
Topic: PUSH SQUARE GAME CLUB | Now Playing: Sifu

Posts 801 to 819 of 819


AgentCooper wrote:

Bing Bong! It's time once again for democracy to reign supreme! As always @ me with your vote.
These particular titles have been knocking about for a while but feel free to vote for them or suggest something new.

Eiyuden Chronicle Rising
Life is Strange True Colors
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Desperados 3
Paradise Killer

One love 👍
@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson @SillyBoyJudas @kidfried @Fight_Teza_Fight @Yousef-

Hello there!
Celeste is my vote there as it’s the one I have at least some level of familiarity. I usually don’t play games inspired by or in the same style of “I wanna be the guy” but I heard this is much easier to get through compared to that and super meat boy. Plus this would be a cool opportunity to try it out for once.

EDIT: if I may a suggest an indie title of a similar length but a different subgenre, Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight feels perfect. It’s a game I’ve 100%ed countless times and it’s got cute art and the best 2D soulslike combat and best implementation of a Metroidvania style gameplay in a small indie game but I may be biased there. If it’s been suggested before, Minoria is by the same creator and it’s pretty similar in a lot of ways. Almost a spiritual successor before the actual sequel came out a few months back. Not sure if that one is on PlayStation though.


Edited on by Yousef-

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

My discord is “yousef.” All lowercase and a fullstop by the end, send a friend request if you like!

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


No strong feelings about any of the games. Several seem interesting enough to try. I’ll go along with whatever.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Yousef- Votes added. Just as an aside, apologies for not really fully explaining things, we do try and pull from the library of PS Plus titles as a rule so that no one feels pressured into making purchases. Hope that’s ok 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Th3solution No worries buddy, although if you have some fresh suggestions, fire away. The current list has been hanging around for awhile with the exception of Cap’s suggestion of Paradise Killer.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@AgentCooper In the absence of other thoughts, I might float Immortals of Aveum, or Deliver Us the Moon as added titles on my radar that would fit a Game Club profile. I also still want to play LiS: True Colors, but so far nobody else has had interest.

I enjoyed Sifu and glad I played it, but won’t spend more time with it, most likely. On the other hand, I’m still slowly pecking away at Midnight Suns, believe it or not. Still enjoying it and it’s quite a large game.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I'm quite interested in playing Immortals of whatever @Th3solution ... apparently it's not bad.
Other than that my vote goes for Paradise Killer.
Unfortunately I'm not too interested in Celeste.
I do highly recommend Tinykin though, a pikmin clone (apparently, as I've never played pikmin).

Second apology, unfortunately I didn't get round to Sifu, my ps plus runs out soon so I've been rushing to get rid of various multiplayer trophies.



@AgentCooper Ah no worries at all 👍
I’ll double check the ps plus library if I get curious

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

My discord is “yousef.” All lowercase and a fullstop by the end, send a friend request if you like!

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


@Th3solution I'll add them in mate and you never know. I never vote but I could go for some Life is Strange 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


It's been a while since I've participated in Game Club, but seeing as how I have some free time now I'd love to join in next month. I'll throw in a vote for Adr1ft.

Edited on by LtSarge



I gave Sifu a go this month and wow, am I horrible at this game. 😂
I like the idea of it and I'm really glad it was successful, but I'm so unskilled at it that it's just not an enjoyable game for me.



@Malaise That sounds similar to my experience, although I was able to get enough enjoyment and experience (and blind luck) to make it to through all stages and end boss. But I played on student difficulty and eventually at the end turned on the modifiers which slowed enemies and make them weaker. Like you I appreciate the game and if I had loads of time to memorize attack patterns and tune my timing them maybe I could get proficient enough but it wasn’t that fun. I do like the aging mechanic and think it would be a cool thing to implement into a game I’d enjoy more, like a Souls game or action game. Imagine playing the new Star Wars Outlaws game and every time you die your character gets a little older until eventually you’re so old and frail that you are riding around in a hover chair.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I agree. I want to have fun and don't mind a challenge in difficulty and learning some combos and skills, but it was way beyond what I really felt like putting into it. Applying the aging mechanic to other types of games could be brilliant, though. Imagine things happening like other NPC's dying or the world altering. It could create dozens of unique playthroughs.



@Malaise I liked how the Sifu protagonist looked even more like a BA boss the older he got. And actually it was interesting that you get more powerful with age and can hit harder, but your health bar gets smaller. More and more of a ‘glass cannon’ with age, which makes some sense in the context of Kung-Fu.

I can’t recall many games that aged their protagonist in meaningful ways that affected gameplay other than Metal Gear Solid

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@LtSarge Sure thing buddy, my only concern is Adr1ft isn’t available on a subscription which is the general rule to avoid anyone having to feel pressure to make purchases.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


Good Day all!

I’ve updated the list for your perusal. Still to receive enough votes for a clear winner.

AgentCooper wrote:

Bing Bong! It's time once again for democracy to reign supreme! As always @ me with your vote.
These particular titles have been knocking about for a while but feel free to vote for them or suggest something new.

Deliver Us the Moon
Immortals of Aveum
Eiyuden Chronicle Rising
Life is Strange True Colors
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Desperados 3
Paradise Killer

Not available through subscription
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

One love 👍
@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson @SillyBoyJudas @kidfried @Fight_Teza_Fight @Yousef-

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@AgentCooper hate to be a bother but what’s a quick convenient way to check what’s on the subscription? I’d assume they’re still listed on Sony’s website itself. I’m not close to my ps4 at all times so I’ll probably check there.

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

My discord is “yousef.” All lowercase and a fullstop by the end, send a friend request if you like!

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


@Yousef- No bother at all. The PS App allows you to browse what’s currently on subscription, though I’m unsure what the mileage would be as I’m only familiar with the UK version. Deku Deals is also a great place to track games and along with showing if a game is on a particular subscription it also alerts you when a sale is on anything you add to your wish list across all platforms. Hope this is some help.

Coop 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Yousef- In addition to what @AgentCooper said, Push Square’s own PS Plus guide is excellent:
You can also get there by clicking the header at the top ⬆️ with the “PS Plus” link up above.
It’s a long scroll, but you can click the links on the guide to hop between the different tiers if you want, or just scroll through the whole thing. They update the master lists in real time when the announcements are made. In the Extra and Premium catalog lists the alphabet utility is little finicky to use and it took me a while to realize that if you click a letter to search the list and then click another letter that it still keeps the first letter active too until you re-click the first letter to clear those. … I’m probably not making any sense but you’ll figure it out. 😅


Edit: as far as a cumulative list of the PS+ Essential games, Push Square used to have a list of all the games given out for the year, month by month. Since those games are added permanently into your library it is nice to have that kind of list too, but I can’t seem to find it. There’s a couple comprehensive lists out there and here’s one:
Shows all the way back to 2010 of which games have been given away. That website isn’t very well designed and it’s a bit clunky to navigate but I think there’s a few other sites that have the similar cumulative list, I just am not seeing them right now. Wikipedia use to keep a running list but I think they stopped updating it.

And Thanks, Coop for the Deku Deals shoutout. It looks similar to but seems even a little better. Nice way to track where the lowest price is for a specific game and also to see historical graphic of what the prior sales have been

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@AgentCooper As an update then, I would be interested to play, in order of preference:

LiS True Colors
Deliver Us the Moon
Immortals of Aveum

Since Adr1ft is currently discounted to only $5, I’d be ok to just go ahead buy it if the group voted it in, since I have enough interest to play it eventually.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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