@themcnoisy: If you're all still playing it in a week or so I'll pick it up but I don't really fancy buying it for just two or three sessions. Playing through the Resi 5 campaign online with a friend at the moment finally, got it at launch but couldn't be doing with the AI Shiva. Havnt played it since 2009.. It's still seriously good fun co-op though. Then I have Tomb Raider to finish!
My resolution is to stop being hopelessly addicted to like one or two games (Rocket League and Rocket League — oh yeah, and Rocket League!) and get through my growing, bulging and infected backlog of PS4 games.
We all know the world needs Kentucky Fried Duck.
My website: https://stuffandthatreviews.wordpress.com/
So I've actually had a little think about this and have made some actual resolutions I want to stick by this yea
1: Only but 6 games this year (an obvious tough one, especially as I've already decided I'd like to get Horizon, Persona 5 and Mass Effect this year, I'm hoping for only 2 announcements at E3 which will come out this year and I should be on track then!)
2: Finish at least 10 games on Vita (in an effort to reduce the backlog on that system and use it more when I'm at home)
3: Finish 12 games on PS4 ( this I should manage easy enough if I work through my backlog)
Optional Quest: if I manage to replay the Witcher 3 this year (as I'd really like to) I'd be very happy with that too
It's January 11th and I've nearly done my 3rd pick already (Finish 2017 on 40 Platinums).
Since December 18th I've platinumed the below games taking my total to 38! 2 more to go!
Telltale Batman
Trine 3
Heavy Rain
The Little Acre
Murdered: Soul Suspect
Day of The Tentacle
Playstation All Star: Battle Royale
The Order 1886
@Hego: Number 1) hahahaha no chance Hego mate. You've got more chance of finishing Witcher 3 again. I reckon you will buy at least triple 6.
@johncalmc: @mrobinson91: @booshy89 Day of the tentacle hey, I see you all have the platinum hmmm. I may give that a shot myself.
@Speedy67: I had to delete the game mate, its too addictive and good. I love gaming I really do, but Swos, elite 2, civ 3, unreal tournament, soul calibur 2 and rocket league have all stopped me playing other games. They just hook you and wont let go. Luckily they either aged badly into the next gen in the case of elite 2 and swos or my hardware died for civ 3 and unreal tournament. My memory card corrupted for SC2 so that was the end of that. But RL is just there, 1 last game, 1 last game. Its then 4am - its unique and awesome. But it has to go!
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy: Rocket League will always stay on my PS4, but I've been pretty successful this year because I've only played it once. I just get hopelessly sucked into football games really, not it's PES 2017.
We all know the world needs Kentucky Fried Duck.
My website: https://stuffandthatreviews.wordpress.com/
@Rudy_Manchego Thanks I'm tempted to say 50 by the end of this year but there is so much I want to play that I probably won't platinum (depending on multiple playthroughs etc)! Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, South Park, Mass Effect, Yooka, Red Dead etc!
I am still only on 1 Platinum (Infamous 2nd Son). I platinum (or 100% achievements) very few games. I have a few in the high 90% completion.
I never make any resolutions - gaming or otherwise. I would like to have reached the highest 'rank' in achievements and maybe a higher Trophy score too but I can't be bothered to go after the missing ones just for the sake of it. I would maybe like to clear up some of my backlog of games unfinished but there is a reason some of these are unfinished - not always because they are 'poor' but other games are more inline with what I feel like playing at that moment.
I have spent more time gaming online this year than offline. Most of those have very few (if any) trophies but rather than play those games, I have wanted to play online - so motivation isn't there. I could have made a resolution to complete these, but I know I would break that resolution. I see resolutions as setting yourself up for failure - especially as there is little/no consequence for failing.
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...
I see resolutions as setting yourself up for failure - especially as there is little/no consequence for failing.
That's true but I get around this by telling my wife to kick me in the goolies if I miss any of my resolutions. I'm determind that this February, I'll be able to sit down comfortably without an ice pack
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
3) Restart Tuesday Night Gaming with the Pushsquare clan, hopefully on Titan Fall 2.
Again a pass with the help of the Pushsquare titanfall community
Not bad!
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@kyleforrester87 super unlikely bro unfortunately. This could possibly be the last 12-18 months were I game as much. The last few years I have been fortunate with the wife being pregnant, then having the baby and we have been at a weird point financially having to renovate the house but more than enough to game. So sitting off with the latest games has been fun and has saved us cash in the long run.
My daughters getting older, my boys too. The house needs a new door (just bought) and a bathroom, so I'm more likely to buy a suitable PC this time next year and a couple of expensive music licenses and do that instead, and do family stuff in my spare time. I cant commit enough time to Destiny I'm afraid.
That said you will find me on mass effect, wipeout, gran Turismo, Tekken 7 and of course sonic mania later this year! And yes you best be on the multiplayer!
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@themcnoisy That's a shame but fair enough. I can't see me being able to leave gaming behind but I imagine my circumstances will change enough in the future to stop me being able to plough so many hours into the end game of something like Destiny.. but I'd always find time for a campaign haha.
I don't have kids and my girlfriend is very..understanding haha.
Topic: Playstation New Years Resolution Thread
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