"Welcome to the new era of Call of Duty," the Modern Warfare 2 beta very proudly proclaims on the PS5 home screen. Is it, though? Infinity Ward's latest looks a lot like the other 18 mainline instalments before it, but with Warzone 2 alongside the main game, we could be about to enter another generation of Call of Duty dominance. Bringing back the general feel and mechanics of 2019's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, this is a strong showing in the lead-up to release next month.
Somewhat of a reboot three years ago, the development cycle lands on Infinity Ward for it to make the same sort of leap as the PS3's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Confusing naming decisions aside, this is a bigger and better version of the blockbuster FPS series. The fluid movement system returns with new features, and so too does the ability to mount your weapon in order to improve its accuracy and better control recoil. It was in Call of Duty: Vanguard too, but so many skipped the game that the feature almost feels new again. Either way, we're happy to have it back.

To be honest, we're chuffed to have Call of Duty back too with an entry that appears to be a return to form. We've only been able to spend a handful of hours with the beta which only covers a small selection of maps and modes, of course. But for a franchise with a fanbase that consistently moans and groans about changes during the beta phase, we have hardly anything to complain about.

It's vital to not get carried away: the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta isn't going to turn non-believers into supporters all of a sudden. This is still very much a Call of Duty title with blisteringly paced action that rewards quick reactions and those that go in all guns blazing. From the outside looking in, it's just another $70 investment to gain access to new maps, guns, and mechanics. While that's probably a correct assumption, there are some changes to the multiplayer formula that are going to take some time to properly figure out.
The first is removing red dots from the map. To our knowledge, in every single previous Call of Duty game, whenever you've shot your gun without a silencer, you'd appear on the mini-map as a red dot for a short period of time. It's one of the most standard features workings of the experience. It's difficult to even call it a feature; it's an expectation. It's very surprising then that Modern Warfare 2 does away with it.
What even is the point of the silencer attachments at this point? They muffle the sound of your shots somewhat, but enemies nearby can still hear them. Now you'll never be able to take a peak at the mini-map to learn where the action is in Team Deathmatch, or be alerted to another player nearby. Is this a change that will positively or negatively affect online matches, though? It's tough to say at this point. There's definitely some initial whiplash present: we're still ogling that mini-map in the top-right corner for any scent of an enemy, so it's impacting our play when you don't need to be looking there so much anymore.

More testing — especially in the full game — is required to see how this change plays out. In theory, you no longer need to commit an attachment slot to a silencer anymore, allowing you to customise loadouts further. But it's impossible to get away from the strangeness of there being no more red dots on that mini-map! Come back to us in a few months and maybe we'll have a definitive answer on the tweak.
Something else that'll take some time to work out is the perk system, which no longer gives you all those benefits at the start of the match. Instead, they'll unlock over time, with your final "ultimate perk" activating in the latter stages of an online bout. Why? Only Infinity Ward knows. It's not necessarily a bad change since all the players in the match should theoretically unlock their last benefit at the same time. But, like, why? It feels like a change that's been made purely so the developer can point to something it's done that does actually affect the gameplay flow. Much like stripping the mini-map of red dots, the jury's out on whether this makes the title better. We can't really think of a positive to this change so let's talk about what we do like.
That's the new Invasion mode. In a 20 v 20 faceoff, both teams are joined on the map by AI. This makes matches even more chaotic because while they don't pose as much of a threat as a real-life player, they can control territory and gang up on teammates. It's a really enjoyable mode that captures the scale of a Battle Royale match, but matches it up with constant respawns so you don't have to worry about dying so much. This one will most certainly become a popular option during friendly get-togethers alongside Domination, Search and Destroy, and Hardpoint.

