
Topic: 🎃 PUSH SQUARE GAME CLUB 🎃 | 💀 Halloween Double Feature 💀

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The Medium is also on PS+ Extra. I've not played it however but is also leaving the service on the 17th October.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


1) The Quarry: I have no idea what this game is about but since it leaves PS+ soon, I am sure I can push through playing before it does.

2) Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart

3) Outer Wilds: Seems interested.

Sorry, I have been away for a bit. If Beyond Two Souls was in PS+ Extra I would vote for it, but I don't want to upgrade my PS+ subscription at the moment. I've been invested in GTA Online and have been grinding with it while continuing to get through FFXVI.


PSN: SillyBoyJudas



My votes are for Bioshock Infinite and Beyond Two Souls

This isn't a vote but I played The Quarry earlier in the year and i really enjoyed it

See ya!


Alright gang! We have another tie with The Quarry and Alan Wake, so I’m going to take the executive decision and say lets play both as it should make for a fantastic Hallowe’en double feature.

I’ll do a proper post later 👍

One love 👍
@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson @SillyBoyJudas @kidfried @Fight_Teza_Fight

Out and about, will be back eventually 👍



@AgentCooper That sounds good. I was thinking it’s probably possible to try to fit in The Quarry in the first two weeks and then something else on the back half of the month.


So I went ahead and started The Quarry. And I really like it so far! It’s definitely giving Until Dawn vibes, which I really liked. It’s oozing with cinematic polish and it appears to have quite a few possible outcomes. So far has a really creepy tone and plenty of humor sprinkled in and solid writing and acting.

The facial animations take some getting used to. They’re really good, but also have lingering uncanniness also. Some of the characters look better than others. Shout out to the eyeball graphical detail. 😅 In 4K I can appreciate the detail of the little blood vessels in the characters’ eyes.

Looks like the game is anywhere from 6 hrs to 10 hrs. I’m about 2 hrs in. I decided to not follow any guides and just roll with it and see who survives. I may or may not have the chance to do a replay or do a movie mode watch of the alternate outcomes.

I’ll be interested to hear how everyone’s game decisions pan out.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@AgentCooper good shout, I'm downloading the quarry and looking forward to making some bad choices!! I played the 360 version of Alan Wake a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I never played the dlc though, anyone know if you can just jump straight to the dlc in the remaster?

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


I've downloaded the Quarry and will kick that off next week, hopefully no one will make it out alive.
Have no intention of going for the platinum, too many playthroughs and having to follow a guide seems unenjoyable.
Hopefully there will be enough time in the month to play Alan Wake and see what all the fuss is about.



Finished a playthrough of The Quarry. Really enjoyed it and you could see a marked improvement in animations over Until Dawn despite (I'm sure) a lower budget.
Good acting with quite a few well known actors and most weren't annoying at all, only the "oh I'm so superior" Ryan needing whacking.

Unfortunately a few people died, some even unintentionally plus I didn't manage to get too many trophies, finishing at a very poor 34% and one bugged out on me (hard pass) despite me meeting the criteria (I didn't get "forewarned is forearmed"). However once I saw Hanger 13's name in the credits everything became clear.

Overall I really enjoyed it but won't play again unless it comes to PS+ in time for next Halloween.



Managed to borrow a PS4 copy of The Quarry from a colleague and made a start on it today. Played around an hour and a half which in horror movie terms is about the first 20 minutes I reckon. All the camp counsellors have just found out they're staying for the night... I sure hope no bad people come!

Having recently seen all of the Scream films it was pleasing to see David Arquette turn up as pretty much the same character.

