While we use the word 'rumours' in the headline of this article, the reality of the situation is that it really does look like Xbox is making significant changes to its business strategy. Speculation is absolutely rampant at the time of writing, with numerous reports all coming to the same conclusion: Microsoft wants to start putting its biggest Xbox games on PlayStation platforms. That includes the recent releases like Starfield and Hi-Fi Rush, and may well extend to properties that put Xbox on the map, such as Halo and Gears of War.
A previously unthinkable scenario, but the evidence is starting to mount, and Xbox boss Phil Spencer has confirmed that the company will soon share its plans for the brand's future. The simple fact that Microsoft is yet to outright deny any of the rumours is perhaps all the proof that we need in thinking there's truth behind the noise.
But before things are potentially made official, we want to know what you think about a future where Xbox is essentially a multiplatform publisher — a future where Xbox as a hardware platform doesn't exist in the way that it does right now.
So vote in our polls, and then try to gather your thoughts in the comments section below.
How would you feel about Xbox going multiplatform in general? (4,612 votes)
- Great, more people get to play more games
- I'm not sure, it would be weird
- Concerned, it would shift the industry as we know it
- I honestly don't care
Would you play Xbox games on PlayStation platforms? (4,418 votes)
- Yes, there are plenty of Xbox exclusives I'd play
- Yeah, it'd be nice to have them
- Eh, it depends on the game
- Nah probably not, there's a reason I don't have an Xbox
- Nope, I have an Xbox for that
- No, I couldn't care less about Xbox games
Comments 262
There wasn’t an option for - suffering from uncontrollable bouts of giggles unfortunately, so I couldn’t vote.
Another option:
"To see console fanboys cry"
I'd be happy to play the Forza games, but to be truthful, other than that they don't have a single exclusive that really interests me.
Which is basically why I sold my Series X
People worry that less competition is bad for the industry but as long as Nintendo is still around to keep Sony on their toes I'd be fine with that
If its officially announced by Microsoft that there putting games on PlayStation my daughter is getting my Series S. Even if its 6 months (or more) after it launches on Xbox I'm happy to wait to play on my preferred platform.
If Microsoft wants to save me from buying one of their consoles, who am I to stop them? Frankly it feels like the move they were always destined to make given how much money they've blown on acquisitions.
I'm waiting for next week before I have my say to be honest.
I would happily drop £60 on each and every Forza game so bring it on.
Who would have known that the disastrous 2013 E3 conference by Don Mattrick set off an irreversible downward spiral to where we are now.
I would like to have more games for my Playstation 5 of course. But competiton is always good. I'm afraid Sony will start resting on their laurels.
What I'm truly curious about is if this opens the door for Gamepass on Playstation.
Competition is always good for consumers.....,..
I'm kinda on the edge for I feel about this, and I don't even have a modern Xbox lol. I think that many of Xbox's exclusives are really cool, but aren't really enough for me to pick one up fully. They don't really have anything that fully sells the system, plus with how solely online depended the Xbox interface is I've just always stuck to PS and Nintendo. I think it can really depend on what games Xbox brings over that might signal bad signs for their future with how the console gaming industry goes. If other systems largely get just the smaller series like they've already done with Ori and are almost definitely going to be doing with Hi-Fi Rush, or with their more active online titles like Sea of Thieves's rumors or maybe Microsoft bringing KI 2013 over would make since as those increase online player bases, but their big heavy hitter titles that are meant to be single player adventures that sell a console, it could be bad if Microsoft just ends hardware all together, and then Sony is the only major player in the high-end dedicated console market and they might try and get away with really bad things. We'll have to wait and see in the future
Removed - inappropriate
I was planning on cutting down to two consoles next gen already so this works out nicely for me if it happens.
That said, TES is really the only MS franchise I'm in to atm and I've been on the fence about it for a few years now. Still, if TES VI was going to be on PS 6 I'd at least have the option.
If this all turns out to be true, I don't see Sony and Nintendo doing the same thing. Maybe with online titles, but not with the big AAA singleplayer stuff.
They both have been able to make the console model work for them really well. I don't see them changing anything too drastically.
When everyone plays, we all win right?
I will say, I can understand them wanting to make Activision-Blizzard-King titles and Bethesda titles multiplatform, as well as some smaller titles. Those likely are gonna be more beneficial if they were sold across platforms rather than confining them to one.
But the mid-range to flagship Xbox Game Studios titles? I think that would a bold move for Microsoft to do, and one I kinda don't think they would do, but also one I think would spell the end for Xbox consoles for the most part.
It's one thing if Ori, Starfield, Pentiment, or Indiana Jones comes over to Nintendo and PlayStation. But Forza, Halo, Gears, or even potential system sellers like Avowed would probably be best exclusive to Xbox if Microsoft wanted to keep hardware sales or the general Xbox brand powerful.
But if not, it's a very bold move, and I'm interested in seeing how it'll play out.
For starters, I think competition is great so I dislike the possibility of Xbox becoming a third party publisher. This will ultimately raise the price of future consoles and games.
I also feel bad for those whom invested in the Xbox ecosystem this generation. People bought the console(s) because of the strives they were making to have a competitive edge in the gaming space with their exclusives. I don’t see the point in owning an Xbox console when their high profile exclusives will more than likely come to PlayStation.
As for Game Pass, I think it shows that it’s not as sustainable as they thought it would be. PlayStation and Nintendo prove that if you make a great game people will be willing to spend $70.00+ on the game to own it. As a consumer, Game Pass is a great offering. However, if you’re deep in the gaming space and care about the overall hobby itself, GP is not good for business, in my humble opinion. You’re essentially getting games that are similar to the fodder on Netflix. You do more browsing than you do watching, and it’s the same with GP. I prefer quality over quantity.
At the end of the day, if the rumors turn out to be true it will be a monumental moment in gaming. People are going to feel betrayed, while others will be elated. But I think Microsoft simply got way over their head. Who knows what the gaming industry will look like in a couple of years from now, but I am concerned.
If it comes to fruition, my only concern is them using this as a defense when they next attempt to aquire a huge chunk of the industry.
Other than that I'm not interested. If I cared enough about their catalogue I would have bought an Xbox by now. Game wise it would be great for those who do though.
More games on more platforms. Nothing bad about that
I reckon this isn’t as innocent as made out. If Microsoft do stop making consoles it means Sony could be claimed to be a monopoly on high-end consoles and the EU might get the platform to open up to 3rd party stores.
Now having the Epic Store or Steam on PS5 would be pretty great but it would also allow Microsoft to bring Game Pass to PlayStation with impunity.
From a personal business perspective and money.
One less console to buy
One less extra controller etc to buy
One less sub service to buy
I’m saving money 💰
As for Xbox exclusives, yes older games may be good but since the series x release and I have one, there is nothing that worth it from them really, maybe FH5 slots in nicely but that’s it.
I definitely would only be paying about £30 for say Halo infinite at most if I was just a Sony console owner.
I have to honest there are not many games im really stoked about one. Senua and I really don't know what else.
Not interested in most Xbox exclusives but there's a few I would definitely buy (just not enough to consider getting a console for them). As long as this still allows them to be serious competition to Sony, it's a win for me.
Be nice to play the early Gears and Halo games again, but in recent years there has been absolutely nothing (save Hi-fi Rush) that has made me think 'I wish I could play that'.
Elder Scrolls 6 maybe?
I’d be interested in playing the Gears of War and Forza games.
I'm still waiting on that ultimate system that basically plays stuff from every company to ever make a videogame. I mean when people had dvd players or VCRs still in their house we didn't have to have a separate player for each movie from a different studio. Why do different games from different companies require a separate machine?
I feel that rumours, leaks and gossip are a cesspool that just stir up irrationality.
Regardless of the direction they go, I hope Microsoft can properly explain the situation and take away all doubts.
Are we considering Bethesda and ABK games "Xbox games" for purposes of the poll? Try as they might, Microsoft will never get me to view Bethesda and ABK games that way.
On one hand, Xbox going third party makes sense given their nonsensical and reckless strategy over the past few years, but once they go third party, Xbox hardware will further drop off a cliff and, despite my belief Microsoft will state they will keep making Xboxes to give people a choice, there will quickly approach a time they cannot justify doing so anymore. That will leave PlayStation to compete with PC and Nintendo. I don't want to see complacent PlayStation again.
Prior to Microsoft going out of control with Xbox, I had a lot of respect for them because, as a PC and PlayStation gamer, I knew the better Xbox was, the better PlayStation would be. The overall industry would be better off. That was before Microsoft tried to use its immense capital to shift the business model of the industry with Game Pass and their acquisitions that are as massive as they are damaging to the industry, though.
