
Topic: The 'PS5 Pro is technically for me' Thread

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@Sergo yeah, I get you. No worries 😁

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I´d just go for it, if you actually have some games in mind that you want to play. I doubt it´ll get any easier in the future and in my opinion it´s definitely worth it, for stuff like mods alone.



PS5 Pro is essentially a more affordable 'easy' PC without the anti-plug n' play friction point heavy nature and headache of PC. Sell you launch or slim PS5 and you'll shave off maybe $400 Cad, to lessen the blow.

Getting certain PSVR2 games going from 60fps to 90fps would be the dream. For titles like Resident Evil Village, 4 Remake, the upcoming Subside & Metro Awakening etc. And obviously being able to hit native 4K + 60fps, or go beyond 60fps with 90-120fps depending on the title for flat screen PS5 titles. Plus, Final Fantasy VII ReBirth for example will no longer look like a**, running on a PS5 Pro. That game is the prime example WHY a Pro is needed. The PS5 is biting more than it can chew in that case, but that's clearly the devs fault, for pushing the system beyond what it's capable of.

[Edited by NeonMullet]



@NeonMullet I don't think it will hit native 4k at 60fps unless it's a game like Astro Bot, right? That is the point of PSSR though, isnt it? 😬 although, I don't even know any more, it says spider Man 2 is native 4k on ps5, but then says it uses techniques to enhance it to 4k, which seems like that means it is not native. It won't need to be native in games to look like it is though, and so it will perform better and look nicer because of these things regardless. I suppose it might hit 4k if the graphics settings are lowered, but I don't think devs want to lower graphics settings in games just to get native 4K lol. If they can get a good looking replica but with higher graphic settings and/or better performance it will satisfy everyone's needs.

The words have lost all meaning to me, and maybe I'm just wrong anyway haha.

@Yagami I'm now of the mind that I've kind of built a PC in my mind that I can maybe pull the trigger on if I miss out on the PS5 Pro. I've potentially solved the space issue that I'd have, and my last sticking point was how well it would perform in terms of heat as I don't want to mess around with any liquid cooling, but I'm pretty sure the case I found that I could fit on the other side of the room from the TV has pretty good air flow.

The final sticking point is still whether I'd want to bother with being stuck with windows OS and all the many annoyances PC's have, when i just want something that works for gaming 😪😪😪

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Well perhaps in the future another big OS will hit the market that is made specifically for gaming. For now we have to make do with something like Windows. The annoyances are all worth it in the end in my mind, since the performance is just that much better, especially for newer titles.

Dragon´s Dogma 2 for instance, they still haven´t done any big performance boosting patches even though modders managed to do just that within the first couple weeks after launch. It´s crazy what a group of dedicated people will accomplish



@Ravix Regarding the DF topic. I used to like them a lot but they kind of started talking only the bad points of most of the things. Like critics only. This pushed me away from them.
But still I dont get this whole hype arround the ps5 pro. Every tech has higher tier specs products, but here, like Sony have to make something great but cheap. Even free if possible. I want Lambo, but ... I do not hate them.
On the topic, for me PS5 pro is awesome, but I am not so confident in 2 things:

  • devs - if the will utilize it at maximum as I dont thik they did PS5 yet. (latest example. TDU Solar crown - to get 60fps it is rendered at 1080p. Check the game ... there is 0 fancy stuff, so total incompetence)
  • business side - devs will continue making games focused on PS5 specs. Maybe still even PS4 which is total crap. And this is a huge problem.



@Sergo yeah, devs are a funny one. I don't think it is just every single dev half arsing it, but then, there could definitely be better results across the board.

I think, games, as a whole are just absolutely massive now. So we are at a stage where something that runs in 1080p for performance is doing that because it is hitting some issues with everything else in their game.

There are 3 main things, would you agree? Physics, fidelity and performance. And I think every single dev is having to sacrifice one of these, minimum, to deliver a game that even works (I won't use TDU as an example as I believe that game just doesn't work because of online stuff as well, so it will probably need to go back into development haha)

But let's look at Final Fantasy 16. At times the game looks decent, but skin tones and some textures are not good, it can look like an early ps4 game at times, even in fidelity mode. It has maybe 0.4 ounces of physics. But it has a lot of lighting effects/particle effects, and the open world has a lot of stuff you can see on screen when you are not confined to the corridor progression areas. And very rarely does it feel next gen/current gen in any way other than some massive bosses with flashy effects every so often.

