
Topic: Help me find a game i lost

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Hi everyone! I've been trying to find this exciting game i forgot the name. i'd like to play it again so much so thanks for your help! So let me start with what i remember of the game.

You can control either a boy or a girl, after you enter the game you have to move a cart (wooden cart) around the map and find a way to progress with it. It's a 2 players game. And if i remember well it is kind of medieval game. Also 2D. The game is full of colors like Rayman. I dont remember so much about it so thanks for helping me!



I think the game you’re referring to is called Chariot.



@DirtSinceBirth Omg!!! Yes it is Chariot! Thank you so much!!! I just looked up on steam and the game is on sale at 90% what a lucky me haha! Thank you so much for your help!!



@MathTrash No problem. I got this from Games With Gold a while back, so I knew it sounded familiar. That is lucky timing! Enjoy the game. I made an account here just because I knew the answer. 😂


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