Well, the PS5 Pro has been revealed. Finally. But now that it's official and we know when it's coming, what are your initial thoughts on the beefed-up console? We've gathered the Push Square editorial team together in order to document their immediate reactions, which you can read below.
Needless to say, that $700 / £700 price point is a big sticking point...
"I'm Exactly the Kind of Sucker Sony's Aiming For"

Across Mark Cerny’s breakdown of the PS5 Pro, I was totally onboard. Not having to choose between performance and quality modes sounds like a dream come true for someone that loves their cinematic games — I’m already teeing up my Alan Wake 2 replay on the Pro. But to say I was blindsided by that price is really an understatement.
I thought Sony would have gone to the £500-600 range, but to go to the £700-800 range (if you want the disc drive) is baffling. There will be reasons aplenty as to why Sony went for such a price, including the fact that it’s clearly an upgrade for the hardcore, but I feel like we’re breaking into unprecedented pricing territory here — this feels as big as when Apple announced the iPhone X at £999.
I can’t lie though, despite being gobsmacked by the price, I still would happily shell out for one. £700 is still a better proposition than a higher-end PC, and if we’re running games at 4K, 60 frames-per-second, with ray tracing, then I’m totally onboard. Maybe I’m a sucker for saying so, but I think I’m exactly the kind of sucker Sony is aiming for here.
- Aaron Bayne, Video Producer
"£700 Is Taking the Piss"

Over the last few weeks, me and the other Push Square editors had been taking bets on how much we thought the PS5 Pro would actually cost. I was always pretty much convinced that it would be expensive — my logic being that if Sony can charge £210 for a DualSense Edge controller, it'll have no qualms demanding a small fortune for a more powerful console. But even with that perspective, I'm shocked that the company's landed on £700. Seven hundred pounds!
The pitch makes sense: play all of your favourite PS5 games without having to worry about graphics or performance modes. Watch in awe as we finally get the PS5 that we all wanted back in 2020. Mark Cerny did a good job of selling the basics — the guy's a pleasure to listen to. But that price point is, quite frankly, taking the piss.
... And this is coming from a man who wants nothing more than to play Dragon's Dogma 2 at a smooth 60fps!
- Robert Ramsey, Assistant Editor
"I Genuinely Can't Afford It"

I actually was impressed by how Mark Cerny introduced the PS5 Pro during today’s livestream. It’s true that, for enthusiasts, picking between performance and fidelity modes in the latest games can be painful – and designing a system to help eliminate that issue makes a lot of sense for a small contingent of console players who care.
The presentation completely collapsed for me when I saw the price, however. Even though I’m lucky enough to work in this job, I spend a lot of my own money on games and hardware. But for the first time since I was a child, I’ve actually been priced out of a PlayStation. I like the idea of the PS5 Pro and I want some of the things it offers, but I genuinely can’t afford it.
I’ve always considered gaming to be a relatively inexpensive luxury, but between this and the price of new games, I’m starting to wonder if this pastime is for people with deeper pockets than me.
- Sammy Barker, Editor
"The Advantages Are Simply Not Worth the Cost"

I don't think mine will be a particularly unique viewpoint; for me, PS5 Pro's advantages are simply not worth the cost. If we're talking about the biggest budget releases each year, outside of a few edge cases, they all still look fantastic and play smoothly in my opinion. I look at Marvel's Spider-Man 2 running in Performance Mode — 60 frames-per-second and no better than 1440p resolution — and I simply don't see a need for more. Certainly not if you're asking for £700.
I have no doubt that PS5 Pro's range of enhancements will produce better overall results going forward, but I'm perfectly content with how games look and feel right now. While I think the need for a half-step console is questionable in itself, it's the price that really kills it for me. I get that this is a high-end product aimed at the most hardcore side of the audience, and I'm sure for many this will be worth the money, but I simply can't get behind PS5 Pro and its impressive features when the regular PS5 is a) much cheaper and b) still very capable. Unless all games suddenly start running like slideshows in 2025, I'd rather keep my cash.
- Stephen Tailby, Assistant Editor
So, now what we've had our say, what do you think of the PS5 Pro and its $700 / £700 price point? Make yourself heard in our poll, and then take a stance in the comments section below.
Is the PS5 Pro too expensive? (4,014 votes)
- Yes, it's an absurd price point
- Yeah, it's too expensive
- It's hard to say until I see more
- Nah, I I think the price is okay
- No, it's going to be well worth the cost
Comments 267
Sadly feels like the end of consoles for me. If this is the cost of a mid gen refresh then PS6 will be diabolical.
Yes Sony should be ashamed of themselves - However, if people are daft enough to spend it then its very much a case of more money than sense 🙂
I'm not surprised that the Pro is more expensive. The cost of practically everything has gone up, and you can't build a comparable PC for $700 anymore. If you already own a PS5, there's no need to buy a Pro model just keep what you got and be smart.
Almost CA$1000 with no disk drive, yeah no thank you.
My current PS5 is fine for what it is.
The PS5 pro is US$820 simply if you do not want less features than the base PS5, since it does not come with a disk-drive nor a stand.
This is just insane...
And you'd think they would have learned their lesson after the PS3 horrible launch.
Yes it’s to expensive but as seen in the comments there is enough people that will blindly buy it so it won’t flop. Sadly this doesn’t surprise me this gen with Sony they don’t seem to know what there customers want.
@itsfoz it’s the end of PlayStation for me. I think I’m going to go join Team Nintendo when they drop their next console. It’s been a good ride as a Sony fanboy though since PSX… but this ride is getting overly too expensive. PS3 was expensive enough as it is.
@bindiana I honestly think it will.
It will join the PSVR2 line of abandoned products.
Expensive for what it offers. If PS5 Pro came with a disc drive and a vertical stand, maybe people would be more accepting (That 2TB storage is not enough to justify that $700 price). Even the base PS5 offered more than this
@TicklefistCP yeah this is a PlayStation fan site, I can see them trying to side with Sony lol
Disk drive separate/gone, 4K Blu rays, trailers huh, eh design. What a joke.
HOW DELUXE.. eh EU prices. Aussie prices $800, 1000+ Pro nah. PS3 all over again. Better work arounds for specs I'd say sure on price, but how they have pass.
Super fans buy it. Price is high & makes enough sense but still very awkward. The upgrade is minor.
Devs can waste time if their 3rd parties are not as focused on hiding load times as PS2/3 did of 1st party while PS4 they didn't. 3rd parties do what they do while 1st party try to make the most out of it for sure.
Devs may use it but how? FPS, ray tracing, quality mode garbage particles/dust kick up & other nonsense that makes it look worse in worlds & we can't see environments it's a Outlaws/Space Marine 2 thing I found very weird, eh reflections.
What am I supposed to get excited for? If I know Devs may push graphics/eh garbage on screen over FPS. Why?
If they own/want a Pro sure their fine to do so brag/get benefits but if Devs waste time who cares about the Pro it's up to the Devs uses of it & people have to suck it up on how they go about in their games with garbage graphics features we may not like. Frame rates better be there or else that's on them.
Eh fill in world stuff, yay.
Also 8K?
2TB is something but even then it's still a joke. Why is storage so expensive/want to push prices then should be.
I'm glad I got a Switch at $300 in a retro game store was not paying $400+ and it not going down in my region at all.
Glad got older consoles. I've seen cheaper disk/digital PS5s in retro game stores but I still have no interest in them.
I won't even go half with a family member on their PS5 to pay for Pro & get old one before the Pro was revealed. I especially won't be changing my mind that much now yet.
So I have PS5s to use buy or not, used it for Rift Apart, hated, that's it, only if they need help in a game. I don't even have to pay but would if Pro systems come out. I did PS4 Base/Xbox One X & VCR for $500 as was fair. I still use them today.
Sony is making it so much easier for me to not want a PS5 to use even in a house I easily can 4+ years in, have large enough PS4 & older consoles backlog of pickups so why would I want to play on PS5 for enhancements when gameplay for 3rd parties has been eh, whatever 1st party standard generic games since PS4 IPs I ignored for most of PS4 gen.
If disk's worked different sure but they don't too DRM/no disk digital converter at all. They want control.
Only thing is what got quiet boot like Xbox. So bad OS navigation layout, eh groups then folders (PS4/PS3/Wii U folders prefer) like Xbox One started, eh games, eh Portal/Psvr2 what is there I'd want a PS5 for, nothing yet.
Just if you liked PS4 which I didn't, I have it for some games sure but I hardly like or care to use the console even if it has a better OS layout & fair lineup still to play but can go months without using, so to me it's a boring upgrade & eh business practices. PS3 they were cocky as well but even then games were better.
