There was no way on God’s green earth Sony could convey today’s PS Plus paradigm shift without a hearty helping of criticism. Microsoft – the second largest company on the planet with a warchest in the trillions – has changed the game with its Xbox Game Pass business model, and there’s nothing that PlayStation (or the lesser mentioned Nintendo) can do about it. That doesn’t make today’s news any less meaningful, though.
PS Plus is one of PlayStation’s more successful products from the past decade. The subscription has a pull of almost 50 million members, making it the biggest of its kind in gaming. It’s also, generally, well regarded: the feedback ebbs-and-flows with the quality of the monthly “freebies”, but Sony’s been able to not only retain users but actually grow the service on an annual basis – impressive stuff.

PS Now has been less successful. Originally conceived as a streaming-only service, PlayStation had first mover’s advantage in this category, which has gradually eroded with the organisation’s reluctance to improve upon its offering. It added downloadable games a couple of years ago, but the stigma of the product has never really changed, and most PlayStation 5 and PS4 players have been content ignoring it. A rebranding has been needed for a while.

Today’s announcement, as expected as it was, is effectively that. Sony is marrying PS Plus with PS Now, reducing the price for members who subscribe to both, and offering some additional options and bonuses in the process. The comparisons to Xbox Game Pass will not go away, and the elephant in the room is the lack of day one first-party releases, but PlayStation says this is unsustainable for its business model, and we’re going to assume it’s crunched the numbers.
So, what is the primary purpose of this new tiered approach to PS Plus, then? Well, we don’t think Sony’s goal is necessarily expansion here, but rather to upsell. For an extra $40 on the traditional PS Plus subscription fee, you can get access to a catalogue of PS5 and PS4 games, including Returnal and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. The signal of intent is fairly strong from this announcement: they’re not the latest games, as mentioned above, but they are two of the best that Sony currently has in its library. God of War, Death Stranding, and Mortal Kombat 11 are other examples.

This library will grow over time, and PlayStation bigwig Jim Ryan says practically all publishers are on board, ranging from indies through to major third-parties. As alluded, there’ll be criticism of Sony’s approach not to include new releases day one, but it’s worth remembering that catalogues have value, too. Assuming that Sony keeps a steady stream of content flowing into this library, then there’ll always be value for new and old subscribers, as not every gamer buys every game at launch. A good example is the recent addition of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy to Xbox Game Pass – it wasn’t there day one, but there’s certainly value in its addition a few months later.
The tiered approach is also compelling, as far as we’re concerned. PS Plus Essential retains all of the existing perks and benefits of the current PS Plus subscription, while the optional PS Plus Extra adds in the abovementioned catalogue. Then you’ve got PS Plus Premium, which bumps the overall annual cost up to $119.99, but bundles in classic titles and streaming functionality, on top of what’s already been mentioned above. Having a variety of options is not the worst idea in the world when it comes to services like this, because it allows members to decide what suits their specific needs.

It’s worth mentioning that, while the monthly prices aren’t especially competitive, the annual fees are. Sony says that around two-thirds of its current PS Plus members pay annually, and so you’re actually getting a significant discount if you continue to commit. For example, PS Plus Premium would cost you around $215.88 if you paid monthly, but you can get it for $119.99 if you buy the year upfront. That’s a win for Sony, as it’s got you locked in for at least 12 months, but also a victory for your wallet as well. It’s worth adding that, contrary to some commentary we’ve seen online, this is cheaper than Game Pass Ultimate, too – as it should be.
It all makes sense, then – the disappointment here is how Sony’s communicated it all. Make no mistake, this is clearly the first phase of a multi-stage promotional campaign, but we would have liked to have learned more about which games will be offered with PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium, and how the classic games will work. Can we expect Trophies to be added to PS1 and PSP titles, for example? Will there be save states and rewind functionality like with Nintendo Switch Online? It’s all unknown.
And seeing as the main perks here are, at the end of the day, the games you’ll get access to, it feels like an oversight to not share a little more about what we can expect and when. How often can we expect new games to be added to the catalogues? Will the retro games be added piecemeal or all at once? We didn’t expect Sony to answer every question with its initial announcement, but far too much is being kept quiet for our tastes.

