrats on winning bro! What were you playing that won you the prize?
@Shepherd_Tallon Saving for Christmas day... The magic is still alive. Great stuff 👏
@nomither6 remember that Sony's 2023 magnum opus is coming to a console they released in 2013 😂
@Sensechat said no one ever
@Sensechat atleast sonys not releasing outdated fisher price pads aka switch that can’t even run ps3 games at 60fps with garbage graphics , gameplay , and online . nintendo’s hardware is trash and can only play their childish outdated games that haven’t evolved since the gamecube. any third party runs like ***** and nintendo can’t even make AAA games , their whole first parties are glorified indies to be honest
@AdamNovice what’s the point of buying next gen consoles if improvements and advancements aren’t the primary reasons ?
what’s a legitimate complaint to you if being upset about 30fps on a 9th gen $500+ console in 2022 isn’t enough ?
@nomither6 Bayonetta runs at 60 FPS on switch, how was it on PS3?
@TrickyDicky99 how to show you have zero understanding of game development without actually saying it.
Well done sir.
@Razrye888 they are the king of gameplay.
@KidBoruto a local small lotery. It was a small prize for this kind of thing, but very good to me hehe I almost cried, I'm usually very unlucky.
@Sable im good thanks, hope the same goes for you and yours.
Yeah, its just a frustrating read over there at the minute. Constructive discussions are out of the window and those two in particular seem to have a free pass to run riot. Sammy and the folks here (also over at purexbox) seem to have a much better handle on the troll side of comments. Makes for a much nicer feel to everything.
@TrickyDicky99 “Imagine what this game could of been if not designed around a PS4.”
It might’ve looked prettier, but then we might be stuck at 30 fps. Then gamers would be complaining about the low framerates. Personally, I’ll take the 120 hz, but to each their own.
That said, I do believe you are right on it not selling as well as GoW 2018. I feel that a little bit of 3rd person narrative adventure fatigue is setting in on the general gaming populace. I feel these console bundles with the game are being done to hide that fact, a bit. To be clear, though, those are my personal favorite types of games on PS. I’m sure it will still sell great, overall.
@freddquadros Same here heh, I usually never win anything I enter. I'm glad the prize will help lower the price or make it free though
Sorry for vanishing on you from the Weekend Playing articles btw, I was away on vacation for all of September.
Oh and I did get your message on PSN, thank you so much for the AC3 advice!!!
@TrickyDicky99 Other than some SSD gimmickry in the new Ratchet and Clank, what have we seen in exclusives for the system that were functionally undoable on older systems?
People keep acting like the newer hardware is going to lead to some renaissance of game design, and we're just not seeing it.
@TrickyDicky99 You look ridiculous with all that whining when there's nothing you can do to change anything. You would've been stuck with 30fps with all the PS5 bells and whistles in game design.
The big issue is cost. AAA publishers are mostly unwilling to go for innovative concepts due to how much these games cost nowadays.
I will say that Returnal could have been done on PS4, but I feel like it would have been a sub optimal experience.
@KidBoruto All good brother!! Happy for you, a rest is always welcome!! God bless!
@OrtadragoonX Well, sure. Cross-gen games are generally sub-optimal on weaker hardware, and the same would be true of Returnal if it also was one.
Nobody thinks next-gen hardware doesn't make for superior playing experiences. I just think people are off on the wrong foot when they attack cross-gen games for "holding back the potential" of such a piece of software, when, in general, that's not true, and such a game will likely be conservatively designed anyway.
I totally agree, by the way, that ballooning development costs and timeframes push developers toward 'safer' experiences. And I think that, in general, is only going to increase as a trend over time.
Also, this is just my opinion, but fanboys online are typically not rational, so I think, if games like GoW Ragnarok and HFW were PS5 exclusives, you would have seen them trumpeting about how such experiences would have been impossible on last-gen hardware. You saw similar claims made about Miles Morales before the PS4 version was revealed.