Launches people go eh not this IP or that IP. Pilot Wings for 3DS yes among others I don't need a Mario or something else.
PS2/3 fair stuff there. PS4 Knack, Drive club, Infamous Second Son (as not big into open worlds it's an exception and got to play 1&2)) and Killzone among fair 3rd parties, for sure over the trash of later PS4 I avoided besides Knack 2 and Gravity Rush 2.
Sigh company business practices.
Its not absurd, all the votes for that are mad tbh.
But it is too expensive. £599.99 or £549.99 would have been acceptable but £699.99 is too much.
It is just for an upgrade 4 years into the gen. In a other 3-4 years the PS6 will come out and will cost the same if not more.
These Pro consoles would be better off launching along side the standard console.
Right now? Sure it is, we don't even have games that will take advantage of this new tech.
I'll do what I did with PS4 Pro and wait 2 years before buying one, by the time I get one there will be plenty of games to play anyways.
It sounds like a lot. I think they should have at least done something like $649. It makes a difference psychologically.
If it was $599 I would have bought it. Now even though I can afford it I think I'll sit it out.
But the $599 PS3 which debuted in 2006 is still the most expensive console released. Adjusted for 2024 that's a whopping $940 dollars. Even the cheaper $499 model is $780 dollars today.
So it's been worse lol
While I think the PS5 Pro is too expensive for what we have been shown so far I REALLY don’t understand the “this is the end of PlayStation for me” posts. This is the niche premium version, no one needs it, the base PS5 is a great piece of kit.
Sony isn’t stupid, they know this will be a relatively low volume unit at this price, there is no reason to expect PS6 to be a similar price as that would just kill their brand.
So yes it’s too expensive for many, including me, but it’s also something I don’t need just like DualSense Edge.
I mean, you know it’s expensive when you can literally buy a PS5, an Xbox, and a Switch for the price.
TBH we are in a flash ram shortage right now, prices of everything from SSDs/RAM/VRAM is going up to the point some GPU manufacturers are releasing cards with memory downgrades.
Case in point, 4070 Super with GDDR6 instead of the more expensive GDDR6X
"I’ve always considered gaming to be a relatively inexpensive luxury, but between this and the price of new games, I’m starting to wonder if this pastime is for people with deeper pockets than me."
Gaming used to be an affordable hobby even for those of us who are not rolling in money and have high paying jobs. Not anymore. Been playing Playstation for 25 years and this gen is the first time where I simply cannot afford new games at launch anymore or even to just buy a new controller whenever I want.
Yes the high price DOES make sense with inflation and all the components having become so much more expensive. Inflation has hit everyone hard. Its the reason for the waves of layoffs too. Costs are in desperate need to be cut. The problem is that inflation hits US far more then them. We don't have more money and EVERYTHING costs more. Some of us are happy that they can even get by at all under the current circumstances.
And this is something Sony in their endless arrogance simply ignores. They act like everyone has as much money as they used to and like everything else is just as affordable as it used to be. Gaming was BARELY affordable to me as it was in this gen. I had to wait years to even get a PS5 and really stretch myself to buy new games for 70 or 80 EUR.
Now Gaming in the future is just a luxury for the elite that I simply can not afford anymore. never thought I would see this day coming. Its like suddenly not being able as a movie fan to watch movies anymore.
And that price increase for first party games to 90 EUR is coming too. Bet on it.
PS5 is the end of the road for me I guess. No way in hell will I be able to afford PS6 until 2040 lol
I’m not mad, I’m poor.
I don't think $700 is the right price without a disc drive because that makes the real price around $780. That is definitely too much. A price increase is one thing, but a price increase AND shrinkflation is where I draw the line.
On the other hand, things cost what they cost. If I want the best console gaming experience, and I do, I need to fork out $700 or not have the best console gaming experience. It's a choice we all have to make.
The benefits don’t justify the cost. I’ll hold my money until the PS6.
The question now is how much will that upgrade cost?
Yes, yes it is. It's an absurd price point for a games console. If they did what they did with 4 (same price point as the base one, while the base gets a price drop) I would have considered it. I play on a 4K 120hz TV so would be up for the extra horsepower/visuals.
Not like this, I don't think the gains warrant it, the PS5 doesn't feel like it's reaching it's limits anyway, I'm happy enough playing at 60 at lower resulutions than 4K.
Didn't they learn this leasin from the PS3??? The only group that they are targeting are hardcore Sony consumers. Casual gamers will not be buying this. Pricing is one reason I have switched from PS to Xbox.
I can buy a PS5 which comes with the stand and the disc drive for $499.99. This is $200 more and it comes with neither the stand nor the disc drive, which will drive up the price even more. It doesn't help that consoles this generation haven't had any price drops, whatsoever.
And for what? Not like the games supported will be massively different compared to the base model. If this is how much the Pro costs, I can't imagine the PS6 being that far away from it in price and I don't think I'll be able to justify the price of a PS6 at that point.
And at that point, might as well buy a PC. You can do much more with that than a console, if you're going to spend a ton of money anyway.
is apple ipad pro to expensive yes but people buy the product because of quality and brand name..
It's a lot of money, especially considering that the current generation may only last around four years more. PS5 launched in 2020, so it's already almost four years old. Can't see it going much further than 2027-2028.
It's always great to have more choice^^
For how much I game it's worth for me to get another one.
Standard PS5 will probably get a price cut at some point to because of this, so everyone wins. And the PS5 standard is still in pretty good shape, not like PS4 vs PS4 pro
The base PS5 is perfectly fine. The Pro is a luxury purchase that one can either afford or not. I don’t see what the big deal is.
@danzoEX Are u that sure the next Switch isnt going to be too expensive as well?
ps6 probably will cost 850-900 bucks and people will complain and say to expensive..nobody is forcing you to buy it..
For me it‘s not about the price, but the lack of a version with an already installed disk drive. When I buy a premium machine, I don‘t want to buy and attach a disk drive, and other people are maybe not even capable of performing that.
Ergo: I don’t want to be a Pro to get a real Pro-version of the PS5 Pro.
@Jimmer-jammer you make way too much sense. That's not the way to act online.
@LogicStrikesAgain switch 2 will be between 400-500 bucks and that is to expensive considering the upgrades to ps4 pro abilities..
Removed - flaming/arguing
Think I'll stick to PC gaming for the next gen if I'm going to have to spend that much on a console anyway.
If this flops hard the ps6 will be reasonably priced. If this sells well enough the ps6 will sell for the exact same price if not more.
I think its a fair price, but still too expensive, does that make sense? Im still interested tho, but will wait..
@jrt87 many people commenting are probably not even ps fans some nintendo many xbox..
Expensive for me, I’ll settle with the PS5 I currently have.
Removed - flaming/arguing
Genuinely makes me wonder what Sony's plan is for next-gen. The PS6 is gonna need to be more powerful, but how are they going to keep costs down? You can only loss lead to a point.
$700 hardware (sans disc drive lol). $70 games. Jacking up prices on controllers worldwide. Expensive paid online. And, really, barely any games to even begin to justify all of this (that isn't available to the competition, anyhow). It really feels like Sony is testing its luck as much as possible.
@danzoEX @Zuljaras good bye hater
@Tecinthebrain made a good point in another article about why didnt they just go for the 1TB and lower price?
I think it's not expensive for what it offers, but what it offers is not worth the upgrade from the original ps5.
I already got 60 fps games from most ps5 games, even with open world games like elden ring and others, ps5 pro is kind of unnecessary.
The problem is the lack of games that are currently taking advantage. If all games showed upgrades, for free, then it helps justify the £700 cost. But as it's under 10 games "and many more" - I'll believe it when I see it/when enough games utilise it and even then I won't be buying until that price comes down and after I've bought the switch 2. So late next year at the earliest. By which time they might have cancelled it anyway!
People assume that the base PS5 will also remain in production or even get a price cut. But what if the Pro will actually replace the base PS5 and be the only PS5 being produced going forward and eventually be the only PS5 available ? I can totally see Sony do that lol
@johnedwin I have a PS5, I'd probably move to solely PC gaming for the next generation if these prices continue. If I'm going to be spending that much then might as well get a decent PC instead.
Yes the price is too high. £700 with a disc drive (plus bigger storage) would have been better.
However. The reactions. My god are people pathetic.
It’s not designed as a mass seller. It’s for a niche audience.
Gamers have been whining for fps and graphics - Sony give them the option that is less hassle than an PC and they still bitch about it.
