
Topic: PUSH SQUARE GAME CLUB | Now Playing: Immortals of Aveum

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@AgentCooper @Th3solution @CaptD
Thank you so much everyone. I really don’t know what to say, so I’ll offer my two cents and share that the official website still displays all the games and it’s still quite easy to navigate. Not sure how it compares to other options linked but more options is good and I’ll check those options anyways.

For formality sake, I looked into what’s available and found a game I can suggest. It’s Samurai Warriors 5, a medium length hack n slash title taking place in Edo-Japan telling the story of Nobunaga and has the characters aging throughout the story. I could take this opportunity to finally finish it.

EDIT: very important, as I only now pay attention to the link and notice it says “kw”, meaning “Kuwait”, my country. I thought I’d point that out because in spite of Kuwait following the majority of PAL-region selection it’s still possible to encounter a few differences. Hope that clears it up.

Edited on by Yousef-

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495
(text me on the Xbox Messenger so I see your FR)

Current Switch Physical Game Count:26

Currently Playing: Hyperdimension Neptunia: Re;birth 1


Going to put the suggestions in Wheel of Names and then we’ll have our winner.

Stay tuned!


That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


There you have it gang, Nicky Campbell, the universe and its many cosmic energies has determined that your game for July is Immortals of Aveum. As always find some information on our game courtesy of HLTB, below:


I hope the 1/6 of you that see this message and play the game enjoy it 😉


One love 👍

@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson @SillyBoyJudas @kidfried @Fight_Teza_Fight @Yousef-

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


Nice, thanks Nicky and AgentCooper.
I will try and start this week, just finishing up Tunic.
Just looked at the trophy guide and there are a few missable trophies, most revolve around talking to NPCs and you need to play on immortal (apparently there can only be one...and that person is you so git gud).



@AgentCooper Ok, sounds good. I’ll start downloading. 15-20 hours sounds like something I can handle. The common sentiment I’ve heard about this game across the board is “it’s actually pretty good”, and for some reason really flew under the radar. Which is actually perfect for Game Club, imo. Discovering the hidden gems out there.

I am really not an FPS person, but since this is magic, maybe it will fool my brain into thinking it’s something else. 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Started Immortals of whatever today and have just started chapter four I think.
Really impressed, not sure what I was expecting but not this so it is all a nice pleasant surprise, so far.
Immortal difficulty doesn't seem very difficult, again so far at least.



@CaptD I’ve not got a chance to start yet and not sure when I might. We have holiday on the 4th (we won’t say anymore about that, ahem….) so maybe I’ll have time then.

Good to hear it’s not that hard, because I suck at FPS. And when I saw some of the gameplay footage it looks like a lot is going on. Lots of bright shiny lights. 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Immortals of Aveum has been on my radar since it was added to Plus, but never go around to it.
Could I be added to the Tag list?


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


@CaptD I’m at that spot right now — just finished Ch 3, and I’m playing on the standard difficulty (Magni, I think it’s called) and I’m kind of regretting not starting it on Immortal difficulty, as it’s not been too difficult so far. The boss at the end of Ch 3 was the hardest challenge and I beat it on the first try with still half of a health bar remaining.


The game is really good though. It’s just as people have said — better than you would have expected. It’s like Kena: Bridge of Spirits in that regard, a surprisingly solid product for a studio first game. Impressed with Ascendant Studios. There are a few of the occasional AA level quirks and awkwardness from time to time. The storytelling isn’t as smooth as I would like, and the voice acting is hit-and-miss. The game runs well though and I’m playing in VRR and getting 50-100 fps according to my TV. The menu design and level designs all feel very polished.

I really like the art style and the setting. I had just been pondering game settings and how many have been overdone lately (I made an associated thread to discuss that deeper) and this setting feels fresh; not so dark and edgy. Although it clearly borrows from other properties — it feels like Lord of the Rings (with the Sauron rip-off main baddie), with Dr. Strange in the style of magic, with BioShock-like plasmids shooting from your hands, and maybe even a little Harry Potter/Hogwarts Legacy feeling of the color magic combat. It also reminded me of playing Infamous with the magic shooter mechanic. But as far as setting, if anything, the whole medieval castle backdrop with dragons and also magic welding is most similar to the setting of FF16. But it does definitely feel like its own thing.

As I have said, FPS are usually not my thing, but this has been really fun so far and I look forward to more.

Edit: also, I was probably over two hours into it before I realized my DualSense changed colors when I switched magic types.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I've just completed the game and I never noticed the controller colour.
A good game, not great and very much AA 7/10 type of game.
I liked most aspects but some were just annoying especially late game where the enemies have insane health pools and it is a war of attrition, whilst I didn't die too many times (really only a handful on Immortal difficulty) some fights just went on and on although this might have been my fault for picking that difficulty as I suspect it might have been intended for NG+
Also I wish the select weapon was a bit more distinct as I often selected the wrong weapon, this was down to the colour not being too promonient plus my character was wearing green rings which confused me in the heat of battle....of course I could have just looked at the controller.
I liked the world design although some areas were too dark, the characters were pretty good and some quite funny dialogue and cutscenes.
Overall a good effort by the studio which would have only improved had they not been closed down, as with these fair to middling games, they need to get the pricing right and EA are infamous for not doing that.



Played a little more through the weekend and am now in Chapter 7. It’s nice to have opened up fast travel, but I probably need to resist the temptation to go back since most of the previously unreachable areas need the grapple and it will be more efficient to wait until I get that and just power through the prior areas. I’m such a sucker for going back and forth to areas once I unlock a skill, only to find I will still need to come back again with another skill later. Grrr…

I enjoy most of the mini-puzzles where you have to shoot the different colored crystals to open a door and access a chest. Some of them have been tough, but most can be figured out in a few minutes.

Probably my least favorite activity so far is trying to shoot the little colored glowing dot that flies around in the air. It’s basically like trying to swat a housefly in mid-air, and that’s just no fun at all. It does give a small number of XP so makes it worthwhile though.

Still having a good time with the game though. It will satiate my FPS hunger for a while. It’s actually scratching the Borderlands itch for me, even though it has a very different art style and the guns in that are more varied, to me it still feels and plays like BL when in combat. The weapon and ability systems are a bit complex, which is nice to keep things fresh, but I find that I forget to use certain magics and skills in the heat of battle. Such as the R3/L3 power move, which I think I’ve remembered to use only once since I’ve obtained it. 😅

@CaptD Did you mainline the game and then start backtracking after you completed the game and had all the powers and skills unlocked? Or go back and forth throughout the entire playthrough piecemeal each time you got a skill? Or did you even return to prior areas to access the hidden chests and such?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I mainlined the game and once I had completed it then I went back for the chests (some I had already opened but only if they were on/visible on the main path) and also the portals/shrouds (I left pretty much all of these alone). I will say that I did do quite a bit of exploration mainly for the documents so I did find quite a few chests.
I too enjoyed the mini puzzles but the odd one was quite annoying especially one in the lava section, the same is true for the shrouds.

There were a couple of skills that were blank in my skilltree at the end of the game and these were found in a couple of portals, one would have been helpful in the game (timebursf) but I think I mostly took the right approach to the game.
Ps. I have platinumed Immortals and left my thoughts regarding the platinum in the Trophy thread.


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