Nathan Drake returns this week in Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection on PlayStation 5, and we want to know if you're embarking on a new treasure hunt. The remastered package includes two hit PS4 titles: the near essential Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, and excellent spinoff Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. If you own either game on Sony's last-gen console, you can upgrade to Legacy of Thieves Collection for £10 / £10, which isn't bad.
The Collection itself isn't bad, either. We gave it an impressive 9/10 in our Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection PS5 review, concluding that these cinematic action titles are still best-in-class. It's a duet that comes highly recommended — especially if you missed out the first time around.
Anyway, did you buy Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection? Maybe you took advantage of the upgrade? As always, let us know in our polls, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 111
I am still waiting for the inevitable Switch version.
I didn’t see the upgrade path or I may have.
The ability to play these games in buttery smooth 120fps and the free cinema ticket made paying full price not such a bad prospect after all.
i have disc version but converting to digital so i'll wait for a sale and buy this collection
I paid for the upgrades - already owned both on PS4. I did it before work this morning so by the time I got home it was downloaded! Only had time for a quick play so far - on UC4 - but 60fps is soooooo sweet 😀
I'm playing through lost legacy again, but the ps4 version. MS and 3rd parties and sony previously have offered free upgrades to next gen, I'm against paying sony tax on this one.
It's also why its better to purchase the ps4 version of Horizon 2 as its ps4 prices instead of ps5 prices, and you get access to both ps4 and ps5 verison.
Not yet, but going to grab it tonight!
Bought the upgrade and fired it up in the wee hours last night. All it took was a few moments to be reminded of how well done and engaging these games are. They just have that special something that separates great games from the really good. Fortunately, more often then not Sony’s first party titles seem to have it.
Mine came in the post yesterday morning.
I imported my save and started a Crushing run last night.
Work finishes in 12 minutes.
I'll be jumping back in to it soon.
Got the upgrade which alongside the free cinema ticket is a fair price.
Got the £10 upgrade. Would have really liked to get the physical edition for my collection though but that price is too high for something I already have so I did the upgrade.
Really looking forward to playing them again!
To those who only played Uncharted 4, you’re in for an absolute treat with Lost Legacy.
I’d argue its the best Uncharted game overall, but certainly an incredible romp none the less
Got the PS4 disc versions of both games but no ten quid upgrade for digital PS5 owners. Ah well.
I plan to go find one of the disks later and pay my tenner. Happy to support proper cinematic experiences like this. Want more games like this on all consoles.
I wasn't going to upgrade until I watched the Digital Foundry video detailing the various modes and I was sold immediately. £10 I'm happy to pay for the work that's clearly gone into this PS5 version.
Yes, i upgraded. Im on the auction house chapter.... Beautiful!
No PS5 how many games i want and cant play its ridiculous. 🤣
Anyone know how to get Performance plus 120hz mode working? Only options available on mine are fidelity 30hz or performance 60hz.
This is most likely an unpopular opinion but I don't really like Uncharted. No offense meant to those who like it of course. I just find them monotonous and tedious with waves after waves of never-ending enemies. Perhaps, because I find the combat shallow with disposable guns with no personality or depth. My reaction to finding more enemies was always "Man, come on! Damnit! I just cleared the whole area! Where do these guys keep coming from?? How many thugs does the main villain even have!?"
Bought on disc and got it yesterday 1 day early and already had a blast with Uncharted 4. PS5 version is awesome.
Bought the upgrade at midnight. Loving the 60fps and faster load times.
Nope. Releasing this again is as stupid as them releasing TLOU again later this year. Sony just milking that cow dry.
Bought a used copy of lost legacy for $5 and paid for the upgrade. Not sure when I’ll get around to play it, though.
I love the series but this is an absolute waste of time and a complete cash grab from Sony.
@__jamiie @Ken_Kaniff I see a lot of people that like it so its probably not that stupid and a rippoff why should they give a free update?
@Abarth_71 I always thought games where for fun. 🤪
£10 to get a better version of a game I own + a game I've never played + free cinema ticket.
