
Topic: TDU Solar Crown - from bad to worse.

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I am sad to open this topic but wanted to see if I am the only one (most probably not) who bought this game and is super disappointed. The first days it was bad since it is very poorly optimized and some really big nonsense things in the game. But OK, I wanted to play it. Well, the last couple of days I can not even play since I can not log in.

Many times I have told myself, never day one (except Astro) but I wanted this so much cince I have great memories from the old days on the PC with the first one. Also, this is what you get when you buy always online game.

Anyone with some tips or tricks or any info if they are working on it? Last I read they were even on a strike against the owner corporation so... does not look rosy. Or the only good thing will be that I bought physical and should sell it?


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