
Topic: Elden Ring Hype Thread

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With The Game Awards 2020 looming, do you think it will be shown tomorrow? If not, when do you think we will hear more about the game? Do you really think we will have to wait until E3 2021 for a further reveal of the game? In which case, when do you think it will finally be released? Discuss all rumors, official info, leaks and speculation here.

[Edited by LiamCroft]

"Nothing personal. It's just revenge."

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Draco_V_Ecliptic I think our chances of a 2021 release are fading fast, if they haven't gone already. In fact I reckon it's possible we could see a completely new game announcement out of From Software before Elden Ring hits the shops.

That said, I'm still looking forward to playing Elden Ring and am prepared to wait as long as it takes!

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


Gremio108 wrote:

@Draco_V_Ecliptic I think our chances of a 2021 release are fading fast, if they haven't gone already. In fact I reckon it's possible we could see a completely new game announcement out of From Software before Elden Ring hits the shops.

That said, I'm still looking forward to playing Elden Ring and am prepared to wait as long as it takes!

We know so little though. Just that (a) its more open world (b) its still a FromSoft game (hard/bosses), and (c) one of the characters has a prosthetic arm in the trailer



For some reason when someone brings up Elden Ring I always think it's FromSoft and Andrzej Sapkowski and I get real excited, then I remember it's George R. R. Martin and I don't care as much.


It’s a game. It’ll release at some point. It’s basically vapourware until we see an actual trailer. I’m not the type to get hyped over a game that has all the substance of Special K.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Draco_V_Ecliptic I do like Souls games but I have plenty else to play in the meantime. I’m not a fan of devs announcing games years before they’re ready. That’s how games end up releasing in a state like Cyberpunk.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Elden Ring was a no-show at The Game Awards 2020. Will we all go hollow now?

"Nothing personal. It's just revenge."

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Draco_V_Ecliptic Ha, not quite yet. When it comes to award shows, I tend to completely miss them and catch up on here. Seems that's the case this time too. Not that there's much to catch up on when it comes to Elden Ring...

[Edited by Gremio108]

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Draco_V_Ecliptic Probably. Bluepoint focused on the visuals as they kept the gameplay pretty much intact. FromSoft games are never huge lookers, they’re good enough but don’t focus on it in the same way.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Just saying, every single FromSoft game has frame pacing issues when released.




I’m hoping that a PS5 (& series X) version gets released the same time as the PS4 (Xbone & PC) version. Thinking that could be why it’s taking so long for any news.

If that’s the case, it ‘could’ look as good if not better than the DeS remake 🤞

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@colonelkilgore I don't think so, colonel, cross-gen games generally have to look similar enough on PS4 that the PS5 graphics are dragged down by their PS4 equivalents as the developers have to meet in the middle for cross-gen, as far as I understand it. Thus far, it's only been announced for PS4, Xbox and PC.

"Nothing personal. It's just revenge."

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic



You maybe right... on both counts. What I would say though, is although DeS Remake supposedly is the best (there or thereabouts) looking game available on any system right now, there is an interview on DF with Bluepoint where they state that in an effort not to corrupt/alter the core DeS (PS3) code, the remake is only operating off about a quarter of the GPU’s cores (I might have the specific detail off a little but it was along those lines). I wouldn’t be surprised (either way really) if the PS5 version of Elden Ring looks as good as DeS Remake.

Edit. Also, for what little it is worth, the cross-gen Miles Morales (PS5 version) just got rated DF’s second best looking game of the year... ahead of the next gen only DeS Remake.

[Edited by graymamba]

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore

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