Red Dead Redemption is coming back, but not in the form many fans were hoping for. The PS4 port was announced earlier this week, with Rockstar's official press release pretty much confirming that this version won't boast any enhancements over the PS3 original. There's no mention of an improved frame rate, resolution, or updated assets. As you can imagine, the reaction online has not been positive.
The bloody tale of John Marston is considered a classic, and the reveal of what is essentially a straight port priced at $50 has understandably rubbed people the wrong way. But as is always the case in this industry, all the criticism in the world won't matter if you go out and throw money at the thing you're rallying against. And so we want to know, despite the immediate backlash, will you be buying Red Dead Redemption on PS4?
Have your say in our poll, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Will you be buying Red Dead Redemption on PS4? (4,575 votes)
- Yes, I'll be buying it day one
- Yeah, I'll probably buy it at some point
- Maybe down the line when it's on sale
- Perhaps, but only if it gets big updates post-release
- Nah, it's unlikely
- No chance
Did you play the original Red Dead Redemption? (3,726 votes)
- Yes, I played through it multiple times
- Yeah, I beat it
- I played it but never finished it
- No, I never played it
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Comments 113
Love how most gaming outlets aren’t covering how outrageous it is what Rockstar have done with this game.
But then you remember that GTA VI looms and they all want access.
I'll get it, but not for a penny over £15.00
I got it on PS3 and beat it. Then got undead dlc free with ps plus I think. Never finished that. I played a bit of it and that was it.
Will it have trophy support?
One of the few games I got 100% back in the child free days. I was looking forward to returning to it, but not at this price. It's hard to say what price I'll go to, though. Maybe £15. The PS3 version is on my shelf. I don't think it'll be hard to boot that up. Hopefully my dusty PS3 still works
Nope won’t go near it, guarantee it doesn’t go in sales on Xbox anymore too.
People will still buy it tho.
Fools and their money and all that.
I played rdr on PS3 but fell off when I got to Mexico. Also dropped off of part without finishing it. Idk might be the odd man out but kind of wish Activision would bring back gun. Really enjoyed
gun on PS2.
No. I have owned this version since it was first released.
Huge chunky sale later on and most likely and deliberately a used copy, as I dont wanna support cheap cashgrab ports
A straight PS4 port of an X360 game from 2010 in 2023 for $49.
Not a remaster, not a remake. A straight port.
That would be a hard no.
Completed it once (maybe twice) played it probably three times in total, but not always finishing it, but only have the desire to revisit the game if it looks like RDR2.
I'll wait for the Max Payne Reboot from Remedy instead, and that could be some wait 😬
@evan23 Yeah, they know exactly what they're doing.
And the worst part : for an extremely small budget, that will make a huge profit, since many many people will buy it, because :
And Rockstar/Take Two know it... so they do it... it works... and the cycle continues...
It was included with PS Now for ages. So if it's just a port it really should either go into PS Plus Premium or get a budget priced release.
I'll pick it up at some point. I was on the 360 back then, so I don't have a way to replay it now and would enjoy going for the platinum. It went from an impulse buy to waiting for a sale/more free time based on the lack of improvements.
Deep sale or PS+. No way I'm buying it at £50
Trying to think of something positive to say about this release...
Nope. I got nothing.
The more comments I read, the more it sits uneasy with me. Red Dead Redemption was my favourite game before RDR2 came out. I would kill to play it but these decisions don't deserve my money.
How long was it before GTA 3, then Vice City and then San Andreas came to PS Plus extra? I don't think it was that long. I remember they came and went pretty quickly, though. Maybe that's how I'll play it
£10 to £15 will be worth it.
Oh, and that's why it was taken off PS Plus Premium/PS Now, so they could charge more later on. Shame.
Loved RDR2 but never played the first one. Will definitely get it at some point not for £50 though.
I've still got my PS3 and I'm sure my copy will be about somewhere.
Seeing as it is a straight port it's a big no from me.
Now a remaster, maybe I would have dropped some cash. A remake with RDR2 visuals etc and I would defo have jumped.
I will definitely pick it up at some point but not at launch. Too much other stuff to play and $50 is too much for a straight port. $20-30 and you got a deal.
