
Topic: Opinions on the (probable) leaked Nintendo NX controller image?

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If Nintendo came out with a juiced up PS4 like console and a improved pro controller, with Zelda NX as a launch title, I would buy it day one.

Although I reckon those rumors that the NX is comparable to the XB1 in specs are true. Also, the fact that they compared it to the XB1 and not the PS4 makes me think it's slightly inferior to the XB1 (but still able to handle ports).



Pro: it's obviously 99% fake.
Cons: it's still 1% real.

As an aged Nintendo fan I was dreaming of playing big, modern versions of series like Metroid, Zelda, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars but we'll just have an idol-centric JRPG and maybe a 2005 open world with Link as main character. Even if I loved some of the gorgeous looking platformers and the Platinum Games' efforts, the Wii U has been quite a depressing experience to me.

[Edited by andreoni79]

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79



Do you own multiple consoles or just one? The Wii U makes an awesome supporting system. But by itself it would be gloom and tumble weeds (unless you just buy five or so games a year, which some people do).



I'm fine with the lesser specs, but the price better reflect that then. No stupid gimmicks that jack up the entry price.



@sub12: Yeah, luckly I've always had 2 consoles per generation. Gamecube and PS2 were perfectly complementary to me, while the Wii and 360 felt like two completely different ways to equally enjoy games. I bought Wii U at Day One and loved a dozen of games but it turned out to be nothing more than a diversion since I bought a PS4 on summer 2015. Somehow, it already feels old. I still have to finish XCX, which was considered as the console masterpiece, because after the "Look, a new continent!" and the "Yes, I can fly everywhere"! moments, the game just revealed its nature: funny as the eight hours I spent in front of a 1200 tons mechanical press.

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@sub12: That's still only slightly more powerful than the Wii U, if it's a little less than the XOne. Makes me wonder what the point in upgrading is then, if there isn't a fair boost in specs.



sub12 wrote:


If Nintendo came out with a juiced up PS4 like console and a improved pro controller, with Zelda NX as a launch title, I would buy it day one.

Same here.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


@Shellcore: If they made the snes again with a front loading blu ray player and obviously more powerful I would be happy with that plus the GameCube pad.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@Shellcore: And do you think that is going to turn the tide for Nintendo? I don't think releasing a console that copies the other 2 is going to help them sell, especially if you take into account they're going to release it mid-gen and in a period in which the PS4 is dominating. I don't own a PS4 nor an XB1, but if I did I certainly wouldn't buy a copycat just because it's made by Nintendo; this coming from a diehard Nintendo fan who's owned each and every console and handheld since the N64 and only owns a PS3 outside of Nintendo. So, how could that bring on board the average PS4/XB1 gamer who pokes fun at Nintendo and plays COD, FIFA and the likes? Having those games on the NX would be great, but it wouldn't sell many units.


PSN: clvr51


@clvr: Whilst I don't think it will turn the tide as such for Nintendo, it may slow down their descent. In an ideal world, I would like Nintendo to become software only like Sega and release their games across all the platforms. This would be a win for nearly everyone and they will rake that in. Yet, at the moment, I think we understand this won't happen. We expect a ropey machine with old tech and some kind of gimmick which fails to impress after the first couple of games that actually support it. Being a copycat in this instance I feel would be the preferable outcome if they really have to release another home console. The gamecube wasn't regarded a copycat and an upgraded version is basically what I'm suggesting. I would rather buy a console that plays both new multiplats and Nintendo titles than just one or the other. So for me, if they get this right, that's one sale guaranteed.

PSN: Aleks-UK


@clvr: I think that's why it's unreasonable to assume that we're getting a new home console this year. Even if it's more powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One, I don't think a lot of people would care. At least not those people who already own either a PS4 or XOne.



The controller looks too fake. If anyone picked it up, most of the image would be blocked by your hand, making it hard to see. Hopefully they never make another N64 controller, that was the hardest to hold. The gamecube controller (which they must have listened to some fans to bring it back as a classic controller on Wii U) was a great controller, and felt good holding it. What nintendo needs is just a plain controller with no gimmicks in the system. They can succeed if they just make a system with graphics that compare to the XONE or PS4, if not, then it's just going to be another Wii U for them. If the rumors are true, that it will be a portable/console, then that would work out for them...they'd be able to make the games faster and have more come out, without large droughts between titles. With Zelda U being pushed more and more away, it kind of makes me think that they're doing a Twilight Princess with it, and that's why they released 2 remastered Zelda games already on the Wii U.

I gotta admit, the Wii U (although has some good games), it wasn't their best console. The games didn't feel like they were their best efforts as some of their other consoles, and they only introduced a few new IP's to the plate (Splatoon, Wonderful 101, Captain Toad). Gamecube, N64 and even the Wii introduced many new IP's, and if you compare the lists of 1st party titles that were exclusive to each of nintendo's consoles, the list for Wii U is dramatically low. The Wii U's library has barely even hit 100 retail games, which is really a shame for a console being out 4 years.

I love nintendo and I love Sony, and I'll always buy both of their consoles, but Sony gets played more at the moment. Nintendo is that company though, that always makes you want to come back and play it. For some reason, their games always makes you want to come back to!!!


PSN: JLpick


@JLPick: There are 476 retail games for the Wii U across all regions. Zelda has only been delayed once, by a year. No conspiracy there either. Lastly, unless you count the Wii brand as a new IP, Nintendo never made a new IP for the Wii. Although I wouldn't count Captain Toad as a new IP either, that's just another game in the Mario franchise. The last new IP they made for their home consoles, before W101, was Pikmin all the way back in 2001.



Fling Smash for Wii was counted as a new IP by nintendo, just didn't sell well and was basically counted as a mini game for the Motion Plus adaptor, however, I was counting the Wii game titles too.. Chibi Robo and Custom Robo and Odama were new IP's that came out after Pikmin for Gamecube too. Also, I can't believe that there were 476 retail games for Wii U (although many are hard to find). How many were there for the US??? I'm just curious, not sounding like a jerk or anything, just curious. I know I own 63, I'm just wondering on how many I'm missing.@Octane:


PSN: JLpick


@JLPick: I think somewhere around 200. Not going to count them all individually. Japan had its fair share of region exclusive games and a handful are exclusive to Europe.



JLPick wrote:

Fling Smash for Wii was counted as a new IP by nintendo, just didn't sell well and was basically counted as a mini game for the Motion Plus adaptor, however, I was counting the Wii game titles too.. Chibi Robo and Custom Robo and Odama were new IP's that came out after Pikmin for Gamecube too. Also, I can't believe that there were 476 retail games for Wii U (although many are hard to find). How many were there for the US??? I'm just curious, not sounding like a jerk or anything, just curious. I know I own 63, I'm just wondering on how many I'm missing.@Octane:

custom robo had two releases on n64

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"The Rich Boy wakes Up, But is Handsome."


If they came up with a juiced up ps4 machine that gets all the third party titles the ps4 gets, I'll be an happy adopter, as their first party exclusives are much more aligned to my taste than Sony's. I cant renounce to basically everything else (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Witcher, Rockstar Games, Persona, Final Fantasy etc) to play their titles but I think they are one of the best software developers in the world and their level of polish is mirrored just by a few others Japanese software houses: it's stuff like Zelda and Final Fantasy where everything is big, and detailed and works PERFECTLY since day one without endless patches.

For now I have to own two hime consoles! That is ok but not ideal.

[Edited by Nei]

Never belligerent but always uncompromising.


Yeah, I'll side with #TeamFake as well. Nintendo can't be this stupid, just can't be.




That's a bold statement!

I'm with #TeamReal


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