Many of the changes made in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will take time to judge properly, but one we hope is sent straight back to the drawing board is the menus you must navigate before starting a match. From the main menu right the way through to customising loadouts, they all look like they're ripped straight out of Netflix. It's tiles upon tiles, and they're a chore to navigate. You'll need to scroll through all of them to find the mode you actually want to play, and with only a few taking up the entire screen at any one time, you could be buttoning through for a lot longer than you'd like.
This may work if you're using a mouse and keyboard. However, on a controller, the tiles only lengthen the time it takes to get from the menu to actual gameplay. They can be quite confusing too: it took maybe four attempts before our custom loadout actually saved because it's not made obvious what the game wants you to do once you've locked in your selections. It's very unlikely Infinity Ward will completely overhaul its menu system at this point in development, though, so we're just going to have to put up with it. That's along with the disbanding lobbies and clunky party system. The joy.

For a beta we're generally quite high on, this Hands On article probably comes across fairly negatively. That wasn't our intention, but when what's making Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 so good is already so familiar, we have to focus on what's different. The shooting once again feels excellent. The movement is responsive, light, and fast-paced. The maps this time around seem better, with some fun shootouts already taking place and various flanking points to seek out. The audio is top notch and firing your weapon sounds incredible.
Building upon what made Call of Duty: Modern Warfare so excellent three years ago, and with Warzone 2 to follow a few weeks later, the sequel is primed to recapture the heights of Activision's FPS heavyweight. Consider us signed up for the full release on 28th October 2022. We just wish we wouldn't have to scroll through so many tiles to get to the action.
Have you been playing the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta? What are your first impressions? Share them all in the comments below.
Comments 28
Let's face it..it's an old recipe with minimal risks..3rd person mode was somehow a bit refreshing..Ground war has potential to become a light version of Battlefield..(very barebones but ok)..Graphics-wise nothing new really..pop-in all over the place and very bad player animations..It's a really fun game though and i might bite the bullet.
Does seem odd...makes the silencer completely pointless
Feels just like Modern Warfare 1. Which is just fine for me. Maps are OK so far, hopefully there are some more interesting ones in the pipeline. Some real locations would be nice too, like Piccadilly from MW.
no mention of the already rampant cheating across pc? if you are on console, turn off cross play
@StylesT sounds seem louder in this. Playing with a headset, footsteps are deafening, so I think if you use your ears more, then going loud with a weapon may be a dead giveaway.
No such thing as silencers anyways. But I wish they add hard core to the beta. That mode would decide if I bought game or not.
@stvevan that option is greyed out on the beta, but I’ll definitely be doing it if I get the full version.
All the pointless tinkering. That's the trouble with annual franchises, every year they've got to think of something to change, and they've finally got to the point where they don't need to make sense, change is for change's sake. This series will never recapture the glory that was MW COD4 because it will never be that simple and focussed again. Even the remake missed the mark because of the bloat of the Battle Pass.
I tried to like this beta but all the superman dives were ridiculous. Why can't we have another Titanfall? That game understood flow, traversal and gunplay.
Beta has been excellent tbh.
Maps could be a bit better but the games themselves have been solid. Also with constant UAV’s I can’t say i’d even noticed the lack of red dot.
Turn off crossplay and you’re golden. Can’t wait for launch!
Love it. Reminds me to the older days of Modern Warfare which was my favourite COD to date and a bit ob Battlefield 3 shen playing Groundwar. So this ist the Child of those two to me. Definitely will dig in many hours when its released. Got to level 30 cap yesterday to unlock all Beta rewards.
The UI is crap & overly complicated , the weapon progression is annoying , the connection lags alot & there's lots of texture pop in , I do like the inflatable soldiers though that's funny lol
Hate the UI as it makes menus seem unecessarily cluttered, but i had some proper belly laughs playing the beta last night. Hopping in a vehicle and driving around like a loon was great fun - though i expect my team mates were less thrilled.