The only one of the games I've seen rumours about that I'd be interested in is Indiana Jones. I just hope that MS don't try and spin it that they are doing it because they are being so consumer friendly and wanting to make games available on all platforms and try to make Sony look bad when we all know they wouldn't even be considering it if they were in Sony's position.
I'm interested in the Indiana Jones game. Was gonna get it on my Flight Sim box (which is what I call my Series S lol) but if it comes to PS5 I'd definitely get it on there instead for the 4K.
It won't be 'the death of Xbox consoles' either, since some games will probably remain exclusive and their unmatched backwards compatibility is still a massive selling point for me. Playing the likes of Sonic Unleashed, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Oblivion with no performance issues or even at 60 frames per second is a dream.
I would be surprised if Game Pass ever came to PlayStation because Sony would rather sell units.
“Hold the line…” - King David
Dead-Box, ya I'm ok with us saving their software from obscurity and brining them to a platform with life in it. Especially second party releases like Lost Odyssey or Infinite Undiscovery. Gears on PS5 would be nice if 1-3 got the Gears 1 Ultimate treatement.
There's plenty of Xbox games I would pay full price for like Rare Replay, Halo Collection, Killer Instinct and the Gears games to name a few so the selfish me is hoping this is true. That said I have no interest in Starfield whatsoever, even if it was a PS Plus free game I wouldn't play it 😅
I also have the same concerns. Their argument of bringing more games to more people was already hollow because they were buying companies that already made games for every platform that made financial sense for them to do so. Since regulators failed so miserably, you can rest assured they'll try the "mistreated underdog good guy" card again.
@Member_the_game I agree with the fear of lack of competition, look how PlayStation’s been doing so far with a very gimped Xbox for years: remakes and nothing new. BUT I’d also argue that now it’s a different war. It’s not about WHERE plays better games (PC for the most part has that market) so now the competition is how can we be best (best games) I think this could be a unique evolution to games the same way music has evolved
@Yinx As Phil Spencer said before, they lost the most important generation of console gaming on day one.
And it was was entirely down to Mattrick and the fact that Xbox showed their hand first.
Tbh there aren't any XBox games I really would want to play. Doesn't mean they are bad, they just don't appeal to me
They only thing from them I'd ever be remotely interested in is a remaster/port of Oblivion
There are SO many childish comments on here already. Any money you spend on Xbox games available on PS5 goes to Xbox. You haven't won by those games being available on your favourite console. They will and will continue to do so.
Aren't they kinda on a downward spiral anyway? I mean the last time anyone really was talking about an xbox system was was the 360. Xbox one had the second worst name in history next to the Wii and remember the reveal? It was all, Tv,TV, TV, TV, and more TV!
X series came out after and people still never heard of it. Doesn't even sound like a game system.
Forza, gears and Fable, and Elder scrolls 6 at some point...I'm in and maybe just maybe the ps plus membership might actually be good some months
For all those people who bash first-party games from Microsoft, there are certainly a lot of people saying they would get them if they game to PlayStation.
I guess the games are only trash when they are locked to Xbox.
As a college student who really wants to play Hi-Fi Rush but doesn’t want to spend on a PC or Xbox, them porting that would be great.
As someone invested in the future of our industry, this is definitely the wrong move. Xbox fans who were sold on the promise of exclusives were essentially lied to, PlayStation would have essentially an unchecked monopoly allowing them to do more anti-consumer stuff, and nothing would stop Xbox from pursuing more industry consolidation.
I'm American, so that's the source of my analogy - it's a bit like watching when the Presidency goes to the other party, and all the politicians who used to say this or that was an abuse of power by the President suddenly discover the same thing is totally legal and justifiable because THEIR President is now in office, while those in the other party do the flip-flop in the opposite directions.
Playstation fans who moaned exclusives going to PC (I may be among them) are suddenly fans of exclusives being available on all platforms, while XBox fans to delighted in seeing TLoU or H:ZD come to PC are now crying that Playstation players might get Starfield.
If you ask them if it's good for a console exclusive to be opened up to all platforms, they have to ask which console and which platforms you're talking about before they answer. And that's funny to me, even if it does hit a bit close to home.
I haven’t had an Xbox since the good old days of the 360 but I do miss forza so would catch up on those.
There’s a few other things like Indy and Elder scrolls I’d be interested in but always found Halo to be overrated so doubt I’d buy many other Xbox games. Ori on switch was awesome though…
I prefer and have got enough PlayStation and Nintendo games to be keep me occupied as it is!
A lot of Xbox's games are on Steam so I can play them there but it's cool for PS5-only players.
I think this is being overblown and distorted into more than what it is. The rumors themselves never suggested a dissolution of any form of exclusivity nor did they suggest a complete abandonment of hardware.
I think what is truly going to take place is them still retaining a slimmed down hardware aspect alongside a continued focus on their gamepass and cloud platforms with a push toward timed exclusives no different than what Sony is and has been doing with third party games and their first party PC ports. Allowing them to double dip in both console install bases alongside day and date PC base.
It really, really concerns me about the industry. Competition has always been good for it, going back to sega vs Nintendo. Sony itself had to come out swinging with the ps4 after ps3. One company with a near lock on the hardware (and therefore digital marketplace) is going to bite consumers in a big way
Nothing has ever made me buy an Xbox, despite liking the odd release (Remedy) but the last few years I've been waiting for MS to give me a real reason to get onto their 'eco system' with their aggressive plans, and I was expecting that to be on the release of the series X, but it wasnt, and now I won't even need to, so... 😅
I'll happily check out anything that comes over to see if it appeals, but I'm not touching any meaty American Space Marine based games.
There are a number of Xbox exclusives I’d love play so of course I’d welcome them on PlayStation with no strings attached but I’m not convinced of that yet. Just waiting to see how this all shakes out before I know how I feel about it all.
Skybilvion is a thing in Skyrim’s creative club.
Not sure whether it’s exclusive to the anniversary edition or not though.
Would love a proper remaster of Oblivion though
Aside from finding humor in Microsoft buying developers, pushing them to make Xbox exclusive games and then suddenly pivoting on that, I'm indifferent to it.
It doesn't really matter who makes the game, as long as the game is good.
Aside from Gears of War, Xbox doesn't have anything that'd interest me.
Removed - trolling/baiting
The only MS game I'd like to try would be the Forza games and honestly I dont think games like that would be coming to PS5, it'll be the games that havent sold terribly well / not played on Gamepass being offed to other consoles after a specific time period.
I don't care much about their games being ported, other than Hi-Fi Rush which admittedly I would really like to play. Good for other people interested in their library, but it won't change what I play in the future a whole lot.
I'd love it if this move also put the brakes on their acquisition spree, though. It was only a matter of time until they bought out a studio I actually cared about. Maybe they will continue doing that, but this entire thing feels like downsizing their aggressive strategy.
Even if it does happen it doesn't really effect me as I mainly play Japanese games which Sony and Nintendo have me covered on every game, and Microsofts other exclusives don't interest me apart from maybe Avowed which it's latest trailer didn't really wow me, and boy that combat looked flat af.
The reality is what exactly does Xbox have?
Nothing. Their internal teams who work on their main franchises I mean come on the games haven't even been good.
Halo former shell of itself.
Gears former shell of itself
Forza games brilliant but it's still a niche genre.
What have they got?
O yeah all the games they had in the pipeline what were already going to be third party anyway before they bought the entire parent company.
I mean up until now the only games what have been exclusive from them is
Starfield mediocre average space game.
Hi Fi Rush great little game.
Everything else if they do go to other platforms would mean that nothing has actually changed because we ain't got to point these games have even been announced yet.
Xbox truly has no games. Phil began his term as manager saying and promising but until now nothing to write home about.
Things might change, but at the end of the day, people making games play games, and want to put their name on good games. I wouldn’t worry too much and use your gaming chair for gaming
@__jamiie People love to blame Don Mattrick for the failure of the Xbox One, despite the fact Phil was sitting right there alongside him. Phil also took over 4 months after launch and had an entire generation to right that ship and he failed miserably.
I've been holding out since launch to buy a series x just because there isn't enough to sway me. But if they come to the playstation then great. I do have some concerns though, if they do this, would it start a wider issue with games supplied by playstation? I don't want some monopoly where it's just playstation, as we all know that will end up potentially reducing the quality of first party games. I could be wrong, but I don't want that situation.
@HotGoomba I’m not sure avowed is a system seller. Even Stafield didn’t move enough systems to matter. Honestly I am still blown away Xbox isn’t selling more. They have the lowest point of entry and have the cheapest way to access a large amount of games and even have been publishing new releases day and date. At the start of this generation I thought it was gonna be 1:1 but apparently I know nothing.
@__jamiie that is true but it would mean Microsoft paying Sony for being on their system.
