
Topic: What PS3 game(s) are you currently playing?

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So I’m now just over 3/4’s of the way through my first Hard playthrough of Dead Space 3 (I done a 100% run on Normal and have another two Hard playthroughs after this one) and I’m starting to think that this is a really good game… and by extension the Dead Space series has probably entered (or is damn close) my top 5 games series of all-time.

I’m still to play 2 (I know… I’m playing it in a stupid order) but from the things I’ve read and the conversations I’ve had, it’s at least the second best of the series maybe the best… so the fact 3 has hit like this gives me confidence in making that statement. If anyone skipped 3 due to the negative buzz (or has only played the Remake) I’d recommend giving it a go for sure.

Right now I’m thinking Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid, God of War & GTA in no particular order and then… I might be forgetting something (probably am tbh) but much to my surprise Dead Space is up there.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


Yeah Dead Space is one of the best franchises, the combat just never gets old.
I think the general opinion is that DS2 is the best one, shame that it doesn't look like we are going to get a remake of that one

Also On the PS3 and the Wii I think there was a game called Dead Space Extraction which was included in the limited edition. Pretty fun time crisis type game, using the Move controller.
Actually would make a great VR game.

PS. Just about to start Rage 2 btw.

[Edited by CaptD]



@CaptD cool, I’ll be super interested to hear your thoughts on that having recently played the first one. I’m hoping it’s a bit more futuristic Far Cry than the first one… so definitely let me know if it’s a yay or nay in that regard.

So about that Dead Space combat… I think it just clicked why I enjoy it so much more on the hard playthroughs. As ammo is so scarce I’m having to rip spikes and claws off enemies to use as projectiles and it’s just so satisfying. On normal I just end up shooting everything… which is fine but it just feels less engaging. I also use stasis a lot more on Hard/Impossible, which also adds an extra layer to the flow.

As you say, it’s pretty disappointing that we won’t get remakes of 2… and even 3 tbh.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


Yeah ammo scarcity is what makes it nerve racking, much akin to how Resident Evil works.
I remember with my hard difficulty playthrough of the original DS that, like you, I used stasis and melee to get through it and most of my upgrades went into that; with the remake I didn't do that even on hard difficulty so I think something went a bit wrong with the balancing or perhaps I just got gud (which I doubt).



@CaptD interesting about Dead Space Remake… which backs up something another guy told me back when I was playing 1. He said that the impossible run on 1 was considerably harder than the impossible on Remake (even though a death in Remake deletes your save).

I’m looking forward to getting into Resi properly next year. Although I’ve dabbled, I’ve never fully invested my time… I have a feeling it’s gonna land with me much like the Dead Space games… maybe even more so.

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore Hmmm… Bioshock? Mass Effect? Tomb Raider? Assassin’s Creed? Final Fantasy? Uncharted? Batman Arkham? 🤔

And is a “series” at least 3 entries? Can it be two? If so — TLoU… Horizon… RDR… Portal… ?

I’m being pedantic and joking of course. I could see how (even without my playing them yet) Dead Space would be higher than all those for you personally due to the more action and gameplay oriented design compared to some of those others. Resident Evil’s best entries have a slower, more puzzle-solving approach. I can’t remember which RE games you’ve played to this point. The series evolved fairly drastically through the years.

It’s an interesting subject though and I can’t remember if we’ve ever had a dedicated thread or poll to rank the best gaming series as a whole, taking all entries into account and looking at a group of games as one unit. There would certainly be advocates for ‘non-colonel’ games like Persona, Yakuza, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Borderlands, CoD, Ratchet & Clank… and other storied franchises.

But I guess the real question is, can you wait to play Dead Space 2 on schedule or are you going to move it up the list and play it right away in eager anticipation?

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution funnily enough I was considering Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy but went with Dead Space over those as it’s only really the latest trilogy on the Tomb Raiser games that I consider on that level (I’m sure there are many who vehemently disagree and that’s fine) and with Final Fantasy… I really am enjoying each one I play but each entry (apart from the X duology, XIII trilogy and VIIR’s) seems a bit too disconnected for me to consider them amongst series where one epic narrative arc unfolds.

I did love Mass Effect back when it first released… and still enjoyed playing through the remake of the original last year but the actual gameplay is a little rough for my taste. Same with Bethesda games, I used to love them but find the gameplay a bit ropey these days. I also like the Arkham games quite a bit… everything bar the freeform combat that keeps it from reaching that elite tier, at least for me.

I’m sure you’ve read previous posts from myself about how much I enjoy Assassins Creed (and pretty much all Ubisoft series like Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Ghost Recon etc.) but do find them a bit of a guilty pleasure rather than god-tier if you get me. I also have some crazy passion for the Just Cause games… but similarly would consider them a ‘personal’ pleasure rather than a great. I’m yet to play the Bioshock games but they are on the schedule for some time prior to 2030 🤣.