Maps seem fine - if a little generic - but yeah great fun in bursts
Played it with friends over the weekend and the game felt really slow.
Granted, the last COD I played was BO3 but the movement was very boring to me, even running felt like a light walk through a park (yes, I doubled tap to run faster) and the UI was bland but that's like most of them anyways.
The guns had a lot of recoil or at least on the animations yet the accuracy was crazy good so they need to change that.
Map design... why is everything brown again?
All in all, meh, just another COD game I'm going to skip again.
I must say that I've enjoyed what I've played so far. Wasn't expecting much tbh. There are quite a bit of niggling issues but then again it's a beta. Biggest issue has for me is the menu navigation and how fast you die (the animations for it is very inconsistent).
@stvevan doesn’t surprise me from the “master race”. That would be the first thing I’d disable
I enjoyed the beta experience playing knock out mode. Gameplay felt solid. Maps was ok. My big concerns is the lack of weapons in the game. It was barebones imo almost like 2042 in terms of varieties of weapons. I’ll prolly pick this up when it’s on sale for $30 just to play the campaign. Got to many games after my play through with GOW Ragnarok my backlog is Gotham Knights, A Plague Tale: Requiem, & FF7 Crisis Core reunion.
While I think the menu design is borderline Ubisoft levels of atrocious, the game itself was awesome. Looks to be a huge bang for your buck sorta package with all the different modes on offer.
And I quite honestly don't understand the issue with the removal of the map dots. They were always unbelievable and simply a crutch. Using sound design to deliver a more realistic experience makes far more sense to me. "Why use silencers now?" To... deafen your noise and make it harder for enemies to find you. EXACTLY what silencers are designed for. Lol
I simply don't get the backlash.
This will be my first COD purchase since Blops 4.
Three of my friends and I have all jumped in and been incredibly disappointed & frustrated with the feel of the game & the map selection. Multiple cancelled pre-orders and sad feelings.
@riceNpea because apex is a better game that made them not give a ***** about titanfall .
@RawnDawn good maps and infinity ward hasnt mixed since (the real) MW2 😂😂
@nomither6 Apex isn't better just more lucrative than Titanfall so they'll concentrate on it
I only had time to play two matches this weekend but it was fun. I mean, it's Call of Duty. It looked and played great to me. I'll pick it up once it gets cheaper, $70 is way too high of an asking price for any game to me.
I’m enjoying it so far.
My only big complaint is the big one you guys mention. The menu system. It’s downright atrocious and it’s buggy as hell. I figure the bugs will be worked out before release, but the design is just bad. I don’t know who thought that was a good idea.
But the gunplay is great, I’m enjoying the shorter TTK since it makes so many more weapons viable for rank up without having to go Hardcore, so far I’m noticing the game rewarding my more careful play pace rather than punishing me for it like Cold War, and the nerf to slide canceling has been a godsend. I always hated that crap; it forced me to be rough on my controller to it while playing Cold War which I don’t like.
@StylesT Not necessarily. You still show up on the compass, unsuppressed shots are easier to track via ear, and if you're firing suppressed you won't show up on the map if the enemy is using the Bird's Eye perk.
The Bird's Eye perk allows you to see enemies position and the direction they're facing when firing a weapon.
I think this beta is step in a bright new direction for Call of Duty. Yes, it still rewards face paced gunplay and quick reflex, but that isn't the only viable way to play the game now. Cautious play, utilizing deployable shields on objectives and moving slowly from point to point is also greatly rewarded.
Instead of just killstreaks you can also toggle scorestreaks as well, and it works amazingly.
Third Person Moshpit completely changes the formula as well, making the game feel like a tactical shooter. Encouraging peeking corners and taking things slower to ensure you're not caught out of position by enemies lurking behind cover. Gives me a very SOCOM like vibe, and I love it.
I cannot wait.
@StylesT nah, if there is a UAV in the air (which there is most of the dang time) you show up when you fire. People missed that part of the no red dots.
Doesn't every shooter reward fast reflexes?
@PegasusActual93 Yes, but this CoD doesn't JUST reward that. It has other viable playstyles.
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