Just the same as mlb the show being on Xbox. You still have to pay an operating fee
I would personally be interested in buying Hi-Fi Rush, the Ori games, Starfield, The Outer Worlds 2, and the next DOOM game.
There isn't that much in their library that I'd be desperate to play anyway. Star field maybe, but all the reviews have dulled my interest somewhat.
I would be less hostile towards ms buying so many companies if they were multiplat though.
Though I'm not going to believe it until they've announced it. I'm still think they might just be enjoying the free publicity.
I fall into the “I don’t care” category. It’s an interesting topic, and the flaming meltdowns are mildly entertaining, but there isn’t a single base Xbox game I give two sh**s about. I have enough money to invest in more than one system, but have never been slightly tempted.
Bethesda is a different matter, but that’s simply for Fallout and Elder Scrolls, and I can easily live without them.
Microsoft has some great games, not so great to the point of making me choose their platform instead PlayStation, but I would definitely buy Halo, Gears, Forza Horizon, Killer Instinct and so on if they were released for PS5.
It depends what you consider an "Xbox game".
I will never consider Fallout, Doom and The Elder Scrolls as Xbox games. Just because Microsoft bought the publisher, doesn't make them Xbox games.
My whole issue with the Microsoft acquisition of Zenimax and Activision was that they'd take these multiplatform games to Xbox.
If that was what was going to happen, I wasn't going to be buying any of them and some of them are my favourite games.
The answer given was "lol buy an xbox then" from fanboys, but, on a matter of principle, that wasn't an option.
I have no interest in any of the actual Xbox exclusives like Halo and Forza.
@IamJT A lot of us are still mad at Microsoft for trying to kill preowned games with the Xbox One. I had no trust in them after that.
Plus, having worked with Microsoft, they're a terrible company filled with people who don't actually care about gaming, just $$$.
There's currently only a handful of Xbox games that I can say I would be interested in getting if they came to PlayStation. Hi-Fi Rush is what I would be most hyped for.
It’s really bizarre if it does turn out as true as people are saying, but I’d buy Halo on every platform it’s on.
I think this quote from Robert Morrison (Bend) is spot on concerning competition:
“ There’s an understandable concern by some that a perceived lack of competition could degrade quality of releases. At the developer level, PlayStation studios don’t compete against Xbox or Nintendo studios. We are all driven by an internal desire to create the best work possible.”
>I honestly don't see it happening now, the amount of saltiness and crying online from xbox fans and the abuse Microsoft are getting on social media will force them to backtrack on their plans.
I've found that the exact same people throwing their toys out of their pram over this were the exact same people gleefully rubbing it in people's faces that their favourite multiplatform games were going to be Xbox exclusive.
So watching them have the mother of all tantrums is absolutely amazing.
@Intr1n5ic It's been well documented that Don Mattrick decided the plan for the Xbox One. He himself has even said that he overruled people in his team to make his vision of Xbox a reality. And when the public saw what that vision was, and hated it, he swiftly left. Phil Spencer has been doing damage control every since. Not because they were continuing with Don's plans, but because the perception had already been made.
Im a strong supporter of exclusives and feel that they are the driving factor for high quality and pushing the limits of the tech.
Im against Xbox or PlayStation being on each other’s consoles and for that matter, Im against either of their games coming to PC any faster than a year after their release.
Just an FYI, I own many consoles. PS5, Series X, Steamdeck and the Switch.
I've been primarily a PS player since the PS2 era. However I can't deny that I've always had a soft spot for two Xbox franchises. Gears and especially Halo. (Heck my PSN/Push Square name Korgon is actually an inside joke/reference to my Halo 2 system link days)
So in the short term? Heck yeah I'm excited at the prospect of playing my two favorite shooter franchises on my console of choice. Halo Infinite would instantly become my primary multiplayer game on PS5. It's the best shooter I've played in a long long time.
Long term though the worry is there as far as Sony having no honest competition in the console space. (Nintendo is a different breed). Not the games but the services is what I fear from a competition-less Sony.
After all Sony spiked the price on PS+ to a ludicrous amount in the face of competition like Game Pass. What might they try to pull when they have no competition? Nothing good for the consumer I'm sure.
The people that votes i dont care are liars.like the warriors movie.hypocrytes come out and playyyyyyyyyyyy.the more games the better.i mostly want Bethesda games back on PlayStation.word up son
My guess is they will port some games over to test the sales, but wishful thinking for many of them. I hope im wrong though. @OmegaStriver I disagree on the innovation front. Before Xbox, ps still had quality games. I do think however higher prices may come to be without more competition. If Microsoft limits there crossover games though it shouldn't matter much.
Take it or leave it for me. If I was that bothered i would just buy an Xbox.
But getting to play GOW again and get trophies also would be awesome
11% would deny themselves good games purely for their allegiance to a plastic box even though the console war has long since been won. People are so weird.
I wonder if Microsoft is 'testing the waters' before potentially exiting the console-space, and then utilising GamePass as their gaming 'ecosystem'. I suppose potentially they could lock future exclusives behind GamePass, with access then being contingent on have GP on your Playstation and/or Switch2 (not sure how this would work business-wise, and if Sony/Nintendo play ball)
Sucks for the xbox fans but put trophies in some of those games and I'm there.
I’ve never played a Gears game so I would be interested in that.
I’d welcome the Xbox games coming over.
Bit disappointed that it’ll render my newly purchased Series X useless, but some platinum trophies in the Master Chief Collection, Gears and more will soon turn this frown upside down.
As long as trophy's are supported and i dont have to ever sign up for gamepass it doesnt bother me. Id love for the origional 2 gears of war to come to PS.
If it turns out to be true i just hope it puts an end to this ridiculous console war. I do still think there is more to this than is rumoured but we'll see. I'm always nervous where Microsoft is involved.
As for the games, i'll play on a case by case basis. The reason i don't have an xbox is because i am not interested in the library particularly. But i wont pretend that the loss of double fine didn't sting. I'll want to play those titles, and i am keen to play blade and indiana jones. Everything else im not particularly fussed about.
I always predicted we'll see Elder Scrolls 6 eventually, so it will be interesting to see what happens with that.
I not sure how to feel about it. I own an Xbox Series X but more I am definitely more of a Playstation guy I have always have been, it's where the majority of my games are. But I also own a Nintendo Switch, I love games. I think Xbox shouldn't make any Activision or Bethesda game exclusive they should all come to Playstation because these have always been 3rd party, the extra income would help Xbox. But I am totally fine with Xbox making great exclusives and keeping them fist party exclusive on Xbox, make the game's and I mean good games people will come obviously not over night it'll take time. Xbox One really damaged Xbox as a brand, and some of the decision they are still making like the game is not on the disc DRM.
@__jamiie Outside of enthusiasts, (who, regardless of how important they think they are, actually represent the extreme minority when it comes to the sales of these products,) nobody was talking about Don Mattrick throughout that generation. Do you think kids were saying to their parents, I don't want an Xbox now mum, Don fumbled the launch?
Games sell systems, and the running joke throughout the whole of that gen was Xbox has no games. Phil oversaw that and failed to get games out the door for 7 and a half years. He even failed on getting games ready for the launch of this gen where nothing came out for the first 12 months. If it wasn't for all their acquisitions, and spending billions on gamepass, their output would still be a shambles.
Honestly not sure if there is anything I'm interested in currently. Maybe a new Wolfenstein in the future
I also doubt many people would care that much either way, if these games were that great then more of us would already have an xbox to play them especially with the Series S costing so little. So I have to wonder how well these games would actually sell on Playstation if they were to come over.
Just waiting for Valve to release the Steam Home Deck so Sony will have some real competition hardware wise
Well didn't Xbox fans say Microsoft buying ABK was a good thing because now more people will get to play their games? So what's the big fuss over? How come the same logic doesn't apply to Xbox 1st party games for some strange reason. 🤔😁
@Intr1n5ic If it wasn't for all their acquisitions, and spending billions on gamepass, their output would still be a shambles.
This is what makes me laugh when xbox fans bash playstation for only releasing 2 games in 18 months, the only reason they are getting exclusive games lately is because Microsoft spent 69 billion on publishers to take games away from playstation, which is now back firing and want to put those games back onto playstation 😂. Without Bethesda their output for the last 18 months would be abysmal, I think playstation would of had more exclusives in the first 6 months than xbox would of had altogether.
personally xbox games i would like to see and play again on PlayStation
Quantum break
Gears of war 1, 2 ,3
Tell me why
I would also like a re release of
fallout new vegas
fallout 3
as those games run like a dream on series X and are stuck on ps3 in borderline unplayable state
This gives me a lot of hope for Fallout 5!! And I’ve always been a Gears of War fan.. I’m not a fanboy, even though PlayStation controllers feel superior imo, I still loved my Xbone.. just ran out of things to play on it
Don’t care for Forza or any realistic driving games at all but I’m happy for the possibility for others to finally get to play
But Fallout 5 though has me excited for when it comes out in 30 years
And Fable coming out I’m excited
It doesn't really matter to me because I have an xbox and will play on gamepass. I'm also not really a fan of playstation's controllers tbh so I usually use my PS5 for exclusives and my xbox series x for third party games.