That healthy scepticism is reflected in our poll on the subject. A fairly reasonable 24 per cent think the new subscription tiers sound great, but 21 per cent are also waiting for more information. That will come before the subscription rolls out in June, and that’s fine, but we’d argue Sony could have made a bigger splash with this announcement by being a little more specific. As it happens, we now have a better idea of what the future looks like for PS Plus, and we’re cautiously optimistic about it all – but still, Sony has quite a bit left to prove.
What do you make of the changes to PS Plus, and will you be subscribing to any of its higher tiers? Are you still waiting for more information and bemused by Sony’s communication strategy? As always, let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 82
If the Catalogue is worthwhile and the means to purchase games remains I'm ok with this.
Sony need to add some big third party games either day of their release or a couple months after
Also would be ideal to also add the streaming service to mobile devices, surely theres an appeal for playing classic playstation 1 and 2 games on mobile devices, why only limit this service to those who own a Sony console
I was initially expecting a big State of Play to go through all of the info on this, but since last week I've been thinking that they might just drop a brief post on the blog to not make too big a splash.
If they had tried too hard here it would have drawn more negative comparisons to Game Pass. As it stands they've put it on a slow burn, and they can build expectations now themselves rather than having "insiders" misrepresent what we should expect.
Good point in the article though - It comes in cheaper than Game Pass Ultimate annually. That was absolutely critical.
Here’s hoping it’ll lower full priced games like Returnal from £50 to £30, now people can play using the subscription model.
Seeing as I have a backlog that's solidly months of gaming, I legitimately couldn't care less about day one access to any title. No game is worth playing on day one. Every game nowadays gets better technically and/or more robust content-wise as time goes on. Not many get any worse than on launch. I'm fine if it takes months (or even years) to play stuff. I am in literally no rush for damn near anything these days.
I just hate how goddamn expensive it all is! You could literally buy 2 second hand PS1's instead of the yearly price for the highest tier subscription!
Meh. I got a PS5 for PSVR2 and I'm looking forward to that so much. But an Xbox Series X and Gamepass for everything else is looking like the best option by far.
Show me games and I show my wallet.
Or not.
Ps1 titles with trophies would be a no brainer for me though.
Imagine suikoden with trophies. Drool.
If the ps1 and psp games (especially) have trophy support I’ll be all over them. If they have no additional challenges however, then I’ll likely just play a few for the sake of nostalgia but not that many.
Streaming to a TV doesn’t interest me at all, but if they add a good streaming solution to my phone then that’ll be well worthwhile.
I’m glad they’ve kept it cheaper by only including older games because I can’t get through that many too quickly these days so sub services need to be low cost to match my low play time. This also means I have a big backlog of older games anyway, so I have less need for new games than your average teenager for example.
Of course it all depends on the games ultimately, so we’ll see what the catalogue is like.
I just want to know more about the PS1/PS2/PSP portion of the service. Seeing as we got pretty much zero information on that front, the news today is almost pointless to me. So, yes, Sony f’d up the announcement IMO.
@awp69 Yeah, it's a little frustrating that they've been so vague about it all. I didn't expect them to announce all the games, but more concrete information would have been useful.
Not really it’s a nice bit of change up really but at the end of the day top end AAA exclusive titles sell consoles
Sony and Nintendo have proved that.
The fact that in the UK for a good few weeks even the series x has been easily available on the shop shelves in most of my local stores and online shows that game pass is not the major attraction Microsoft believe you have it is.
Big top end games and good advertising and consumer awareness sell consoles.
The issue i have is price, Premium is around the price of Gamepass Ultimate but offers less and inferior versions of what Gamepass offers.
I think Sony needs to start getting day 1 3rd party releases though. MS is getting big games day 1 on there as well great indies, i'm currently playing Sable and Tunic with Gamepass and they're fantastic what i'm tempted to just buy now. Sony needs to get stuff like this, MS constantly give value and Sony need to compete there even if 1st party games can't be put on it on day 1. You know do what Nintendo is flirting with in putting DLC for 1st party games on there, imagine Horizon 2's expansion on there day one with a 25% discount if you want to own it instead.
