
Topic: Opinions on the (probable) leaked Nintendo NX controller image?

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BTW, from the second image released today, you can tell it's quite a bit smaller than the Wii U gamepad (which is in the right portion of the pic). I also don't know why people think it would be automatically uncomfortable, as we don't know how the underside is looks like it could be comfy IMO. The ultimate test will be see to see if the haptic buttons are satisfying or not.



now I'm actually hoping that's really the controller, because if it is, that'll mean that we are gonna be playing Nintendo games on PS4 before the end of 2017

PSN: Fertheseeker



If anything the reaction has been rather negative towards this design, hopefully it spurs Nintendo to do some damage control and finally give us some tidbits on the NX.




What about the fact that it matches the legit Nintendo patent that was uncovered in December?




Dunno, it's Nintendo, leave it to them......I really wish they would make a traditional console, but obviously they are dead set against that.



I still don't get why everyone is over reacting. Remember how people overreacted when Sony revealed the silver banana PS3 controller? That wasnt the final design as we all know.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711



Well, the pics from last week and today do look like they may be associated with a dev kit work space, and it does seem like the NX will likely launch by Nov of this that's only 7 months away and some small change. Most of the feedback is due to the lack of traditional buttons.




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PSN: mc_noisy



Noooooo! (Hangs head in shame). My journey to counter every viewpoint that you have until you remove Journey from the pantheon of PS4 games.......continues.

[Edited by sub12]



Almost forgot about Custom Robo on N64...never played it, but saw it...thanks for that reminder!!! There was a lot of games on N64 that were forgotten that I wish they would re-release!@Arminillo:


PSN: JLpick


@sub12: oh hell no, if that's the controller, it's almost as if Nintendo is purposely digging their own grave. Both the NES and SNES had great controllers, after that Nintendo started becoming lame with Controller designs that were just awful. The N64 was horrible, I hated that controller, but I did like the games for it, but the controller sucked. Gamecube was iffy, didn't care much for the controller, Wii was horrible for controller, The WiiU was horribly executed since you could only have one of those controllers and basically screwed other people from using one on in-house multiplayer games. Nintendo crippled themselves just with the controller alone for the WiiU. They need to stop doing stupid crap with trying to reinvent the controller and use a basic controller that both the playstation and Xbox have. simple always hits hard and in this case, a simple controller would do Nintendo a huge favor.

It's the games on the Nintendo that bring people in, the controller really does have the power to throw people off. I didn't buy the WiiU just because of the controller alone and how badly executed it was for the WiiU, just awful.

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