
Topic: Favorite Video Game Music

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I recently played Stardew Valley and the music in it was really good. It wouldn't sound out of place in a classic RPG game.



Chrono Cross, and generally anything by Mitsuda, but that was his best work hands down.
Xenoblade Chronicles (that main theme:
Nier: Automata.

FF's have some great music, VIII and X being the most consistent and hence strongest for me. The latter has the benefit of (almost) all tracks being wonderfully remastered for the HD version.


PSN: Ezofil


FFVII soundtrack.

Borderlands 1 & 2 soundtrack

Fallout 3 / 4 soundtrack

[Edited by Tasuki]

PSN: Bigkopman | X:


Shadow Of The Colossus probably has the best soundtrack of anything in my opinion. All of it's music is amazing, but The Opened Way is the epitome of how good the soundtrack as a whole is. It helped made my first battle in the game oe of my best experiences in gaming.

Silent Hill 2 - Lisa's Theme
Creepy, depressing and emotional game, yet for the most part a chill and uplifting song. For me, it's a really good way to sit back and just think.

The Witcher 3 - Steel For Humans
Another game with an all round excellent soundtrack. Epic, gets you in the mood for fighting and the folk instruments with Polish vocals fit in with setting perfectly.

[Edited by Tasuki]



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RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


I have been listening to loads of great soundtracks recently, even for games I haven't played yet. Been listening to Abzu and Hyper Light Drifter. Both very chilled and atmospheric.

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | X:


Original Halo has by far the best soundtrack for a video game.


PSN: RustyBullets


I had a friend in high school that would bump the Super Mario RPG soundtrack in his car.

[Edited by Tasuki]



@kyleforrester87 Ha yeah, when you said about Disasterpeace I was going to mention Fez, such a lovely piece to listen to. I think most AAA soundtracks need to look towards the indie scene as they really do seem to get artists in sync with the game.

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | X:


Sid Meier's Civilization IV.



The entire Doom soundtrack is so dope!



Here's a recent favorite of mine. Rock Howard's KOFXIV theme, "Emergence":

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


"Last attack" from 7th dragon 3. One of the most epic boss themes I've heard in a long time.

Other soundtracks I like are:
"Confrontation with the enemy" from Xenoblade chronicles
"It has to be this way" from Metal gear rising
"Aldia, scholar of the first sin" from Dark Souls 2
"Dancing Mad" from Final Fantasy 6
"Giants Rage" from La Mulana ex



my favorite which i play every day is love theme from MGS4

i love Transistor sound tracks

and dues ex HR

and the gold one : MGS3

Please don't embed videos in the threa. You can however post a link to the video. -Tasuki-

[Edited by Tasuki]



@Kidfried SotC is always up there.

I do listen to the Dark Void soundtrack quite a lot - it's very Bear McCreary, and still my favourite of his work by a long way.

I also really like John Debney's score for Lair (PS3).

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker


@Kidfried The Last of Us really hit me. The acoustic guitar music stands out as very chilling and impactful in that depressing setting. I’ve also always appreciated Uncharted‘s easily recognizable theme.
More recently— NieR Automata’s music was great, and had a large role to play in carrying that game’s emotions. Before the Storm’s score really helped carry the emotional impact of that story.
These are a few that have moved me, although I don’t usually listen to video game music when I’m not playing.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I'm currently playing Skyrim which has fantastic music.

I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for the music in Streets Of Rage (especially stage 5) and of course, OutRun.

[Edited by ApostateMage]


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