I wish the names were less confusing. It just doesn’t have the same ‘ring’ or clear marketing that ‘Gamepass’ does. I have a good idea what a Gamepass is without knowing anything about it.
PlayStation Plus Premium? What does that tell me lol. It’s like Capcom and their Street Fighter Signa X Pro Flying V Guitar Edition titles.
Also I hope they continue to build the ‘classic’ library of games and not just stop where it’s at.
@Dezzy70 Your anecdotal experiences with seeing Series X consoles means nothing for if Gamepass is working or not, especially since the UK has always been a Playstation nation.
Either way though, this is a good move and depending on the games they bring from their older consoles I may be on board here. The output of Sony from 10-20 years ago was way more interesting than the new PS5 games they put out, exception being Returnal, so start stacking up the classics please!
Three tiers are one too much, in my opinion. There is packed in so much stuff, many people who are not that deeply in this topic as the readers of this webpage will be overwhelmed, not knowing what they need. I‘d rather see a pumped up basic subscription at 60 EUR, extended by PS1, PS2 and PSP games and only one PS4/PS5 game per month, and a premium subscription with all the other stuff extra at 120 EUR.
The price is whack, hard pass
I usually renew my ps plus subscription on or around the Black Friday sales as its significantly cheaper then. Usually get the current guise for around £28 which isn't bad for 12 month's.
I wonder if we'll see similar discounts with this new tiered system
Either way I am very interested but need to see which PS1 & 2 games will be available.
Depending on what they are I may just subscribe for a month then cancel once I've had my fill
Great service! Ps plus stays as it is for the same price. If you want more pay a little more.and I have ps now Until 2023 and I read somewhere that I Will get the premium plus. Sounds like a good deal. Thanks Sony!
There's nothing wrong with it. Sony doesn't need Day one releases. These games cost 100 milion to make. Microsoft doens't invest that kinna money in games. And then there's that "glitch" for gamepass I bett that from those 25 million users more than 50% used that glitch. And that makes gamepass verder atractive to buy. Case for now its almost a steal for that money.And There's youre gamepass succes.
June has still to Come. Patience:)
@Sakisa As I like to point out - if UK is “PlayStation nation” then Xbox is nonexistent in the rest of Europe (and everywhere outside North America, really). UK actually has a relatively large number of Xbox owners.
That obviously doesn’t mean much on its own - PS had a huge advantage when the new consoles launched and most people will stick with the brand they already have history with, so it’s not like Game Pass was ever going to flip the market upside down overnight - I’m pretty sure they’re doing pretty good though.
Not showing any PS1/PS2 or PSP games was super weird to me!
The rest seems like a simple merge of Plus and PSNow with little to no added value. MK, God of War are already available on the PS5 Plus Collection, and the other 3 games are great of course, but nothing that justifies the price!
They need to show more and preferably fast!
Everything is just confusing af. Premium, Plus, Extra wth... Not really interested but we'll see.
Thank you for pointing out that is IS cheaper than Game Pass Ultimate.
The monthly comparison is very deceiving, but on a yearly basis it is definitely the cheaper option. (As in, you don't get Day 1 launches, but you're not paying as much....)
I do still wish they'd offer a discount on first party titles for the premium users however... That is a little stingy.
Right now there's nothing in either of the two premium tiers that justifies upgrading my current subscription. I respect those who find value in nostalgia, but I'd rather have fresh, new experiences. Good for the consumer though, more options mean more satisfied customers.
all a bit meh and confusing.. Gamepass wins
The thing about gamepass is that you don’t even need an Xbox to enjoy it. That’s what I would expect from Sony too. Let people download your games on PC and play them natively. Otherwise, I’m not interested.
I'm against game subscription services and streaming in general, but trying to ignore my bias it seems a pretty good deal to someone relying solely on a game subscription for their games.
"...it allows members to decide what suits their specific needs." This does not as it doesn't include the one thing that I needed. Them refusing to make PS3 games work on a PS5 will keep me from bothering with this. I already own the whole initial launch lineup mentioned, and actually being able to download PS3 games was the only thing that would have swayed me to pay more than the base level. That's what I was looking forward to finding out about, but seeing that they are still streaming is a huge bummer.