@Sensechat isn’t bayonetta a nintendo exclusive ? they most likely ported it and couldn’t be bothered with the cell processor . A quick google search shows that bayonetta isn’t even a graphically demanding game .
Wont buy a game because its on a certain platform? That's petty. Pure pettiness.
@TrickyDicky99 you don't have any proof to back that up what you're referencing is probably digital pre orders
@Ralizah 'People keep acting like the newer hardware is going to lead to some renaissance of game design, and we're just not seeing it.' 100% agree the only difference in game design would be loading screens because of the SSD & ps5 already has very fast loading in pretty much all the games it has lol
@nomither6 a quick Google search would certainly help you to become more informed about a whole lot of things. Bayonetta is not a Nintendo exclusive.
Anyway, I'm away here.
I have God of War Ragnarok preordered. I hope it's good. 👍🏼
@Would_you_kindly “ People keep acting like the newer hardware is going to lead to some renaissance of game design”
i could only imagine how people felt going from SNES to N64/PS1 or PS1 to PS2 or 3 then .
@nomither6 you're quoting @Ralizah lol
@TrickyDicky99 so you spend your time looking up how many sales ps5 games have had Vs PS4 instead of enjoying the games ? What a sad life lol
Is it too late to get the collectors edition? I know game have sold out but on ps direct it says coming soon.
@LIMA There’s been a graphical showcase for PS5 since day one. It’s called Demon’s Souls.
@doctommaso yup an absolute masterpiece
@Gamer_Guy You wont be able to play real PS5 games till the PS6 comes out.
@bpomber Well one of those is wrong, but I asume you already know that
@Darylb88 honestly surprised it took this long for someone to bring that up lol
@bpomber At first I just thought you wanted to say GOW is bad haha
Just started my 2nd playthrough of the previous GoW on PS5. While I thought it was great back in 2018, I never saw the hype for it, I’m interested if my opinion will change this time. So far, it plays really great on the PS5 with the 60FPS just an extra bonus.
@TrickyDicky99 that is the stupidest reason to not buy a game. You won't support a singleplayer no mircotransaction game of the year. Lmao okay then. Punish yourself for not enjoying one of the greatest games of our generation. While We all will be enjoying and playing it
@TrickyDicky99 you can get the digital edition and get the ps5 upgrade for free. Ppl still don't know that? It's in the description
@Ralizah I'm of the mind set that we need these type of games. The industry is all cash grab and microtransaction filled so why would you not wanna support first party single player games. I'd gladly pay 60 for this and only 10 bucks for something like say anthem. But yall do you don't complain when the industry turns worse and yall don't get these games anymore
@SerJosh97 I guess that's true if you primarily play Western AAA releases and think these cinematic third-person action-adventure titles are the height of game design or something.
God of War was good, but not $60 good (for me; I realize this will be a GOTY contender for many). I'll wait until it hits a price I'm more comfortable with.
@TrickyDicky99 it isn't a PS4 game though is it. Go buy that version if it's a PS4 game then it's not £70
I've been playing God of War since the original. Excellent games but to be honest 2018's game REALLY just put the series on a pedestal for me. I first beat the game on my PS4 pro in 2018 and I was thinking it couldn't possibly get any better. Then I after it was patched for PS5 I beat it a second time & to be honest it was so much better than the first, partly because I completed every side quest the game had to offer on top of the resounding masterpiece that is the main campaign. The sequel can't get here soon enough imo! Can't freaking wait 😁🙌
@Axelay71 non funny joke.
@Razrye888 I wasn't joking!!
@TrickyDicky99 yes it is. Go on the ps store rn and tell me it isn't. I'll wait. Lmao cuz it clearly says to me it is. Thats one reason I'm buying the digital edition over physical. Guess your blind too
@TrickyDicky99 also yes I got vr from my brother for 70 bucks, I enjoy some vr games. Like battlewake and resi evil vr and more
@TrickyDicky99 30fps compared to 60fps makes a world of difference. Cuz you don't think it does doesn't make it not a fact the literally most of the world agrees a game runs smoother and better at 60fps over 30. That's a fact
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