
Topic: Goodbye/Vacation Thread

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@kyleforrester87 Rudy, you know Rudy Manchego? We went to school together? I performed that emergency tracheotomy on you on that school trip? I also lived next door to you for 11 years? We saw the Dark Knight together and agreed it was a milestone in the superhero genre but not without its problems? You're the godfather to my two kids? You know, Rudy?

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | X:


@themcnoisy Iโ€™m not crying, your crying!!
Seriously though I wish you all the luck in the world with your new course, your Rocket League tournaments are some of the best times Iโ€™ve had as a gamer and Iโ€™ve made a bunch of good friends through those tournaments so thank you! Enjoy your well earned holiday and donโ€™t be a stranger, weโ€™d all be delighted to see you pop up from time to time ๐Ÿ™‚ and I think youโ€™ll do more gaming than you think, I mean your going to have to distract yourself while Everton languish in 12th position next year ๐Ÿ˜œ All the best buddy!


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


All the best. It's been fun discussing games with you and partaking in the polls you made. I look forward to more great discussion in the future whenever you decide to return. Obviously work and family come first so I hope it all works out well for you.



@themcnoisy Sounds like you have a busy and enjoyable future lined up, and I wish you all the best.

I'm not very eloquent at farewells, so I'll attempt to make it sound classier by using Latin - quia nunc vale.



@themcnoisy all the best mate. Sorry to hear about your mum and I hope it's going as steadily as possible for her. I run a couple of groups for carers of people with varying degrees of dementia so I'd offer some time for you to unload if you ever needed it but I guess you won't be around much! Take care!



@themcnoisy Good luck, and think of me when Sony announces Knack 3

You'll be back soon I bet!



@themcnoisy stick around and make jerky comments. What have you got to lose?



@Wesker I read these as "at", I know it's weird but I also call Noisy McNoisy like the hamburger chain and I call Mrobinson Mr Obinson so that's just how I roll.

And if you include the "at" it's correct.

Don't do an at Wesker.

Boom, game. Set. Match.



PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 best to stay away from Twitter then. Reading every @ and # to yourself as ats and hashtags will drive you crazy.



@kyleforrester87 but @s are mentions. You donโ€™t read at to yourself every time users are mentioned do you?



@themcnoisy Good luck with everything! Check back in with us from time to time

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


Welp guys its been a fun few weeks but i must take my leave from this community nice talking to the few of u that i meet and the tournament was great. Aloy is the future of PlayStation. Goodbye all.


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