
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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@z0d15g0d @Shigurui Code for 50 Jades


Seems Yunli requires her signature Lightcone (or Lynx) to maximise her counter-attack damage. Easy skip and save for me.



@themightyant Nice! Thanks pal.
Yeah I'm getting Black Swan then just gonna save for a while.



@themightyant - Thanks for the code mate! Yunli is definitely an easy skip on my main. Might get her on my alt though if I can raise enough jades before the banner ends. Lost the Jade 50/50 so I'm on a guarantee and that account is FuA centric, also I have Boothill on there. I imagine those two could wreak havoc on the same team.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


Is Jiaoqiu going to be worth it for Nihility or should I aim for Swan instead? I have no decent DoT characters so that's the last team I need to build.



@z0d15g0d Currently it looks like he will be a good Nihility Unit especially with Acheron and Black Swan as his Basic, Skill and Ultimate all apply different debuffs as well as boosting Ultimate DMG. But we won't really know until final release, he's had balance and kit changes in the Beta recently so will have to wait and see. But odds on he will be a good unit with both of those. I am keeping an eye on him.

Black Swan is rumoured for first half of 2.5 alongside Feixiao (Wind/Hunt), Second half rumoured to be Lingsha (Fire/Abundance) and Dr. Ratio, but this isn't confirmed.

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant Thanks for the info. I'll try to get him and Swan to round off my Nihility team.



After absolutely falling head over heels for Zenless and finishing basically all that game has to offer right now, I am trying to use this to fill the void as I couldn't get into Genshin, and I want to wait to see if Wuthering has better controller bindings when its officially ported to PS5.

HSR definitely doesn't hit the same as ZZZ did for me and even though they are fundamentally different games you can see how ZZZ has evolved from HSR, and so HSR does have some frustrations ZZZ has removed (mostly around UI and menus which are very cluttered and annoying to navigate in HSR).

That said, the more time I spend with HSR's combat and the more characters I unlock, the more I can recognise and appreciate the hidden depth of the systems. I just wish it was easier to understand what new characters did at a glance. Is there a training mode somewhere where I can tutorials on specific character kits like what ZZZ does?

I also just really like HoYo's writing. I like how weird everyone and everything is. The characters are always really charming, the comedy usually lands for me more than it doesn't (and trust me, it isn't easy for a game to make me laugh, so the fact these games make me laugh over and over again is special to me) and when it kicks off into high gear for a grand moment, that's always sweet. Although in a lot of ways ZZZ has come a long way from HSR visually, there is a flatness to a lot of the HSR character models I wonder if they'll go back and update.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg The only training sessions are for characters on the banners. Youtube is a good resource or if you prefer text Game8 or Prydwen both give text descriptions of characters and are worth a bookmark. Enjoy.



@Pizzamorg - There is a very basic training room of sorts inside the Boulder Town Fight Club area, it's accessed via a large punching bag to the right as you enter the room. You can only fight 5 Silvermane Lieutenant enemies in there though. Like I said, basic.

Much later in the game you unlock the Divergent Universe which will temporarily upgrade every character you own, along with their gear. You can use that to test various team comps without having to invest anything into your unused roster.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@themightyant @z0d15g0d - So I changed my mind about pulling on this banner and decided to go for Huohuo as she's hands down the best support for my Kafka/Swan DoT comp. Started single pulls at 70 and at 78 I got the 5* ticket, got the Abundance splash screen, got... Bailu. Trolled.

Pull 79 dropped a Huohuo. This account man, nuts!

[Edited by Shigurui]

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui haha! Those elations are all the sweeter after crushing disappointments. Well done!

Oh and good shouts on training rooms, hadn’t thought of Boulder Town

[Edited by themightyant]



@Shigurui Lol I hope I never see Bailu across my screen again. Nicely done on the Huohuo pull.



@themightyant - Yeah mate, especially when the elation arrives one pull after the disappointment!

@z0d15g0d - That's my first ever Bailu, had to happen sometime and it completed my standard 5* roster, caught them all. I'll bet you're sick of the sight of her!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@get2sammyb haha! So true.