Yes, I payed for the upgrades. Can't wait to play em, but first, I'ma finish Lost in Random then back to the adventures of Nathan Drake the Great and Cloe Frazer.
@Flaming_Kaiser Well the poll question was " Did you buy this?" So i was answering the question, and im not stupid enough to pay Sony twice for games that never needed a re-release.
@OneWingedAngel exactly how I felt playing halo infinite. No need to apologise for not liking a game buddy👍🏻
I owned Lost Legacy digital (4 is on disc) so it just showed up as a discount - simple and hassle-free, I was playing 10 minutes later.
I strongly recommend playing with headphones because the spatial audio is amazing!
I've played both, but not since launch, so I can't pass up the upgrade AND free ticket to the movie for just $10. I'll probably replay at least 4 and have a very Uncharted-themed early Feb.
@WizzNL yeah. LGC1. Just looked at my Video Output Information.
"HDR: The connected PlayStation VR processor unit prevents your PS5 from using some HDMI features, including 120hz frequency and higher quality 4k formats."
NOT AGAIN! I had to keep plugging and unplugging my PSVR into my PS4 Pro because the VR processor box bafflingly didn't have 4k passthrough... Now I've got to do the same bloody thing on PS5 if I want 120hz. Another Sony bungling, bonkers oversight.
I went ahead and did the $10 upgrade path. The movie ticket is icing. Hoping to be able to see the improvement and that the new controller functionality doesn't feel annoying as I'm not used too it.
When i check my library it looks like i ‘ve allready got this version? So, when you own the digital versions of both U4 and Utll it transfers into this collection automaticly?
@Flaming_Kaiser The games were already incredible. They're not made more fun by faster load times and improved frame rate. The fact that multiplayer is missing actually makes it worse in my opinion.
Upgraded for £2.60. Had £7.40 in GAME reward points after buying a certain black box console recently (🤔) so used them to buy £10 PSN credit. Can’t wait to try them out with the Dualsense. 👍
@OneWingedAngel Yeah I agree, they can get really repetitive at times. For me 2 was the peak, I found 3 boring although the mp was fun. I liked Uncharted 4's story but didn't like the mp, if they continue the series (hopefully no sooner than PS6) I would like it to continue as the new girl and Drake.
Lost legacy is probably the best overall after 2 and like you I admit I'm in a extreme minority here. I'm just personally burnt out by Uncharted and tlou, a new IP from ND can't come soon enough 🤞
nope i didnt buy it i dont actually think the uncharted games are that good
I bought it. The series is one of my favorite franchises, and I love getting lost in that world and with those characters. I have the platinum trophy for all of the games, so why not do it again (unless my PS4 save transfers automatically)? Either way, it should be a great weekend.
Well I already owned the disc version of both games, but don't like digital purchases, so purchased the physical again for £34.99.
No I didn’t. Played the hell out of all the uncharted games. I’m good.
I owned both Uncharted 4 and the Lost Legacy digitally on PS4, so paid to have them both upgraded to the PS5 version. The upgrade path for this game is uncharacteristically generous for Sony. You get the upgraded version of both games for $10 if you own EITHER of the base games and it also comes with a movie ticket which costs $10 alone where I live. I definitely voted with my wallet for more of that.
I've got them both on PS4 and they still look amazing to this day...and if you look me up on PSN profiles I still haven't completed them both lmao...I know outrageous but new games came out that I liked and haven't played them since haha
Waiting for the pc version so I can max out settings.
Backlog. I just beat Uncharted 3 and 4 for the first time about 2 months ago. Then this is announced. I'd love it, but it's still too fresh in my mind to pay and play it again so soon.
But loved it, and will probably get this when I get the urge to revisit it.
Just got it for the $10 upgrade since I had a disc version of Uncharted 4. Downloading now!
previously had UC4, sold it years ago. Bought a copy back from CEX last month for £5 so I could get these games £15 all in.
We need Uncharted 5!
