PS5 Roguelikes Poll
Image: Push Square

What are the best roguelike games on PS5? That's a question that we want to answer, but we need your help in order to do so. As regular Push Square readers may know, our best games lists are determined by user ratings — and our goal is to make a new list specifically for roguelike titles.

'Roguelike' itself is a fairly modern term, but in essence, it describes games that are built around trying, probably failing, and trying again, typically with increased odds. For example, PS5 console exclusive Returnal is a roguelike shooter, where you're tasked with repeating 'runs' through a series of levels and boss fights, with the idea being that you'll gradually come to understand the challenge, leading to an eventual triumph over a stern difficulty curve.

In terms of gameplay, roguelikes often present players with ways to tip the scales in their favour. Something like Hades is a perfect example, as the more you play, the more upgrades and options you'll unlock, many of which are permanent fixtures. With every run, you learn more about the obstacles that you'll need to overcome; encounters that once seemed insurmountable slowly start to make sense.

It's an addictive genre, and again, we need your help in selecting the best games on offer. So rate your favourite roguelikes in our poll, and then tell us all about your runs in the comments section below.

Rate Your Favourite PS5 Roguelike Games

You can use the search bar below to find and rate your favourite roguelike games on PS5.