It also leaves Sony with the most powerful console, all the comparisons are going to be the Pro v X.
Then people are making it out like it’s replacing the OG ps5. If it’s too much, just stick with your ps5. - I wanted it, but at this price I don’t see the value so I’ll just use my OG ps5 and not worry about it.
Disagree with gaming is inexpensive luxury. Completely ignorant quote. Games in 90s are much more expensive, if you take into inflation. Even console price are similar if you account into inflation.
Yes this is expensive but think of it as ipad, macbook or desktop everything electronic pro. Just buy the base version, you can still play the same game with a bit lesser experience. You want more, you pay more. You arent priced out of playing the same game.
I got the PS4 Pro and was disappointed in the number of games that actually took advantage of the updates. $700 for a smaller list of games on the PS5 Pro makes this a hard pass for me.
I think it's clear now why Microsoft aren't producing a mid-gen upgrade for Series X. They clearly saw how much they'd have to charge and decided it wasn't worth it. Obviously their sales vs PlayStation is probably a large factor too.
The PS5 Pro isn't the same level of upgrade that the PS4 Pro was. The PS4 Pro made more sense as 4K displays were relatively new to the market and it offered a significant resolution upgrade with added HDR over the base PS4. Plus it did it by matching the launch price of the base PS4 at $400 (that's $524 today).
I think Sony has made a bad decision with the PS5 Pro, they should've just not bothered. I think most gamers are OK with the PS5 performance. At least I am anyway. I'm sure they will sell significant numbers, but it won't be as high as the 20% install base the PS4 Pro had, more like 10%.
You can probably buy a PS5 pro spec PC for just as much and do more with it TBH
As far as the UK goes, If they'd converted the price in USD to an equivalent price in GBP, it would still have been fairly pricey for the barebones no-disc option but at least somewhat tolerable.
Expecting us to pay effectively 25% more for it by lazily transferring the price 1:1 though is just obscene, and will kill all interest for the general market.
I love how most people werent interested in buying a PS5 Pro up until yesterday and found it useless and unnecessary. Now all of a sudden they get mad cause they cant afford it lol
I agree, I was playing Spiderman 2 at 120fps on my monitor and frankly it is a staggering experience... so I could spend another £700 and get higher resolution subsequently burning all my physical games on a ceremonial farewell pyre. Whoop-de-fluckin-dooo!
Short answer. Yes. Too expensive. Personally, the bigger problem is I don't see the point of it at all. Now a new Nintendo on the other hand... I can't wait.
And introducing the PS5 Pro(fit).
Oh and to put it into perspective when they say it’s expensive etc, it’s going to last you 4years+.
Most other hobbies/interests are far more expensive.
Driving, golf, football, cricket. Cinema, nights out, theme parks or a holiday to name a few
I think I’ll save my cash and buy a Switch 2 when that comes out.
@crossbit the US price is before tax. That’s the difference.
I think Sony strategy is high RRP and then heavily discount in holiday season and many trade in promotion. Mark my words.
Sony seem to be thinking that 700 quid is a good deal, for what you get (I don't think it really is), but back in the day, they sold consoles at a loss, because they knew theyd make it back with the games.
Now games are more pricey and take longer to develop, (not fogetting a few very costly and time consuming flops) Sony needs to rake back some cash in the console margins and are back to overcharging for it.
I’d be slightly more kindly disposed to it if the price included a blu-ray drive.
That lack makes this price stupidly hilarious.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Fair point, I forget that the US doesn't include their equivalent of VAT in any of their pricing.
@themightyant somebody with a balanced take there. Fully agree it’s too pricey.
Too many people just reading the headline number and forgetting the rest. The poll on the site shows around 10% early interest which would be a good uptake imo.
It’s totally optional as is the Edge or Portal, that both seem to have sold well.
It expensive it not for all of u no one is forcing u guys to buy this how much did u want it price when the base ps is cheaper. I bet most u shell out 1k on a cellphone in a heartbeat. U guys just want to moan for something most of u was not going to buy in the first place idk why u all shocked it expensive.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Kienda you being poor doesn’t make it absurd though, objectively.
I can’t afford it either but its not absurd, £800+ would be absurd.
@Tasuki To be fair, Tasuki, even though I completely think PS5 Pro is too expensive — they absolutely are targeting hardcore enthusiasts with this.
@EddieGallad you wound me
$700, and then I have to pony up an extra $100 for a disc drive. Sony can go to hell.
I just laughed when I saw the price. I bet some people who were all in on the upgrade changed side and are now claiming they never had any interest in upgrading.
TBH, even if I didn't have a PS5 and wanted one, I'd probably go for a 2nd hand base PS5
FOMO has hit this site hard. People saying they neither want nor need it, and that's obviously fine. But they seem offended and hurt because...? No one's making you buy one.
I would have been all in if it was £650 with a stand and a disc drive and had money set aside for it, but the price just feels gross.
$1100 Australian Dollarydoos. It must be mine, however
@LogicStrikesAgain I think Nintendo will give it a reasonable pricing
$700 is acceptable, £700 however is extortion. Americans have it cheap!!
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Yes! Just yes.
People asking for better FPS and graphics than the PS5, but get shocked if costs more than the PS5. People expect everything they buy to get more expensive, except for consoles for some reason
Having said that, they could take the extra TB and lower the price with 50 or 100 and i'd be happy
More whale hunting from Sony, thoroughly disappointed with their priorities this generation.
I already have the PS5 Fat, bought with pretty expensive price IDR 8,900,000 or around USD 575.14
That was the most expensive console I have ever bought, but I'm really happy with my PS5 Fat for playing 3rd party kids games by 99.99% , one 1st party PS5 Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart and some of my PS4 games that get 60 fps boost on PS5 machine.
$700 is too expensive price in my opinion.
As long peoples can buy the Standard or Slim model with cheaper price (despite it still expensive) that's more than enough.
The Pro model just only optional choice, if you really want Hyper power PS5 machine and you have tons of money.
@CielloArc fair point. Been looking at PCs SSD, on board or platter hard drive and going huh weird of CPU gens, GPU, hard drive and RAM differences of prices or just what the stores got them for and won't mark them down even if a later product is cheaper.
I do forget that yes flash storage but even still.
@Icey664 add the tax on that $700
For what it does is not worth paying that price. PS6 is probably 3 years away. So I'm happy waiting for that. Maybe we'll have some games that will make full use of the extra power by then.
Is there a reason that so many people that live in the UK don't even know about their own VAT system?
Are these people like 12 years old that are posting?
Time and time again I see the same false argument about the 1:1 price between the US and the UK being unfair.
Your government imposes a 20% tax that is already baked into the cost. In the US they don't include taxes.
@danzoEX I'm guessing theyre also facing the same issues with rising component prices due to inflation. I hope theyll be able to overcome these challenges, though it seems none of the other hardware manufacturers have so far. Last-gen release prices for consoles, like the Switch, dont guarantee future pricing
The cost of this plus a disc drive and stand is more expensive than the gaming laptop I just purchased which is probably comparable in graphics. All just for marginal gains in a minority of PS5 games over my regular PS5. Really is insulting that they don’t even include a disc drive and stand.
I think if this is the way the cost of consoles are going then it seem I just won't be able to afford this hobby in the future. 😢
@itsfoz it's more of an upgrade than a refresh. The standard console is PS5.
That being said, I don't see that many people fork out $700 for a gaming console.
Current gen consoles look fantastic to me eyes. I simply don't feel l need an upgrade at this point in time. The price point seals it.
Price is one thing while is it needed is another thing. I believe if games were made for the current gen and at a base minimum of 60fps that a mid gen Pro upgrade is then not needed to now actually have the specs to play current gen games properly.
This PS5 gen continues to disappoint. Even comedian Mark Cerny couldn't save the PS5 PRO reveal that I found cringy and basically "hey looky looky, you don't need to pick performance anymore to get 60fps. Yee doggie how about that?"
For a console which has yet to hit its potential, this updated Pro model isn't needed. And that price is just absurd.
@GreatAuk I guess in Europe we're just so used to having the price of Vat tax included, that it seems weird when we see it without.
Also, its weird, why not incorporate it in the price. So inconvenient
Sony is firmly entrenched in the idea we all want shinier, faster, and more lifelike games and are willing to pay for it. At the beginning of this generation they started pushing this boulder up the hill which was very hard and arduous with little to show for. Now it’s reached the top of the hill and has no choice but to set the ball in motion even though the majority doesn’t want it any more. Most people are either playing their simple games on the PS4, Switch, or Mobile, and the flashier games on PC. Triple A gaming is too bloated to react to trends now.
