We're a bit late with this one, but we still want to know your thoughts on one of this month's best games. We are, of course, talking about Unicorn Overlord — the strategy RPG from Vanillaware. The title was always going to be somewhat niche in terms of appeal, but those who have played it will know how finely crafted an experience it is.
In our own Unicorn Overlord PS5 review, we wrote: "It's hard to say whether Unicorn Overlord is objectively Vanillaware's best game, but for us, it's right up there, competing for the crown — and that's incredibly high praise." We awarded the immaculate release an 'excellent' 9/10, concluding: "For those who are looking to get lost in tactical thought, it's essential — and for everyone else, it still stands as an engrossing fantasy adventure. Vanillaware's done it again."