Oh well, as expected unfortunately, this will not measure up to Game Pass even giving them the benefit of the doubt that we all knew they were going to offer 1st party titles day 1.
Overall, I think they did alright with this. Its a good starting point for a wider breadth of available content, and with some time, it could grow into something pretty awesome. I guess only time will tell.
@Jackpaza0508, so you have got the two consoles, but what games are you going to play on it?
Waiting on more information, but I'm very interested to hear more in the next two months.
If half of the current playstation plus members get the second tier than that's already more subscribers than gamepass lol
Also most of gamepass's subscribers are still using the deals like the £1 deal etc how many are still sticking with it once those deals run out though? Give it 3-4 years and we will see who has the most subscribers which at the end of the day is the main objective for them
The UK used to be and still is I think Xbox biggest single country market outside the USA.
The fact series x console sales are slowing shows the initial fan base demand has already dried up even with shortages, meaning the general public are not running wild trying to get a series x to play the games and game pass games.
They are far more interested in Switch and PS5.
I don’t think Microsoft will ever get the Xbox360 glory days fever pitch back, when they even outsold both Nintendo and Sony in the UK.
As for SONY it is a good move as long as they pumping out the big AAA top end exclusives at the current quality etc.
With so many subscription services they need to be value for money as gamepass is we cant sub to them all , i dont own a xbox but play all their games on my PC equals great value for £7.99 a month.
@Ashkorsair Yeah, would think if their philosophy was show me the money first, that people have already done that with their sheer subscription counts. For people who like to complain about what they're buying, people sure buy a lot of it. I expect that's mostly because it's tied into being able to multiplay wit it. Without that,, that number would be a lot lower.
If they let me download the PS1, PS2, PS3 (specifically this one!) and PSP then I would be sold but Sony's streaming is horrid at best so is a definite no.
As for the day one releases I never play anything day one, I'm still waiting on Rachet to hit a price I like and will get Horizon 2 by the end of the year. I have all the rest of the exclusives
I never understood why people need to play something as soon as it comes out when it's more expensive and it's the worst version of said game 🤷
@Dezzy70 What you're seeing in the UK is not a barometer for success or failure for Microsoft and it's short sighted to think that what you personally are seeing where you live is any indication on a global company's success or failure.
I'll say this, where I live, good luck getting a Series X. They're still in high demand.
And again, Sony's big AAA titles are boring to me. Cool if you like them, but i'm far more interested in developers that are more creative and free wheeling with their ideas even if it's at a smaller budget rather than trying to make the next graphics melting open world game that I'll forget about in a month, if that. That's why Gamepass is perfect for me and why Sony lost most of the good will I had for them when they shuttered Sony Japan Studio to double down on their bland Oscar bait games. You may think AAA games are what everyone wants and is the end all be all, but try to understand not everyone is like you or cares about what you care about.
@TheArt Whats difficult to understand there now are 3 tiers? With extra that cost extra so?
Im happy i dont have to fund people who look for value through my subscription thats the big plus.
@Sakisa So you are complaining to someone who has a different idea in whats better? For me its the same i dont care about the value in the Gamepass the same goes for the library of games they have. We all have our different kind of taste.
Why on earth they think classic games are a premium feature is beyond me. This news just ensures ps3s across the globe will stay hooked up in perpetuity and playstation piracy will remain rampant on PC. I just wanted the microsoft approach not this nintendo style nonsense. Hugely dissapointed and worried about the future of PS game preservation
'Sony is marrying PS Plus with PS Now, reducing the price for members who subscribe to both'
£49.99 + £49.99 = £99.98
PS Plus Premium £99.99
Hmmm, yes with more content, but certainly not at a reduced price, also there will be people out there (not many likely) that only subscribe to Now not Plus, so to get the same content their price has doubled.
Also i fear that with Sony adding higher calibre games to the higher tiers, PS Plus essential could just be trash every month, i hope i am not right.
@Juanalf Just so you know, you can download all the PS1, PS2, PSP games — it's just PS3 you have to stream.
@Sakisa I think your comment is a bit disingenuous, because Sony makes those kind of games, too. Dreams is probably the most avant-garde exclusive anyone's ever produced, for example.