In gameplay terms is pretty much as I expected so far - mainly dialogue choices, light exploration and a couple of simple QTEs. Think I'll try to save everyone and do all the good guy choices first time round and if I feel like playing through again then they'll all cop it.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


So I played the prologue tonight, I'm loving the cheesy late 90s horror movie vibe the game has, I'm going to make so many bad decisions from the word go!! I have just realised that I must have missed Alan Wake when it was on plus so I'll be giving that bit a miss I'm afraid. I was hoping to play the dlcs before Alan Wake 2 😮‍💨

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


I’m on Chapter 6 and I’ve already lost one character, Emma, because I was stupid enough to check the trap door in the ceiling, despite the game clearly telegraphing to me that it was going to end badly for her. I guess I’m not too upset since she was quite irritating with all her self-absorbed social media antics. Even if she was pretty cute. But I’ve been able to keep everyone else alive so far. A couple of them are in rough shape though. 😅

Enjoying the game. Although the flow of the story is a bit slow and it’s not quite as scary as I thought it would be. There’s more humor and adolescent wit than I would have liked, but it fits the teen slasher campy backdrop. I actually find all the characters quite annoying, and I’m not particularly attached to any of them. Nevertheless, I like this style of game and I’m getting plenty of enjoyment from it.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Just made it through chapters 2 and 3. Really liking the multiple choice segments where I don't particularly want to choose either and the act/don't act segments which have me second guessing everything.

To be honest I quite like most of the characters in their douchey campy cliche trope kind of way.

Chapter 3 actually started to have parts where I felt some of the counsellors might be in real jeopardy.

Was definitely not prepared to take any shortcuts running through the woods with Ryan as my paranoia suspected booby traps and wisely (?) avoided shooting that big Cleatus looking dude when he was dragging Nick. Then my horror movie brain started kicking in thinking maybe the big scary dude is actually not the monster so decided not to provoke him when hanging upside down with an almost naked Jacob and I think that might be been a wise move ??

Well I know where I'm definitely not going to look when I get to chapter 6 - thanks!

[Edited by sorteddan]

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


I finished chapter 4. I really don’t like the horror/slasher genre, so for me it’s just scary enough. Especially playing alone at night in the dark 😅 But, so far I like it as a scarier version of a David Cage game. The dilemma’s are interesting if somewhat predictable. It really annoyed me when during exploration I couldn’t get back to an area if I decided earlier not to investigate, because apparently I had chosen a path. I get it when that happens during a dialogue scene, but I should be able to check out a door that I passed by earlier. Also the “hold breath” mechanic seems rather pointless. The clues are so obvious, it’s almost impossible to donut wrong.


PSN: Mr_B021


@sorteddan 😄 Glad to be of service. And (click if you want more context) it’s actually chapter 4 while she’s also half naked exploring around the island. There’s probably more ways she can die though, so tread carefully. But like I say, by the time I got to that point, I was so annoyed at her diva social media influencer attitude, I didn’t care how hot she looked in her bra and panties. See ya! 😂

But it brings another point. Not sure what people think about the tarot card segments, but I think they’re great. The creepy old lady is probably my favorite character. However, the foreshadowing premonitions that she gives you through cards isn’t all that helpful. In the aforementioned Ch 4 incident where I lost a character, I actually did what I did because the vision from the prior tarot card had me thinking that was the way to go. Or, to be more detailed, the vision showed Emma using her phone to take a picture of the monster and the clue said something about star light being protective or some such and showed her shining the light at the monster, so I assumed that meant I could safely open up the door and take a picture of it with the flashlight scaring it away. Welp… that was wrong! 😆

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Mr_B021 Agree about the ‘hold breath’ mechanic — it seems really simple and hard to fail, unless your thumb cramps in the middle or something. 😄 The QTE’s are really simple and forgiving so far also. Perhaps these get harder in the latter half.

