@JohnnyShoulder In a perfect universe, Fran and Balthier would have had their own spin off sequel but instead we have Vaan and Penelo, two slights on an otherwise fantastic game.
I’ve not completed FF12, but I’ve got near the end twice and I can’t remember anything of note regarding the story. That’s not good for a FF game, in my opinion. The battle system and gameplay in general is fun though.
@nessisonett Ah yes I remember know, when I was looking at which FF game to get awhile back, I recall seeing how some weren't keen on Vaan. He does comes across a bit petulant at times. Just freed Basch, and wanted to clip Vaan around the ear hole.
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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
@kyleforrester87 To be honest, the story is pretty all over the place. I can’t remember much either. The gameplay really is great though plus the fast motion in the remaster is a godsend.
I heard Basch was originally the main character but then Vaan was dropped in later into development or something. Either way, it obviously has some issues in that department.
@kyleforrester87 An older FF protagonist would be pretty interesting. Especially one with a backstory like Basch. Wow, that game really would have been amazing if he was the main character.
@Voltan I’ll probably give it another go on PS5. Hopefully I can hold back my incredible disappointment towards the last few hours and appreciate what it does right this time.
@Voltan@nessisonett Yeah, I’d be interested to see how it runs too. And I might pick up the DLC if it’s not silly money or (more likely) once it drops in price.
I still think the game had some of the most fun combat mechanics that I’ve come across in a long time and that was enough to power me through to the platinum!
So just finished FF X-2. Pretty easily my least favourite Final Fantasy. Didn’t like the tone at all & the gameplay was just all button mashy. It didn’t really require much thought. Most fights including the final boss area just resulted to holding X to attack & the occasional heal.
The cutscenes really made up for it & the 100% ending (which I looked up), was touching so I’m glad it exists.
I liked the class system, but found the dressphere animation tedious. Turned it off, but you have to sit through the first animation back & forth.
Not counting the online games, I’ve just got VIII, IX & Remake to go.
Still not sure if I want to play the PS4 PS+ version of 7 or just hold off until I get a PS5, as that was what I was always planning.
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@Voltan I’ve tried so many times to enjoy VIII. I should probably give it one last go before writing it off. I did that with A Link to the Past and loved it.
@nessisonett I tried twice so far. The first time was when it originally came out on PC - I liked it but there was this place in the game where you don't gain any XP for battles for some reason and obviously I got there underpowered, there was no way to go back and I didn't keep any older saves Also I don't think I had a good understanding of the "junction" system back then.
Then I tried it again years later but just stopped playing at some point for reasons I don't remember (probably something else got my attention). Maybe I should try one final time too
Definitely my least favorite character progression system of all FF I played though.
@nessisonett That's fair. I get what they were trying to do- with Yuna now being free from her past shackles, but it was a weird change in direction. Even Paine whose pretty cool & mysterious just breaks out into a round of high 5’s all of a sudden. @Voltan I started it a few years ago, but dropped it after an hour for whatever reason. Going in completely blind, but looking forward to ticking off VII & IX eventually. @kyleforrester87 Yep I’m on holiday till the end of the month so I’m working through my backlog as I’m waiting to get a PS5. Tbf X-2 isn’t that long. Focused on the main story & beat it in just over 12 hours.
Either VIII or IX are next after a break. I’ll hold off until 7. Waited this long already.
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