Holiday Gaming Poll
Image: Push Square

For many of you reading this, the holidays are finally here. A much-needed break awaits, stretching from now until the New Year (if you're lucky). Or maybe you just got done with school, and you've got an even longer vacation on your hands. Ah, to be young again...

Anyway! As is tradition here on Push Square, we want to know if you plan on doing any gaming over the holidays. Do you have any specific games that you boot up around Christmas? Maybe some family-driven titles are in order so that the kids are kept quiet? Or perhaps you just want nothing more than to curl up with an engrossing RPG?

Oh, and you might not want to hear this, but everyone should spare a thought for their poor old backlog. It's always good to round off the year with some of the games that time forgot — then you can start the process all over again in 2025!

Whatever's on the agenda, throw a couple of votes into our polls, and then tell us all about your gaming plans in the comments section below.

Do you get any time off work / education during the holidays? (1,295 votes)

  1. Yes, I've got some time off work%
  2. Yeah, I'm off school / college / university%
  3. Yep, but I'm not working right now anyway%
  4. Yup, but I'm actually retired%
  5. No, I don't get any time off for the holidays%

What are your gaming plans for the holidays? (1,315 votes)

  1. I plan on playing something new%
  2. I'm going to dive into my backlog%
  3. I'll be replaying an old favourite%
  4. I'll just be playing what I usually play%
  5. I'll probably be too busy for any big gaming sessions%
  6. I won't be playing any games over the holidays%