The shooting works fair for a game that’s a borderline walking sim, although quite limited so far. I’ve made the mistakes of shooting things I shouldn’t, just because I wanted to try it out. 😛

I agree about the annoyance with sometimes not being able to go back to check something out, depending on what order you might explore a space. Choosing to click on one of the markers in a room will sometimes advance the story and lock you out of seeing the other areas and clicking the other clues. There’s so many divergent choices that I guess there’s no way to see everything on one playthrough anyways, so repeat runs will give the opportunity to see the other stuff. I am a little bummed that the game is leaving PS+ because I probably will only have time for one playthrough, and if I owned the game I’d almost certainly check out other paths. Guess I can always buy the game later! Imagine that!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Just popped the trophies for chapters 4 and 5 so somewhere around the halfway mark I'm guessing. Happy to report the whole Scooby gang are still alive and kicking, don't think I've missed a QTE or a don't breathe bit yet. Have however missed a bunch of evidence, collectables etc. I reckon it would be nigh on impossible to get them all without a guide. Also haven't actually fired a shot yet despite a number of opportunities (aside from the shooting range tutorial part).

Disarmed a bear trap I found and thinking that'll be useful if I need to run away down that area but also thinking that might be an issue if the thing that's stalking me arrives via that path, once again it has me second guessing most of the actions I take.

My favourite bit of dialogue so far:
Ryan: "Swarm of bears?!, Herd of bears! "
Dylan: "Yeah I've heard of bears."
Got a genuine laugh from that.

[Edited by sorteddan]

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Chapter 6. At least one camp counsellors isn't going home...

Following on from my last post,
Yeah I should've really used the gun this time rather than hesitating... Well the loveably reserved and artistic Abi just had her head ripped clean off by Nick who had turned into a monster moments earlier. I mean I knew he was acting a bit more aggressively and dick like but I didn't realise it was incurable. Does he turn for everybody's game or is it avoidable? Still it was worth it for the best horror movie scene so far and also the Lover's Quarrel trophy as a consolation

[Edited by sorteddan]

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”



So she won't be turning up for the Modern Family reunion then?

He turned in my run as well but I let Abi let rip with the shotgun, he does survive and so does she. I did make a mistake earlier by the pool when Nick wanted to get his freak on, I thought "why not" and was promptly shown why not.
However I did make an even worse call later and he was the only counsellor that died in my run, a few have a funny turn once a month but they can't have everything.

[Edited by CaptD]



I really need to stop opening the emails as the spoiler tags don’t work in those haha

Out and about, will be back eventually 👍



Finished The Quarry. Man, that ended up being really good. And I’ll say again that if I didn’t have other games to get to I’d really like to play it again and try to save everyone and also kill everyone.

As it turns out, I lost 4 campers and about 3 Hacketts. I shot the mom’s (Constance) face off, I choked the dad Jedediah, and I chose to shoot Chris.

The campers I lost were Emma (as I mentioned in an earlier post), and also Nick (probably in the same manner as @CaptD ), and Max, and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn’s death was probably the most frustrating for me. Whereas the other 3 campers that I lost was due to making poor decisions, my Kaitlyn death boiled down to just not being quick enough to aim and shoot. I had gone through the whole process and made all the right decisions to get the silver shotgun shell from Abi and then when I went to use it to shoot the werewolf I fidgeted a little too long lining up my shot and he was on me before I got the shot off. Sorry, Kaitlyn. The death cinematic that followed was far and away the most brutal one too. Really graphic. Well, the shogun blast to Constance’s face was also quite gorey as well.

And yes, @sorteddan I also had Nick turn into a werewolf, so perhaps it’s unavoidable. But like CaptD I shot him before he attacked. Unfortunately, I later mistook him for Chris and killed him. I should have held off and could have saved him, since I ended up killing Chris and Silas and so everyone who was made a werewolf was cured at the end.

So what did you folks do about Silas? I chose to shoot him and end the Hackett curse. But afterwards I felt bad about to when his mom chastised and cursed me for it.

Who was y’all’s favorite character? Among the campers I ended up liking Laura the most. Even when she was turning into a werewolf I thought she was really cool and was the most heroic character and least whiney of the bunch. Second favorite was probably Dylan, mostly for his humor. Jacob was definitely my least favorite, for obvious reasons, although I liked his voice actor because it reminds me of a young Nolan North.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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