Owned UC4 as a PS4 pack in, got LL for $10 at GS. So the upgrade was a no brainer for me. Spent about an hour trying to get through the graveyard on Crushing (eventually did, huzzah!), which is where I left off last year, super smooth and looks fantastic.
Removed - unconstructive
Meh... I'll wait for the PC version and get an actual upgrade other than just better framerates and draw distance.
Removed - trolling/baiting
I don't have a ps5 & I already own them both on PS4 anyway
New ps5 game from 2016
I’m literally fuming. Regardless of 10 pounds.
This is now a joke
Even gt is on PS4 and horizon - I paid all this money for frame rate
@Styledvinny79 That’s actually not true according to Digital Foundry’s analysis.
A paraphrase of DF’s analysis video courtesy of Arioco from Neogaf,
There are some improvements to the visuals apart from resolution. Increase in LOD distance and less pop-in. The brightness and contrast have been changed and the game looks punchier. Some textures are better too. There are differences in reflections and shading too. Some changes to the motion blur. Improved shadows as well.
This is what John Linneman said regarding it on Twitter:
“I'm a little surprised that the pre-release media didn't mention any of the visual improvements, to be honest. I wasn't even sure there would be any changes at all until I tested it.”
The load time is also drastically reduced from almost 50 seconds to about 2.
It’s a remaster, so I’m not sure what you’re expecting other than that really. But it’s definitely not just a framerate increase.
I found them pretty boring tbh. As with the whole series.
Nah, loved Uncharted 4, but I’ve got the PS4 version from PS+. Had the disc version years ago, but sold it. Not going to pay for it again, especially with such a loaded gaming schedule, even as much as I like it
I liked both, 4 was great but lost legacy in particular surprised me with how good it was. I've not really got an itch to play them again yet though.
I can’t find my physical copy of 4. If the update is cheap I will because I never played the Chloe game due to being burnt out from playing the previous five.
@DeepSpace5D well I paid 450 for a machine that has SLIGHTLY improved sharper graphics, frame rate and load times.
You can’t argue this at all - I own it and a ps5 and it’s a joke now. If anyone actually paid full price for this - SIX years after release needs to a good real hard think to themselves
Removed - unconstructive
I just wanted to clear this up,
“Absolutely no difference other than frame rate”
There’s quite a few differences other than frame rate for this remaster.
I have no interest in whether or not you think the PS5 is a worthy purchase.
Not trying to sound like a dick, but I purposely did not bring up any other part of your comment because that’s your subjective opinion, and that’s fine. But saying the remaster is more barebones than it really is, is not correct according to Digital Foundry.
@DeepSpace5D frame rate, resolution slight improvement and load times ARE NOT selling points for a ps5. Yes subjective but I’m allowed to be HOWEVER objectively those things in this comment are true - it’s a joke
Don’t buy this
Prevent Sony from rehashing games from six years ago
Otherwise paying for same as years ago
Had it been a poor graphically game - syphon filter - but remastered etc then YES of course
But this is almost EXACTLY THE SAME
graphics are clearly almost identical
12% didn't play either PS4 Uncharted games? I think that that's surprising high.
Decided to take the plunge, the free movie ticket gave an excuse to justify the purchase of the upgrade. It only took 30 minutes to download, but haven't played it much, still have to finish Kena.
Removed - unconstructive
@Styledvinny79 Have you watched Digital Foundry's video on this upgrade? It's definitely more than just an upres of the PS4 games. $10 is a small asking price for making a game of this caliber a native PS5 game. Watch Dog's time and money isn't free.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Mega-Gazz It's a little tricky to find. You have to do it on the console. Pop in the disc, go to the PS Store on the console, and the option will be available.
I already bought it…and why wouldn’t I for only $10?
I’m curious to try out that 120fps mode personally.
But again, it’s not just frame rate, resolution and load times. On top of those things,
“Increase in LOD distance and less pop-in. The brightness and contrast have been changed and the game looks punchier. Some textures are better too. There are differences in reflections and shading too. Some changes to the motion blur. Improved shadows as well”
If you can’t notice a difference that’s fine, but I don’t think Digital Foundry are making that up.
