I love the production design. I love the premise. I even like most of the characters most of the time (obviously not Neelix or Harry).
For me there are easily a dozen or so really great Voyager episodes. Other than that it's pretty rehashy and or filler.
The pilot is exceptional, and holds so very much promise. The producers reluctance to fully explore the negative connotations of the crew dynamic beyond the first handful of episodes hurts the show immensely - not that I was aware of that on the original run, but it still felt filler fueled then.
I really like Seven coming in, but the slip in to by that point the standard practice of villain nerfing tuned them in to a weekly inconvenience as apposed to the biggest threat out there.
PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)
Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)
"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker
Soul Calibur VI CE's statue actually looks pretty good. Watched the unboxing video and I have to say the painting is way better than Insomniac's Spider-man statue.
Anyone seen the Left Alive action figure? It looks pretty neat but the Collector's Edition is a Square Enix Online Store exclusive.
I don't think these designs are specifically from Batman Ninja...
I see... thanks for clarifying.
I think the studio that made these samurai ones had another statue which was definitely from Batman Ninja. I posted it on one of the threads here sometime ago.
Well, tis the season and my daughter is firmly dragging her heels with what she'd like for xmas. At this rate it's looking like Disgaea 1 Complete is the only thing she's really looking forward to - so this year's surprise gift is the finest of ultimate tat Propel Tie Advanced, that will no-doubt enrage her mother!
And, since these things used to be pushing 200 quid, they're a bit of a steal these days... and it's probably good that it is the season for giving - otherwise I'd have ordered myself a Speeder Bike!
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