Rockstar at it again with the “can’t bother doing anything so just rerelease a game to old gen”. Probably doesn’t even run 60 since it looks like just a straight port from the ps3/360 version. Would also explain why there’s no Xbox release since people on Xbox could already play the 360 version on current gen
If its good like its supposed to be yes.but i will see.word up son
Tried both rdr games. Thought they were both slow and boring.
No (liar's) dice.
One of the first games I platted on the ps3, drunkenly and proud of it, but without a howge discount or being available on plus, when I could have played it basically on my steamdeck for free via gp, it's a no from me.
Sorry if none of that makes sense, it's my first post (no excuse), and I'm very tired after wrasslin' with a cat at 3am 🤣
I'd rather play Call of Juarez Gunslinger with gyro controls on ps5.
No chance lazy port of a great game Rockstar should be ashamed
I'll buy the Switch version on discount at some point to have a portable version.
But only when it's 50% or more discounted.
Whilst I like to think that long suffering veteran Rockstar fans would wait for reviews &actual in-game gameplay footage after GTA Trilogy remastered,I can imagine there's going to be a big enough PS & Switch user base desperate enough at finally seeing it available they'll buy it no matter what!😕
Given the U.S. $50 will likely translate somewhere closer to $80-$90 in my neck of the woods yeah I'll wait for reviews,patches & a decent sale wherein Take-two will still be raking a profit!
The sad thing is,being a ps4 port, assuming we see an eventual PS6,that PS users won't be back where they started if it only had PS5 compatibility!
Its a shame how back in the ps2 era you had various Rockstar studios that could separately do projects like GTA LCS/VCS,Bully,The Warriors etc., but nowadays to feed the mtx live service beast that'll be GTA VI/GTA Online 2.0 (which I suspect will be like Diablo IV & be online for all play modes),all their studios seem to handle one game at a time now.
I still have my ps3 plugged in (for guiter hero and motorstorm).
On Ebay Ive just found a disc only copy of this game for £2.69 inclusive of post.
Given this new release is not 4k or 60hz, why would anyone want to spend £50 on it? Its price is pure greed. I liked it when Rockstar made games about gangsters instead of acting like them...
Nope, I bought the original and loved it. No need to buy it twice.
I played it to completion on the ps3 and whilst i enjoyed it i never thought it was an amazing game just a good game. I wont be buying this as i never bought the 2nd game. I hope people enjoy it but i have bigger and better games on the horizon that will be taking up my winter time..
now that we have rdr2, is there even a reason to go back to the first entry? it was pretty rough around the edges with lots of load times and dare i say it, a half baked ending that felt rushed and sloppy. i mean, rdr2 is much more polished on the whole so i don't see many people playing rdr1 to completion. this is more about nostalgia for some people perhaps... for those who have not played it but only played rdr2, it would be a hard sell unless you are a "retro" gamer and appreciate games that are not cutting edge graphically. every day that passes, i feel like more and more people lose their tolerance for the jenk and general lack of polish many ps3 and earlier games are known for. i have no problem going back to that era of gaming but i am not the majority.
Bought it twice; on PS3 & 360, beat it multiple times. Unless this is really cheap, don't think I'll bother.
I probably will get it at some point. Wait for a sale. $50 is too much for what it is, but still want to play it.
I'd certainly like to replay this game. Not sure yet if I'll get it straight away, or wait for a sale.
@Texan_Survivor 5) Don't forget that according to a VGC article in 2021, Take-Two's CEO, Strauss Zelnick, said: "We’ve done differently than the competition – we don’t just port titles over, we actually take the time to do the very best job we can making the title different for the new release, for the new technology that we’re launching it on. So, we improve the technology, we upgrade the visuals, and we make performance enhancements. And that’s why I think our remastered titles typically do so well.”
As a native Spanish speaker the terrible Spanish in the game killed any illusion of immersion the game might have had. Incredible how a big studio like Rockstar never cared enough to pay some Spanish speakers for that.
I wish I could say I won’t buy this, but the reality is I can’t. One of my absolute favourite games of all time.
As others have mentioned I’d probably jump in at £15- maybe even £20, but not at full price.
It’s such a shame really. RDR deserves the remake treatment.
One of the very few games I have ever finished more than once.
Was hoping for a remake, especially due to the fact that the entire RDR1 map is freely navigable in RDR2. I used to think that was hint of things to come but leave it to Rockstar to massively disappoint once again.