But I don't think it is just a lazy release, I don't think the PS5 had enough power to start with to be "next gen" I think everyone underestimated what third party devs would need to release games that aren't compromised beyond their personal thresholds.

So I believe they got the game to run near perfectly in the mode I played on. Fidelity 30fps. But they really struggled to get a performance mode on the console. And as we know the lower the res the worse FSR gets, so I imagine they refused to keep lowering it at some point and had to just say "that will have to do", as Fidelity mode works 😅

And overall, I believe the PS5 Pro is what the PS5 was either intended to be initially, or what it should have been and they completel6 misjudged what devs would need to make the leap to "4k 60" And it seems that the PS5 Pro is going to be the only thing that can run 95% of current gen games properly 😅

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Yes, I mostly agree with you but I do not get easy on devs
Lets remmeber what Horizon looked on PS4 pro. Not to mention Ghost of tsushima. On that crappy tech. And now we get for example Guardians of the Galaxy (super fun and crazy dialogs there) but in performance - 1080. Come on. It was not in any way better than the above mentioned.

Of course, it is up to prefferances. For example I would trade ray tracing for 60fps any day. I am being shot at from all sides and I will notice the reflections in the puddle .. yeah right . Of course, I do not say it is nonsense. Cool but visible in slow moving games.

Not sure if oyu played Nobody wants to die. Now there ray trasing would have been WOW. They made quite godo with lumen but RT would shine birght there.

As for if PS5 must have been the pro in the first place. I doubt it since we would have the pricing talks then. Also, RDNA4 will be the key now. Back then only RDNA2 was available.

We must be glad that Intel did not win the deal with Sony since then 800 EUR would have been 1 800



@Sergo I'm actually saving Nobody Wants to Die for this winter, planned to buy it some point when the weather turns worse. But hopefully things align and I'll be able to play it on the Pro anyway 😁

For me ray tracing = immersion, and I play games for immersion and don't struggle with FPS vision. A lot of games I try performance mode in, even though they respond better, of course, I just don't like the motion. Some games you can't notice 60fps and that is when I will use it as then it is much better and it works for me and my eyes no problem then, but if I notice it or if it is not running how I want, it really distracts me more than 30fps does. I'm grateful for that, tbh haha.

The Witcher 3 with Ray Tracing was like a new game, for example. I know it's not PC levels, nowhere near, but it makes the world feel so much more real, and I'm good enough at games to find combat works at 30fps anyway 😛

Now I have an excuse to share some screenshots from the PS5 update, where the world just became so much nore vibrant, and much less flat or less washed out. Whatever changed was gooooood.


Look at that leather reflecting different colour light 😊

The skin and eyes 😍

The light and shadow

What I'm now thinking is, I really just want to play TW3 on the PS5 Pro to see what else changes. Aaand if they patch that for PSSR too people can play it, at the very least, in fidelity RT mode at 60fps. Everyone is happy haha.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


is a ps5 pro for me?

Im one of the 25% that play in fidelity mode frame rate doesnt bother me i just like a game to look its best. from what theyve shown so far its so performance mode looks alot better and closer to fidelity but still not quite as good.

so being a fidelity mode player will the pro be for me ?



@Ravix Then I wish you a bad weather The game is awesome.
As for the other part - I agree. Some games will be trully different. Witcher is awesome. Btw i like the 60fps, as i said, but some times it gets too much and too strange. The problem was that my tv, sony, has some fluidity settings and helps in stutter and judder. So. When the game is trully 60fps this setting makes it kind of strange and must be off. But when there are frame drops or cant hit 60 at all, like test drive, this thing helps a lot. Just saying that for you such thing might overdo it for you. Just sharing experience.
As for what replay again on the pro...maybe Alan Wake 2 i will.



@trev666 see, I don't want to say, you have to go and spend £7-800, and not get much extra that you want, but I'm kind of thinking they only really focused on that because of the figures they got. If 75% of people like that, it makes sense to market it at them fir sales reasons. But honestly, as someone who loves fidelity and immersion more than fps, I genuinely think most devs are going to focus on that aspect, once they have a locked 60 fidelity mode to keep those people happier, until they have to downgrade graphics for performance again in the future.

