If you've been hankering to replay the superb God of War Ragnarok, then there's simply never been a better time to dive back in. The game's anticipated New Game Plus mode has been released as part of a hefty update, increasing the level cap, reworking certain encounters, and letting you take all of your unlocked abilities and gear into an entirely new run. There are even new armour sets to check out.
It's an impressively robust mode — as we've come to expect from the efforts of Santa Monica Studio — but has it been enough to tempt you back into the role of Kratos? Have your say in our polls, and then start all over again in the comments section below.
Are you playing God of War Ragnarok's New Game Plus mode? (1,275 votes)
- Yes, I've already started a New Game Plus run
- Not yet, but I will be
- I haven't decided yet
- Nah, one playthrough was enough for me
- Nope, I haven't finished God of War Ragnarok
- No, I don't even have the game
Are you a fan of New Game Plus modes? (1,054 votes)
- Yes, I often do New Game Plus in games I enjoy
- Yeah, I always appreciate having the option
- It's nice, but it's not essential
- Nah, I don't care about it
Comments 50
I already started a new game , not sure how far I’ll get I still need to beat re4 I get distracted way too much lol
Waiting until it inevitably goes to ps plus in 2 years, got myself enough backlog until then after completely skipped ps4 era
It’s a fantastic game but I can’t be bothered to deal with the tantrums of Atreus again
I would prioritize it if it had any new trophies but because it doesn't, I'll do a ng+ run when I'm out of games to play.
There's no poll option for people like me.
"No, I played the game multiple times before New Game+ was added"
I appreciate new game plus if there is a reason to play through again. Such as trophies that require multiple playthrough or to play through on newly unlocked difficulties. If there is no challenge given as a reason to play again I’ll just move on to another game.
That’s a general comment, I have no interest in this GoW refresh at all.
No not with a huge never ending backlog. Yes I would if it were a meaty paid story expansion. Maybe if newgame+ had a few extra trophies but I'm satisfied enough with just having the platinum for now. Shame they've said it's not getting an expansion, it could definitely do with one like GoT and HFW has, maybe saving it all for a full new GoW in the near future after a different brand new IP
New game plus enjoyment for me depends on how it's implemented.
Obviously we all want most of our gear and progression to carry over but for me the big problem with how New Game Plus has been implemented as of late is that the increased difficulty simply amounts to you taking more damage and the enemies taking less damage and it thus in essence the challenge comes from them becoming sponges.
I prefer when New Game Plus is implemented in a way where enemy locations are different or even enemy types that are in areas are more difficult enemy types/variants earlier on in the game and things like that. When it's done in this way it really feels new. Especially if they throw in a bonus like new abilities or skills or armor that just isn't colored reskins of the same stuff you've already used.
Obviously God of War didn't do that but that's not really the reason a lot of people are not going to fire this game up again so soon. It's because it's an extremely narrative driven game that relies heavily on that first playthrough wow it looks like an interactive movie type experience.
Once you've had your taste of that I mean there's not a lot more to the game that you would want to experience again if you've already essentially done everything there has to been done in the first playthrough and really seeing all of the combat has to offer.
I mean some people may love being able to level up their gloves or their blade Pommel one more level but I don't necessarily think it really matters to many in this type of game design. not when it's just spongier enemies but the exact same story with a lot of walking and a lot of talking delivering story narrative one has already seen and was subjectively poorly paced.
I got the game and launch day and still haven’t got round to playing it yet 😃
I'll play it when it hits $10 like the 2018 game did.
I got confused with PS Plus.. I thought did I miss something...
No, another playthrough might be warranted in 5+ years but no sooner than that.
New Game Plus seldom, if ever, interest me.
Already got the platinum. Far too much else to play to be getting involved with NG+ on any game.
New game plus is nice when it comes with the game and I can play it when I finish the game the first time.
6 months later doesn't really interest me.
So basically never lol
@Netret0120 Got that right. Haha
@Dloki persevere, it gets more tolerable
If there was a "Skip the ***** Atreus parts" option, then I'd consider it.
I finished GoWR only recently, and wanted more, so started NG+ in GoW2018. It’s nice to breeze through some previously difficult encounters, but I am not sure I’ll see it to the end. Difficulty in optional activities (doing muspelheim trials now) indeed seems to be ramped by lenghtening health bars/increasing enemy counts/stricter time limits.
GoWR is too long, too recent, relies too much on “cinematic” storytelling, and has too many traumatising boss encounters for me to play again.
Re: ng+ modes in general, no big deal for me personally, but l would prefer them to be implemented more widely, instead of bloating games. Rather than having a 100+hrs game with same-y optional activities, I would prefer a 50hrs game, with hand-crafted content. NG+ is then for those hungry for more.
Still on my 1st playthrough on RE4 on Hardcore. Taking much longer than expected (a good thing).
Genuinely a great game! That being said, I'd rather venture into other games over playing as Atreus again.
I'll play through new game plus sometime in the future.
But I do genuinely love the Spartan Armor added into the game.
This game bored me personally. On a mechanical level there should have been more new things.