Also hopefully this means they can make some kind of deal over Sunset overdrive.
I switched from XBox 360 to PS4 and haven't looked back... except for the fact that I miss Gears of War. I'd buy a collection on day one.
I am extremely opposed to MS buying up massive amounts of multi platform IPs and locking them out of PlayStation so getting Bethesda and future ABK titles on PS would be music to my ears. I don’t however want to see MS bow out of the console race and I also think it would be weird seeing their flagship titles like Forza, Gears and Halo on a different console. That said I think most of these rumours have been blown way out of proportion and in reality next weeks announcement is going to be a whole lot of nothing and very little will change.
I bet it will be Gamepass coming to PS but just for MS game studio games
Honestly the only thing I would currently play is Hi-fi rush. I’m excited about ES coming back to PlayStation again and would be happy to wait a year for Xbox big games. I feel like Nintendo is already the “Apple” of gaming and PS and MS are just fighting over who’s the best home for 3rd party. Sony has risen its first party output, but the most popular things on PlayStation are still largely from other companies. It would be nice to have a box that plays just about everything besides Nintendo stuff.
If it means I can play the next Perfect Dark without spending hundreds on hardware, then I'm all for it. Avowed will be a nice bonus.
Why not? People who like the more party based, family, and portable route of Nintendo can stick with/ pick up the switch, and all the other 3rd party stuff and xbox exclusives can come to the best home console, with better graphics and controls... 😉
Get gamepass on ps5, and the xbox is obsolete!
@Omnistalgic Yep, totally agreed on this!
@Intr1n5ic Are you serious? Don Mattrick made Kinect a requirement. Don Mattrick decided on the Xbox price point of £499. PlayStation 4 was £100/$100 cheaper. Sony could go as low as £399 because they didn't have to bundle a camera with the system. Every parent looked at the price point and made the decision for their kids because the FIFA, GTA, Madden, CoD games of this world would be available on both and PlayStation would be far cheaper. That was the damage that Don did. And once people started building digital libraries over physical (which they did very quickly), that gen was won by Sony.
There are even anecdotal articles from people who say that Sony's original plan was similar to Microsoft's and that they were able to pivot quickly to show their platform was better and cheaper for gamers. The video of 'How to share your PS4 games' was a direct and last minute response to what Xbox had shown.
The same happened with the original PlayStation. Sega announced their price point for the Saturn and Sony's entire E3 announcement was '£299. (mike drop)'. That move won that gen.
As Steve Jobs once said, the problem with Microsoft is that they have absolutely no taste and as true or not this turns out to be, I am not interested in 99% of their products
If it cuts down on the crazy number of stupid Xbox fanboys on YouTube/Twitter/X/whatever then I'm all for it.
Joking aside I wonder if it is why Major Nelson left, he probably thought "oh no way am I dealing with those obsessed fanboys...I'm outta here"
Pete Hines thoughts would also be interesting.
So about 82% of people on this site would play Xbox games. 🤔
The future of “console” gaming is more and more streaming to a Smart TV or mobile device. Sony and MS are all about getting into that market.
The games will be BYOD basically. And Sony/MS can ditch the hardware that is a loss-leader anyways.
@Frmknst Of course Xbox has good games.
I don't care at all about MS stuff like Halo, GoW, Forza, but I care a lot about many of the studios they've scooped up, including Bethesda, Arkane, Obsidian, inXile, Ninja Theory and Double Fine. So I would be really happy to see them go platform agnostic.
Exclusives move consoles. Period.
@Nei I don't think Apple are really a great beacon of quality. They've been repackaging the same inferior phone for God knows how many years when Android manufacturers have been really advancing what phones can do.
@Omnistalgic Hi-Fi Rush was my favourite game of last year. If you have a chance to play it on any platform I'd highly recommend it.
I’m looking forward to a few things like Hi Fi Rush and the chance to play Gears again.
I have to say though, if I was someone who was impressed by the recent developer direct and just bought an Xbox off the back of it, I’d be so pissed right now. I get the feeling out there.
I don’t think it’s as many Xbox games as people think. I think it’ll be a few. Those excited for the bigger releases might want to temper expectations. It’s possible they might show up on PS5, but it can also just be the smaller AA games. We will just have to wait and see.
@MFTWrecks I know Perfect Dark is a while away but I can't wait either. One of my favourite series.
@__jamiie The Kinect was removed as a requirement before it launched, and within 6 months the console was made available at the same price point as the PS4 with no camera included. Are you trying to argue that the generation was lost in the first 6 months because of price? If that's the case explain the PS3 to me. Sony made a huge mistake with the pricing at launch and the arrogance they displayed was met with massive amounts of criticism. As a result the 360 got off to a flyer and was a massive hit. How did Sony respond, they pumped out quality games and ended up selling more units than the 360.
I'm not saying Don made no mistakes, I'm saying he's been made the scapegoat for failings that extend way past the launch of the Xbox One. Failings that still exist today and are being papered over with obscene amounts of capital.
@Alps_Stranger So many people did the same.
@Intr1n5ic Higher cost + enforced accessories + perceived lack of value compared to competitors + digital libraries = a win for PlayStation.
Let's flip it around. Can you tell me anything that Don Mattrick did well for the Xbox One launch and the Xbox brand in general?
Make me no difference
Nintendo would not 'keep Sony on their toes, @Member_the_game. There is a reason why we see so few Nintendo games on the PlayStation, and so few PlayStation games on the Switch. They effectively cater for completely different gamers. Where gamers wish to play games that are on the other console, they buy both or miss out.
If Sony monopolise the 'high-end' console market, it would be terrible news, in the long-run, for those of us that game on the PlayStation...
It's exciting to think of playing Gears and Halo on my PS5. I haven't owned an Xbox system since the 360 and I did enjoy those games there. Will have to wait and see what there plans are. If they are only porting a few minor games no big deal, but if there whole library is not off limits I could see my wallet being alot lighter. Man I never thought I'd say their was a possibility to have a Halo or Gears platinum on my account. Crazy times.
I’ve played all of the Halo and Gears games, I’d gladly play them again with trophy support
I know we're all supposed to hate on each other.... but I really do want to see all you PS players on Sea of Thieves. You're going to love and hate that game.
@__jamiie For the first 6 months, what is your excuse for what Phil oversaw them do for the 7 and a half years that followed?
One has to assume the Xbox brand is in truly dire straits. Seems pretty disastrous that the first crop of Bethesda games since the acquisition are seemingly coming to their main competitor.
I still haven't played Gears 3 and how no idea have the story ended. If it comes to playstation I'm binging the first 3. Heard it fell off after that.
There's definitely some Xbox games that I'd like to play, but I'm not feeling positive about these rumours. Competition is my biggest concern, but it's also going to suck for those that bought into the Xbox ecosystem for particular exclusives. There's going to be more than a few people feeling like they've wasted their money.
On the flip side it could be argued that it might make Nintendo up their game and create a more powerful console to Rival the Playstation.
At the moment they kind of do their own thing because there simple isn't a need to have 3 "High end" consoles. With Xbox potentially out of the way that could pave the way for a better rivalry between Sony and Nintendo
@Intr1n5ic Don was in control for the entire inception and production and delivery of Xbox One. Probably 5 years. Why are you only counting the 6 months from launch?
Again, what did Don do well?
Fantastic. More games for more people to play. That's a win for the consumers.
And I want Killer Instinct lol
@Intr1n5ic Phil oversaw backwards compatibility, Game Pass, got rid of Kinect, Elite controller, Xbox One X, acquisition after acquisition. All positive for Xbox gamers and Microsoft.
What did Don do?
@__jamiie You're actually incapable of admitting their failures past his tenure 😂 None of what you mentioned matters, they didn't release enough games.
What Don did well is irrelevant, he was a non entity within the company less than 6 months after launch. That's why I'm only counting from that point. I don't disagree that the launch was a failure, the entire industry knows that. I'm asking you how that wasn't rectified and why he is the only focus of your blame for an entire generation.
It’s hard to get to excited about the possibility of previously multi platform publishers and developers becoming multi platform again because Microsoft spent $80+ billion to end up even worse off than they were before.
I also don’t think the Xbox hardware is going anywhere it just sounds like Activision and Bethesda along with some live service games will be multi-platform like they would have been four years ago before smug uncle Phil tried to buy a success
it feels like that somebody has realised that owning half of the gaming industry also means to pay a lot of salaries etc. and the money has to come from somewhere ...