I get the feeling tomorrow we’ll see the reaction from the stock market to this and and Concord as Sony’s share price follows the ball down the hill.
I already thought the PS5 was overpriced. This is absolutely ludicrous.
Its expensive for most before you take into consideration the lack of disk drive and stand. With those on top it's astronomically expensive.
@themightyant they’re saying that because if a PS5 Pro costs £699… imagine the cost of a PS6.. even im wondering if gaming is a viable hobby anymore. Too expensive these days
It's too expensive, there is no two ways about it.
Way to expensive! No disk drive & even more surprised, not even a stand? It's not only a case of people being able to afford it but PS adopting those typical Apple antics and get away with that! A fool and his money are easily parted.
But ... if it could have officially emulated Sony PS3 games, I think, people would have been a lot more interested.
@DNortonX Absolutely! If everything keeps going the way it is it'll be be a rich persons hobby.
@CrashBandicoat You do realize Xbox is releasing the same Xbox series X but without disc drive for $600 later this year right? Thats a price increase
The whole point of console gaming is that it's meant to be the cheaper option but at this price point I really fear for the future. How much will a PS6 be? Will it even have a disc drive?
I have a high end PC and a lot of the time the games don't look much different on that. We've long since passed the point of diminishing returns, with huge jumps in GPU power needed for relatively minor visual gains.
The most fun I've had with a new game this year is Astro Bot and the Pro will in no way make that game any better.
Had it been around £600 with a disc drive, I could understand but basically £800, as @ShogunRok says, they're taking the piss
I still do not think that developers have tapped the full potential of original PS5.
Are there any games where the PS5 really struggles?
Is the Pro even necessary?
I just do not see the point in this very expensive upgrade, yet.
It is very expensive. Unfortunately that's what you get when there's no real competition...
I'm still getting one asap, because I, too, am "Exactly the Kind of Sucker Sony's Aiming For"
@GreatAuk Ok, well I and many others probably havent taken the time to ponder about it as much as you. Maybe have that in mind before you call people 12 year olds
I was always all in on getting a pro, and the more Cerny talked the more I wanted one, but I'm still absolutely gobsmacked by that price.
I think if you like your current ps5 and you're happy with it, then don't worry about the pro. This simply isn't for you and it's not needed. This is solely for the hardware enthusiast crowd.
Part of me also feels like this thing is just for Rockstar to show GTA6 off on.
(All of that said, I'm still not sure if I'll get one at launch or not. I probably will if we get a nice Christmas bonus in work 🤷)
@LogicStrikesAgain because in the US different states have different tax levels so they can’t.
@CrashBandicoat Good for you. Want a cookie?
@Matthewnh "Are there any games where the PS5 really struggles?"
Unfortunately yes, there's a bunch, including some of the biggest releases.
In the US the rate for state tax and local city tax is different depending on where you live. Sony couldn't include taxes in the US price even if they wanted to.
This is a luxury item for hardcore players that can afford it, and I fully expect it to sell extremely well even at $700. The PS6 will probably be $600 and people will balk, but it will be on par with PS5's price adjusted for inflation, I expect. For me to pull the trigger on this purchase I need more information about PS4 backwards enhancements and information on how NEW PS5 games will be enhanced with the Pro. If Death Stranding 2 is 4k 60fps with full Ray Tracing I won't be able to resist...
It's a terrible price, not because £700 is inherently too much - I'll easily get £700 worth of use out of my primary console in a generation. It's a terrible price because we just bought £500 consoles a few years ago, they've barely released any first party games for it, they've got next to nothing announced, and the big talking points - ray tracing! 60 fps! - are things they sold the base PS5 on.
The benefit of the upgrade isn't worth the cost or the effort.
I bought my PS5 digital, day 1 for £359.99, pretty much half the price...this is not worth it at all...it won't be twice as good as my base PS5 that's for sure!
@naruball Guess I better not mention to those worried about the price of a PS6 that, assuming it releases in 4 years, they only have to start putting away about $25/month now to completely alleviate their worries.
@jrt87 Oops, my bad! Lol! Fixed it
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I understand now, actually never really thought about it. Interesting to know though, funny how ive never realized that, makes total sense
But then, I am a movie buff. I have bought a high-end home cinema setup. And that has cost me a fortune, but is worth it.
If customers want a PS5 Pro desperately enough, they will pay the money. Something is only ever worth what people are willing to pay for it,
That said, I have not being gaming for while, and feel “out of the loop” right now.
I will undoubtedly buy one, eventually. Once the price goes down.
I think paying a thousand euros for a full package with 1 extra controller, a stand and disk drive for a console is insane.
You are well off getting a pc/laptop for that price that won't lock you out of online play, won't need "get online in n time or your console is useless and won't even play offline games until you do so" and the disk drive reader cost like 20 dollars on Amazon if you really need it.
Sony is making it to be a premium product for gaming, but is it really?
I was day one for PS4 pro and I think it was really good deal and made gaming for the last 3 years a much better experience overall for me, but ps5 pro price is just out of this world.
I don't even think the 45% GPU improvement is that big of a deal to have console cost from original 500 euros all the way to 950 euros with a disk drive and a stand. Double the price...???? Even if I sell my OG PS4 for 400 euros, it will still net me 550 euros. Basically buying a whole new console... That is just wild in my head.
For me to get PS4 pro cost me less than 200 euros after I sold my OG PS4..
I generally agree. Many of us couldn't even get our hands on a PS5 in the first year because of a lack of availability.
For many people it's only been a couple years since they shelled out 500 for it. If you're one of those people it's very difficult to justify 700 for a digital version only a couple years later.
@GreatAuk @johncalmc sell your OG ps5 will reduce the cost a significant amount.
It still offers a lot more convenience than building and maintaining a PC (and still cheaper than a high end GPU)
@DNortonX The point is PS6 won’t cost the same as this premium PS5 Pro, just as the DualSense doesn’t cost the same as the premium DualSense Edge. PlayStation is only viable as a brand if they have tens to hundreds of millions of units sold, that isn’t happening at £700+ so they are worrying over nothing.
The poll adds up to 101% at present. The price is a joke even the neo geo was $599 at launch. This is the most expensive console ever....
@LN78 why worry about something 4+
Years away? We may be streaming by that point.
Or the pro is a niche machine, that will sell just a couple of million. The 6 will (most likely) sell 10’s of millions. Reducing the cost. (Evonomies if scale)
It's 950€ in EU with the disk drive and stand! the price is horrible!
I'll readily admit it's "expensive" but I'm still getting one at launch. Gaming is really the only hobby I invest in and with not really having to buy many games anymore my gaming war chest is pretty stout thankfully. I'm sure people like me are an extreme minority but I think it's worth it.
I agree, the price point is just plain ridiculous for what the console is offering. The big thing for me is the Pro is still a console, and paying a price like that for a console is absurd, even if you're hardcore.
You can do so much more with a higher-end PC compared to a console. For that price you can get a really nice PC that can not only just run a lot of modern games with the bells and whistles, but emulation, older games that were out on a console generation that the PS5 doesn't support, and more since come on, it's a PC. You don't need to spend thousands to build a PC that can handle ray tracing and 60fps.
I love Playstation, I grew up with them along with PC and Nintendo, but I just can't justify what the Pro offers over the base PS5 for that price.
Yeah but there's going to be buyers for it without a doubt. It's a luxury item basically. Sony knows it so they don't care.
Well there is one upside to all this...
Remember all those voices that for years since PS5 first launched, have been saying "I'm waiting for the 5Pro, I'm not getting a base 5". (Read that as couldn't get a base 5 during the scalping years, then get all bitter and convinced themselves that the 5 simply wasn't worth getting).
And also "oh, I'll wait until the Pro as it'll play/run/look better then"
Well, here it is.
You wanted it.
You waited for it.
Now push your way to the front of the queue and pay up.
Someone just hit the nail on the bonce.
The Pro is a niche for the hardcore must havers. The Jones keeper uppers and the like.
It'll shift a few million.
The 6, regardless of a very possible £700+ base price will shift 10s of millions.
What pissing me off is that Sony implicitly acknowledges that they lied about the performance of the PS5, and if you want to get what they promised 4 years ago, you have to rack $800 today in a new system.
Yes, at this point people should just get a pc
It's too expensive for sure, but I did consider getting one for a moment. I don't need a disc drive, but I'd have to buy a 4k TV because I'm currently using a 1080p TV, so that would bump up the price I'd have to pay considerably.