I'm not going to attempt to dictate your tastes to you, but felt your comment was a little unfair.
Bad marketing. You only get a first impression once. I suspect the premium tiers will converge to something competitive with GamePass but I don’t see it in this announcement. GamePass just has a clear intent: all first party games day one plus other good stuff that they rotate. PS+ Premium is some good Sony content that already exists and PS Now and probably some other stuff sometime?
@koffing it's three tiers. I'm failing to understand why people think it's confusing.
@Flaming_Kaiser Well it doesn't look interesting so I'd say I haven't really bothered to study the differences.
@TheArt So your comment is useless? Its not difficult you just dont feel like reading what it is?
@Balosi the price points are clear but the value proposition is confusing. Let’s say I already have Death Stranding and Spiderman. What am I getting for paying premium? Sounds mostly like a PS Now rebrand with .. some extra stuff? That I might care about?
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah true. It's all a big yawn.
I’ve gotten six years worth of GPU for free through conversion and MS rewards. Just can’t be beat.
@WallyWest I wonder if the indies and smaller titles will launch on PS+ Extra now also. The company line is that indie game sell better when they are on the GP service, so if so, there should be no reason that these smaller games won’t want to be launched day 1 on PS+ also. Unless it’s not really true that GP promotes more sales for indie games and it is all just corporate PR.
I think the exclusive game trials that the Premium level gets are going to be Sony’s version of day 1 access to larger budget games. So probably you can play Forspoken day 1 or maybe something like Saints Row, or The Quarry, or Project Eve, or Axiom Verge 2, or whatever for free on day one for like so many hours or days and then buy it for a steep discount if you decide you like it and want to finish it. It’s kinda like what GamePass does I think, although they don’t actually call them “trials” but they encourage you to actually buy the game because they give you a good deal after playing it when they are ready to yank it from the service.
I suspect GoW Ragnarok, Gotham Knights, Hogwart’s Legacy, and other AAA big games don’t need either service to sell them so won’t have demo trials nor be on GamePass.
I am curious about A Plague Tale: Requiem as it’s a AA third party game that has already committed to launch day 1 on GamePass and I’m interested to see if it launches on PS+ also. Same for MLB The Show. I suspect it will be day 1 on Sony’s service too.
@Sakisa “Sony's big AAA titles are boring to me. Cool if you like them, but i'm far more interested in developers that are more creative and free wheeling with their ideas even if it's at a smaller budget rather than trying to make the next graphics melting open world game…”
Not only Dreams, but Concrete Genie says hello. As does Astrobot’s Playroom, MLB The Show, Erica, Sackboy:A Big Adventure, Destruction All-Stars, Bound, The Last Guardian, GT7, Detroit Become Human, MediEvil…
Ah, and of course that very copycat cookie-cutter game Death Stranding that did nothing innovative or creative at all… 😉
Oh and the entire VR library — Also incredibly mundane and lacking any ounce creativity.
Yup. All Sony makes is the same old open world story “Oscar bait” games. 😄
I'm only interested in what i am subscribing to now..its great that there are options that cater to everybody but i cant understand where anyone can seriously find the time to utilise the top end tiers of either game pass or ps ultimate..i work full time monday to friday,i play golf 3 times a week when the daylight hours are there..my wife works full time and has her own art business which takes up most of her spare time so i'm lucky to be able to do pretty much what i want with the time i have..we have no children but we do have a 4 and a half year old sproodle who needs a lot of attention..anyway my point is that i do have a lot of time to indulge in my gaming but there is not a chance i would ever reap the benefits of subbing to ps ultimate..i dont understand how anybody could unless they are literally unable to leave the house or are unemployed...
Yeah...except without Sony's first party...it doesn't.
The upgraded service still needs to prove itself to me before I go all in...however I am mostly liking what's being said.
We will see as time passes by and the results of this new generation will be the same as last generation approximately when it comes to popularity and sales and nothing will really change.
The only reason game pass is here is because Microsoft could not and cannot compete the standard way and they still can’t even with game pass. See you in a few years when what I have just said comes true.
Some of you are really showing your low iq. What is hard to understand? It’s 3 tiers each with a different set of perks. If none of the extra stuff interests you, then stick with essential !