Absolutely amazing game! But I won't be playing NG+ anytime soon. Mabey I'll get to it before a new GOW game comes out. Too many games in my backlog, PS Plus Premium, & Game Pass to go back to this. Besides I already have the Platinum.
I traded Ragnarok in just because of how tedious Atreus's sections were. I knew I was going to get immensely bored playing it a second time so I just did not care to keep the game after beating it.
Not yet but i do plan to play it.kratos the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑.word up son
Only a few games I've played more than once. A few of the Zelda titles and Metroids. I have a really hard time getting back into a game I've completed.
For me, a new game plus mode should make you beastly. Like resident evil new game plus with infinite rocket launcher
Nah, one playthrough was enough for me... "FOR NOW", that part was missing.
Tbh Im, not a fan of replaying games that soon. I mainly do it after quite a while. It just makes my experience much better
Once was enough for me. I can't put myself through the Boy sections again. Kratos sections were great as usual for the most part but I dreaded every time I had to play as Boy.
I've put not yet but I will. But reality is i will in a few years.
I'm still playing God of War, the game set before this one. Once I finish that I'll play Ragnarok.
I only finished the platinum a few weeks ago, so I'm going to play a few other games and come back to it, but I'm definitely looking forward to a second playthrough. Not doing what I did with the 2018 game though - the platinum for that needed something like 3 playthroughs and I did them back to back, so when I played through recently to refresh myself before starting GoWR it felt incredibly stale.
Got too many other games to play. The game didn't do it for me anyway wasn't my thing, but glad they offered the option at least.
I also find Sony games (these days I can replay any Ratchet games (or older Gran Turismo games that allow more choices that GT7 doesn't) over and over for the weapon level system or just the variety of things to do then a more straightforward focused game where I don't care to go back to them at all like certain shooters with eh mechanics while a Vanquish or Titanfall 2 I can go back to because of their mechanics or other systems or level design) hard to go back to because of length, worth of the collectibles and just wanting to experience the story again. They feel more like one and dones than other games with certain replayability or are one and dones but fun enough mechanics in them. But that's just me differs for each person.
Not yet as i'm busy with other games but i plan too later this year.
I never finished it as I got kind of bored around what I assume is maybe the mid way point (Asgard). I'm sure I'll finish it eventually. I did the same thing with the previous game. Great games, but I get bored part way through and put them away for months until I eventually get the itch to play again.
I don't like NG+ because it often breaks the story and balance of the game. The characters are too strong early in the game and also have the wrong clothes (think Miles Morales already wearing the outfit he creates in the turning point of his story).
Removed - trolling/baiting
No, my limited gaming time is too busy with RE:4, Hogwarts Legacy and looking for shrines in BOTW.
New game plus is a great feature... When it comes in day one. Getting it 6 months after release when people have moved on to other games seems pointless.
Not only would I have to redownload a massive game but then I have to teach myself to play again.
Which is why I generally skip add ons. I LOVE Horizon, but do I want to re teach myself to play the game for a DLC that comes out over a year after I stopped playing?
Also as a general rule, I do not play open world games more than 1 time since they take so much time. I had around a 92 percent total completion for Ragnarok, doesn't seem like there would be much to gain in playing it again.
I only just finished Ragnarok in February so I've got other things to be on with.
However, is it me or are developers messing up the meaning of new game plus? It's supposed to be the same game with all your weapons and unlocks so you can stomp through the game like a literal god. Nowadays it's just an absurdly more difficult version of the game, sometimes with all your unlocks, sometimes not.
Like, somewhere along the way some marketing douche made it about "adding more value" instead of "letting players blow off steam".
@Beerheadgamer82 @thefourfoldroot1 @Thenewguy I just honestly don't have the time for new game plus runs anymore, too many games and very little free time.
Even if I could afford to stay home forever and game until I died, I'd never get thru my backlog.
I completed the game 100% on "No mercy difficulty".
Will return once its released on PC. I plan to play both nordic GOWs on PC on God of War difficultie with back to back NG+ runs. This will be AMAZING!!!
I only play NG+ when it’s required for the platinum really. Like the Ratchet & Clank games, where you can buy more powerful versions of the weapons and level them up. It’s fun to see how crazy the weapons can get.
A game like GOWR is too long to replay, especially when I already got 100% on my first playthrough.
this game sucked. it was stuck in 2018 mechanics couldn’t even finish it so boring. freya bla bla, atreus blah blah, lets go warp to this world blah blah. you can do that in mario 3 when you toot the flute.
@Wheatly Again, the developer would probably have been better served just starting work on a new game or a sequel. I don't understand why developers think people want to play single player games year round?
I understand patching and bug fixing updates but outside that just make a new game.
One playthrough is always enough for me but as time goes by and the full memory of the game fades away I often find myself wanting to play through most my old collections again.
So I will be playing new game plus, but as always it's a nice option but not one I rush into.
I rarely do a NG+ in large games nowadays. So many options of games I never played before. Also, games are bigger than years ago. Yes, I loves GOW R, 10/10 to me. But I can't replay it right now. They should place new trophies too...
Not gonna happen as not even half way on the longest play through ever...
well, another case of ''you should have wait before buying''.
which i did this time.
i will let it mature a bit more, something tells me we will get another big update in 2023 for this one.
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