
Topic: Which game do you REGRET buying the most?

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For me, it would be Warframe. I bought this game on launch day of PS4 in 2013, and as an 11 year old, it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. The game was not bad but it was not 'worth my money'. I could have bought something much more better game like Assassin's Creed or something.

[Edited by VivianXD2464]

"Dwight You Ignorant Slut!"

PSN: VivianXD2464


I 'purchased' Warframe years ago on PS4 also and it kind of took over my gaming for the next year or so. However it was, and still is, free to play so was well worth the cost to me? Why did you pay for it?

The game I regret buying was Gran Turismo Sport (PS4) day 1 steelbook edition pre ordered, eagerly anticipating the next instalment of GT and it just...wasnt. Managed to take out most of the things that made the franchise so loved and replaced it with an online focus. I still played it for a while anyhow, hoping that I would get into it but not so much. Really looking forward to getting back to proper GT soon!

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Sorteddan I bought Warframe in 2013 on the launch PS4 day. I have a disc copy of it but yeea its free now

"Dwight You Ignorant Slut!"

PSN: VivianXD2464


There’s a lot of games I either didn’t care for or that I never finished because they didn’t grab me, but I figure that’s the chance you take in this hobby.

However, if I look back at which games I most regretted buying, the two that come to mind are No Man’s Sky and Battleborn.

NMS because I bought into the hype and paid full price day 1 for the game and it quickly plummeted as a huge disappointment for the fan base. Of course subsequently the game has redeemed itself one hundred fold, and I still have my launch copy of the game which maybe one day I’ll retry it, but it’s hard for me to get motivated again after the launch fiasco.

And Battleborn was just a mess from the get-go which never recovered. I got it out of the recommendation and urging of a friend and since I liked the first two Borderlands games I thought it was a safe bet. It’s a completely worthless coffee table coaster now.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I actually liked Battleborn a lot but it had serious performance problems and died quickly. I got it on some deep sale though.



Shenmue 3. Backed it on kickstarter. Regretted it after after a few hours.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


There are two that really stand out for me.
1. Aladdin - Sega Game Gear — Using Christmas money to get this back when I was about 12 years old... I picked this up thinking it would be similar to the Genesis game. It was not. I got the game home and had it beat within 30 min my first time playing it. I was kinda angry.

2. Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness - PS2 — I was in college and poor as hell. I had eaten mac and cheese and ramen for a month straight in order to afford the new game and TR had been a long standing favorite of mine. It released in a severely broken state. At one point, Lara literally floated up off of the screen. In frustration, I returned the game to the store two days later and got Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb instead; a much better game.



I don't think I actually regret buying any games in recent memory. There's some that haven't potentially lived up to my expectations like Alan Wake but I've actually enjoyed them on some level that I've still played them through to completion. That makes my answer a bit boring perhaps but perhaps I just tend to steer clear of stuff that reviews really badly or I know I won't like.



Borderlands 1, Dragon Age Origins and Red Dead Redemption for PS3.
I guess Mad Max for PS4. Was kinda hyped about it but the open world was so damn empty and boring for me.



@VivianXD2464 huh? I am sure Warframe was free from day 1. I downloaded it from the store. It was pretty rubbish back then, it got a lot better (apparently).

I almost regretted buying Diablo 3, hated it at first but once I got into the swing of things I fell in love.

My most recent regret is Pathfinder: Kingmaker. It just won’t install on my PS5 🤷‍♂️


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Bloodborne. Purchased digitally at launch, and didn't like it at all.

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


Switch games:
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Xenoblade 2
Super Bomberman R

I didn't clicked with the games after playing for a moment. Didn't play them for more than 4 years.
Finally, I sold all of them last October 2021.



And this is where I’m very very glad I played Twelve Minutes for free. (as part of a subscription obvs but at no extra cost)

[Edited by nessisonett]

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I am not very picky so I have not regretted most of my purchases. The only one that jumps out to me is Hydlide for the NES. (And I didn't purchase it, my mother did). I am sure I asked for it because of the cool cover, but I never ended up figuring out how to even play the game. I would pop it in from time to time and just play it for 10 minutes. Would be interesting to go back as an adult and actually read a guide on how you are suppose to play that game.



PS2 2006: The Sopranos Road to Respect. My regret was in my disappoint in the game as the $40 price new was a non issue as I had lots of overtime cash then. Tv commercial hype and my love of the HBO series had me feeling like a child xmas morning the day I purchased the game. Wow, what a dud that game is. The only good parts was the real actors doing the voices and the side game of playing poker with Paulie, Tony, and Christopher.

[Edited by NoCode23]



@lolwhatno Considering Pikmin 3 is a Wii U game, I'm not surprised it didn't work on your GameCube.

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


I am sure I have had plenty over the years, however some of the ones that stuck out to me were

Mega Man 4 (NES) I was a kid at the time and loved Mega Man 2 and 3 and when I heard there was going to be a fourth one I had to have it. I saved up my allowance for months and when I finally had enough I convinced my dad to take me to Toys R Us to get it. Unfortunately due to the introduction of the Megabuster, everything was a total bullet sponge in the game and as a result it was harder for me compared to 2 and 3. I was so mad that I basically wasted all that money on this game.

Battletoads (NES) Again this one I was a kid. I bought into the hype thinking that this would be the next big thing right after Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I used birthday money to get this game and when I discovered it was nothing like the TMNT games and the insane difficulty I was disappointed again that I used all of my birthday money on this game.

Fallout 76 (Xbox One) More recent one. I am a big fan of Fallout and when I heard open world MMO style Fallout I couldn't wait to play this game with my friends. In fact we all bought a copy on launch day. What we were greeted with was a whole lot of nothing the world just felt empty and there wasn't really much to do. We were all disappointed by this one especially being big Fallout fans that we were.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


lately Godfall, damn that game sucks.



Any Fifa I've bought in the last 5 years. I used to love the games when I was a child/teenager, but despise what they've become. Yet I still feel tempted and get sucked back into the FUT gameplay loop and feel worse for it. Need to stay strong!



@NedStarksGhost I used buy either a Fifa or PES every year, but have not the past couple of years. My main problem is that online it is far to easy use any exploits and most games just end up feeling the same. And the offline modes become too much of a time sink for me. So I decided to ditch them.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder

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