@Pizzamorg A good idea, though I’d be concerned with length of the game. ME Andromeda for example is 18 1/2 hours for just the story according to HLTB, then that play time can rise to nearly a hundred hours. I love Mass Effect but I wouldn’t want to just race through the story. Something to mull over anyway.
@ZeD Great suggestion, it’s about to join Plus Extra, I’ll add it to the list. Shall I add you to the club roll call too?
@LobsterJohnson Another excellent suggestion, quite short and sweet and unique experience 👍
Massive, massive quantities and a glass of water, sweetheart. My socks are on fire!
Good day to one and all, I hope everyone is having a rather swell Sunday and conditions are optimal? It’s warm, bright and breezy here, how is your patch?
So, the time has come to vote on a game to play in June. We currently have 21 games to choose from, thank you all for your incredible suggestions, I’m sure whatever the gang chooses it’ll be great. You will find the shortlist on Post 3 please ‘@‘ me with your vote and with a bit of luck I’ll keep tab! I’ll close voting a week today (Sunday 28th) hopefully
@AgentCooper Strong work, buddy! That’s quite a list. There’s a lot of good sounding games on there, so I’ll give you my list of 3, starting with most preferred:
1) Stray
2) Tchia
3) Life is Strange 2
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Kidfried Ok 👌 I’ll add Humanity into rotation for July unless there is overwhelming support to bump it up? My worry is things become chaotic if new titles are introduced all the time, I don’t know, I’m still feeling it out with this. Incidentally I did start Humanity last night and it looks to be very addictive and satisfying. The soundtrack is immense also.
Massive, massive quantities and a glass of water, sweetheart. My socks are on fire!
Topic: Push Square Community Game Club | Now Playing: Under the Waves
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