Apparently there are people that can't afford this which is great news because then there should be enough stock for me to preorder since I will buy at least one PS5 Pro for each room in my apartment
@McBurn Doubtful the standard PS5 gets a price cut - it's gone up in price since launch, and slashing the price of it further while trying to sell the Pro console for almost 300 bucks more ain't gonna fly.
@LN78 Finally a man of culture as well
This has got out of hand. It's all becoming dangerous reminiscent of Sega before the Saturn when they kept releasing too many consoles iterations and peripherals, before everyone lost faith in them.
I'm going to stick with Nintendo for a while and won't be buying any Sony stuff new for way into the next generation. They've completely lost my trust this generation. Honestly, we've had what, 5 genuine PS5 first party games and they're trying to carve up the customer base with a £700 fomo machine.
It's borderline offensive.
The price is jaw dropping. For shinier graphics and the possibility of not having to flick a switch between performance and fidelity? I will happily stay with the base model until whenever the PS6 shows up. Even then, I hope Sony's ego has been knocked quite a bit. We're back to PS3 level Sony ego! I hate it!
First off, the intro for the PS5Pro was very meh, not what Cerny said, but the few "pictures or comparison videos they showed".
I was expecting a price of 649€ without disc drive in Europe, put the vertical stand in and a disc drive and we are talking, then 799€ is hard to swallow, but okish.
What I do not want to see anymore is how any company f's over their loyal "fanbase/customers" and takes advante of certain regions in the world with the pricing.
Further, I do not believe that let's say a GTA VI with RT will run 4k, 60FPS without any compromises on this new shiny box. But this is just me, the future will let us know.
If the current (disc) system would have dropped to $400 and then this was $600, I think it would be a far different reaction.
I don't have a single gaming friend who is willing to shell out for this (all adults with good jobs, in our 30s). 3-4 of us (out of about 8) upgraded to a PS4 Pro last gen.
So... yeah.
@Jimmer-jammer I think the big deal is there are people like me who were excited to upgrade at the right price, which in my opinion this isn’t.
I can afford it but won’t buy it due to not seeing the value in it at that price. Therefore it’s disappointing as I was otherwise expecting to upgrade.
Stating it’s an absurd overpriced piece of equipment is as much a fact as stating the sun will rise tomorrow and it gets dark at night. I hope they only make it in the thousands as that’s all they will sell!
What is worst is it doesn’t even seem to do anything to justify anywhere near its price. Exact same CPU, slightly better GPU, and in the comparison videos it was very hard to tell it was doing anything to make the games look better.
My biggest concern is that Sony price the PS6 at a ridiculous price point like £650 or above.
I stated you would be a fool to think it would be priced below £600, with a couple of replies telling me I was wrong, but I didn’t expect it to cost £700 WITHOUT a disk drive or stand even, nothing extra at all.
it’s not like we need it
@CrashBandicoat You say Sony is increasing prices because of greed and monopoly. But at the same time Xbox doing the same isnt greed according to you?
Im seeing your points, but dont you factor in rising component prices at all? Where does inflation come in?
The reason it comes across a bit biased is that you're solely blaming Sony for all of it. Im assuming u follow other trends in gaming like component pricing. Does that factor in to your analysis of their pricing?
In terms of your fear, yes, it might be that without enough competition prices can get higher.
But its not as if Sony can do whatever they want. Pricing too high will loose them market share or create opportunity for other companies to steal market share.
Pricing will always be influenced by many factors.
Saying its all down to Sony being this greedy monopolistic entity, that is now doing whatever they want, is far too simplistic. It doesnt work like that. There will be consequences if they make mistakes with pricing
@NoHope the price is pretty similar across US EU and UK no?
It’s a NO from me, cause € 800.- without a disc drive is insane.
Seems like Sony is none the wiser after the PS3 fiasco and is due for another harsh reality-check.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Why would anyone pay that much for a system that doesn't have mods, have to pay to play online and again as i have said before you're at the mercy of the system manufacturer and game devs regarding settings.
@get2sammyb Fair enough, if that's their business practice more power to them. I know alot of Sony consumers will be getting it and it makes senses give their loyal consumers something.
My son has the newer version of the PS5 the one where the disc drive can detach and I have watched games he played on it like Horizon and GoW and him as a student said he won't be getting the pro due to the price point.
@themightyant right, it’s the prenuim console, also if you don’t need it, you don’t have to get it
@Deityjester because if people cared about that, then they would have a pc anyway.
I've literallly been waiting all year for this reveal, and purposefully haven't gotten a ps5 yet exactly for this reason. I'm torn, mainly because of the disc drive, because since I never got the original, I was prepared to pay the full price for the upgraded better version, but now I'm not sure.
The crazy is that 99% of my games are digital, and I almost never go into gamestop anymore, but I'd still like the option, and I don't want to pay more for the option. I'll think about it, but after this year of waiting, I might just get the original or the slim
@NoHope gta 6 will never run with those settings on a console, i have seen how dragons dogma 2 runs on console dropping into the teens in the cities.
I am hardcore enthusiast. I buy basically every console. I am the sucker that buys the console at release and the upgraded model every time. switch/oled, ps4/ps4 pro, xone/xonex. I bought at least 5 different 3DS handhelds.
I am squarely in the target demographic for this machine and I was prepared to buy it even though I don't use my PS5 enough to make it worth it.
However, I can't buy this and feel OK about it. A $200 price increase over the base model plus an extra $100 for the accessories. It just doesn't make sense to spend that much on a console unless $800 is an irrelevant amount of money for you.
At what point does it make more sense just to buy a gaming PC?
Even if the PC cost a bit more than $800, you wouldn't have to pay for online gaming and you would have access to a bigger library of games. If you wait for a sale, you can get a gaming PC that will outperform the PS5 Pro in the $900-$1000 range.
I just spent 3x the amount on a gaming PC that probably only has marginally better performance. ***** ain’t cheap anymore.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Well why do console players complain about fps if they don't care about being in control of settings? Also i have first hand experience with ps players complaining about lack of mods cause i was one during that time when Sony did the bait and switch and everyone in the community i was in was highly disappointed claiming they'd get an Xbox or a pc
I mean i wouldn’t be surprised if you guys saying you’re done with playstation would go right back to playstation in a few days.
it’s just a knee jerk reactions at something you probably wouldn’t need to get anyway.
@LN78 That is a good point. It will be interesting to see what the sales and consumer sentiment are. I keep forgetting this is a UK-based site, also.
What is also super annoying is I can go to the post office and give them £550 and get £700 dollars, so why am I paying slightly over $900 for the same thing?
It’s not that $700 is necessarily too much, but $700 without a disc drive or stand is far too much.
@Jimmer-jammer didn't you hear? They're switching to PC, which is totally affordable, and to Nintendo, which is an excellent idea considering how Nintendo never sell overpriced hardware.
@Jaz007 before you potentially respond and say it’s the principle of the thing, are you really going to get it anyway if you already have one?
For fun, I ran the launch prices of PlayStation’s console lineup through an inflation calculator. These numbers($US) are not definitive and are only meant to provide a rough idea of where PS5 Pro lands on the spectrum.
PS1 $299 = $617
PS2 $299 = $546
PS3 $599 = $934
PS4 $399 = $538
PS4 Pro $399 = $522
PS5 $499 = $606
PS5 Pro $699 + extras = $807
Yep, it’s expensive.
Sadly not, 699$, lets add 100$ we are generous (normaly around 10% taxes) and transfer that to € - we are around 725 €.
@LogicStrikesAgain xbox may see this and probably price the next gen console slightly lower
I think this has more to do with their engine/ programming.
you guys really don’t want xbox fanboys to have the last laugh
Moore's law is dead. We've run out of technology that can make chips twice as small (and cheap) for the same amount of power.
Tech won't get cheaper the way we've been used to for the last 50 years. That, combined with high inflation is why we're here, and it's not changing any time soon.
It is too much for me! As I've said, I play on a Portal now, so the returns would just be too low with streaming. The kids play on the TV, but they are fine with the standard PS5. People want to spend that much, feel free. I just won't be on board for a while.
For me, the worst part is that it's £700 in the UK while also being $700 in the US!!
This means that living in the UK is going to cost us £165 more for the console than living in the US because $700 is £535 at current exchange rates. Where the f**k is the fairness in that?? F**king Rip Off Britain strikes again. If the prices were equivalent (say $700 and £550) I'd feel much better about buying one... 😑
Buying a PC equivalent will never be cheaper than just buying the console. It never has been and it never will.
Just the Windows 11 Home license is $140 dollars. Good luck building the entire computer for 260 additional dollars and get an output of the $400 dollar Digital PS5 lolol
You literally can't build ANYTHING for that little, forget about gaming. You'll be missing 75% of the components 😂
Serious question, how old are you? You know what VAT is?
