While Monster Hunter: Iceborne is my favorite new content this year this game might be my favorite this year. I played a ton yesterday. With BioWare and Bethesda dropping the ball as of late it's really nice to see Obsidian bring their A game.
I’ve only made it to the first settlement and I’m really enjoying what I’ve played so far but have to say I think the textures and details in this game are terrible especially the world and NPC models, they just look plain ugly, I honestly think Fallout 4 looks slightly better and I’m playing it on the XB1 X as well!
But all in all this is still one of the best games I’ve played this year so far and it’s just nice to have a decent game in this genre after the disastrous Fallout 76.
Soo, who did you end up siding with in the end, the Board or Welles? What were your reasons for siding with them?
Don't try to copy other people; it just takes away from your own creative power and unique self. Amp your own style and play the way YOU want to. That's what makes gaming a personally rewarding experience — self-expression.
The part where you return to the Hope and find out why they never made it in time and how the crew tried to survive is quite haunting. It reminded me a little of the Ishimura from Dead Space
Ashley Burch (who also did the voice for Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn) does a really good job of bring a touch of vulnerability to the character she voices. Overall the quality of voice acting has me impressed.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
I just discovered this game has its own thread which isn’t locked yet. I hope this doesn’t qualify as necroposting but I have a feeling I’ll be dropping posts about the game off and on.
So I just started it, probably have only played about 3-4 hours, and I have loved it so far. For perspective, I’ve never played any Obsidian games before, so this is my first. I’ve played very few of Bethesda’s games too, the studio for which Obsidian works closely with in this type of game. Never played a single Fallout game. Never played KOTR. The only Elder Scrolls game I played was Skyrim, which I adored and consider it a top 10 PS3 game experience.
So coming into The Outer Worlds feels for me like playing a Sci-Fi Skyrim, except with witty humor and sharp writing. Maybe like Skyrim had a baby with the spawn of Borderlands and Portal’s love-child.... kind of. Whatever it is, it’s great.
It is a bit time consuming to learn all the mechanics and get used to the style of play, which I’ve not played recently. It is quite customizable and so many options to choose from. I’m trying to go with a melee and leadership style of character, keeping my persuasion high but also my melee combat high, just in case.
Tagging @Kidfried who also recently started this game.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution If you end up really enjoying the game, I’d HIGHLY recommend picking up Fallout 3 and New Vegas as they are fantastic games if you still have the capability to play them.
Outer Worlds is a great AA game that is well written and has a fun/interesting story but is a little shallow in other areas compared to those Fallout games.
@Thrillho So what’s the problem with Fallout 4? I know that it’s universally felt to be inferior to 3 and NV, but what exactly is the issue? Are there problems with its gameplay, story, technical performance?
I really don’t use my PS3 anymore, so it would be a pain to dust it off again. Fallout 4 is on the Plus Collection on PS5 so I halfway thought about playing it there if/when I get one. But maybe it’s not worth my time?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Topic: The Outer Worlds Discussion
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