Feels awesome. Hopefully Xbox finally kicks the bucket and leave the console market for good. One less competitor for Sony.
If you look at the top sellers from PS5 last year in usofa, we can see only one exclusive.
So even with all the xbox games, the ordinary ps user will continue playing CoD and Fifa.
@Intr1n5ic Everything I mentioned that Phil did was an improvement over what was in place under Don.
If you think he's a scapegoat for things going bad you can't just say 'that's irrelevant'. What did he do?
He set Xbox on entirely the wrong path for 5 years and was then dropped 6 months after launch. That doesn't mean he's only accountable for just those final 6 months.
After his leadership, Xbox continued to make mistakes. But there were far more positives than under his reign.
For the final time, PLEASE tell me something that Don Mattrick did that made Xbox better?
@__jamiie He oversaw their most successful generation.
@Krydle same here. Don't own an Xbox but play all the exclusives via PC game pass.
More games on PlayStation is always good.
I had an XB1 for about a year but I barely used it - I just didn’t have the time to juggle two consoles. And because PlayStation will always be my preferred console, I sold the XB1.
There aren’t many Xbox games that scream ‘must play!’ But I don’t stay up to date with Xbox releases tbf.
Sunset Overdrive was great though, I hope they release this on PS5 at some point.
I would have preferred to see Xbox completing against Sony properly with great games that makes us have to choose which platform we're going to play for that month. But Xbox lost their way with that and GP has been hurting games. The quality drops, they break games into parts and it pushes to release a broken game to get fresh meat onto the service then fix it later.
I hate the thought of games going the way of Netflix. Netflix was amazing once. Now it's just rubbish with a lot of great shows I liked either came to their end or got cancelled. It's filled with so much stuff from different countries with bad voice overs and i hate that. Bringing in ads and everything. And to make things worse, the shows or movies I want to watch, I'm stuck with the service to watch them because of the lack of DVDs. That's a future I don't want to see happening with gaming, especially when those games get removed.
On the other hand, more games is welcome even though they are not to my taste. I'll be happy enough getting to play Indiana Jones on PS5 should it come over even though I'm still disappointed with the first person.
I always thought Xbox and PS is too much of the same console that we only need one or the other unless it has exclusives you need/want. Nintendo stands out for different kind of experience. So in that case, we only need one console to exist.
At the same time I would hate to see a future where Sony takes advantage of us because only Xbox completes against it. Xbox could have been in a stronger place if they made a much bigger range of different games for different taste.
i don't care, what i care about is sony becoming more anti-consumer and not releasing anything beyond their stale movie formula, leaving their other IPs for dead
i'm going to be honest its great , people that only own a playstation console , can actually get to play these games now. how is that a bad thing? i don't understand why people keep trying to spin something that should be exciting into something bad?
@Enuo they don't want you to buy their console they want you to subscribe to gamepass or buy one of their games
I'm happy that more people get to play games, the only concern I have is about Xbox exiting console market eventually or at least becoming less relevant in this space. Wouldn't want Sony to go unchallenged.
@nomither6 lol, i'm sorry but the buzz word " anti consumer" needs to be erased from video games. video games has always , and always will be a luxury item. i get you are upset they aren't releasing games fast enough for you , but the days of them making workers time crunch 80 hours a week to crank out games are over with. people want all these games to be developed , but only certain games sell , they can't make games that won't sell.
@KoopaTheGamer there already is, MLB the show, destiny and any future Bungie games just as there are already Xbox games on PlayStation, This isn't anything new
@JohntheRaptor gears 3 is my favorite! Def play it if you get the chance. The new ones are pretty solid too
As long as I don’t have to worry about Microsoft trying to buy out a studio I’m in love with (ex. Sega with Atlus & RGG), I’m fine with them moving on from making systems. Although, this obviously doesn’t stop them from buying out other companies It’d be nice to play Bethesda games on release day again!
@Intr1n5ic Really???
Was he was part of the development of Xbox 360? No, he was working at EA.
Was he was a part of the Xbox 360 launch? No, he joined 2 years after the launch.
Was he was in charge of the system's lifespan and success of the Xbox 360 as head of Xbox? No, he was in a position where he didn't have control and was lead by the head of Xbox.
I remember Don saying, in 2013, to gamers that couldn't afford/weren't able to buy an Xbox One and who couldn't have a console online all the time should go and buy an Xbox 360. That's as much as I remember Don positively impacting Xbox 360 sales.
I'm assuming that's the generation you're talking about.
So what did he do???
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Gemini73 whats entitled about what i said?
@twitchtvpat i looked up the definition of anti consumer just be sure:
" not favorable to consumers : improperly favoring the interests of businesses over the interests of consumers."
i think i used it correctly.
Microsoft have been fairly anti-consumer for a while now and made a series of terrible decisions in the face of Playstation continuing to dominate. I think that they see the writing on the wall and want to try and open a bridge for cross over of exclusive titles. The problem is, why would Playstation give away these monster titles and franchises for almost nothing in return? I'm fine with exclusivity, it has brought us some incredible games BECAUSE of the competition. I still would like cross platform play but I see no reason why PS should give anything away. Gear of War is fun, but not that much fun.
@Digital_Nomad Nothing you said here was of any value to anyone.
@nomither6 no you clearly didn't , because you are saying they are anti consumer because they aren't making games fast enough for you , or they are making games you aren't interested in. trust me i understand , its not that i don't get it. and i want new games just as much as you do. but i would rather let them cook and announce and release these games when they are ready. we live in a era where everything is leaked surprises are ruined , or games are super rushed and released unfinished , unpolished , and just not good.
@__jamiie Yes, really. Taken directly from his wiki:
"In July 2007, Mattrick officially joined Microsoft as a senior vice president overseeing the Xbox 360 and PC gaming businesses, with his oversight apparently leading to an increase in video game installations and Xbox LIVE subscriptions."
So he was immediately brought in as vice president and his oversight is credited with increased installations and subscriptions of Microsofts most successful console. Also :
"In October 2010, Mattrick was promoted to president of the Interactive Entertainment Business, overseeing a range of consumer businesses including Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, Kinect, Music, and Video, as well as PC and mobile interactive entertainment."
And within 3 years of joining he was promoted to president and oversaw the entirety of their most successful generation.
How competent do you think you have to be to walk in to a company like Microsoft, and within 3 years be president of their entire entertainment divisions?
Of course I'm sure you know better Jamiie. Perhaps you can spend the rest of your evening editing his wiki, maybe change it to something like: all Don did was fumble the launch of the Xbox One. Phil is better but is still failing to emulate the sales of the 360 by tens of millions after two generational attempts.
@Gemini73 anti consumer might be a bit of a cliche lately, but there's no need to start throwing insults around.
@twitchtvpat i said, and i quote, "and not releasing anything beyond their stale movie formula, leaving their other IPs for dead"
literally no where in that sentence did i say, or insinuate, that they aren't making games "fast enough for me" . if anything, im referencing them not having a varied library; it has nothing to do with how fast they release a game for me. the part about them not making games i'm not interested in is true, but why only make it about me personally, when i was speaking in a general sense about their exclusive library lacking some variety, which i thought was unanimously agreed about?
" i want new games just as much as you do" -so why confront me about my personal opinion then?
"but i would rather let them cook and announce and release these games when they are ready" - ok, thats fine. not like this was intentionally about the time they need anyway.
@Balosi well they did apologize, lol, even though im still not sure whether they were also talking about me or not. id like to think im getting better at dealing with hostility here, but its draining. its like i have to really walk on eggshells to speak
@Digital_Nomad it’s honestly at the point where I may need to take another break from these sites. Comments are spiralling on all sister portals, wild to the point of tribalistic toxicity… well, worse than the usual sort. It’s very sad, as I engage in these sites to enjoy game discussion and to offer criticisms on a constructive level. This is just console war nonsense at its finest, and I wish some of our fellow gamers here could get a grip.
I'm a bit bemused that if this so, why wasn't there any mention of it when they was taking over ABK , with all the leaks and everything , or did I miss it , im sure Phil spencer said at some point though that, he considers playstation and Nintendo part of the xbox family.or did I dream that.
I would play all Halo games, I always wanted to dive into the franchise, butI can't handle 2 consoles at the same time, my playtime is already stacked with only Playstation.
@Toot1st there's only one true gears and that's the original, the others pale in comparison and have just got gradually worse , the first gears was a horror game, with a sublime multiplayer, tight small maps and visceral combat, the best mp game ever made in my opinion.
@kingkenny76 Sony won't allow a rivals service on there platform , if they're getting out of the hardware business that will be a different matter.