Like I said, I don’t really know what your expectations are for a remaster. Is it honestly supposed to be a system seller?
I would say go play Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart or Returnal if you want to play an impressive PS5 game.
I might get it on PC eventually, but I really wish there was a way to buy Lost Legacy by itself, because I did not enjoy and have no intention on ever playing Uncharted 4 again.
@DeepSpace5D got those games and agree they are amazing BUT you cannot say this is a worthwhile upgrade
I’ll agree to disagree
This is a money grab
I just have to ask, since I noticed your Yoshi avatar. How do you feel about Nintendo remasters that are just as or more barebones than this, but cost $60?
If a $10 remaster is such a money grab, I’d imagine those $60 Nintendo remasters have you absolutely fuming?
Love these games, but this to me just smells of cash grab.
I played the originals and they were fantastic as they were so no need for this IMO.
Bring on Uncharted 5 please and thanks
@Styledvinny79 Dude next month we get Horizon 2, cross gen yes but visually its next level compared to PS4 versions plus loading times will be more or less gone. Last year we also got at least 3 current gen only games on PS5.
I swear people forgot how barebones last gen also was until a year or two into it.
@get2sammyb not sure you know the answer to this but I went onto PS store and could only find the legacy collection for £44. 99 and not the £10 as stated. Any idea why?
@Emperor_Rusty Do you own U4 or The Lost Legacy digitally? (Not PS Plus versions.)
In the starting title credits it has listed multiplayer lead designers yet the game has no multiplayer, these credits should have been modified. Naughty Dog - more like Lazy Dog
Played every single UC game and loved them all. Looking forward to the movie as well.
Absolutely zero interest in buying them again to replay them.
@Grimwood best comment here😂
I was undecided but eh it's just $10 so I said what the heck? It is weird though I gotta keep at least one of the PS4 versions installed in case I want to play MP but oh well. Here's hoping the Uncharted movie is a fun watch next month!
Bought the upgrade. It’s fair with the ticket for the movie for free in the cinema.
I absolutely like the lost legacy - currently playing it again. So nice with the 60 Fps.
Had hopes for some further visual improvements, probably to see what’s coming next from naughty dog. Nevertheless still very good looking games.
Only fired it up and played the Madagascar segment for about 20 minutes but 60fps is like playing a completely different game
I dug out my copy of Uncharted 4 and redeemed the digital upgrade for a tenner. Worth it for the cinema ticket alone in my opinion, and i'll run through the games again at some point.
I played through the first 3 chapters of 4 again tonight and there are very noticeable improvements already. I dont mind supporting this release at all.
@get2sammyb ooops sorry, I only own the ps versions, thanks for the clarity
Don't think I can beat them by the time forbidden west releases... Will purchase and play down the road
Played them all, more than once.
Not gonna bother paying for this, don't have the will to play them again to be honest, regardless of how good they look.
Plenty of new games about I'd rather sink my time into.
There will be PS5 upgrades I do get on board with, I upgraded Death Stranding because I never actually got that far into the PS4 version, but this... Nah.
Buying this?? Hell NO
I didn't, I probably would have considered it if I hadn't already played these pretty recently and it didn't come out the same day as Pokemon. I felt something new was a better option.
I'm planning to upgrade my PS4 versions on Sunday, too busy with work at the moment.
@Styledvinny79 Frame rate and load times are absolutely selling points for a game in today's world. And that's an objective fact. Is Sony cashing in on that? Maybe. But that doesn't meant it's not worth it — especially for $10, which is like a couple cups of coffee at Starbucks. I mean, Naughty Dog did do some work to improve it.
Bought the game on disc for the PS4 Pro in 2017, now have a PS5 digital and the game's amongst my collection but, only as a PS Plus version and so unable to upgrade for a tenner.
Surely, this is an anomaly that needs to be addressed.
Happily pay a tenner for a visual and performance upgrade but, no way will I pay £45.
Sent Sony support an email with proof of purchase in 2017 attached.
I had to buy the upgrade. Absolutely love this game and now it looks absolutely awesome and £10 you can’t argue.
