Lovers of the Left Behind DLC are in for a treat this week, as the HBO adaptation of The Last of Us devotes an entire episode to this tragic trip to a shopping centre. With Joel worse for wear after last week's episode, Ellie thinks back to another time when she was faced with a difficult choice. What follows is yet another brilliant showcase for Bella Ramsey, as we see a different and more vulnerable side to this feisty teen.
This show has always had the potential to expand upon what we already know from the game, and we get glimpses of that here with Ellie's time at a FEDRA school. However, we've always appreciated that the show knows when to keep things the same, and for the most part, that's exactly what it's done here with Ellie's late night trip to an abandoned shopping centre. While some moments like the car smashing competition or water gun fight are absent, almost all others that you know and love are here, and brought to life with stunning effect.

That's because Bella Ramsey is firing on all cylinders in episode seven. While we've seen the gradual unwinding of her character as she and Joel grow closer, this is a different side to Ellie. We really can't emphasise enough how great Ramsey is here, and those doubts we had earlier in the season are now nothing more than distant memories.
A lot of that brilliance in Ramsey is brought out by Storm Reid's Riley, the recently recruited Firefly and Ellie's best friend. The dynamic between these two characters is just as heartwarming as you remember. Storm Reid manages to encapsulate this sense of youthful pride, where a gun in her belt is not a tool for survival, but a badge of authority and pride. It was thoroughly entertaining to see two characters raised in this world of turmoil and despair, delving into what scared them, what they worried about, and particularly relevant to their trip, what excited them.

Shop windows in the dilapidated mall offered a glimpse into another time, lit-up arcades highlighted a life that these characters will never truly have. From a purely aesthetic perspective, the mall is brilliantly accurate to the game, and even manages to evoke that same sense of wonder — even if it is just the warm glow of a carousel.
When it comes to that emotional climax, it feels even more impactful than the game in some ways. The performances make you really feel the anger, the fear, and the tragedy of young love cut short. It doesn't do anything in particular to make it stand apart from the game, but the rawness of its live-action format makes it a must watch for fans and newbies alike.
Episode seven is an excellent reminder of why we love this world so much. It's a world juxtaposed by the heart of its characters and its violent reality, but in more poignant The Last of Us terms, its pun books and pipe bombs.
To find out when you can tune in for the next episode, click through to our Where to Watch The Last of Us TV Show guide. Additionally, our Full Cast List provides more details about the actors and characters. And of course, be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 27
They are certainly condensing the story but I have zero issue with that. As a huge fan of both games, I'm completely satisfied with this excellent show. Ramsey might not look like Ellie from the game but she has completely embodied the character for me and her performances have been stellar.
@AaronBayne I get that you have to put articles up to cover all territories, no problem with that. But could you try to at least avoid spoilers in the title and cover image so those who are going to watch it when it airs here don't have to have it spoiled just by visiting the site or seeing it in their RSS feed. Thanks.
So I can just read the walkthrough of Left Behind instead of watching the episode to get the gist of what’s going on right? Having just finished LoU part 2, I have a bad taste in my mouth.
I have not seen any episodes of the series but I have played the game and found the concept of left behind very damp. How on their right mind would go to the mall and do what the characters did? Makes no sense even for video game logic standards
I'm starting to get a bit suspicious of PushSquare's reviews of this show. Every episode is glowing perfection in their eyes. Enjoy the show by all means, but there seriously isn't anything negative to say at all? Come on now.
@LifeGirl Yeah I wouldn't go here for an honest take on this series lol, that's for sure. You can tell whoever is writing these is definitely their target audience though, which is probably why I can't relate.
I think episode 4 is the only one that didn't make me cry.
My problem is the show barely has action (gameplay scenarios) and I didn't like some of the changes/focus on things.
It's a 9 for me.
@LifeGirl I like it but it doesn’t feel like a living, breathing world with real characters - it feels like a tv show with nice sets and ok actors.
I mean, I like Pascal but can he actually act? Or is he just a cool guy with great screen presence? Because there are some scenes in this show have had me questioning his range as an actor. I like him and he seems like an ok guy but I can’t tell if he’s actually playing a role or just showing up on set and being himself sometimes. He hasn’t captured Joel’s personality well at all imo.