@nomither6 i'm not going to lie i thought you were going to say , yeah you are right i just want these games , and that was going to be it. but idk what else to say to you but because you buy the ps5 you aren't owed anything when it comes to games. its not anti consumer when sony owns the ip's and its their call on making them or not because its their money they are investing in them. people want this or that , not understanding how much money these games cost to make. anyways i'm done , have a great day. maybe take some time off of here to enjoy the day.
@Futureshark hifi rush bored me to death , now if I couldn't play ES6 I'd be miffed.
@Intr1n5ic sonys argument would mean less than it did for the ABK deal thats for sure
not really interested in the mainstream games like starfield, forza etc.....but theres a few indies / lesser known games on xbox i would love to play, like monster train, state of decay series, valheim to name a couple.
@Gemini73 indeed it did , id love a total remake on any platform, as long as they don't mess with the formula, although imagine mp on ps, with that user base it would be glorious, I could dig out the old boomstick....frag out 😁
@freddquadros id stop at 2
I would like for PS gamers to experience Xbox games. I would hate to see Xbox become third party though as we all benefit from healthy competition.
I don't have much faith in the Xbox brand anymore myself still want them to do better and succeed as I want PS to succeed. I will bet a lot here would have a fit if Spider-Man went on Xbox though.
It would be interesting to see the ages of these console warriors as I bet most are embarrassingly old enough to be better.
Halo, Gears, Starfield, Forza, and probably a few others I’m forgetting.
@Intr1n5ic A platform is made and its direction established well before it launches. Don joined 2 years after the most successful Xbox launched. He maybe had 0.5% to do with that success.
However he had 100% control of the Xbox One development, vision, launch and initial failure.
I really don't understand why you keep sticking up for him like he's some absolute gaming guru. He went on to fail massively at Zynga.
I am 100% in favor of this. Elder Scrolls 6 on PS5, yes please.
@__jamiie I see, and that direction is then set in stone and cannot be altered, worsened or improved upon going forward, as Sony did with the PS3 for example. Add that wisdom to the wiki.
Out of curiosity, who had 100% control of the Series S & X development, and who launched them with no games after ending the previous gen with the earned phrase, "Xbox has no games"?
@Relygon As you're being childish, I'll bite.
Nintendo will continue to outsell your favourite box. In Japan. In America. In the rest of the world.
Nintendo will always have exclusive games that will outsell the exclusive games you love on your favourite box.
That certainly is a possibility, @Member_the_game. Rumour has it that the Switch successor will be about at powerful as the PS4, so there definitely is a chance of some games that have the look and scope of the AAA games we get on our more recent consoles...
Depends on what shows up. Elder Scrolls VI please!
Sega is my favorite gaming company of all-time (never prevented me from also enjoying the Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox brands as well, just to be clear) and I was in my later teen years when that company went from being a hardware manufacturer to third party so none of what's going on with Xbox is bothering me as much as it seems to some younger fans. My main take away here is that, as has been the case ever since the Don Mattrick days, MS is horrible at getting out in front of things and delivering a clear message.
Yeah, that seems like an obvious choice for multiplat if MS is going to go this route. Not having ES 6 on PS5 would be leaving stupid $ on the table.
PS3/360 vs PS4/Xbox One digital did matter yes.
People forget Sega had Saturn, PC, Pokemon on the Piko, Sonic on the Tiger Gamecom/Coleco Chameleon (a 20 game plug and plug kind of thing). Microsoft had Gameboy Color games of their PC titles before Rare went GBA/DS alongside Xbox. It's nothing new. Companies can multiplat and still have a console it's called money not console wars logic being the 'only' way to do things.
Even if they put Age of Empires on PlayStation instead of just PC/Xbox would people care when other strategy games exist on Switch/PS? Minecraft games are on everything.
Do people care about State of Decay enough, especially if State of Decay 2 came to PS4/PS5 instead of waiting for 3 to come out? Everwild? Perfect Zero? Crackdown 3? Rare Replay? ReCore, Sunset Overdrive? Quantum Break when Control is on PS4/5?
The more you look at the IPs and especially more than Halo Gear and Forza you go hmm this is this genre, this is this setting, this has that much appeal. How many people care let alone how many people actually pay attention besides their own platform focus? I own some of these Xbox One games I don't care to play them really. I'm interested to play Crackdown 3 eventually as I got it cheap, but State of Decay 2 not really even if it's a zombie game not like Last of Us or Days Gone it's a fair direction of it's own thing.
I went depends on the game as I have an Xbox One, I have access to current gen PS5/Series X, I don't use them I won't buy my own I don't care to. The enhancements aren't a bother of load times or space to me. The third parties are all I care about on both platforms. Got a Switch there. Xbox/Switch have been good encase I can't get Demon Turf (physical only on Xbox)/Wreckfest (got on Switch) or other games on a platform in bargain bins. I'll pick up games for console access rather than care about exclusives that much.
Sega was making many multiplat decisions before they even left the console production side to be full third party. It's not unheard of/shaking up the industry unless you don't know it already happened, Sega would going to support Atari with the Jaguar at some point but didn't.
Some people need to know their history more before they make claims it's like with the Switch it's a good device but hardly the first docked console, cabled console, docked tech product ever when Pocket PCs, Sega's Nomad and the PSP or Neo Geo X exist.
It's just most people don't realise or focus on those aspects of history because they are too console or game focused in that space a lot can be learnt from 'looking and researching'.
Seeing as many of Xbox's IP don't interest me (I don't treat it as oh it's the shooter/sports/racing machine or only dark IPs to play on Xbox I just don't care for their live services, certain game direction and many IPs genre or gameplay wise don't appeal to me even as someone open to playing a lot of genres/gameplay focused games but mostly retro instead because of the direction changes and mechanics I do or don't find appealing) same with many on PS platforms over the years and mostly the legacy consoles IPs appeal to me more for either PS/Xbox I don't really care.
My PS4/Xbox One are basically third party machines at this point. Seriously.
Sega has PC releases alongside Saturn, many companies could go oh we put stuff on PC, or mobile and still have consoles. Without being third party it's not hard to do that if they want 'options' but without cutting consoles entirely if they want.
Windows/Office can be on anything because it's software, it's well known, they get licenses. Windows has been on so many devices at this point from Pocket PCs, OEM PCs, to phones to media servers to many things, Linux of course as well.
Like if Forza Motorsport was on PS, I wouldn't care because the game design would still be terrible as it has been since 5 on Xbox One 2013 launch I still haven't enjoyed the series and I haven't bought 8/Series entry because it's online required and I don't like the content handling of it it's not a compelling game to me.
Like sure Hi Fi Rush and others would be nice but I mean....
I got Demon Turf on Xbox because it was the only physical copy offering platform not because oh it's on another console. Would I buy an Xbox to play it if I didn't already own one maybe. I don't get the obvious games that people buy a console for.
I get particular ones sure but third party or first party exclusive or not. I got a Switch for yes the Nintendo games after getting a Vita/Wii U and I want to experience the Vita type games on Switch, Wreckfest I only ever found Switch copies not PS4/Xbox One. I just get what I can and with all platforms I can. I don't use them all that much compared to retro consoles but I mean if I have uses for them I will when I feel like it. Getting games cheap 6 months later even aka they go to Gamepass/PS+ but I get them physical and around $20-30 the time they go to those services unless it's a launch like Foamstars or something else as exceptions (which I have no interest in and I don't sub to services, not a single one).
@Intr1n5ic You still seem to be a Don Mattrick fan. You can't mention anything he's done positively for Xbox but keep defending his many, many faults in everything he controlled at Xbox.
As I, and other people have said, the last generation was the most important to win or lose. People subscribed to services and built digital libraries that mattered to them and had a lasting impact to their future console purchases.
What is it that you don't understand about that??? I really feel like you should understand by now.
@stocko You're hilarious.
@colonelkilgore So funny.
@__jamiie "As I, and other people have said, the last generation was the most important to win or lose."
I don't disagree, unfortunately Phil spent 7 and a half years losing it by not releasing games. He then started this gen not releasing games.
@captainaverage Seeing as Geometry Wars 3 was on multiple platforms isn't that far but another one would be good.
Lucid (destruction allstars) made GW3 and Activision owns it so hmm on that one.
Jetpack Refueled would be nice to see instead of just 360/Rare Replay.
I bought Series S cause I thought that new Elder Scrolls wouldn't be so far away and Starfield would be the new Mass Effect (I couldn't get into it). Anyway that's a good thing for all gamers. Personally i wouldn't mind if Playstation would release 1-2 of their exclusives to Xbox either.
Would find it kinda funny if playstation came back with a "nah, you're good mate, we've kinda got our own thing going on over here"..