@z0d15g0d BTW the current story event gives you a fight with Jiaoqiu and I had him with Acheron, Pela and Fu Xuan (Trend of Universal Market) and the stacks and damage boost he game Acheron were amazing! Might have to pull him now, he looks to Acheron what Ruan Mei is to Firefly, though unclear if he will be as versatile across characters/teams

Lastly I love Moze’s drip, also want

[Edited by themightyant]



@Shigurui I'm glad you completed the collection but will you even bother to invest in her besides levelling up to collect the basic tickets?. I'm on my 3rd and still no Welt in sight and I'd much rather have more of Clara.

@get2sammyb Haha yea these guys still refuse to give us a skip option. I let most of March 7th's drivel arc play out in the background.

@themightyant Yes! I tried him out too with Acheron and SW and Acheron was ult ready almost twice every turn so might have to go for him too. Haven't seen any drip on Moze yet but looks like he might have an interesting kit.



@z0d15g0d @Shigurui I'm on 78 pity on the standard banner so am due another 5 star very soon. Hoping for E1 Bronya or a 5-star light cone, but would be content with anything but Bailu or Yanqing Eidolons. I'm already at E2 Himeko and E1 Welt.

On the premium banner i'm still kinda skint since spending to get Firefly, while chasing Gallagher (E4) and then Asta (E5) Eidolons. I think i'm around 65 pity now so another 5-star to come soon. Probably aim for Jiaoqiu if he ends up being as strong for Acheron as he seemed. Otherwise Black Swan. I also imagine General Feixaio will be a bit of a beast considering her role in the story, but who knows.

Fingers crossed for all our wishes!



I'm around the 20 hour mark now. Still can't quite work out whether I like the combat in this game or not. It is doing interesting things like with the skill point system (as JRPGs where mana is a finite resource that is not reset between battles can become this extremely tedious war of attrition as you're constantly trying to keep it topped up enough to keep pushing) and the way that you can interrupt enemies with your ultimates is a really cool element.

But then on the flip I know every turn based game ever basically is built on a rock paper scissors system, but this feels like one of the more restrictive rock paper scissors systems I've experienced. If you can't break their shields, you basically do zero damage but at least so far I'm just not getting enough materials (or characters, to be honest, feel like 99% of my pulls are either Light Cones or duplicates) to be able to have at all times a person in my party who can match and break, so some fights are just extremely tedious. There is no real risk of failure if you run a healer / shield person. So you basically just put it on auto battle mode and watch YouTube or whatever and hope you can come back ten minutes later and the fight is done.

I think it doesn't help that there is no proper tutorials for character kits, so a lot of this is probably skill issue on my end, but the game just doesn't give me enough information at a glance about the characters. Like I have two wind guys, one wind guy can multi hit people and applies loads of stacks of wind shear really quickly, my other wind guy only has single target attacks and can deal quite high crit damage, but who is better here? My instinct says multi hit guy because taking out multiple enemies at once seems better to me, but there must be a reason this single target guy exists. I dunno, cause I don't really know the intricacies of their kits.

I have two healers, their kits seem absolutely identical, except one does quantum and one does physical damage, I googled it and they told me the quantum one is better so that is who I am using but the game doesn't give me any information to make this decision myself.

I have at least two debuff and two buff style characters, I assume I am supposed to be using these but I find all of them really hard / confusing to use so I ended up just not using them at all and using another damage based character instead. I'm sure I am probably making the game so much harder for myself by doing this, but I can't make use of these buff / debuff characters if I can't test them out and work out what they are actually doing so having them in my party seems pointless.

I also think while there are probably the same amount of things you need to keep upgraded between ZZZ and HSR, ZZZ allowed its various systems to come online in a staggered way so the campaign had a nice curve to it. You focused on learning one upgrade path a time, and so as each new one was introduced, you were never overwhelmed by it all.

After about the first ten hours of HSR it feels like everything has come online at once. I'm already having to make sure I keep my characters up to the level curve, make sure they are ascended, make sure they have good gear equipped, make sure I'm unlocking their traces, make sure I'm keeping their light cone levelled up. It is just... a lot. I'm not saying it is bad necessarily, just more of a general observation.

Life to the living, death to the dead.

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