
Topic: Help me to get rid of my shame!

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Hello, I am a fan of the "Call of Duty and Medal of Honor" series of games, history also is one of my beloved hoppies, I always liked to go through missions from the Second World War and compare them with historical facts, looking for inconsistencies. I am especially a fan of the United Offensive and Big Red One. Since childhood, I have always admired those heroes of the past. I am always happy to get into history, to empathize with heroes from the past. It all started in my childhood when I loved listening to my grandfather's stories about the war, my grandfather is a real hero; he participated in "Operation Neptune" in Normandy with the third Canadian Infantry Division. I have always admired the courage and bravery of those people who, at the cost of their lives, they created our future. Back to the present, I am a 33-year-old bearded fat family man, not gifted with intelligence much. Everything in my life was good; work, my own home, a beautiful wife, and smart children, moreover; I have the opportunity to play computer games at work and home. Not life, but a fairy tale, you may think. The worst thing is that I constantly lacked emotions, I was always looking for thrills and adrenaline, life was as bland as boiled rice. There was no challenge, not even minimal stress. At such moments, people do stupid things. Three months ago, I decided to play slot machines just as a trial, I thought that all gamblers are with a weak will, but I am not like that. In the beginning, it seemed that I was in control of the situation, small deposits, small rates, but everything turned to be boring rapidly, I wanted more, I wanted to hit the jackpot, get the equivalent of a monthly salary or even an annual salary per day. Generally, in one month I smoothly switched from daily deposits of $10 to $200, I stopped counting money, walked like a zombie; the game began to control me. I remember how I took more and more money from our family savings, secretly. As a result, our saving box was empty, in which, for a while, there was $8000. I lacked all the sense of shame, was only aiming to get my big win that never happened. The best thing I came up with was to sell the war medals of my great grandfather, it turned out that the precious memory costs only $ 400! After the deal was done, I made my last 400-dollar deposit, and directly, something switched off in me, it became disgusting and gloomy realizing how foolish and selfish I am doing that. Was that the aim, why he fought the Nazis so that his grandson would sell his medals on eBay? That should not even be supposed to happen. I firmly decided to give up gaming, at least for a while until I improve my financial situation, but I cannot afford to lose my grandfather's medals, I already contacted the buyer and begged him to sell them back to me, said that I have had made a huge mistake. Fortunately, the buyer agreed to sell them to me for $600, There is only one problem left; withdrawing money from the casino. It turned out to be not that easy, two weeks have already passed since I left a request for a withdrawal of funds. Firstly, I was asked to send a package of documents and wait for two days; it is a standard procedure. After two days, I received an email that my application was still "being processed", as there was a very long queue for withdrawal, and I needed to wait a couple of more days. On the fifth day, in the morning, I received another email from the casino, saying that in addition to the documents needed I must provide a picture of my credit card for verification, and of course, I had to wait not two, but four more days. On the ninth day, I could not resist and wrote to the support team once more to find out when I would receive the cash, to which they replied that they had reviewed my package of documents and it turned out that the pictures of the card that I provided were with a very low resolution. Nobody told me what quality I was supposed to send. This scam is called Ruby ​​Fortune; they like destroying peoples' lives. Is there anyone who has already been in such a situation, maybe you can advise how to get my money back?



What your grandfather fought for and did means alot more than immaterial medals could ever . the medals are nothing more than proof ; but if you have pictures then you shouldn't worry about it . you sold the medals intrinsically because the medals arent yours , they have nothing to do with you , and you didn't do anything to earn them ; you shouldn't feel bad about it . but you should feel bad about losing because thats what happens when you gamble , you take a high risk for a high reward , who doesn't feel bad if they lose ? thats the price you pay , and then you recuperate for another go eventually .

''This scam is called Ruby ​​Fortune; they like destroying peoples' lives'' - I wouldn't say that if people willfully try it on their own , and nobody forces them to .

'' Is there anyone who has already been in such a situation, maybe you can advise how to get my money back?''

i never been in such a situation yet , i can't answer that one , sorry.



This feels like two spam bots having a conversation. Skynet is real folks.



@Octane 🤣

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


I always read such stories and think “What a stupid guy”. I feel sorry for you. As said before, is the site with the reviews about Ruby Fortune. Try to complaint there.



I would wait it out. Gambling companies are notoriously slow to hand out money, and they even have a disclaimer when you sign up to say that you shouldn't rely on withdrawals for paying bills etc. since how long it takes for the money to move can be unreliable. Give it a bit of time, then if nothing is happening, make calls etc. In the UK we have a few avenues for where to go next, but in your case - I'm assuming you're in Canada? - I don't know what they'd be. If you've got an equivalent of Citizen's Advice - a free service that offers advice on all manner of problems in the UK - then they might be worth a try. Failing that, there's the financial ombudsman - again, not sure what your equivalent, if any, might be - but that's more of a long term solution.

Also if you're a bot I hate you for making me care.



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