Well, when they come in at £499 for the PS6 it’ll look like great value
You know what VAT is?
@Pixipantalon the pound is worth more then the us dollar.. also european economy is terrible right now compared to the us..
who can shell out 1500 for a ipad pro lots of people same thing will happen for ps5 pro
Seven hundred pound for even cloudier clouds…
No thanks, I’ll stick with my PS4 Slim. I’m yet to see a decent enough reason to upgrade to a PS5, let alone an overpriced Pro. And it’s still butt-ugly!
Way too expensive for the gains it offers, plus the lack of a physical disc version and stand is a real let down.
Surprised Cerny agreed to do the video when he knew the pricing would be shown at the end.
£700 to play slightly better versions of the games we played on the base PS4. There certainly isn’t anything of note of the PS5 so far.
Sony don’t deserve our support anymore. They’ve truly failed to bring the goods this gen. Instead, wasting money and resources on failed projects like PSVR2 and the many Live Service disasters. They are completely out of touch in every way.
I just hope MS have something up their sleeve to shake things up (unlikely). Sony only seem to be innovative when they’re struggling financially and facing fierce competition.
Saddest console release I have ever seen...low energy, no new game to try and sell it, no drive and a bonkers price it's like you have just given up even trying
Sony get your act together before the Playstation brand crashes and burns completely I don't want my first Playstation console the PS5 to be the last generation but its looking like an actual possibility the way it's going
@Dodoo And that’s a completely fair assessment. I’m disappointed as well. Of course I am, I’d love to order one tomorrow. My comment was directed towards the general hysteria - which I find very difficult to empathize with in a world in which over a quarter of the population can’t access clean drinking water - not any one person’s legitimate reasoning as to why they can’t justify the purchase. As for me, I’m going to see what I can scrape together over the next few months without altering the budget 😄
@GreatAuk yup, building a PC for the first time made me appreciate just how much stuff Microsoft and Sony can fit into their boxes at their current price points.
@Zuljaras it’s expensive and maybe overpriced for you. But you have no right to judge people with what they want to spend their money on. So basically you gonna say,everyone that buy the Pro model is a clown 🤡?
Guys, before you all panic over the potential price of the PS6, remember that the PS3 launched for $600 but PS4 launched at $400.
Removed - unconstructive
@donv2135 I was honestly thinking about before I realized those details. The PS5 has a strong resell value still so it would only have been a few hundred dollars.
I literally just bought a brand new Pearl Roadshow drumkit with an extra cymbal pack and an extra pack of sticks and it came out to the same price as the PS5 Pro, and that's without the disk drive and stand lol.
It'll prob sell anyway, I personally will skip though I think. I got a PS4 pro, and never really figured out what I bought it for. Maybe my TV wasn't good enough or something.
I can kind of understand the price, the glory days of rapidly advancing tech and fast dropping prices seem to be over. Even the disc drive, I guess we should just be glad the option is still there.
Not including a stand is a joke though, as is Sony seemingly forgetting how currency conversion works.
Its just under $1200 here in Australia. Crikey!!
People buying this have money to burn. PS6 will be out in a few years for $1k without an external case, ram or a hdd - if you want those additions it’ll cost you an extra $600. Wouldn’t you rather save for this inevitability?
The insult to injury is that its 800 euros here. The equivalent of 880 dollars. Like wtf?! Why do we have to pay 180 dollars extra? Just not gonna happen.
I am gonna keep my money for the switch 2 instead.
@Nem You do know euros is worth more than the American dollar, right? Not to mention taxes are already included in the totality of your purchase versus the U.S. which doesn't. I'm always baffled why Europeans don't know that and have been complaining for years about it.
@themightyant There's also no reason TO think the PS6 would be any cheaper. Honestly, that would shock me more. It would make zero sense.
I can see the PS6 being nearly £1000, The pro is testing the waters to see IF they can get away it
@Rafie I didn't know you had to pay more on top of that price, no. How much is it?
Also, yes, i know the euro is worth more, that is why the adjusted number should be lower, not bigger. 700 dollars are 625 euros.
I mean the 3DO was $700 and no one complained... or bought it.
@UltimateOtaku91 I disagree. That's parallel to the series consoles, and we know the series s is a bottleneck.
I don't think Sony will have a problem selling the PS5 Pro. Tons of people spend thousands on gaming PCs. Tons of people buy the latest phones that cost a thousand. This is still cheaper than either one of those. I understand it's a new high but it's also way more capable than the current PS5 so it should definitely cost a lot more. I just built my own gaming computer and I can tell you for something comparable to the PS5 Pro would cost a lot more than the price they are asking.
@Nem I understand the adjustment, but you need to check your country's VAT. The tax is incorporated already with the goods versus the US that gets taxed after the suggested MSRP.
It’s still way cheaper than a comparatively priced PC.
The good thing is if we don’t like it, we don’t have to buy it.
The PS5 is still there. No need to cry.
I’m just disappointed there’s no Dual Sense controller with Hall effect sensors.
No disc drive?! Wouldn't buy the PS5 Pro even if it was $600.
@danzoEX I can confirm that the grass is redder on the other side.
@Octaslasher I saw a used Switch Lite on Facebook Marketplace with a game or two included for $150. I'm grateful that there are still ways for people to play games on a budget. I agree with you. I feel like the majority of Sony's fans just got priced out of their own fandom.
@Tasuki how can you compare this to ps3? Wake up! This is a niche high end product, the mainstream price of a ps5 remains the same
Thanks but I’m fine w my PS5 ‘amateur’. 😂 I’ll wait for the PS6 at that price point…. And no disc drive is a deal breaker anyways
@amatmulisha lighten up, it is a joke, but ultimately yes
@crossbit I feel you man.
I live in France and somehow, 699$ turned into 799€ @_@
When 1$ = 0,91€....
Is it because of our 22% TVA (VAT)?
Another comparison to the $600 release price of the PS3. First of all that PS3 at release had two models, one at $499 and the other at $599. Second that $599 model was full of features that the lower priced, $399, 360 did not have. Such features like a built in wifi, internet browser, a blu-ray player, 60GB hdd, 1080p hdmi out, Bluetooth wireless headphones and controller connection with an included wireless controller with internal battery, and no failure rate like the 360's red ring of death.
Then 3 years later the $299 120GB PS3 slim was released, one of the best game consoles ever, and evened the early sales lead the 360 had.
The price of a 5 PRO is one thing, is it needed is another. Apparently it is needed because of game makers failure to make games optimized for current gen hardware. That is graphics are prioritized over smooth 60fps performance. That is what the entire reveal contained. "Wow, oh wow, you can now have 60fps with the better graphics."
I hope Sammy is writing off his game expenses and purchases they relate to his job in his taxes! I also can not afford the PS5 Pro, but I hope he's maximising what he's owed from his taxes
It's getting to pc level. I've always been a console player. My brother has a pc and he constantly laughs at me for paying 60 to 80 pounds on games he picks up for 5 o 20pounds on steam. That mixed with the mods and perks pc offers could be time to jump. To pc. Sorry sony but this hobby is getting too expensive
Just posted this under the "Poll-thread":
800€ = 9147 Swedish Krona. (But without salestax so that will end up at around 900-1000€)
Added drive 1499 Swedish Krona = ~131€
Stand (if same price as slimstand) 349 Swedish Krona ~31€
So Ps5 Pro: at least 962€, but more likely around 1100Euro+...
This is Sony Playstation 2024 after taking my money for overpriced PS5 (due to covid they said), very expensive PSVR2 and a fairly expensive Portal.
But were is the games Sony? And now this....
Greedy *****!
Yey yey, "I don't need to buy one" some say, but when you have been an enthusiast like me since PS1 release it's hard to just quit gaming, but this price actually took the enthusiasm out of this enthusiast so to speak. I been on this ride for centuries, but this isn't a good price for consoles. This price is what made me skip PC gaming all those years back.
I think Sony's leadership needs a little reality check to be fair.
I got the money, but the worth isn't in the Playstationbrand anymore. This is just a quick cashgrab after years of no 1stparty hits raking in their money and Concordecrap.
And now WE, their hardcore crowd are meant to pay with a kidney to fill their big empty chest of gold.... Don't think so.
Rise White Knights to tell me I'm a pleb, I'm poor and whatever lies you can come up with to diminish this post, but this ain't how they should do it.
Blame China for high prices on components or whatever, but Sony shouldn't built it to begin with if their prices was too high imho.