I prefer a bit of competition to keep other parties on their toes. Feel Microsoft have an angle here if they go down this route. Not quite sure what it is. Maybe to make further acquisitions easier or similar ploy?
@__jamiie “ Let's flip it around. Can you tell me anything that Don Mattrick did well for the Xbox One launch and the Xbox brand in general?”
🤔 Umm… xbone launched with exclusive games. The way that you positioned the question makes me think that you thought that a toughie… it wasn’t 😎
I honestly couldn’t care less. I play those game on my Series X with GP “for free”. Why would I pay for them on my PS5?
@Intr1n5ic I disagree. As an Xbox owner since the beginning and the OG Xbox, I would say that Phil Spencer has done more than anyone to improve the Xbox brand since Seamus Blackley 'invented' it.
Microsoft bringing games back to PlayStation after going to much effort to take them away means little to me personally.
I think that if both Sony and Microsoft put half the money, time and effort they've wasted on all this noise during this generation into making good video games instead, we'd have a hell of a lot more good video games to play.
What with Sony wasting a crazy amount of time on a load of live service games nobody asked for and Microsoft crashing about the industry like a bull in a china shop, whilst adding absolutely nothing, it feels like both companies have lost the plot.
@colonelkilgore Never change 😂
@__jamiie Agreed, they came flying out the blocks with brand momentum this gen.
Gears series and the xbox360 Japanese games r what I would play
I’ve never owned an XBOX. Guess I’ve never been too interested in XBOX games. Don’t think this will change anything.
Edit: Well, to be more honest. I’ve always been interested in Forza, Fable, and Gears. But I’ve never been interested in owning more than 1 console. Maybe this is how I finally play those games.
I heard from IGN. FTC are back on MS case as well.About those 1,900 layoffs..They basically lied during Antitrust case .
@Intr1n5ic You had no actual substance for your 'point' so you decided to move on. Well done. Move on. Night night.
Gears of War on PS5, yes please!
@colonelkilgore You are brilliant! Everybody likes you and this comment was hilarious!
It's in my top five comments on this site.
@__jamiie well there’s my new sig sorted… cheers buddy 🫶
Seriously! Phew! The amount of PlayStation only gamers on this site that are desperate for Xbox games on PS5 is scary!
It's almost like we knew. @XboxP3 😂😂😂
Missing: maybe I would just play them on another platform like my Steam Deck where many of them already work.
@__jamiie My point from the start has been very clear. Xbox, under Phils guidance, followed up their most successful generation with one that became synonymous with having no games. That was followed by a new console that launched with no games, then buying other people's games, and it's culminating with bringing their bought games to other systems.
I think he's done a fantastic job.
Can't recall any MS games I've been clamoring to play but I 'll give anything a shot. I've always been a playstation fan but only because that was what I happened to get as a gift back in the 90's as a kid. What I really want is some of those Nintendo exclusive jrpgs.
By research on this website alone, 80% of PlayStation gamers want Xbox games. That's data you can't buy.
@XboxP3, @Jetty, @SWaldridge, @BondSarah_Bond, @XBowen
I have an xbox and PC but all their exclusives since the 360 era have sucked. And all their future ones look pretty bad too.
I’m more interested in the xbox handheld rumours, the Steam Deck proved too volatile for me so something that lets me play modded skyrim (No SKSE on xbox but the bethesda mod site actually has mods unlike PC where you gotta go through vortex/MO2 which aren’t linux compatible without way too much effort) and fable 2 on the go would be an instant buy.
@__jamiie There's a difference between wanting Xbox games and buying them if they did release on PS. Personally it doesn't really bother me either way whether they release on PS or not, I have no interest in playing the likes of Halo, Gears or Forza but I would be likely to buy Indiana Jones if it was available so I voted it depends on the game. Couple this with that fact that from reading comments a lot of PS gamers still don't view Zenimax or ABK games as Xbox games so are in favour of their games coming to PS and it skews the results.
The just over 50% being in favour of it from the first question is probably a fairer figure to use. I could probably guarantee that if the question was about PS games releasing in Xbox the results would be completely different.
@twitchtvpat you do the same
@__jamiie kinda looks like they're gonna get them as well , as xbox gamers would also love ,god of war , spiderman, the last of us, uncharted, ff7 remake/rebirth , wolverine, alas this will never happen, pretty much guaranteed that starfield will come to ps though and probably elder scrolls, just own both
@__jamiie the amount of ps only users on a ps centric site , thats scary to you , are you ok, looking at your comments on this and pure xbox , you seem to be blowing a gasket at the thought of xbox games coming to ps , does it really make that much of a difference to your life , seriously
Why on earth did Microsoft go to all the trouble of acquiring activision? I can understand some of those titles going multi platform. But I won’t believe the rumors of Microsoft going all in third party and “ending the console wars” until Phil confirms them.
Can you imagine the excitement generated and impact if Microsoft did a mid-gen refresh or early start on the next console generation with a new exclusive single player offline Doom/Wolfenstein title?
Microsoft has to recognize they have some unique positioning with all of their new IP. Waaaay premature to throw in the towel at this stage. These rumors are great for content creators, but ultimately just rumors. Just my opinion at this stage tho.
I really doubt it is going to be all xbox games. It's very likely just a select few games.
As weird as it would be, I think the free to play halo infinite multiplayer would make the most sense. The game is driven by micro transactions and the Xbox community has largely moved on from it due to the slow content release at launch. I actually think it is the best FPS on the market right now. Getting a new audience checking it out and talking about it might give it the rejuvenation it needs.
If it finally puts an end to the silly, immature "my w*enie station is better than your no-s*x box" arguments that break out like a sewage plant explosion every time, then I'm all for it.
I think it's good for the market. I had theorised this move for quite some time.
MS move to services and admission that there was no win to be had on hardware kind of pointed in that direction.
As 3rd party they will be an important player and make more money than restricting themselves to a user base of 20 odd million where there are 200 odd million more they can't reach.
I mean... the switch is at about 140m and ps4 got to what 120m? There is overlap but that is likely 200m consumers right there that MS is not aiming at. Ofc they can't afford to do that or they will curtail their growth.
Elder scrolls 6 will not even come close to Skyrim sales if it's not released everywhere.
@XboxistheBestBox This is cope.
@HotGoomba lol Avowed a system seller?
Just posted this on NL sister site:
For anyone interested, there is a great summary of the situation (alongside future speculation) in a recent 'WhatCulture Gaming' podcast - https://whatculture.com/videos/xbox-just-broke-the-games-industry
Ignore the click-baity title, these guys (UK based) are genuinely sound and fairly astute/objective in their analysis. They also discuss possible implications for Sony/Nintendo, both positive and negative, alongside consideration for exactly Microsoft "wants to be" in the gaming space.
Really interesting, only 20 mins, and gives a really solid and grounded analysis
@__jamiie Blasphemy! Alas, it is unfortunately true that Nintendo’s underpowered childish toy outsells the glorious PlayStation.
But fear not comrade, when Sony releases its rumored handheld it will surely annihilate the Switch.
I am far from a fan boy of Sony. My past purchases on the PlayStation platform keep me tied to Sony's platform.
I did buy a Series X thinking I'd get into their exclusive stuff (thinking of the potential of a future Skyrim, Fallout missing off PS)
Starfield I was excited to play but then I saw how awful it looked and played and I was like nah.
If we have learnt anything it's that money wins out.
Microsoft couldn't sustain chucking money at Game Pass and presumably behind the scenes suits decides they need to bring the exclusives to platforms where they can recoup some money.
Only thing I'd say is they bought these studios and publishers but didn't give their platform enough time to eek the results.
Possibly bad for competition in the long run.
There games Microsoft now own I would like to continue to play. Hellblade 2, Wolfenstein, Diablo. I know I would never pay $180 a year for game pass! I buy my must have games day one but others I wait for a sale price. So If Microsoft decides to sell any good single player game there is a good chance I will purchase some of them.
Dreamcast killed Sega consoles. They went on to be a great software company.
Series X has killed Xbox consoles, Microsoft could easily do the same without the risk of hardware not selling. They could put all the efforts into making quality new IPs as well as rebooting Gears of War and Halo too.
Sega no longer selling consoles gave us the Yakuza series. And that's just great.
@Shushibda My comment was about the number of PlayStation only gamers on this site wanting to play Xbox games. Not the amount of PlayStation only gamers on this site. And you knew that but decided to try and make a different point.
Also, I own many different consoles and have stated so many times. In fact, if you're so keen to read my comments here and on other sites, you'll see that I clearly stated in my last comment on Pure Xbox that I have no affiliation to any one platform over another. I've been gaming since the 80s and have long since grown out of my "my console is better than yours" phase. I pretty much own every console I've ever wanted to own and am quite capable of looking at things objectively without the help of red, blue or green tinted glasses.
