1Spideyfan89Thu 8th Apr 2021 Does anybody know how much I should ask for my PSVR with no camera please Spideyfan89
3RubyCarbuncle Thu 8th Apr 2021 Without the camera the headset is useless more or less. You should expect no more than about hmm I'd say €60 maybe €80 at the most. [Edited Thu 8th Apr 2021 by RubyCarbuncle] RubyCarbuncle X: Topaz_Carbuncle
4nessisonettThu 8th Apr 2021 30 pieces of silver Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego. Trans rights are human rights.
5PSVR_loverFri 9th Apr 2021 $149.99 or best offer. The PSVR is the best VR system on the market today.
7RubyCarbuncle Tue 27th Jul 2021 @BowTiesAreCool Yes it is but if you're looking to sell it in a Store like CEX then you should expect this. Also PSVR is last gen tech as well. RubyCarbuncle X: Topaz_Carbuncle
8BowTiesAreCoolTue 27th Jul 2021 @RubyCarbuncle can't see why someone would sell it there when you'd literally get double (and more) on ebay. It's the most current console vr headset for at least another year and a half too. BowTiesAreCool
Topic: Selling PSVR
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