@Th3solution some people have no sense, how can he be talking as if ps don’t have some of the most diverse games
@WallyWest that’s not entirely true. It comes in cheaper than GPU over the year (£8.32 per month actually versus £10.99 for GPU) and there are is bigger and deeper library in the 700+ games being offered (although we dont know for sure yet). It is not as good as GPU in that it doesn’t have immediate first party games but newish ps5 games like Returnal and Spiderman: MM make it competitive. And if those classic ps1, ps2 and psp games are the right ones, that’s a really cool offer for old school gamers. Also, the mid-tier is a new brainier for PS5 owners as it means you don’t need to spend £70. It’s solid overall, even compared to GPU.
Personally, I disagree that it's both necessary or a good make over.
Firstly, they could've reinvigorated PS+ for us loyal subscribers who've been subbed for years despite the really disappointing months we've had, which outweigh the good ones, by far.
Secondly, what we didn't need was more game streaming and more games we only rent and not own.
This is like taking a dump in my, already urine soaked, cereal and then trying to present it as a new crunchy topping.
Reinvigorating would've been expanding the PS+ baseline offering for no additional cost, whilst doing whatever with the additional tiers. The baseline is the same service and same cost and it's been disappointing as an offering for at least 3 years.
It's literally just a money grab. There's absolutely nothing for subscribers who've been paying for years.
Like I said about the rumours. It was much ado about nothing. Just a normal expected evolution of what’s already there.
Nothing to do with gamepass and not some sort of counter to it. PS services existed before gamepass. If anything it was the other way round. It’s just the reporting on gamepass has more promoting coverage for whatever reason. That’s just facts.
It sounds OK. I think if you stick with the Basic plan then you can expect slim pickings with the free games each month. They will reserve the decent ones for the higher tiers to try and get people to sub for more $$. Much like XBOX games with gold.
If the higher tiers want to be considered a success then they are really going to have to up the ante with their offerings. They will need to include PS5 versions of PS4 games wherever appropriate. And there can't be any of this 'available for 3 months' nonsense. The games will need to be on there a lot longer than that.
It's all well and good saying 'hey, we have Returnal, Miles Morales etc' but if they disappear after 3 months then it just leaves the largely mediocre PS Now lineup.
I currently sub to both so it would save me money I guess, but was probably going to let Now lapse in July anyway.
Still think there are a LOT of people on here who mistakenly believe it'd be easy for the PS4/PS5 wheezy push/pop CPU to emulate the PS3's RISC based Cell.
PS3 was ALWAYS going to be streamed and, it seems, with all the DLC unavailable, thereby negating huge amounts of content. The PS1 and PS2 titles available on Now are some kind of joke selection so that'd really need to be ramped up before Premium becomes a sensible option.
Finally, aside from PS5 only titles like Returnal, all cross gen games should be available in PS4 AND PS5 formats, otherwise there'll be some serious kicking off to be done.
It's the right thing to do to combine PS+ and Now but the whole thing seems a bit underwhelming, if expected.
I don't know why people are wondering what the lineup of games will be. I imagine it'll be almost identical to what's currently on PS Now with the addition of what's been announced from the "new" PS5 games. Potentially with the addition of "classics" added intermittently too. These will be added on a monthly basis as per.
Meanwhile the quality of the "free games" given on "essential" will drop to Xbox Live Gold levels of mediocrity
For me getting older, having responsibilities means less time for games and excitement for getting new games on day 1. Something like this might be the only thing I buy on Playstation if the library is updated often and includes the first party games 6-12 months down the road.
@MFTWrecks I'm in the same boat. With this change in service, Sony is heavily incentivizing me never to buy a game from them again and reduce my overall spend on their games. It really depends on how they run the service. If first-party games are rotated, that will make it unlikely to appeal to me because I want to play games when I get round to them, not on a timer.
@Dezzy70 Careful buddy, you are talking too much sense for some of the angry entitleds who dominate these stories comments sections...
..... but sense it is, and its nice to know not everyone picking up news here is as incredibly negative as many posters here are.