I can play it just fine on PS3, don't see a reason to pay $50 for higher resolution.
Not for that price 😂
Stupidly I'd probably buy it for 20, which would still be silly for what this is
Of course, yes I will buying it day one.
I waited for this game so long
I still have the Xbox 360 disc, so can play it through BC on my Series X. Needless to say, I voted “no chance” in the poll!
Nope - installed the 360 version on my XBox One this morning and it looks beautiful. More than enough to entice me to play it again. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if R* pull it from the BC list and start charging £50 for it at this point...
I will be buying it, may even double dip.
God yeah can't wait to come out a game and see RDR staring at me enticing me to play...on my defunked PS4
Only a fool would pay that price for a simple port.
To be honest, I find there's too little information on this to have a strong opinion on it. People sure like to be outraged. If it runs at a higher resolution and stable frame rate I'd get it on a 75% sale.
Not to be that guy, but someone has to hold the receipts. At the start of PS5 gen, the saying was and i quote.
“ i didn’t buy a PS5 to play old games”
So i would assume no one is buying this. Unless everyone forgets those receipts.
I would really consider to buy it if it was a proper remaster for the PS or PC but now I will just easily emulate it via Yuzu. Thanks Rockstar!
Probably will when on sale, especially with no enhancements, playing a game thats 13 years old will be rough going. Not worth 50, especially with so many awesome gane coming out in the next couple months
I’d rather play it again on PS3 than support full priced, low effort ports. After the GTA ports last year, and 10 years of GTA V, I’ve got zero faith in these guys
I'm not necessarily waiting on a sale but I'm not buying right away so by the time I do get to it. It'll probably be on sale. Assuming the physical copies aren't limited
Rockstar got fat off GTA Online money and forgot what it means to make quality games.
Daylight robbery if it happens that there's no enhancements what so ever ,if it turns out that it's actually 4k/60 fps etc then it's not daylight robbery and could well be worth picking up at some stage,surely if yr going to release a game that's a gd few yrs old now on ps4 hardware then there has to be some sort of improvements to get gamers to part with money at that price ,I won't be getting it on this info but if there's improvements then possibly ,I have no problem at all with games re releasing onto newer hardware ,providing there been some positive changes to take advantage of of that newer tech otherwise may as well play rdr on my ps3 and to end on a positive ,its a great game
No chance. You've all seen the announcement - how, indeed, would I be motivated to buy the game for my PS4 after an announcement like this?
I have it on Xbox
No incentive to play a straight port again. I got full trophy completion for RDR and all its DLC in 2020 on the PS3, right when Covid lockdown started.
I’ll remember this game with fond memories because it was the game I binged while wondering if the world was coming to an end.
A fantastic game, but I have no reason to revisit it again if this port offers nothing new.
Do they think they think we are as gullible as Nigel West Dickens customers?
I got mine goty edition on ps3. That is enough.
Invaderjim ,lol yeah remember nigel west dickens
I will buy it for certain but when it's on sale. 50 Euros is really a lot and i have many games to play so i don,t feel the need to buy it immediately
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Dosen't need to go on sale on Xbox, you can still buy it for less than £8 as Microsoft allow you to buy Full Digital games from 3rd parties.
Hell nah, stealing it on Switch to see if it plays better on Yuzu than Xenia.
Hell no. I've got it on my XSX and it looks great in 4K.
Rockstar are gready but they know an idiot and his/her money are easily parted.
Wait a minute, I bought GTAV on PS3, PS4 and PS5. D'oh. I'm an idiot.
I played it once and loved it and that’s all i need from it. And no matter how many times I’ve tried, I find RDR2 to impenetrable. I’ve tried to play it three times now. Every very time I get to my camp where the game actually opens up I just can’t be bothered.
Hell no goodbye
I'm not buying it at 50 bucks. But I'll buy it eventually to have a reliable way to play it again. All due respect to the PS3 but that console runs so bad. And let's be real, this is going to sell millions. Capitalism.
This is why we can't let physical discs die.
We would be at the mercy of every greedy publisher on the ps store - which seems like most of them these days.
Maybe they'll come to their senses and add 60fps and a res boost in a year or so but I won't hold my breath...
I won't be buying a Game I bought, own and can still play inc its DLC on Xbox 360 running at 4k on Series X - thanks to Backwards Compatibility.