But with PSSR they should be able to ramp up the graphics a good amount and not have to worry about meeting 60fps anyway, so 30/40fps locked modes will mean they can make the games look more like they want to. If they can make a fidelity mode of TLOU2 run at a perfect 60, think what they can add to third party and first party games in terms of purr graphics. This is my hope, anyway, and I think devs have hinted at it, like Remedy and even digital Foundry have hinted at what they can add.

It is a funny one though, it depends how much you value what you think it might offer, and to me, replacing a near launch edition Ps5 digital that may or may not last 3 or 4 years more, with the newest version is something I'd always look to do anyway, the fact I can get more fidelity out of it, have a good 60fps mode if I feel like it, and be a little more future proofed from games sacrificing even more, then I'm all in, if I can get one 😅

I suppose a good example would be, if you had a PC with a 4070 or similar, and only wanted 30fps. You are going to be able to have graphics settings set higher.

"Cyberpunk 2077 is a very demanding title at Ultra settings even for higher end RTX 40-series cards, and at 1440p with Ray Tracing on, the GeForce RTX™ 4070 posts 33 fps average" so if they aimed for something similar to that, you would definitely get much improved image quality in a lot of games with PSSR keeping the thing working nicely at a locked 30, with lower internal resolution.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I know this is an unusually short comment from me in particular but I just felt I should add maybe gta 6 not being 60fps on pro isn’t really a huge deal if it winds up getting a ps6 port. Just my two Pennies.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@Yousef- it’ll get a PS6 port either way… if it’s 60 on PS5 Pro though I might bite, if not I’ll probably wait for the 6.

**** DLC!


@Yousef- @colonelkilgore

I honestly don't mind either way, as long as it works at a good fps like all their other games 😅 I never thought, oh RDR2 isn't a great game because it is 30fps. And I'll be playing GTA6 in as good a fidelity mode as possible anyway, even if they somehow randomly made it 60 for no reason 😛

I honeslty don't think Rockstar give a sh** (like a lot of devs) but they have the gusto to just do it without people whining or not buying it on masse haha.

It does seem like a mode they might add in 2030, though.

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I’ll play the game either way… as I’ve played all their other games but if it ran at 60 on Pro but 30 on PS5 it’d be the biggest reason yet for me to get the Pro. Driving at 60 is far more of a big deal for me than walking/running/riding at 60… and I’ll be driving a lot.

I never said or implied that GTAVI or any other game let alone a R* game isn’t great for the reason that it’s only 30 fps. Let’s not pretend that 60 isnt a thing though right… y’kno like 75% of players purposely choose a lower resolution to play at 60 over 30.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


I'm in a weird spot... really on the fence.

I can see the differences, I don't think it's too expensive (inflation) and I am an avid PlayStation gamer (have exclusively only played on PS since PS1 days, bought all the handhelds)

I'm just concerned devs won't fully utilize the machines capabilities before PS6, since most devs haven't even unleashed the PS5s full potential.

Couple that with a lack of announcements and game plan for the final half of PS5, I'm just unsure currently.

PSN: Gunnerzaurus


I'll probably buy a Pro for Christmas if they're easy to get. I'm not going to jump through any hoops, though.



@colonelkilgore oh, I know, my tone was teasing at most 😛 so no need for any defense.

It very much is a thing, and I will use it when it feels good to me, it's just that more often than not it seems overly smoothed and distracting. Some games it works a dream.

The reason I don't think R* give a shoyyyt is that they make cinematic games, and games heavily influenced by cinema, and unless the 60fps is flawless, it doesn't add a lot to that aspect, the style etc.

In terms of driving I very much agree, I don't think there'd be a way to ever get one aspect of gameplay different to another, but that would help. If I play an F1 game that's in 60 or 120fps, isn't it? And it doesn't make switching to 30fps games seem janky in comparison, yet if fps varies within one games elements it sticks out like a sore thumb (Far Cry 6)

As far as on foot gameplay goes in GTA, that is hardly responsive anyway so there's that, too 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix they went all out with Red Dead 2 on One X to be fair, when they didn’t have to apply any elbow grease what-so-ever and the game would’ve still sold by the truck loads. But still, I ain’t saying it will (or is even likely to) be 60 on ps5 Pro but… if R* think it’s even remotely possible I think they’ll give it a try.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!

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