I rather play games than helping PS board get their bonuses so I can only vote with my wallet. I hope you guys do the same to be honest!
Even ASTRO Bot cost me 90€ digital from PSN Store just last week. It all adds up Sony, and not in a good way
Look at what Sony have been doing across this generation putting up prices left right and centre and people continue to pay the higher prices you can blame inflation but things are only worth as much as people are willing to pay
@Zeke68 Average salary in Sweden is (the equivalent of) around 2500~3000 euro. This makes the console an equivalent of 1,5 weeks of work. You won't go banckrupt. I understand if it's too high for you, in that case you can still go for a regular PS5 and not miss so much. This is a way bigger problem in countries like Italy or Brazil, just saying.
With a 2tb SSD its worth the price, I'm pre ordering.
@sop With that SSD its actually a good price.
@sop But it's a console, not a highend PC but they still push that agenda to make it 'luxury'-item instead of 'for all players' like the PS2 for example.
And if very few buy the Pro, how many will actually support it in the long run? Not many companies as they hardly tap the OG PS5 power as it is.
And, as I said, I got the money, heck I could buy 2, but the worth of it is something else entirely...
@sop And that average salary might be about right, but the living costs, food costs, electric bills etc has gone throught the roof this last year. And now the consoles follows suit. Disgusting.
Edit: And @sop, I NEVER said Sweden has it worst, but Europe stands for about 450 million people, a.k.a potential buyers. And we get shafted for real by Sony this generation!
@tselliot When a new iPhone comes out it isn’t the price of the iPhone Pro. Same with most other products, you can have a base model and an expensive premium model. Yes the base model may increase a bit due to inflations, cost of manufacture and materials but it isn’t the price of the pro model. Same here.
More importantly PlayStation’s business model, where they get most of their money through games and MTX on PSN, only really works if they have many millions of users. If they are selling it at £700+ the business model fails.
Sure its expensive, but I don't think its too expensive or absurd if you look at the american price. Its more a question of how much can you personally afford and how much are you willing to spend on entertainment. The PS5 pro is an enthusiast level product for those who want it. If you compare this to other products like phones, smart watches, tablets then they are all far worse and no one bats an eye at how much they cost.
The problem this gen is that peoples expectations from consoles is way out of line with reality. They want native 4k with 60fps and RT and somehow expect it to fall into a nice low cost package. Component prices have gone up drastically over the last few years and if you just look at GPUs alone for PC then you can see how consoles still offer value, people just don't want to pay it.
The only think they probably should have addressed is the no US pricing as the UK are being charged an extra $64 when you remove the vat from the UK Price. If they did it even across the board then they could likely have brought it in at £649 UK which might have sat better for some.
Ultimately its unlikely that I buy one, but I don't think its unreasonable for a niche product if peope want it.
it cost more than the tv i use for gaming on. plus all games shown i have played. how matny devs going use extra power
"I feel like we’re breaking into unprecedented pricing territory here — this feels as big as when Apple announced the iPhone X at £999"
This is the point - how did that work out for them? Apple realised that phones had gone from being utility devices to high end electronics. People would be prepared to pay considerably more for a premium model for a bump in spec. it's instructive of how technology has become central to consumption and consumer identity.
From a price perspectives there are two considerations - value and affordability. Value is about whether you are getting more for your money. People are talking about the headline price, but what should be focussed on is the DIFFERENTIAL between the base, four-year old model, at £500 and the new model at around £300 more expensive when a player is added.
It should be remembered the PRO has expanded memory that would cost around £80 to purchase as an upgrade, although most users would probably spend around £100 to use the expansion slot for 2 TB.
So really, it's £200 more like-for-like for the performance improvement. Only the consumer can assess whether that's value.
On affordability, like high-end smartphones, that is addressed through effective hire-purchase and credit agreements to spread the cost. There will be options for that. And as many people won't need 2 PS5 some of the increase can be offset by trade-ins which i can see being competitive.
I also think the UK RRP offers some flexibiility for retailers to reduce their gross margin (around 25%) to shave £30 or so off the RRP. And Sony have given themselves some wriggle room to discount they didnt' dare do with the head-to-heas with now-vanquished Xbox.
The base PS5 is an awesome machine and great value. I'd be happy to sit it out for a while to see if the pricing is too bullish. But i'll be keeping an eye out for early deals at Black Friday.
@Gost reasonable response. I’m so surprised why everyone is mad. What do they expect? The GPU is really beefed up from the base. Also a base PS5 can be had still. I would understand if Sony was dropping the base and forcing people to buy this vanity hobby good. I see the pro as a top trim. And I expect pros to stay. As there will be people like myself willing to pay more for the best. Similar to every other good. Sony sells a range of TVs. But no one protests the top level 4K TVs which cost the most because they have the best electronics. Again no one is forcing anyone to spend money on electronics.
@Vaako007 exactly. if it was just £100 more than a base PS5, who woud buy the base model? They'd be left with a wall of white bricks like the X box Series S
@GreatAuk Maybe, but see how that went for the first 3/4 years of "its" life.? lets not forget that was a new console, not a mid gen refresh.
@Zeke68 i understand your point of being worth or not. To me, is not worth it either and indeed I'll stick to my PS5 wich is more than enough for my needs. I also don't think they aim to sell tons of PS5 Pro, it will be niche-ish market targeted to tech aficionados.
Also you're right when you say that food costs, electric bills etc. all increased in the past years. What makes you think that in a economy where basically everything increase, piece of tech hardware should not ?
Sorry but it seems no one here remembers that Xbox only digital series x 2 tb costs 649 euros.....how could a beefed up version of a similar piece of hw cost the same, or even less? My God, is simple logic.
@Rafie I asked how much tax you're paying over the 700 dollars. I know how things work here, i don't need you to explain it.
I know... you are dodging the question cause tax doesn't explain the price difference. Your tax is about 6%. So, it's about 742 dollars. Ours is about 20%. So, it's 750 euros. Applied the prices we are still being awfully overcharged.
@MrPeanutbutterz :
As if Sony themselves wanted to answer you:
It's not what I expected, but it IS a way to get it cheaper^^
@Nem Nope not dodging at all. I can't answer the tax question directly because it's different for quite a few states depending on which one you live in. Also if you knew about how your VAT works, you wouldn't make asinine remarks about how unfair the price is compared to the U.S.
It’ll be worth it. And if you are poor do something. About it!! I had too !
Blimey could get a Steam handled oled and a Quest 3 for that.
I thought the price of the pro controller was taking the P*** and the price hike of games to £60+ the most expensive generation ever.
@Luna-Harmony Were you playing games in the early 90s? Adjusted for inflation this gen is miles away from being the most expensive ever, especially when you factor in the price of consoles like the 3DO and Neo Geo
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
Funny enough I know someone who got their PS5 from a scalper for £700 back in 2020 so I'm not that fazed. £730 to be precise. It is too much money but so was a launch of £529 and the subsequent price increases. Save a bit for a couple months and trade in your old console if you want it.
I only want to see PSSR in action to be honest, and depending on what they release in 2025, I might be swayed on purchasing this. Their next State of Play / PS Showcase is literally banking on them living up to their history of complacency or finally being in line with what their consumers want after this generation that really has ridden on the coattails of the last one.
On the topic of PSSR, was I the only one who noticed the amazing picture quality but also obvious ghosting artifacts?
I've owned every Playstation since PSOne when it debuted. My current PS5 will be my last and I am not buying anything else on the platform going forward. It's just getting too pricey to game and if this is only going to get worse I fear. Thank God for Nintendo being cheaper so I can at least enjoy some gaming at a more reasonable price. I think the Switch 2 will do gangbusters now as I wasn't going to buy it but after this I am 100% in. Sony needs to carefully evaluate if they can survive only on heavy graphical games coming out every 5 yrs cause I don't think they can and the amount of people losing interest I see after this reveal should be eye opening for them. It was a great run but it had to end sometime. My PS5 will now be our Fortnite machine and where we just play our backcatalog.
@Diaclone_Dad I feel the exact same way; glad to see some rational comments on here! I, too, will be using the PS5 only for retro gaming and some third party titles from now on; Astro Bot being my final Playstation Studios game
I get it - the components will cost more etc. but at the same time... you have to look at what makes consoles a go to for so many gamers (even people who consider themselves fairly into it). At the real price of £800 with disc and stand for most people, that's gaming PC territory and you are pretty close to a rig that can hit 60 FPS and defo 1440p gaming. PC gives you access to multiple services and storefronts with actual price competition.