I can see why Playstation and Nintendo ONLY gamers are upset but if you want to play RDR on these platforms, then Rockstar are bringing them to you. Its cheaper than buying an Xbox/PC and the Game to play on those platforms and a 'LOT' of game for the money (new or old, its still a 'great' game with a LOT of content and hours worth of game time) - yet people complain about $70 for 8-10hrs worth...
Anyway, if you aren't that bothered to play it Day 1, then you can wait for sales etc...
Nope. They can keep it. I already have it on Xbox through BC and scored it during one of their 75% off sales years ago.
R* is a just being a greedy 🍑🕳️
Nope, i bought it on Xbox for my Series X about 2 month ago. Cost £10 with Undead Nightmare. Absolute robbery. At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!!
No interest at all. Played and beaten several times on PS3.
You've got to hand it to Rockstar, they're masters at milking a PS3 game for all its worth
I'll play it on my PS3. It's literally the exact same experience in every detail.
For gamers who only play on Nintendo systems, this good news except for the price. For gamers who only play on PlayStation this is bad news, including the price. For gamers who only play Xbox, this is absolutely hilarious news all day long.
Between the PS4 & Switch versions, this is more reasonable as a Switch purchase. Very unfortunate. Wishful thinking, but here's hoping for a full-functional & native PS5 version.
How do the "discerning players" who claim that every "next gen" game in 2023 must run at 60fps feel???, lol... I mean, you'll be given a reskin of a 13 years old game incapable to run PS5 and at 60fps???, how sad and ironic is that??... perhaps, it's time that you learn 10 or 20 things and when you own the proper telly, a game at 4k running 30-40fps in PS5 with 3d Audio and haptics, it IS a next gen game...
I’m actually interested in the Switch version. But not for 50 bucks.
That crap is for the birds. Maybe when it gets down to 14.99.
Nope. If it's just a straight up port of the same game then it's not worth that price. At least to me.
So I guess they think $50 is a fair price for the convenience of not having to use a PS3 to play this anymore. And bad form of them to put it on Switch and skip PC. Something tells me RPCS3 and Xenia are about to get a flood of new users looking to get around that “convenience fee” and needing to still own a console of some type to play it.
That’s two for two fails from Take Two bringing older games to current gen systems. Please leave Bully and Midnight Club alone
Online has allowed Rockstar to make better quality games. RDR2 wouldn't be what it is without the time and resources given to it.
@stefan771 Proof? Red Dead Redemption 1 was also a masterpiece and they didn't need GTA Online to create it. Almost every other game prior to GTA 5 was also excellent, so I don't understand how they wouldn't be able to make RDR2 excellent without GTA Online.
No way am I buying this port. I played and beat the game on the PS3 back when it released. I would gladly play it on PC cause the community will mod higher texture packs and 60 fps.
@Geep i play older games on my Series X. Not much on PS5 outside of PS4 games. I was just reminding people that were saying Xbox having BC wasn’t a big deal and no one buys a PS5 to play old games. I found that silly cause we as gamers are always asking for game preservation and not shutting down the servers on older games we physically and digitally bought. So not sure why the BC program was met with such negativity, other than it’s Xbox and if MS could walk on water people would say it’s cause they can’t swim. Comes with the territory. I happen to like both, think Sony could do better with BC but the cell processor looms over their head. 😀
Loved Red Dead 2; never got around to playing the original. I have it on my Xbox, so there’s no way I’d buy this port; but even if I didn’t, I still wouldn’t buy it for $50 unless it had some PS4/5 specific upgrades, which it doesn’t seem to. I truly hope sales are abysmal, because they really shouldn’t be rewarded for this.
This does remind me to put Red Dead next in my Xbox game queue, though.
No one should spend £50 on a game that came out in 2011 and still looks the same. No 60fps is egregious. Seriously shameful from rockstar. Easily exceeding EA in terms of bad practices over the last 10 years
First the milking of GTA online then releasing GTA V 300 times then doing nothing with rdr 2 then the atrocity that was/still is the GTA trilogy and now releasing this no effort rehash that wasn't even helmed by rockstar. Shameful
I never played nor care for it.
But man... is that a lazy effort for 50. Lol!
@Boxmonkey RDR2 is possibly the most boring gaming experience I have ever had.
