
Topic: Corona Virus Panic/Discussion Thread

Posts 341 to 360 of 2,320


@Th3solution Really? I thought the (NBA) games were gonna be played behind closed doors. Serie A have also suspended their matches. In England, Arsenal FC's matches have also been postponed.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


Plus Trump's halted all travel from Europe (bar UK). Yeahhh, that's a bit rich given his reaction to the outbreak. It might reduce the number of new infected entering the US but it'll still spread from within since they have Mike 'pray for HIV' Pence in charge of the response.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


What's weird with coronavirus is loads of top of the tree people have contracted it. Actors, Footballers, Politicians etc. It must be everywhere now in most previously open countries.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@WanderingBullet a player, Rudy Gobert, tested positive before the start of a game so they just scrapped the rest of the season.



@RR529 It's not any deadlier then any other flu that where the media hype is getting people. The way the media is making it out like cities full of people are falling down dead like some kind of apocalyptic movie it's not. Most of the deaths are like any other flu the elderly/people with compromised immune systems.



@Genrou I think you need to read up on the 1918 to 1920 flu pandemic to get an understanding of why pandemic disease is more dangerous than the same disease would be under normal conditions.



Tom Hanks & his Wife got it, NBA season has been suspended, WHO declares it a pandemic & Trump has issued a European travel ban. 24 hours of insanity.

WrestleMania is likely to be cancelled/delayed as well. So glad I sold all my shares a few months back. The stock market is in absolute free-fall.

I know video games are the least of our worries right now, but do we think Sony may delay TLOU2 given the subject matter?
They basically killed Motorstorm Apocalypse due to the Japan & New Zealand earthquake.

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Dies, Died, Will Die.
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@Genrou it's not flu. Covid 19 causes pneumonia.

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PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
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PSN: mc_noisy


@Genrou I haven't seen any media covering it in such terms.

Do some bloody reading - if you're healthy you will likely be OK if you get it, but it's far from harmless.

@themcnoisy I reckon UK schools will be closed today. Then the real panic begins.

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"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker


themcnoisy wrote:

@Genrou it's not flu. Covid 19 causes pneumonia.

Pneumonia is just a fancy term for a chest infection.Most viruses or bacteria will cause a chest infection or pneumonia if it gains a foothold in your lungs.
Nothing special about COVID-19 except the hysteria



WanderingBullet wrote:

In England, Arsenal FC's matches have also been postponed.

@WanderingBullet That is not true. Their mid week champions league was postponed, the Premier league match on the weekend is going ahead.

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Rols Two weeks ago there were 10 times many cases as there are today. It spreads exponentially. And with about a week of incubation, it'll take some time before you see the effects of today's contamination. Three weeks ago Italy was fine, now it's pretty much in lockdown. And it will probably get worse over the next few weeks, exponentially worse. Maybe it's currently not as bad where you live, but that doesn't mean everyone is overreacting. Saying ''it's just hysteria'' isn't helping.



I work for a branch of schools, and I am being told through the grape vine that there is a huge chance we get closed before next Monday.

We have students all over Kent come in so it is even harder for us to narrow down sources of potential virus carriers, and the fact we work with SEN students means they lack the maturity to take these situations seriously/calmly.

Many of them are refusing to come in due to anxiety of getting it, some are not caring for their hygiene on purpose, and we are getting pretty low on supplies.

Just have to hope that Boris makes the right decision today.



@JohnnyShoulder Did they changed it? Pretty sure I saw on the news they won't playing for at least two weeks.

Huntin' monsters erryday.


Just been told by my manager the school I work in could close from the 20th of March to the 16th of April.

[Edited by DonJorginho]



@Octane there is a lot of hysteria, though. That’s why people are mass buying toilet roll. Totally unnecessary. What’s wrong with saying it as it is. If you’re worried about dying from the illness, good news, it’s extremely unlikely. If you’re worried about being inconvenienced as a result of lock down, yeah you should be worried.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 I mean, sure. Like I said before, the mass hoarding is stupid. But saying it's ''nothing special'' is suggesting it's just another seasonal flu, which it isn't. There are plenty of people who think it's just a common flu and it's all the fault of the media, and none of the numbers are real and whatever. There's a fine line in between being ignorant and going full panic mode.



The fact is, a lot is still unknown about this virus, and how it affects different cultures. It's only just started to affect other cultures and races, so it's unknown how big the death toll could really get.

If this becomes something huge, it should not be underestimated in terms of the destruction is can wrought not just in disruption of services, but also the amount of people dying.

The 1-2% death ratio is mostly based on data based on the Chinese people. We still have no idea how this will effect other nations.



@WanderingBullet Nope, that was never the case. I doubt the prem games will be postponed just yet, but they maybe played with limited or no supporters.

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder

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