@Mega-Gazz which version of the game do you have? its only for the disc / digital copy of the game , you can't upgrade the free version of the game.
@twitchtvpat yea, it wasn’t there pre-release but on Friday it showed up.
Nope. I'm in the minority, but I wasn't a fan of uncharted 4. Lost legacy was fantastic though, however, I'm fine with just keeping the ps4 copy as is.
Yes, have the OG games & with the LG CX I wanted to experience that 120 FPS. Only thing is that my Lost Legacy save does not carry over? Would have been easier to see what treasures I missed.
Edit: after playing the game I could transfer the save...
I have never played the series. I have all except lost legacy available to me via ps plus. I was torn on what to do. It felt like the right time to jump in and check it out and I wanted a ps5 experience. But was I about to pay 64.99 CAD for a game (half a game?) I already had? No. I also didn’t expect to get an upgrade when I never even paid for the game originally, and I do support paying for upgrades due to the development cost. So while I may be in the vast minority, it felt like I was being directed to play the ps plus version, an inferior version of the game, on practicality alone, and was frustrated and not sure why they would want to do that. Maybe not a 15 dollar upgrade, but I would have paid 34.99-39.99 in a heartbeat for the full remaster. What I ended up doing was finding a used copy of Uncharted 4, paid 15 for it, then doing the upgrade for another 15, which gave me lost legacy and both versions remastered for 30 total. Which I’m more than happy with (plus I get the movie ticket too). However it seems dumb that this was the best route for me to go. I understand it’s complex and am sensitive to the dynamics at play, but can’t help but feel if they priced this at the above mentioned cost, the sales and profit margin would have actually been greater. They would have got 40 from me instead of just 15? For people who had the ps plus version like me, curious how you felt about the whole thing? Either way I’m excited now as I’ve heard great things about the series!
I own both UC4 and UCLL on physical. I and upgraded to the $10 digital version. When the physical version come down in price I will buy that to add to my physical collection.
@johnkarnes not at all. The discount is absolutely deserved. I think you need to re-read my post in full.
As a ps plus member who never bought the game I had three options - buy the remaster new for 64.99 when I already had the game. Play the PS4 version as the frugal decision despite not wanting to have a lesser experience. Or do what I did as a circumvention “work around” and only pay 30. I’m saying they would have got more money out of me if they lowered the price point, and it would have been more convenient for me too. I think they should have had a more “expensive upgrade” option for ps plus members (35-40 bucks), or just a lower retail price on the remaster in general. If you’ve never played an Uncharted game, the best option as a consumer, shouldn’t be to track down an older version of the game that’s still pretty readily available to upgrade it - it should be close enough in price that you would simply purchase the new version.
I reread both and deleted my post in a few minutes hoping you would not see it at all because it was wrong of me.
@Ken_Kaniff the game offers NOTHING new, when will gamers stop getting milked on "nostalgia"? We will all be in the nursing home, in front of a tv with a controller and our wet diapers going " yeah look at those graphics! i used to play this when I was a young whipper snapper!!" I cant believe people keep buying the SAME FRIGGEN GAME!! Are we developmentally delayed or something??
Downloading it right now, have both physical on PS4. Uncharted is right there with Ratchet & Clank and God of War in my top 3 favorite PlayStation first party franchises.
Bought PS4 version of both a few years back, didnt get to play it. Upgraded on Friday, now already in chapter 8 of uncharted 4. Such a blast!
Na, already played them. Not really into playing old games over. Especially not story driven ones I already know how it ends.
No, I'll get it in a Steam Summer or Winter sale....
It's a shame you have to buy both. I'd have paid half the price to play Uncharted 4 again on my PS5 but don't need or want both ATM. Will wait til a big sale.
@PhantomMenace84 MP? Why? This is like the antithesis of a multiplayer game.
@MakersMark I'm hoping its the pandemic and this upgrade/intergrade/remade phase ends after
@Mega-Gazz the upgrade option only became available on Friday after it launched. Check it out.
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