Got it on Xbox and love it. But if anything I would buy it for Switch for the portability. The PS4 version would not add anything over the one I already own and would just make me 50 poorer. But for 50, yeah, no way in hell
Not a snowballs chance in hell am I buying this. Vastly overpriced for what it is and the CEO comments about how they just think that's the right price takes the piss.
It's £40 on Xbox already, so it's already £10 over the odds at £50. My personal limit for this kind of release is, like, £10-15.
I'm not going to say it's no effort, because someone had to port this, but it's not £50's worth. There's no new content, no new assets, not worth the price.
At €30 I would have thought about it but this is too outrageous. I also want to read what they exactly changed. Plus after the GTA trilogy im waiting for the review and I will still wait for sale it's just to much.
I'll buy it when it's £10 or less. Not a penny more. The other option is to just wait to see if it enters PS+.
Not on PS4, but I may get it on Switch if/when there's a price drop. I'm not paying £40 for game this old
so this is a new definition of cash grab, instead of the TLOU1 remake? do I understand things right? )
'Yes, I'll be buying it day one' voters should all be banned from the whole internet forever.
I've been waiting for this forever. The fact that you can't play this or GTA 4 on modern consoles is an absolute travesty. That said, there is no way I'm paying £50 for it. £24.99 would be my absolute max in a sale in the future.
@tomassi You can play Red Dead Redemption and GTA IV on Xbox.
I'll get it, alright ...for its actual value, through Xbox BC.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner whats really crazy, is people have played it before and NOTHING new is added but for the "FLEX" they are going to buy it again, and never finish it, but brag cause they have "RDR on PS4" in their collection. No way in hell imma buy a game I played before, especially if I did everything and got my money's worth. Some of us gamers are like fish, flash new shiny things in front of us, and we take the bait!!
@theMEGAniggle Rockstar has literally smashed us in the face with feces and then look at us and say " What the hell are you gonna do about it?" And as us gamers stare with a lost gaze, they laugh at us like Sagat from SF2... We are such gamer simps, they KNOW this, and this is why they do things like this, because what the hell are we going to do? absolutely NOTHING! We are a lost community of chumps and simps.. its almost comical...
When its down to 20 then I'll pick it up
I'll wait until the game is available on ps plus
@__jamiie I don't have Xbox, should have said on PS. I wouldn't mind betting GTA 4 will get a port at some point as well now RDR1 has. I hope so anyway. Last time I played either of them was back in 2010 or whenever it was, on Xbox 360. And even then I got no where near to completing either of them so I'd love to experience them for, pretty much, the first time.
@tomassi Hopefully if they do port GTA IV R* will show a bit more love for the game. What they've done for PlayStation gamers with this release is a real slap in the face.
@Atreus97 I don’t think it’s gonna reach that price anytime soon, the GTA Trilogy has only been discounted 50% at most so applying the same logic here it’s gonna be $25 eventually but no less at least for a couple of years.
@__jamiie Lol you see what they’ve done with the GTA Trilogy and this game but you still hope for more?
If it happens it’s going to be a straight up port with nothing more, but I honestly don’t think it’s gonna happen.
@IOI I'm not hoping for more. I can already play them on Xbox so I'm fine if they don't. But I'm hoping that if they do remake any more of their games that they don't treat PlayStation gamers like second class citizens.
Also, after all of the updates, the GTA Trilogy was definitely worth owning.
@MakersMark I'm going to keep doing what I always do with games and movies that I don't support, vote with my wallet. I implore everyone else to do so, send the message you want rather than crying about it online but still buying it. But oh wait I forget the gaming community. If it exists, someone will buy it. Community of chumps and simps is way to generous. Its a community of brain dead sheep-zombies. I say that with love
Rockstar can go take a steaming dump in their collective corporate pants at this point.... I loved RDR and have 2400+ hours in Red Dead Online and still play to this day because the world is so beautiful, but it'll be a cold day in Guarma before I give Rockstar my cash for a $50 PORT of a 13 year old game that I can still play on my X360 WITHOUT any missing features... f**k Strauss Zelnick and f**k the corporate shareholders for their lazy cash-grabbing crap!! 💸💸💸
I’d pay $10 for the PS5 update if that happens. But $50 for a PS4 version?
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