I upgraded from PS4 to Pro a few months after the Pro launch because with the cost difference, I could sell my PS4 and it only cost like £150 to upgrade (or something similar) and it was totally worth it for me. Uncharted 4 had just come out, as had Horizon, Spiderman was scheduled and so was God of War. It was peak PS4 era.
What are we being offered? New AAA games at £70 +, an uneven release pipeline for first party games. and an £800 machine that just hits what many PC's have been able to do for some time.
Sure, I get it that this is niche premium device but there was no announcement of price drops for base models and console gaming is getting more expensive.
I felt the same way about PSVR2 - looked great but was priced as a standalone console, not an accessory.
Waiting for the price of Xbox Pro, Sony has given them a unique opportunity to add new users.
@Gost each to their own but I think you can easily build an equivalent PC. The GPU is not even a 3060Ti ($300) and the CPU nothing more than $100. Add to that a $60 SSD, case, power supply and ram, it is close - but I'd much rather have a $700 machine that does games at least as well and everything else a PC can do.
Its just too close to a PC price thats the issue. Folks dont spend $700 on a games console. Ridiculous and I love my consoles but no thanks.
@liathach and lose more money on manufacturing too. Then have to make up the cost by increasing PlayStation plus. Then people would complain about that too.
This is really just pushing me away from PlayStation as a brand, if this is where they're headed. I've always been a Sony and Nintendo kinda guy, but I can do without the former if they're determined to go full corporate greed. PC has never been for me, it's great for those who are into it, but I've never wanted the hassle of building one, updating parts and drivers, troubleshooting etc. I just want to park my rear on the sofa at the end of a long day and just turn on a console and chill out for a while. I was with Sony from the PS1, plugged into a CRT, with the original FF7 and MGS. but I won't be following them into a future of barefaced, unrepentant greed.
@NeonMullet I didn't take it that way mate. There are die hard fans for every corporation on the earth. There are apple fans that buy the products no matter what, there are BMW fans whom buy whatever they put out even if all hate the direction the car brand is taking, etc.... It is what it is. At the end of the day its just money and we don't take any with us when we pass away. That is not to say people shouldn't take care of important things for themselves or family.
I expected more along the lines of 600.. $700 , 80 (disk) + 30$ for a stand and no disc drive is a dealbreaker for most.
I think next generation they should sell a console at a decent price without the disc drive and give the option for anyone to upgrade by physically buying one to keep the cost separate. Have a list of compatible blu-ray drives you can buy anywhere not just Sony approved.
I would prefer a whole complete unit and not completely remove it. But having one unit that simply has both of the items combined (inside of a box) or handed out separate could work for the future.
Have the stand included next generation, but have the ability to attach it later I think most would work with that. But this generation doing that seems like a high risk, especially when their games are pretty much nonexistent. I've had the system since launch and don't feel that there's a lot of games worth justifying it. Final Fantasy already played it, Black Myth totally worth it, Stellar blade, good but they came this year. We haven't seen anything interesting other than remakes.
Anyways, back to a console I feel like the PlayStation five pro is overpriced and lacking way too many things. They're just not enough games right now and let me realistic the game we did see were previous older games having a little bit of a buff.
If they would've sold the unit for 500 and then a separate disc drive for 80 I think most would've taken the plunge.
I feel like next generation what they should do is offer the standard unit and a pro model (like you said) or at least the ability to upgrade like a computer and buy the part later when they produce it/make it accessible like let's say have a standard PlayStation six however it's upgradable when they bring down the prices and develop it later in the years.. You can just buy an attachment to change the internals and then launch a unit that has all the internals changed already.
@Zuljaras logged in just to upvote your meme
This is 98,66% confirmation that I won't buy a PS6
Gee I also wonder why PSVR2 isn’t selling.
Do they really think everyone is a millionaire?
@Tasuki wow I thought I was alone
@PerpetualBoredom I honestly can’t see myself buying it either. If they’re this comfortable charging 700 pounds, lord only knows what a ps6 would cost.
@PerpetualBoredom Ah thank you, I see you are a person of culture as well
You can just about, get a 4070 Super PC for £800. This is just not worth it.
I was perfectly okay to pay $500 for a PS5 with disc drive. $300 more for a Pro version is just too much of a bump. If Sony had come out at $100-$150 more for the Pro, I don't think we'd see this much backlash. This is only for the hardcore of hardcore. Casual fans and average consumers are not going to buy this.
@NeonMullet im an older millennial but i never felt tied to anyone ecosystem no matter the industry or product. I buy what is best after I do my research. I buy both Xbox and PS because I liked when they really had different ideologies as far as games go. Competition used to be good. I’ll be getting a pro also because I just prefer to play most games in front of my TV. I use my PC for strategy games most and serious shooters like the Arma series. If you built your own PC or paid someone else to do it you would avoid the anti-plug and play. But it’s just a matter of how you prefer to game.
I think it's funny that people thought this would be $600 when the new 2TB series X with no other upgrades except a paint job is $600.
So now that I've had a day to process this, a thought came to me this morning as far as an equivalent comparison goes.
So let's say I buy a new truck in 2024 for $50,000. Then 4 years later the 2028 models come out with more standard features, fancier trim package, bigger dashboard screen, maybe slightly better fuel economy etc. And due to those slight improvements plus inflation or strength of the dollar and other economic factors, the new truck is $65,000. Am I tempted to get the new truck? Sure maybe. But am I angry that GM, Ford or Toyota made the newer, better model for more money? No. My truck still does everything I need it to just fine.
I don't know I guess that's the closest sort of equivalent I could come up with. Maybe I'm way off?
The regional pricing is off. $700 plus 20% VAT, should be £649 (rounded up slightly). Instead it’s £699, which is a disappointingly poor conversion.
I'll pick one up eventually. I need a 120Hz TV before I'm too fussed about it. Maybe after that it'll be a bit cheaper and then I'll sell my launch PS5 to take away a little of the hurt. But we're talking a year or more down the road. This is the early adopter price and they can have it.
It's funny to see the reaction of people who got used to live in a world without inflation. I'm from Brazil, so I've seen my fair share of that.
Look, electronics have been raising in prices above inflation for many years now, and the lockdowns have just made it much worse. It's a complex supply chain issue with many dimensions, and there's no escaping from it.
The outrage here is the same we saw with many price announcements in the recent past: the iPhone X, the 2080ti, the 3090, 4090 and so on. But people eventually adjust their expectations and bite the bullet.
It's an absolute pisstake, £700, no disc drive, can't even include a small stand...the thing is an absolute joke, but not a funny one.
Glad I also have my PC, but I don't know what the hell Sony is smoking lately...
@GreatAuk "Just the Windows 11 Home license is $140 dollars."
Got my Windows 11 Home license for £20, learn to shop around.
@Art_Vandelay Read Marx ❤️
@Rafie The price is for all the EU. It doesn't change by country.
If I'm in the market for a ps5 and don't have one, I'd save up a few more months and just get the pro. If you have a ps5 already, why are you mad? This is so much of a nothing burger.
"£700 is still a better proposition than a higher-end PC, and if we’re running games at 4K, 60 frames-per-second, with ray tracing"
It isn't running at native 4k, it's normally running at around 1080p and is being upscaled. If you are doing a like for like comparison to a PC, the PS5 pro is the equivalent of a pc running with a 3070 graphics card. You can actually get a mid range PC for roughly the same cost with the same performance.
@PerpetualBoredom When the Berlin wall fell, who ran to which side?
I already paid 600€ for my PS5, and I haven’t gotten a single stable 60fps game in performance mode. Now I have to spend even more money to get a decent performance?
Oh and people saying they’re switching to Nintendo are delusional: they are even greedier and you can be sure they’re adjusting Switch 2’s price to ‘industry standards’ now. Only it will have tech that’s 2,5 generations behind.
I just read in a leak that the Switch 2 will be $400.
I don't get this ,why oh why didn't sony just package a stand and a disk drive In all orders of the ps5 pro,so that anyone who then decides doesn't want the disk drive etc could then sell it and the most important thing is it would have kept the disk drives out of the hands of scalpers doesn't seem logical to me or am I missing something ,then there's the price of it all 800odd quid for the lot ,sure probably electronic goods have gone up but it seems to me that no thought has gone into it and sony probably then expects long time ps customers to just take it or leave it,bad decisions here there's no doubt in my mind ,the ps5 pro will probably be one heck of a console but these decisions have made me probably wait now until sometime next year now to get one,would've probably got 1 at launch or pre order ,not much thought was put into this from a buyers perspective especially people that are genuine gamers to much arrogance here and not enough thought;(
Yes i played games since amstrad 464 and master system and mega drive ect.....
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