@Relygon Just like they did with the PSP and Vita!
Xbox is dead! Screw em!
@__jamiie 30% goes to PlayStation, it’s the same with every third party with Nintendo o Xbox
I think Microsoft are focusing more on pc and will stop make "consoles" and instead shift to making XBOX branded PCs running a gaming version of Windows 11 (including a steam desk rival). They'll make their games exclusive to there own pc games launcher. This will allow them to focus on dominating the regular PC market and capture the new' branded" pc market ( Which steam has tried with the Steam Deck and Steam machines). Plus they can still make money in the console space by flogging games to both Sony and Nintendo customers. And if they go down the full PC route gamers on that platforms will still have access to Sony games (not via the Xbox launcher) as most Sony exclusive are on PC now (after a delay). That's my random predictions. Cheers and good day.
What game from Xbox exclusives is even good? The only one i can think of is the Forza series, fine if that comes to PS5 i might actually play them.
For the rest there's nothing really interesting in Xbox eclusive titles imho.
The only nice thing is this opens up TES6 to come out on PS5 too, which would be cool.
With everything going multiplatform now theres no reason to buy multiple systems. Ill probably buy ps6 because xbox cylinder all digital looks dumb.
@K-Wud nope xbox isnt focusing pc because they will lose to valve. They are focusing everything into their games pass. Just look at the subscription base its obviously they left their console to die. Same will be if they release the xbox handheld.
I don't mind to wait even 2 years to come to playstation
and vice versa exclusively ps game that goes to Xbox
We all win they sell more
I think 2 years is a good way to "protect your console "
Personally, I treat all rumours as just that: rumours. As far as I'm concerned nothing is a reality until it's officially announced. Rumours can be faked. Rumours can be false. Rumours can tell some part of the story but not all of it. So I don't react or speculate further until we know it's happening for sure. And I'm surprised there are people online who are unhappy about it considering we know nothing in an official capacity and have been told nothing by Microsoft.
Let's assume that it is real for a moment. Even then we still don't know the full details on it, and how that would rollout. Those can change how something like this would work and also someone's reaction to it.
So for right now, I'll wait on official confirmation before I make any assessment on this.
Cool I guess, I want to play halo mcc collection & halo infinite (single player) on ps5, and I want to play gears of war collection 1-3 on ps5 too.
It will be cool if both game available for the rumored switch 2 too, playing halo and gears portable will be pretty cool I think 😃
I feel like this is something they, Sony and Nintendo should have done by now.
@SgtTruth i wouldn't worry about that , they'll always advance the hardware.
Ironic that the polls at this time are saying 33% of people say there are plenty of Xbox exclusives they'd love to play on PS, yet have also claimed Xbox hasn't had anything exclusive worth playing in previous statements...
@JokerBoy422 to be fair the ones I would play are older, gears of war, halo maybe a forza or two. It would be good to know Bethesda games were coming too, even though I couldn’t get into starfield.
If I wanted to play boring games I'd be an Xbox gamer.
Over the years, there have honestly been very few Xbox exclusives that I've felt that i missed out on. And some of those, like Mass Effect 1, have eventually come to Playstation anyways. At this point, the only current ones I'm very interested in are Starfield and Forza, but the big daddy of them all, ES6 down the line, is the one I care about the most.
@Robinsad no that's fair. I just laughed when I saw PlayStation fans getting excited for all these exclusives they claimed didn't exist.
If this happens I'd be delighted to see some of the exclusives that have tempted me to buy an Xbox Series X if I ever found the spare cash.
Games like Forza, Halo, Flight Simulator & even the potential to see some previous ones make a come back like a new Fable if it ever happened would be great. It's maybe not good for the Xbox diehards as they are potentially losing a point to boast on but for a casual gamer like me who happens to preference Playstation this is an absolute win (if it happens, which I'll believe when the games are avaialble)
Looking forward to being able to play Perfect Dark on the PS5.
I think we all know they want it actually the other way around to finally have the Metal Gear Saga in Xbox! 🤩
@JokerBoy422 I never get statements like this. Playstation gamers aren't a hive mind. The ones who have always been claiming that Xbox have no good exclusives might not actually be the same ones now saying they'd play those games.
Or maybe they are, and then the only thing we've learned is that some people are (loud) idiots, which, you know, isn't exactly news. There aren't any sweeping conclusions to draw from this.
I never really got into Xbox not because I disliked Xbox but mostly because I've been playing PlayStation since I was a kid and didn't care to own Xbox. I have had friends that owned them and I've played on them but never got into it. How ever I fear that if this happens Sony will dominate and have more control over gaming industry and prices for consoles, games and gamming accessories will go up not having a competitor to help regulate pricing.
I mean, it's one less console taking up space, but I've no interest in a Gamepass-style subscription.
Honestly Sony should be worried about Nintendo. I think they are the ones who are going to give Sony a real headache over the next decade. If the new Nintendo gets anywhere near to playing AAA games Sony are in big trouble. Nintendo will do to Sony what Sony did to Xbox in the Xbox One/PS4 gen. With Microsoft in the console space, Nintendo are too risk adverse to really try and compete on hardware power. Without an Xbox console Nintendo can really go for the PlayStation.
@Darylb88 Honestly, I think the absolute worst thing Nintendo could do is abandoning their current market position and going for competitive hardware power.
If they did that, they lose one of their biggest advantages over the others: price. There's no way they can compete on hardware and still maintain a lower price, and suddenly that changes everything.
@IamJT @xx_PharsydeChemist_x Was using Avowed as a hypothetical example since it's technically AAA and from a respected studio.
@Ainu20 I think most Nintendo fans like myself would pay up to $500/£450 for a Nintendo handheld/home console that could play GTA 6 and all the latest games. They would still have Pokémon, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Mario plus tons of other exclusives Sony could only dream of. It's hard to know how powerful this new Nintendo console will be , but I am pretty confident it will retail higher than the Switch and games will be £/$70. It will still sell like hotcakes.
In the UK and Xbox Series S is £250 and a full Oled Switch is around £300 but one has outsold the other by a big margin and I don't need to tell you which one.
I would buy Starfield used on disc and that's about it. No money for MS here.
@Darylb88 Yeah, I love my Switch, but I've no real interest in playing big AAA games on it (I use it mainly for first party Nintendo games and smaller indies) — if I'm playing on my TV and need a console with crazy horsepower i'll usually nab the PS5 version of the game.
@Andee Yeah right now that's me, but if there is a Nintendo console that can play AAA games and be portable I won't buy the PS6 (Not really into much of the Sony 1P stuff except Detroit Become Human/ GOT on PS4 and now maybe Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade finally on PS5). I got an Xbox for 3P as you can get the digital codes much cheaper online which you can't do with PSN much.
@Darylb88 I fear you have seriously unrealistic expectations if you think Nintendo can deliver hardware to rival the other platforms, keep it portable and still sell at a reasonable price. I still don't see why you would want that.
Nintendo has thrived since it abandoned the hardware power race, while they were suffering before that. Just let Nintendo be Nintendo, it's what they do best.
@Ainu20 I'm just pointing out a funny irony within the fan base. It's not a deep philosophical subject. Of course not everyone has acted this way, but then again, some have. It's funny, that's all.
I have lived through all the switch pro rumors for years so at this point it is just amusing watching everyone panic when nothing has been announced.
@__jamiie 'As Phil Spencer said before, they lost the most important generation of console gaming on day one.'
That statement by Phil Spencer post redfall debacle gave me a huge insight into the guys psyche. He's literally convinced himself and everyone at xbox that its impossible to beat PlayStation. If this was in any sport he would be sacked. You don't throw your hands up in despair after 10 years in charge and get to blame Don Mattrick anymore, as stupid as that guy was.
The xbox doesn't have stellar games like TLOU, Spiderman, God of War and even the exclusive third parties tend to be a notch below the likes of Final Fantasy 16. It doesn't really innovate anymore like psvr 2 or the dual sense. Look in the mirror Phil, you don't have a vision or plan and are completely deluded... aka trying to buy Nintendo.
I main on xbox and its just a console with mediocre games. Halo and Gears are out of fashion (as much as I like them). PlayStation moves on, xbox doubles down on remodeling the same crap but somehow making it worse.
@Darylb88 Yeah I don't have an XBox either, so if it's a choice between Switch and PS5, I'll generally gauge it on how the Switch version of a game holds up — like I say, big AAA games like Resident Evil 7/8 it's not even a question!
There is a reason I have a PS5 and Xbox Series X. I like that the consoles have exclusives. It's the whole reason to own the console of choice. I do not want exclusives to be porting over to the competing console. I feel this is a very bad idea and hope it fails to come to pass.
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