Despite the book series concluding in 2007, the enduring popularity of Harry Potter lives on today. Venture forth into your local Diagon Alley (otherwise known as the high street) and you’re sure to find some form of Wizarding World display somewhere, stocking all kinds of related treats, spanning novels, notebooks, memorabilia, t-shirts, and more.
The series has a spotty history on PlayStation, however. EA’s original Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (obviously known as the Philosopher’s Stone outside of the United States) was an absolutely enormous seller on the PS1, but in the subsequent decades only Chamber of Secrets and LEGO Harry Potter came commercially close. That changed last year with Hogwarts Legacy, which sold over 20 million copies.
For the purposes of a future article, and to celebrate the imminent release of Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions on PS5 and PS4, we want you to rate your favourites. Did you like the moody third-person shooter Deathly Hallows adaptations? Were you a fan of the original World Cup sports game for PS2? Or did the Wonderbook titles capture your imagination with their augmented reality?
Sadly, because we’re a PlayStation-only site, we’re excluding the exceptional RPG adaptations on Game Boy Color, because it wouldn’t make sense to include them. But we still want to know your ratings for all of the other Harry Potter titles available on PS1 through PS5. Which one did you spend the most time with, and which one is your all-time favourite?
Submit your scores below, and we’ll aggregate the totals into some kind of definitive order. Then check back next week for our full rankings, spanning every Harry Potter game ever conjured up on a PlayStation console.
Comments 33
Only ever played hogwarts legacy so that's the one for me 😅
Lego Harry Potter was great as a kid. Of course that came out before JK Rowling decided to become the Mold Queen.
@Drago201 it's definitely a question for a true Harry Potter fan. I played a few and they were OK.
But nothing really beats the newest entry.
It's been fully realised here and reality is, if they ever did a second then, I'd 100% keep the same map, add more of the secret areas within hogwarts. Extend the world.
And really they just need to make the game more interactive and better ai.
Make it truly feel like the world is being lived in while playing
@Bez87 sounds like a good way to make a good game even better
I'm guessing cause hogwarts was very popular that potter 'no longer exists in a vacccum'? 😅
Hogwarts legacy should win this by a mile, most of the games have been cheap movie tie ins, and the Lego games were, well Lego games(you've played one, you've played them all)
@Bez87 I agree that Hogwarts Legacy works as just an incredible foundation to build on.
My favourite is the one EG hates for no good reason. Hogwarts is a really good game and doesn't deserve any negativity.
@Vivisapprentice The original PS1 game, despite seeming like a cash grab, was actually really good and sold boatloads of copies. But yeah, I take your point. The movie tie-ins did get worse as the years went on.
Hogwarts Legacy for sure. I'm not even a fan of Potter, but that game is FANTASTIC.
Hogwarts Legacy, easily. Not only is it the best Harry Potter game, it's the best damn open world game I've played since Skyrim. Absolutely fantastic in every sense of the world.
The Harry Potter series, despite being something that should translate well into games, has typically been handled by teams that have treated the series like it deserves a set of junk tie-ins. Hogwarts Legacy deserves the top spot and it’s not even close. I’d say the Gameboy games are better than the PlayStation ones. And you know it’s bad when the LEGO Harry Potter games are better than most of the regular ones. A bunch of 4 and 5/10 tier games. It was always weird to me that the Quidditch game was the best HP game on home consoles til Hogwarts Legacy. The series deserved so much better.
WB, want to make a live service game that works and that people would buy? Make a Harry Potter game based on the events of the first book, but instead of playing as Harry, you’re a no-name create-a-wizard that starts the same year. Make expansion packs based on each year of school, release them periodically for a few years, and make it an MMO. Just use Hogwarts Legacy assets. The end. There’s your billions.
Chamber of Secrets. Those prefects and ghost dogs gave me anxiety as a kid.
The PS3/360 really got screwed on Potter games, seriously lazy cash-grabs, although the OoTP castle was cool.
My picks are Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban for PS2. The lego games were great too. Also, I do have to give a shout out to Chamber of Secrets on GBC which was miles better than it had any right to be.
Lego Harry Potter for sure followed by Hogwarts Legacy.
I had zero interest in Harry Potter, but heard Hogwarts Legacy was good. Played it, loved it. A good game is a good game, not matter what the franchise
@somnambulance you've just described my worst possible outcome for a potential Harry Potter game 😆
Those 8bit gbc ones, the turn based rpgs, best by a mile
How come the PS2 version of Chamber isn't listed here? It's quite different from the PS1 version!
Also, hadn't realised the PS1 versions were developed by Argonaut - given today's news, does that mean there's a slim, miniscule chance they get remastered/released as PS1 classics? 👀
Always one.
@Galactrix Was wondering the same. The PS2 version of Chamber of Secrets is the only HP game I've played, and I remember really enjoying it.
@get2sammyb Chamber of Secrets PS2, Goblet of Fire PS2 and PSP, and Half-Blood Prince PS3 are all missing. You might want to add those so the “best games” list will make sense.
Hogwarts Legacy was my favourite game of last year, possibly tied with SM2.
Yes, it had minor issues here and there, but the overall package was fantastic and better than the sum of its parts. Technically top notch too. 10/10
@xDD90x @VeldinX @Galactrix Thanks guys, I'll add those now!
Hogwarts Legacy was wonderful, though I did also rather enjoy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban back in the PS2 days.
I loved Sorcerer's Stone as a kid and Chamber of Secrets(PS2) walked so that Hogwarts Legacy could run. So Legacy is obviously my favorite. Fantastic game! Quiddich was also cool. The rest are Those-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
Looking forward to the new Quiddich game!
The PS1 games were amazing, and Prisoner of Azkaban on PS2 was also great, but the quality went down so fast after that. I also really liked the GBC games and Prisoner of Azkaban in GBA.
Hogwarts Legacy is a good game and excellent revival of a good Harry Potter game, but it lacks the magic of those past games. They used to be action/adventure + puzzles, and Hogwarts Legacy is more open-world with Hogwarts decorations. It's a good game, just not as special as those ones.
The GBC games are very competent RPGs that I never hear anyone talk about. Those were my childhood.
"Sadly, because we’re a PlayStation-only site, we’re excluding the exceptional RPG adaptations on Game Boy Color, because it wouldn’t make sense to include them."
Kidding... but only a bit. These are unironically the best. Simple, but not overly so, turn based RPGs with a really enjoyable progression and theming. Enough content to feel good about too.
But OK, Hogwarts Legacy is otherwise a steep increase in quality video game adaptations for the Harry Potter series. I hope there is a sequel one day that expands on it.
@get2sammyb I really do hope that is the case.
Spiderman 2 is a great example of using the same map but extending it and allowing a brand new story to evolve in the world.
GTA 5 on the other hand for myself is the opposite of what to do with a game world after San Andrea's and GTA4.
They technically just made the map bigger but they took away so much, huge map of just eye candy.
Instead of making the map more dense and open. The Original San Andrea's had more to do in it's world than GTA5 does in single player.
GTA4 had 100 times more things to do in it's world.
They really went with visual quality than interacting quantity.
I haven't played Hogwarts Legacy because I'm waiting to get it used. But I really liked the PC version of Chamber of Secrets as a kid. Replayed that to death.
Legacy is the only one I've played and its a fantastic game irrelevant of HP. This is just as well as I'm not a fan
It has to be the philosopher's stone on PS1 as a kid that game charmed me as an adult it make me laugh at how janky it is either way it's still great
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