In regards to Dead Space 2… I am gonna give it some air tbh. I just completed my first hard playthrough of 3 like 5 minutes ago and I have another 2 to go. The impossible run on Dead Space (in August) and this Hard run on 3 have been incredibly intense… this week may have actually been the most intense week of gaming I’ve ever had. I was a mumbling mess one of the evenings this week after the trials and tribulations I had getting 100% and then I fell asleep about 8pm another night 😅. So I’m currently thinking I’ll keep Dead Space 2 for plat #250… which should be around May 2026.

edit. so in regards to Resident Evil - I played (and really enjoyed) Code Veronica on Dreamcast, around half of 4 on Wii and have played (but not yet plat’d) 2 Remake. I’m gonna play 1 Remake at the very least next year… and maybe finish of the 2 Remake plat too if I can fit it in.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore 😄 Fair enough, buddy. Fair enough. You’re definitely selling me on the Dead Space franchise though.

I had forgot about your love of Just Cause. That’s a fringe series that is commonly beloved but not necessarily in the “best ever” discussions.

Have you played any more Yakuza’s / Like a Dragon’s? I seem to recall you started with the first game Kiwami and I don’t recall if you have an interest to see that series through. Just curious for some reason. The enormous time sink involved with playing the series is a real obstacle for those of us with a large catalogue we want to get to.

Best of luck as you continue your pursuit of the DeSp3 platinum. Hold onto your sanity! Break for food, water; and sleep!
Without spoilers, is there any weird narrative issues with having skipped #2?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution yeah I did finish Yakuza Kiwami (one of my proudest plats too… I had to learn about 7 different Japanese gambling games 😅) and thought it was pretty decent… but it didn’t hit for me in the same way it did for most other people. I will be playing Yakuza Kiwami 2 in the next couple of months funnily enough.

As far as Dead Space goes… it wasn’t too bad skipping the second, as I get the impression that the player/protagonist (Isaac Clarke) feels they’ve save humanity at the end of each game… only for a new/worse/older version of the threat to rear its head. I did miss his meeting a new love interest that wasn’t in the original though… and played a big part in 3.

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


Dead Space 3 playthrough 3 done (Pure Survival), just playthrough 4 (Hardcore) left… let’s fkn go!

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


About 3/4’s of the way through my 4th and final playthrough (Hardcore) on Dead Space 3 now and it feels like the home-stretch of a marathon not gonna lie. As I’ve put so much time into it this last week and a half, I fancied a break for my mid-week day off today, so started Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands.

It’s obviously pretty old now and pretty janky in places… but I’m quite enjoying it. This is more of what I was expecting from the series, compared to the 2008 reboot I played a few months ago (which in fairness I also quite enjoyed but felt anomalous to my expectations of a Prince of Persia game). Really hoping Ubi put the effort into that Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake, as I reckon it could be my thing.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore Prince of Persia is a franchise that I’m surprised has not received more attention recently. Outside of the recent 2D Metroidvania it has been dormant for a long time. It was previously the main jewel in the Ubisoft cache. I think it became the inspiration for Assassin’s Creed, but after it evolved into that franchise, PoP essentially disappeared. What we got was a tidal wave of Assassin’s Creed games, a steady flow of Far Cry, a boatload of Tom Clancy, and then a smattering of all these other attempts like the Division, Watch Dogs, SW Outlaws, etc but no PoP. I respect that they have let the PoP franchise rest for a while and not milk it too much, but that’s not really been their modus operandi for everything else they own. 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution yeah it’s shelving does seem to be as a result of Ubi’s focus on Assassins Creed and there not being enough room for two historic-fiction epics simultaneously. I get it… and do prefer the AC franchise out’ve the two if I’m honest. Still it’s a somewhat illustrious series that I hadn’t played for too long, so has been nice to have finally played a couple… and looking forward the The Lost Crown at some point too.

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


My final Dead Space 3 run done… really good game, far better than the general consensus would have people believe. The plat did cause me to feel the game out-stayed it’s welcome a bit though… I get one normal playthrough for 100% and one difficulty run but four seems a bit of overkill to me.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


I have today fired up my PS3 (first time in a year) to play Resistance 2. Never completed it, so I thought, why not lol


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


@ZeD enjoy buddy, I’ve been playing ps3 pretty much exclusively all year… so many great games stuck on it!

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore I was looking at my PS3 collection, and even though it was my primary console in that generation, I really did not complete everything. My current todos:

  • Resistance 2
  • Resistance 3
  • Thieves in Time
  • Puppeteer
  • MGS4 (replay, because why the hell not!)
  • Killzone Trilogy
  • Heavenly Sword


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


@colonelkilgore Yeah, there’s probably not room for them to be releasing PoP and AC games in too close succession because of the overlap in genre/setting, but in retrospect I think it might have been wiser to put AC on ice for a couple years and do a PoP follow up in that interim release window 2014-2016 when we got a deluge of 6 AC games.

Edit: Congrats on your Dead Space 3 plat, by the way! Strong work! 🫡

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution cheers buddy… and I think you’re probably right about icing AC for a bit and releasing a PoP during that time. Can’t help but feel the annual releases of AC have left a sour taste in the mouths of gamers.

@ZeD some classics there for sure 👍

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore At least for me personally it was that run of Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, and the Chronicles spinoff series of China, India, Russia all dropping in rapid succession that made me just lose interest. Not until Origins did I feel like I could try the series again.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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