
Topic: Gran Turismo 7

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[Edited by PushSquare]



I haven't really played a GT game since the first one, I really got into it though. I do have my eye on this instalment! I thought Sport was pretty dull for what it was.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Could be the first racing game I buy in a long time. Haven't been into racing games for years but I have actually been fancying one lately.

Hoping GT7 will have a similar progression system from when I last played, with different licenses and working your way up the car ladder.



I'm not buying it but I'll watch the SoP. Interested in the tech and stuff, it looks nice.



I’m not really a ‘racer’… but I’m at the very least curious about GT7. Last one I played was GT2 on the PS2… and I remember thinking it really good.

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


I'm looking forward to the state of play. Haven't pre-ordered yet but this could sway me. Not bought any driving games for a few years as I no longer have a racing wheel, but I'm hoping the dualsense and haptics will help with the immersion on this.



I do like the odd racer here and there. I did own a Logitech wheel at one point and enjoyed a GT game back in the day but since then I think my tastes have changed and I'm more into a fun arcade style racer. Will GT7 be overkill for me? I'll watch the SoP though just to see what the deal is as it's a great looking game.

[Edited by render]



@Iver You are not the biggest fan of GT Sport but you spent a 1000 hours playing it?! 😲😳🤯🤣

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Sport was kinda a disappointment other than Scapes so I’m hoping for just a really bulky single player mode. I’ve played 1, 3 and 5 and they were great in different ways. If I had a dream feature it would be more cups based around historical cars. I want to race Ford Model-Ts

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I love GT, I actually got so into the livery editor of sport I designed a persona 5 special edition. And it looks amazing! Took about 2 weeks.

It's single player component was lacking in all honesty. You did have some stuff to do but it really boiled down to time trials. I really hope 7 gives us a proper carpg but doesn't go the Forza horizon way of owning 300plus cars in your garage and instead you build up a solid 10-16 in your own image. One can wish, but I doubt after horizons success that it's gonna happen.

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@themcnoisy ‘carpg’ - I love it!

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


Love the look of it, think this will be the first racing game I buy for a long time!



Yeah, I'm still not getting this myself but if I had to guess - if you're an actual car enthusiast, this is probably the game to get.



@Voltan I’d say if you’re properly into cars then this is the best game out there. Whereas if you’re looking for a slightly more ‘fun’ racing game then Forza Horizon is the best one for that. Both series have their advantages!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Yeah, I imagine Forza would be more my speed but I know some people who know their car stuff and I'm pretty sure this is exactly what they'd want from a car game.



I'm not sure about the replays to music and driving to the music thing, but wow it looked great. Can see more time being spent reading the history, in scapes, tuning etc than actually racing. So much of that was photo realistic.



As I’ve stated many times, I ain’t really a racer… but that was my favourite State of Play yet. Don’t know if I’ll get it at launch… as there’s a lot going on in the next few months 😅… but I think I’m gonna dip my toe on this one (and wherever my toe goes, my fat a** follows 🤫).

[Edited by graymamba]

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


For some reason I'm really interested in Gran Turismo 7 despite not usually caring about racing games at all. I used to play Gran Turismo back on PS1 but I've never bothered with it since. That was a great State of Play though, I thought. Probably end up getting this, realise I'm rubbish at it, and then quit it after like two hours.

[Edited by johncalmc]




Perfect State of Play. Exactly how these "one game only" showcases should be.

I really can't wait to jump into this. The next month or so is going to be crazy on PlayStation.

I'm looking forward to the PSVR2 reveal, I'm praying for full compatibility with GT7.



I was so pleasantly surprised at how positive the SoP was received, I half suspected a load would have picked holes in it being "more of the same, who cares about skies and weather" etc. Thought it was an excellent showing. Though I am rather surprised that no outlet has spotted the other big potential issue away from always online. And that's been able to top up your in game wallet with microtransactions. You can see it on a couple of occasions when you buy a car, it says at the bottom of the menu. It won't put me off getting the game but I hope they don't make it too excessive.



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