I'm cautiously optimistic, but I almost feel sorry for Sony. Most responses seem to be 'subscriptions/streaming is the devil' or 'subscriptions/streaming is the future and Sony aren't going far enough'. Sony can tweak it as this generation goes along, though.
Worth a mention that ps+ is now 2 games not 3. The value of that service by itself since its inception has absolutely nosedived through the floor.
That said, sticking ps now with it was a good decision.
Also, imo, they should have done a lower tier for less than ps+ for just online / cloud saves and made extra /premium the same one.
I just hope the classic games have online play where applicable. If they do that I'll sub the yearly premium. I also hope that the live service games get benefits from premium whenever they launch, if not launch free from charge on the tier. That would boost the subs and player counts.
I've had Game Pass for three years off and on (mostly on). I've paid a grand total of $4. Usually, I use Microsoft reward points to pay for Game Pass, but I also take advantage of the $1 deals, such as my current run of three months for $1.
There are probably so many folks like me in that 25M Game Pass subscribers number. Plus, that number was taken the month Halo Infinite released, so I suspect lots of trials were used.
It’s a good move, nothing can beat gamepass but Sony can’t afford day one releases and also Sony got better games.It still works but Microsoft is slowly catching up maybe will win next gen, no chance for this one
@Dezzy70 You thinking this is anything close to the previous Gen tells me how closed minded you are about Microsoft’s strategy. Sony wouldn’t be doing this if gamepass ‘couldn’t compete’ or didn’t move the needle, but keep living with your confirmation bias that because you see Series X on the shelf in the specific area that you live in means Microsoft and gamepass are failing despite the UK not being the center of the world that determines these things, nor that PC gaming and cloud gaming are also a part of the gamepass strategy, not just Xbox.
I'd be interested to know whether PlayStation intends to offer games that had previously been in the catalogue at a steep discount to subscribers if they get rotated out of the catalogue. My fear with these types of services is starting a game and then finding that it's been rotated out when I want to come back and finish it and I'd feel pretty cheesed off to have to pay full price for it in those circumstances.
Time will tell and we shall see.
So far nearly a year and half it is going roughly the way I’m predicting there about.
The only thing stopping it being perfect is Sony PS5 console shortages.
Necessary? I dont know about that, I do know its just a opinion no matter what these baby gamers will still cry and complain they gotta use allot of tissues now a days
Not into playing old games again, but hopefully the selection will be better than what they offered with the PlayStation Classic Mini.
Also, I doubt online mp/trophies will be a thing for PS1/2 games as a lot of those studios don't exist anymore. Licensing will be a b****.
It's the Essential tier for me.
Unfortunately there is no indication that Sony did anything more than to simply merge the 2 previous subscriptions and split it into tiers.
PS Now had serious problems that needed addressing.
And I'm not talking about the day one launches, I don't even care about that, there are more important problems that need solving.
What's even worse, is that the lack of DLC is not mentioned anywhere. The subscribers don't even know that until they've payed for the service and try to access said DLC... only to find out that it's not available.
Sorry, but without the proper improvements to what was PS now, there's no way I'm paying more than the Essential tier.
@JJ2 already took the words out of my mouth: it's much ado about nothing. It's a rebrand, a corporate synergizing, it doesn't really offer much that wasn't there before, it makes some packages cheaper for some, makes other features (streaming) more expensive for others, and ultimately doesn't really add that much in general. We knew not to expect much more than that so it's not a major disappointment, but it's still sad that it's not really exciting. I had some cautious optimism that Sony would convince me to part with more money, and it doesn't look like that will be happening. I wanted to be upsold, but remain mostly right where I was.
I get it, they're the default console, and they have a ton of customers blindly throwing them money. They don't need to offer value and incentivize engagement, status-quo is fine. But as-is PS remains pretty much an exclusives platform for me, Nintendo-style, these days. I hoped they could convince me to give them more attention, but this year isn't the year.
Oh hi
Did you get into Elden Ring finally?
I think it’s really more enjoyable and accessible than usual from soft games.
@JJ2 That's good to hear! I've seen a few people say similar. I can't justify full price on a Fromsoft game I'm never guaranteed to like, but I think it'll definitely be on my list when I see it on a good sale. Maybe by Black Friday it'll hit prices I can feel safe with
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