@ralphdibny@nessisonett I'm still playing Bioshock, currently by the end of the Hephaestus area. My pace has been a bit slow lately, as I've been getting distracted with other games and things.
@nessisonett I played second son first and first light second, I can't really remember if there is any spoilers but I felt like I played them in the right order. I believe first light is a more of a fill in the gaps/backstory type game where you play as a really cool character that featured as an NPC in second son. I seem to remember the gameplay was bookended with scenes but I can't remember if they are set before, after or during second son. Both games are really good though, quite short and a really easy platinum. Not sure if much would be lost in playing first light before second son but I probably wouldn't do it personally.
That being said, I played them both last year so I probably won't join in if that gets chosen but I'm more than happy to sit it out so fill your boots! Maybe I'll play the original infamous instead to still be a part of it, as I bought both the originals after playing and loving SS/FL but I haven't got around to them yet!
I have Erica in my backlog so would certainly play along there.
Infamous First Light is great, and even more enjoyable than Second Son. I agree with @ralphdibny that ideally one would play SS before FL and get introduced to the character Fetch through the mainline story. I don’t think there are major story spoilers if you play FL first, but there is an assumed knowledge of the world and game setting that you won’t have. Especially if you’ve never payed any Infamous games then FL might be a little hard to assimilate to since it assumes some knowledge of the lore, world, mechanics, etc. I also am going off of memory from several years ago so I could be wrong.
Short answer is — probably best to play SS first (although ironic given their titles) but it wouldn’t be disastrous to do it the other way around if you really wanted to.
Other nominees from my backlog:
Doom 2016, Rime, A Plague Tale, Beyond Two Souls, Valiant Hearts, Soma, Hitman 1, Batman Arkham Knight
I think KratosMD’s original plan was Devil May Cry 5 next. I’d still be willing to play that if there was a large interest, but I’d need to find it for cheap to purchase (which likely is possible at a second hand shop)
Out of what's been mentioned so far, I'd be most up for some Erica or Beyond Two Souls. There's some others here that I might be up for playing if they were discounted in a sale or popular choices, but we'll see.
I've already completed Hitman 1, but if that gets picked then I'd be happy to revisit it and do the mission stories that I missed.
If I get time, then I'll take a look in my backlog later and see if there's any good suggestions there.
@crimsontadpoles Hitman would be a weirdly interesting one due to its format. We could set aside a week for each place since it’s all unlocked anyway and just see what we get up to.
I'd maybe join in for DOOM 2016 & I'd hold off on the replay of DOOM 64 if that was in the running here too but otherwise I don't think there's anything else I'm really interested in that's been suggested so far.
Can't really suggest much from my backlog either unfortunately as they're all pretty long titles like FFX & X-2 or Dark Souls Remastered.
Still I'll be sure to chime in and keep an eye on the topic however!
Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"
@ralphdibny@nessisonett@Th3solution First Light is the only Infamous game I've played to date, and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. It stands fine on its own. Just my two cents.
@Ralizah That’s good to know. It had been a while for me and my memory was fuzzy; I thought it was a sudden drop into the conduit world, but there was probably more exposition in First Light than I remember. I’d definitely recommend it for a Game Club game based on my fond memories of it and it’s relative brevity.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Ok so it looks like Erica will be just a week’s play, if everyone’s cool with that? It doesn’t seem to be very long and it’s free with PS+ so would you all be fine with that?
Ok, everyone interested in Erica, that’s your cue to download and start playing! If you aren’t interested in it, maybe our discussion will convince you so feel free to drop by and ask questions.
Awh, damn. I saw this game was free on PS Plus, but since I don't have it I didn't pick it up. Probably not a big chance this'll go on sale between now and next week, eh?
@Kidfried I fear for my future driving instructor because of the carnage I cause in games like GTA. At least I’m alright at racing games, that might help 😂😂
I always figured that I'd love FMV games, and now I know that to be true.
After playing for a couple of hours or so, I've reached an ending. Out of all the decisions, the toughest one for me was the very first choice: whether to control the game with a smartphone app or the controller touch pad. Naturally I spent some time on the internet looking to see whether the app is worth it. Either way the game uses fiddly touch controls, but supposedly a smartphone is a bit better for precise actions so I went with that.
With these kinds of games, I'm always fascinated by what would have happened if I had made different choices. So perhaps I'll do some more playthroughs at some point, make different choices, and maybe go for the Platinum trophy.
Topic: Push Square Game Club Spooktacular: Resident Evil 4
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