Ramsey has been a mixed bag too but not the complete disaster as I worried she might be. Her reaction to Henry blowing his brains out was amazing but sometimes I can see the thought process in her head. Like the way she moves her eyes and her movements feel like someone acting as opposed to convincingly embodying a character completely. I think she has a lot of potential but she’s not quite there yet. I don’t see her as Ellie at all. She’s no more Ellie than Tom Holland was Nathan Drake.
Overall the show has been ok but the pacing is a mess. It feels like a storyboard - Joel and Ellie are here, and then they’re here, and then they’re here… Ok, but where’s the character growth and gradual bond forming between them? Nonexistent. As someone who has played the game at least 15 times over the years on PS3/4/5, I can sort of fill-in the gaps but the storytelling is just so inferior to the game.
When the ‘terrible awful’ scene arrives in season 2, I’m not sure I’ll even be bothered. That scene in the game was a real gut-punch but Joel on the show is so devoid of personality, I’ll probably react with nothing more than a shrug. And that’s a real shame.
I loved this episode. The interactions between Riley and Ellie were funny and adorable.
I am concerned that they will speed through the David stuff. I feel like David deserves two episodes because David vs Ellie is a huge moment in the first game. Doing all that in 50 or so mins isn't enough justice. Hopefully it's well done. Also seeing Troy Baker in it should be fun.
I'm trying to understand Joel getting impaled/stabbed and the way Ellie is going to help him is just see it closed? If he was simply cut, he wouldn't be in that bad shape, just closing his skin and "forgetting" about any organs?
@aj21009 And the killer mushroom zombies you have no issue with?
I don't have a problem with mushroom zombies. If you are going to establish that just sewing up Joel and he's ok, then hey Tess got blown up, but why not just have her show up again later ok, bombs only effect a 2 foot radius in this world.
Hey, Sara was only shot 10 times, but people can take 12 bullets in this world, so she's alive somewhere too.
@nicc83 I read a story recently about how they banned the cast and people working on set from using the word ‘zombie’ lol. You just weren’t allowed to say it. TLoU is far more sophisticated than those lesser zombie shows, don’t you know 😂
@aj21009 in the game the whole reason she is dealing with David is because she needs drugs for Joel. I imaging it will be the same here.
I am in awe of this series. It is IMO sensational television and episode 7 really does deliver again. Ramsey is superb and I am so so happy that a game that i love is being followed up by quality TV
Another great episode.
@QBGaming12 There are 2 episodes to go, it’s a 9 episode season. I agree it feels like there is a lot to wrap up. But considering they haven’t really made a major misstep yet I have faith they will do end it well.
@belmont They're still kids. Kids who haven't been able to have a childhood as we know it in the west. That's just my opinion though!
I do hope that they keep the David storyline in!
@Caveman49 I am shocked week after week that this exists and by it's level of quality. Huge fan of both games. It's fun watching this with my wife who has zero interest in video games.
I found this episode incredibly boring. I can't be the only one.
@Ludacritz totally agree mate - and my wife loves it as well even though she rolls her eyes at my gaming !
Yet another masterpiece. This series shoukd be a template for upcoming video games adaptations. It is simply an amazing jaw-dropping series with every episode so far
Love the show. Love the 2 stars.
However this was by far and away the worst show in the series to date.
It was a borefest. Didn't progress the story at all and almost completely lacked the key ingredient, Joel.
Love the series, but a very poor episode imho.
The acting in this show is something beyond. The pair of girls in ep 7 embodied the characters to perfection. All the subtleties of teenage love, acted with a supreme, compelling care. Another win of a ep.
I was hoping they would maybe show a bit more like the interaction of Marlene finding Ellie (and showing Ellie shoot Riley I assume after she turned). Still it was a pretty good episode overall. Just a bit too safe this time around.
Thought the episode was pretty good. Inly 2 complaints for this show. 1 it needed more episodes to really tell the story. 2. It needed more encounters with the infected to really show how dangerous the world is. If you didnt play the game you would think you could walk across america and come across only 1 or 2. Other than that it will go down as one if the greatest tv shows ever.
I loved this episode alot, but that checks out since I enjoyed the Left Behind DLC too.
Easy 9/10, hoping for more content like this.
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